Triumph After Trauma

Ep. 25: Are We Unnecessarily Making Our Mental Illnesses Worse?

June 21, 2022 Episode 25


Thank you endlessly from the bottom of my heart to every one of you who like my podcast, and are in some way showing their support for it! I could not be here without YOU, thank you!

For episode 25 I thought I'd bring up a topic that may not be the easiest for people but I feel is super important, self sabotage and things we do that 1. are just as easy to do as things that would be good for us and, 2. make out mental illnesses worse not better. 

Facing this truth last year when burn out got me good was really hard, uncomfortable, and at times down right annoying but it has gotten me to a place where I truly take my wellbeing seriously and am more intention with my time - which is our most valuable resource in our life.

Do you scroll social media before bed instead of doing something that will make you feel calm? Self sabotage - ways we may be doing ourselves a little dirty, and how we can start doing ourselves more good!

Do you chose to sleep less than 6 hours a night when you know damn well how it makes you feel, and show up for yourself and others? Self sabotage. 

When going out to eat with friends or family, do you chose something off the menu because you think you'll be judged for becoming a healthier eater than choosing something healthy? Self sabotage. 

I could carry on all damn day, but you get the point! It's just as easy to do things that make us feel crappy, less than we are, and more anxious than necessary as it is to do things that will make us feel good and enough as we damn are (because for real, we ARE all enough as we are right now).

We only get this one life so while we do get to be on this Earth I urge you to do things and live in ways that make you feel free, aligned, healthy, excited, and happy as often as possible. You damn well deserve it!

If you love this episode, please let me know (@thisiskaitey on IG) so we can connect better! If you know anyone who needs to hear this, please share the episode on social media and tag me so I can thank you for helping spread the word about Triumph After Trauma!

If you didn't listen to last weeks show and need to catch up to understand a comment I make here, just clock this link:

Again, thank you so much for your support of Triumph After Trauma. I truly adore every single one of you who listen into the show. I'm forever grateful we're connected <3