Triumph After Trauma

Ep. 8: The Cost Of Comparison

Kaitlin McAloney Episode 8

Comparing ourselves - to others or past versions of ourselves - while not fun, is something that happens frequently. I always saw comparison as a negative thing, and for most of my life I let my struggles with comparing stop me from things like finding different avenues to take care of my mental health and going for big opportunities. 

In this chat I share with you a specific story of how comparing myself to others, for many years, meant I wasn't focused on taking proper care of myself. I also share a few things I've recently decided to try doing that I find are helping me combat the negative feelings that come with comparison as I continue to work through it!

If you can relate to my story, please don't hesitate to message me on Instagram (@thisiskaitey) so we can chat and connect more! If you know anyone who may need to hear this, please share this on social media and tag me so I can thank you for helping spread the word about my podcast! I'm so happy to be connected with you!