Triumph After Trauma

Ep. 23: When You Know Life Will Be Hard For A While

Kaitlin McAloney Episode 23

In today's episode I share with you what May has been like for me, and we have a discussion about ways to handle seasons we know will be hard for a while. 

Your best friend of 10+ years gets their dream job, but half way across the world from you. Out of nowhere, a few times a week together will be a few times a year. Just like that, what work you have to do to maintain this friendship changes. Suddenly, reality hits that milestones will possibly be celebrated together via zoom more than in person That is a big change.

A family member is not doing well. You don't know how much time you have left with them, but you have a very vague idea thanks to doctors. Not knowing yet knowing sends your anxiety through the roof, and you can't control it but know you need to because you can't spend this precious time your loved one has left not being present with them every chance you get. That is a big change. 

You fall in love with someone and just when things seem to be falling into place, tragedy strikes and in some way (they/you have to move, go back to their country, learned your life has been cheating the whole time - a million different things could happen, really) their life and inherently your life with them in it/relationship with this person changes. That is a big change.  

These are just a few examples of the million and one ways our lives, relationships, happiness, sense of security can be taken away or altered drastically in an instant. When that happens but the news we receive we know means things in our own world will be hard for a while, doing anything besides crying a lot and going through the motions (aka being in survival mode and not really living) can feel like the only things possible to do. I get it, I have been in this spot more than once and am in an emotionally really hard spot right now I've never been in. I promise you, I get the heart shattering pain that you may feel and I wish I could take it away. 

I don't have all the answers on how to cope when life gets flipped upside down in an instant, but I have done a few things this month that I found helped me wrangle in all my anxiety (and other negative feelings) enough I feel in control of it right now. I know I'm not the only one in a situation that is hard and will be for a while, so I wanted to share the few things I found benefit me in hopes they may benefit you or someone you know. 

If you resonate with this episode at all, message me on Instagram (@thisiskaitey is my handle), so we can better connect! If you know someone who needs to hear this, share it on social media and tag me so I can thank you for helping spread the word about Triumph After Trauma. I'm grateful to be on this journey with you all, thank you for your support and listening in! <3