Triumph After Trauma

Ep. 9: Dealing With Weird Feelings That Can Come With A Mental Illness Diagnosis

Kaitlin McAloney Episode 9

Some people may think (or assume, possibly) that getting a mental illness diagnosis is all good things. And while there is relief, a little clarity on what direction to go to get the right help and it does feel good to get answers, it can be hard as well.

How the news is delivered (tone, body language of a psychiatrist), what kind of support a person has, and ones mental/emotional state can all play a roll in how receiving a diagnosis feels. If someone is in a bad enough state - like I was at the time I got diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and dysthymia - one might feel like it's confirmation they're crazy. 

That feeling and some other not so nice ones is what we talk about in today's episode. I just want to shine light on a range of feelings that can come with someone receiving a mental illness diagnosis, and keep the conversation about mental health (support) going!

If you know something isn't right and you want to get an official diagnosis but are scared, please remember it's brave to admit you need help and reach out. Not only that, if you feel something is wrong but never get diagnosed correctly (mentally, medically, or otherwise) then you won't be able to get the right support and get to a better place which you damn well deserve. 

Don't hesitate to reach out on Instagram if this episode resonated with you at all (my handle is @thisiskaitey), I'd love to connect with you more! If you know someone who needs to hear this, make sure to share it and tag me on social media so I can thank you for helping spread the word about Triumph After Trauma!