Triumph After Trauma

Ep. 22: People Pleasing, Alignment, and Our Mental Health

May 24, 2022 Kaitlin McAloney Episode 22

People pleasing, alignment and comparison all go hand in hand. And of course, they all affect our mental health. I'm in an emotionally really tough season personally and shared a bit about that last week, but I'm in a season of changes with my business and felt this should be talked about too! So friends, here we are! 

When we struggle with people pleasing tendencies or struggle with comparison but don't know how to get out of it (or are scared to do the hard work to), it leads to a lot of anxiety and stress. When we struggle with these things for years it can shape how we view/treat ourselves, lead to feeling not good enough, create false stories about ourselves we believe. 

Today I share with you what I'm going through right now with my small design and decor buisness Kreative Kaitey Decor (@kreativekaiteydecor - find me on IG and Pinterest), so you know I'm really going through this journey in real time with you. I also share a few reminders and pep talks that have helped me learn to live the life I want, and show up in the world that feels right for me . These reminders and pep talks still help me today, when those tendencies try to pop up!

If you resonate with anything from this episode, message me (@thisiskaitey is my personal IG handle) to let me know so we can chat and connect more! If you know anyone who needs to hear my story or these tricks, share it on social media and tag me so I can thank you for helping spread the word about Triumph After Trauma! I'm so grateful for you, thank you for being here <3