Triumph After Trauma

Ep. 21: How The Beauty And Bad In Life Go Hand In Hand

Kaitlin McAloney Episode 21

Today I'm chatting with you about overwhelming anxiety, as well as how the beautiful and bad experiences go hand in hand. I share a bit about my time in college for decorating and design, and some of the losses/obstacles I had to face during that time. I want this episode to really be a reminder to you more than anything, that even when life feels impossible to enjoy or you feel like you're at rock bottom with no way of going back up there can still be beauty to experience and somehow, amazing things can happen to you or come from that experience. How life works - how your best moments can happen right before or after your worst - how there is so much beauty yet natural disaster - all the wars yet people fighting against it - how this world works more accurately, is quite wild to me. We can't avoid that terrible things will happen, that we'll lose (in different ways - loss of life, end of a relationship/friendship etc) people we love, natural disasters can in an instant change lives forever, or that unthinkable events may take place. However, I don't want you to forget that even in your darkest moments or most heart shattering loses there can be good things that happen to you, there can in strange ways be good things or lessons that come from all that. I hope today I was able to remind you that having to take a step back and let yourself feel anxious, sad, lost, it's all okay.  I hope I was able to reassure you that if you're having a slow or hard season because of overwhelming anxiety, you're not doing anything wrong. I hope I was able to remind you that if you're in a situation that is hard and confusing to emotionally/mentally work through, you're far from alone. 

If you resonate with anything from this episode, please feel free to DM me on Instagram (my handle is @thisiskaitey) so we can connect better! if you know someone who needs to hear this story/reminder/message, share the episode on social media and tag me so I can thank you for helping spread the word about Triumph After Trauma. Thank you so much for being on this journey with me, I'm so grateful for you all <3