Triumph After Trauma

Ep. 20: Navigating Thoughts And Feelings When Our Minds Get Messy

Kaitlin McAloney Episode 20

In today's episode, I'd like to talk about a situation I'm sure we've all been in (and will again sometime through our lives) and have most likely been on both sides of. I'm talking about this:

Going through something and (regardless of what said thing may be) not knowing how to let people be there for you OR knowing someone you care about is going through something (no matter what that mat be) and you aren't sure if they'll let you be there for them/how they want you to be there for them.

No matter what the relationship is between you and a person or you and people or what the situation/news/life change may be - being on both sides of this situation can be tough, emotionally and mentally especially. 

Although I won't share exactly what is going on because it's not my story to tell, I did want to share with you where I'm at right now and how I'm trying to navigate my anxiety and worries. 

If you are going through any sort of situation or season that makes you feel overwhelmed, anxious, scared, or worried please feel free to connect with me on Instagram (@thisiskaitey is my handle). We're on this journey together, never be afraid to talk to me! If you have people in your circle who need to hear something like this, make sure to share the episode and tag me so I can thank you for spreading the word about my podcast! Thank you so much for being on this journey with me, and the continued support! I'm truly grateful for all of you! <3