Triumph After Trauma

Ep. 24: What We Can Do When Anxiety And Depression Are Debilitating

June 14, 2022 Kaitlin McAloney Episode 25

I'm going to be blunt about this: sometimes life is so tough we. cannot. do. it. 

I understand people want to always choose joy, even in the smallest thing, as often as possible. I'm all for feeling out those intense feelings but not sitting in them too long, when we can control our emotions. I respect and admire the belief people have that life happens for us, not to us. 

On the flip side, most or all of us have gone through something along the lines of this:

A relationship (of any kind - family, friend, close co-worker, romantic partner, child, etc) suddenly changes drastically, and the why is out of both of your control. The why is also not good, for either of you. 

Someone you care about is facing a life altering or terminal diagnosis. Neither of you want your relationship to change, but fun plans you had or the future you were building (or talking about building) is taken from you and you didn't see it coming. 

You lose someone you love unexpected and tragically, and your world is flipped upside down.

You aren't great with finances and get yourself into so much debt you can't seem to get out of it. Instead of reaching out to a family member/friend good with finances, you let yourself fall into what is known as financial depression. The debt gets bigger, your depression gets worse, and before you it you can barely (financially, emotionally, or mentally) care for yourself. 

I could go on and on, but you get the point. Sometimes the rug gets pulled out from under us just as we get comfortable on it finally, or just when things start to fall into place the universe pulls a big fuck you and sends you spiraling. This is a terrible thing we have to experience in life, but sadly not one of us are immune to it. 

I want to talk about this side of anxiety and depression, because I think this dark side of it isn't talked about enough. Yes it's dark and hard to talk about, but it's an important conversation.

When life knocks you down, you truly feel like you're drowning, using even an ounce of energy exhausts you how can you get help in gaining strength to stand again, without doing anything that will overexert you?

That's exactly what I share in this episode, friends! I hope you really listen in, and love this episode. If you resonate with it or it helps you, let me know on Instagram (@thisiskaitey) so we can  better connect! If you know anyone who needs to hear this, share it on social media and tag me so I can thank you for helping spread the word about Triumph After Trauma ! I'm so grateful to be on this journey with you! <3