Manifesting Millions with OF & Life Coaching: Nikole Mitchell's Inspirational Entrepreneurial Journey

July 28, 2023 Angela Marie Christian Season 1 Episode 71
Manifesting Millions with OF & Life Coaching: Nikole Mitchell's Inspirational Entrepreneurial Journey
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Manifesting Millions with OF & Life Coaching: Nikole Mitchell's Inspirational Entrepreneurial Journey
Jul 28, 2023 Season 1 Episode 71
Angela Marie Christian

Can you imagine rising from the depths of financial struggle, surviving on food stamps, to making a groundbreaking $45,000 in a single weekend?

Meet Nikole Mitchell, a woman & mother who transformed her life dramatically and is here to share her journey from hardship to success. This episode is a testament to Nikole's resilience and determination, revealing how she leveraged the platform OnlyFans to catapult her financial status, moving from a mere $500 a month to generating seven figures.

Embrace your curiosity as Nikole walks you through her experience navigating the stigma of adult content creation on OnlyFans.  She brings her story to life, discussing the evolution of her content and her strategies for creating a safe and intentional space within the industry. Nikole's story is a powerful reminder that success can come from the most unexpected places when we stay true to ourselves and our passions.

Get ready to be inspired by Nikole's unique approach to business and sales, one that emphasizes the importance of believing in oneself and catering to different buying styles. She shares insights from her coaching practice and spills the beans on her mastermind group Fireproof, designed for those seeking next-level wealth, fame, and success.

This episode is packed with wisdom and encouragement from a truly inspiring entrepreneur, Nikole Mitchell, so tune in and prepare for a deep-dive into her fascinating journey.

Catch my previous podcast interview with her here.

Follow her on Instagram here.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Can you imagine rising from the depths of financial struggle, surviving on food stamps, to making a groundbreaking $45,000 in a single weekend?

Meet Nikole Mitchell, a woman & mother who transformed her life dramatically and is here to share her journey from hardship to success. This episode is a testament to Nikole's resilience and determination, revealing how she leveraged the platform OnlyFans to catapult her financial status, moving from a mere $500 a month to generating seven figures.

Embrace your curiosity as Nikole walks you through her experience navigating the stigma of adult content creation on OnlyFans.  She brings her story to life, discussing the evolution of her content and her strategies for creating a safe and intentional space within the industry. Nikole's story is a powerful reminder that success can come from the most unexpected places when we stay true to ourselves and our passions.

Get ready to be inspired by Nikole's unique approach to business and sales, one that emphasizes the importance of believing in oneself and catering to different buying styles. She shares insights from her coaching practice and spills the beans on her mastermind group Fireproof, designed for those seeking next-level wealth, fame, and success.

This episode is packed with wisdom and encouragement from a truly inspiring entrepreneur, Nikole Mitchell, so tune in and prepare for a deep-dive into her fascinating journey.

Catch my previous podcast interview with her here.

Follow her on Instagram here.

Follow her on FB here

Support the Show.

Join Un/Conventional CEO - The Club - here.

Get in my new program: Clean BDE here.

Book a 1:1 Session with me here.

Follow me on Instagram here: Angela Marie Christian

Follow me on X: Angela Christian

Purchase my best selling book (Manifestation Mastery) here.

Join my newsletter here.

Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the 5D CFO podcast. My name is Angela Marie Christian and my mission is to help entrepreneurs and thought leaders rise to the 5D, where we can find wealth in all dimensions, in all areas of life. Enjoy. Today I have an exciting returning guest, Nicole Mitchell, who was on my podcast before and I will link that in the show notes, but she is well known from going from food stamps to making multiple six figures, doing what she loves, which is life coaching, modeling and as an OnlyFans creator. She is a kick-ass life coach who helps dreamers, leaders and celebrities create the life of their dreams and thrive in every area of life. And today we talk about everything and I really wanted to get into the business model of OnlyFans, which is something I didn't know very much about until today. And then also, Nicole gives us such amazing tips for people at all stages of the digital entrepreneurial venture. So enjoy and I hope you'll get as much from this as I did. Welcome to the show, Nicole. I'm so happy to have you back.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for having me. I'm so excited for this like next iteration of our conversation Me too.

Speaker 1:

So, for the listeners, I had Nicole on my podcast in March of 2022. And I feel like, nicole, you've done so much since then. And for the listeners if you want to hear more of Nicole's history and backstory, definitely check that out. I'll link the show notes in or I'll link the prior interview in the show notes. I just have found it so interesting that in just this year, I feel like you have just done so much. You were on Dr Phil, which is like huge congratulations. You had a really great article on Insider. You've been on other podcasts, you've been launching all these master classes. So, yeah, I would just love for you to talk about where you've gone in the last year and just kind of like how you've navigated that. And then I also wanted to learn more about the business model of OnlyFans, which I know has been a life changing tool for you as well.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. Yeah. I think it's really important for people to remember the power of the compound effect. So people will come to me and say I'm a life coach, I work with people one-on-one, as you said. I teach master classes, I have programs, I have a current membership All different ways for people into my world.

Speaker 2:

And people into my world saying what's the secret, give me the hat, what's going to make me an overnight success, like you? And, as I say, every success story has a backstory. So for those who are willing to stay the course and keep believing and keep trusting their nudges and keep investing in themselves in the way that's right and true, for them it will lead to overflow. But what happens for a lot of people is along that journey, because it's a process. It doesn't happen overnight like the way we kind of fantasize about it.

Speaker 2:

And I see so many people quit, in my opinion, right before that threshold, because they stick it out, they stick it out, they stick it out. It's so hard, you have to be so tenacious and then they quit. And, as I tell my clients, if you quit you're not going to win. So if you want to win, you can't quit, you have to stay the course. And so I think something I've been really, really good at is staying the course, investing in myself, learning little tips and tricks along the way from different mentors and master minds and classes, and it's led to this overflow of abundance in so many ways, but I wouldn't have been here if I had quit along the way.

Speaker 1:

I know it's just like I see all of these different classes you're teaching and I've been able to be in some of them and I just love your energy and I know it's like when we're in that space it's so high vibrational and I'm like, wow, how is she doing all of this? But, like you said, it just takes a lot of like determination and pivoting whatever that might look like. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

I say pivot, don't quit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, people quit or try to do an extreme overhaul and if it's like the tiniest tweak can yield the biggest results.

Speaker 2:

And so I think we really have to trust those tweaks and trust that one of these days, one of these tweaks are going to create a massive difference in our lives. But it's hard when we do this, what I call zigzag energy, where it's like I'm going to try this, okay, that doesn't seem to be working, so I'm going to try this, and you're so busy zigzagging, you're wondering why you don't have any forward momentum, because you're not even moving forward. You're just jumping back and forth, back and forth, and I say all ships are leading home, all ships are leading home. So if you can jump on a ship and just stay on a ship, it'll get you where you're meant to be. But if you keep jumping across different ships like, you're never actually progressing forward. And so I think, really trusting that where you land, if this is what lights you up, even if you don't have the results yet, stay the course. The compound effect is working in your favor and the little tweaks will add up and you will reach your tipping point.

Speaker 1:

I love that metaphor because it's so true. There's been so many times, I know I've been like, ah, maybe I should just stop. But I'm like, nope, nope, something's just keep pushing me forward, and I know that's the same with a lot of listeners as well. So thank you for that.

Speaker 1:

I've all been there, yeah, yeah, so I would love for you to just kind of talk about some of the things that you've been offering over the last year. That might be different, and then a lot of people in my space have been turning to membership sites, really understanding, like the importance of having reoccurring revenue. So I'd love for you also to walk us through your experience with OnlyFans, like how long you've been using it, what growth looked like for you, maybe pros and cons, or like what has been really successful for you, whatever that has looked like.

Speaker 2:

I love that. I've been thinking of tweaks or pivots. So you know my first couple of years. I've been a life coach for five years and I'll get to OnlyFans. So I've been doing life coaching for five years and I always tell all my classes live, because that's what you do. You do Like I'm excited, it's your first time. And then, like the idea is you can sell it as an evergreen. You have it on your website for people to buy or when you relaunch in the future. You don't teach it live, but I so I did that for a couple of years and I was not making the same kind of money and then I realized I interjectedly get off on when I'm teaching live.

Speaker 2:

So I made that small tweak. I returned to teaching all my programs live. Now I make way more money. So I realized I was trying to do it the way everyone says, to do it the smart way. But it wasn't what lit up my soul and I saw it. I tried it for two years and like this is one of those moments where I could have quit because I thought there was something wrong with me, when all I had to do was make one small tweak. I just take life now. So that's been huge for me.

Speaker 2:

And then, when it came to memberships, like that's like the hot thing right now. Everyone's like come up memberships and recurring revenue and like all these things and like you can feel this pressure of like, oh my God, I got to jump on this bandwagon, but I didn't, because I've learned, at least for me over the past five years when I jump on a bandwagon, just because people are jumping on it, it doesn't provide the results that it guarantees, because I'm not in it for the right reasons, my energy's not behind it, I'm like questioning myself while I'm on it. So I've never jumped on that bandwagon until gosh, it's been three months now maybe I started a membership, but for me, the only reason I started it was for me, because I noticed that when I have a guaranteed live call every single week, I am like I come alive and my energy's potent and like having that live interaction and that live transmission makes me such, I think, a more powerful life coach, and I'm like I need this, but I need people to show up for it. It's different for me if I just go live on my Facebook, like to my, on my public page, versus like a sacred container where people are like yes, let's go deep. So I started that membership not for recurring revenue. I started it because of how it makes me feel and how it makes me show up as a life coach. And so now I have people in it and now it's created recurring revenue. But it just started like what works for me, what lights me up? Because if it lights you up, you're gonna stick with it. It's sustainable and you can monetize anything, anything. But if we jump in it just for the money, people will feel that energetically, even if not consciously, where it's like they're not gonna jump into an offer because your heart isn't quite yet in the right place, even though I get it.

Speaker 2:

I love money. I'm very motivated and driven by money. A lot of decisions I make is based on like how much money I can make, like I'm very much that person. But when it comes to like something so sacred as the work of our soul, my heart has to be in it before it can make me money. And the same principle applied to my only fans.

Speaker 2:

I've been doing it for almost four years, which I cannot believe, and it started as just a place, not even to make money. I started my only fans as a place to practice taking up space and self-expression. I spent my whole life being a good girl and being absolutely terrified of what people thought of me. I've spent my whole life censoring myself, covering myself, controlling myself to please the masses. And I'm like I want one space where Nicole can just be Nicole and all the rules are out the window and all that. The decisions are all made based on what feels right and true for me. And so I started it as just that and I'm like, even if no one subscribes, the fact that I have a platform where I can post anything I want, say anything I want, wear anything I want is such an act of empowerment and reclamation of my body, my desires, my voice, my truth.

Speaker 2:

And so it started off for me like and I want to clarify this only fans is a social media platform. It is not just an adult content platform. It's a misconception we have. It's very much known for its adult content, but it's any. You can use it for anything, just like any other social media platform.

Speaker 2:

So when I first started it was very modest and very mild. It was just me. But for me it was like radical back then because I was like coming out of a very strict upbringing and it was like I was everything was covered. I'm just trying to practice being sexy and like being cute and letting myself be seen and fell in love with it, and in fact, these are photos I would have posted on Instagram if I could have. So I actually give thanks to Instagram for their censorship, because they've made me a lot of money, because they forced me to create a different platform where I could get paid for the photos I would happily post for free. And then it's blown up into like this thriving community where people see a woman who's embodied, empowered and expressed. That's magnetic, that's contagious. And so, again, it was born from, like, the desires of my heart, and then I learned how to monetize it.

Speaker 1:

I love that that makes so much sense, because I didn't know that. So see, I've never been on OnlyFans, but I know that is a big misconception as everybody thinks it's just adult content. But I've actually talked to some people recently who are on it for I don't know other reasons or do behind the scenes stuff or proper. But I love that you started it as just like a place to be seen and kind of practice and like doing it for yourself instead of just doing it like to make money or something. I feel like that is super key, because I've seen so many people doing exactly what you said, like oh, evergreens the thing now, or like this is the thing, I need to do this. And it's like I finally stopped trying to like jump on all these different trains too, because I was like I'm just gonna do what works for me and what feels good. I love that you shared that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I remember, even like three years ago I was new to California. I moved here from Minnesota and I met this mom at my kid's school and we were talking about, like my business or something. And she found out that I take payments through PayPal. And she's like oh my God, that is so outdated, I cannot. Like I can't believe anyone uses PayPal. And I'm like hmm, I've made seven figures using PayPal. Like even there there's pressure of like. Aren't you on the latest trend? That's not what people use anymore. Are people like made fun of me? Like you're still on Facebook. Like I cannot believe you get any business from your Facebook.

Speaker 2:

And again, this is where we get it all backwards. We think the key is out there. It's this person's knowledge, it's that person's tactic, it's this person's strategy, it's this person's platform. When it's like no, right me, right here, right now, right where I am, is the portal to my massive success, to my massive fame, to my massive wealth. So we could even just lock that in. That would save us from thinking there is something wrong with us or we're incomplete or we're broken. You're actually the perfect portal for next level wealth, right where you are. I don't care if anyone says it's outdated or you're behind, way behind in the bandwagon or it's not trendy. Like I don't wanna do, it's trendy, I wanna do it's true and it's true to my heart. You're gonna feel it's true in your heart and that's an aligned connection right there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely, and it kind of reminds me of I don't know if you heard this story, but when Mel Robbins was launching her book, there was some kind of broken thing on Amazon where everybody was then sent to her audible and she ended up making like so much money on audible because of that mistake. So it's like everything works out the way it's supposed to.

Speaker 2:

I love that because you don't know, like when I so I was on food stamps, as you already know, for like nine years I didn't know where the money was gonna come from. In fact, when I was doing my life coaching, my only fans. My intention was for my money to come through my life coaching because I'm like I wanna help people, I wanna support people. I like my life is completely changed in the personal development world and I can support you in changing your life in the personal development world. And then when I went viral for my story, it was my only fans that blew up, which was never my intention. This was just a sacred practice for me to take up space and be seen and use my voice and feel good in my body. And that blew up.

Speaker 2:

And it's like money we have no idea which way, the path, the path of money, is gonna come down, and so when we try to control and manipulate, it has to come through this way, it has to come through membership, it has to come through Evergreen. We're pinching up all the other ways it can come through. So now, because of my experience with ads, like okay, I'm gonna do everything my power to like create amazing masterclasses, have amazing one-on-one containers, do my only fan thing and I leave all the options open to you, universe to surprise me that all the way money can show up and I think just that tiny tweak of like, yes, I'm gonna do all the things to try to earn it, and universe surprise me. We can often be surprised. I think we're usually surprised where our money comes from.

Speaker 1:

Right, yep, totally, yeah. And when it comes from the unknown, that's like the best place. I love Dr Jodh Aspenza. He's always talking about when you were near an energetic match for something in the quantum field. It will come to you and it'll be in the most surprising way.

Speaker 2:

No, yeah, there's something so peaceful about that because we think we have to chase it down, like it's almost, like we feel like it's like a dangled carrot, and if I don't run hard enough after it, if I don't hustle hard enough after it, I'll miss the carrot, when instead that's the exact truth it comes to us, and so our job is to like make it easy to come to us. Like here's all the pathways. I'm showing up, I'm doing my part, I'm not quitting, I am creating, I'm leading, I'm believing, I'm speaking my truth. I'm like opening up different containers, like I'm showing that I have skin in the game and I believe it's going to come. And then let it come.

Speaker 2:

I just taught a masterclass called the art of receiving and attracting sugar daddies, and it was just gonna be a sugar daddy course. But I'm like wait, wait, wait. If you don't know how to receive, it does not matter what you want. If it's money, fame, a sugar daddy, a lover, a friend, if you do not know how to receive, you cannot have it. And so that's when it became a two module program, because what we often talk about in the manifestation world is I want, I want this, I want a lot of money, I want business, I want clients, I want this, I want this great. Do you know how to receive it Right? That's part of the conversation. I think that is missing.

Speaker 1:

No, I know I was so bummed I missed the live calls. I think I saw it like you had already done one of the calls. I was like, oh, I wanna take that, but I know you put them on Evergreen after right. Yep, they're always available, yeah. Yeah, I've always had one in the show notes for people. I love it. So I guess, what would? What did it look like when you started OnlyFans? Like, I'm just curious about how the like the platform works. How did you find growth? Was it after you became viral, or did you, or do you like advertise toward it? I know you mentioned it, like on Instagram or Facebook, but like, yeah, I would just love to know how that all happened for you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so when I first started and this is like you said something earlier about like you know, if you do it for the money which is fine, I'm very driven by money but if you only do it for the money and that it takes a while for the money to show up, this is when most people quit. So I'm glad I didn't start OnlyFans for the money I think a lot of people do nowadays because it is super hyped up, like you can make a million dollars, but like there's a whole lot of skill and tenacity and compound effect happening behind the scenes. So like when I did it for it's for a year, I did it where I'm just practicing, taking space and trying to be seen and and I made about $500 a month. So like first I mean back when I was in food stamps that was a lot of money. Nowadays that's like great little pocket change, but like only 500. So it's not the big leg. You can make six figures or seven figures, like, and it was just like I'm like I will do this for as long as I desire to do it and I didn't know what I was doing.

Speaker 2:

Like there's two kinds of ways you can have an OnlyFans, you can have a free platform or you can have a subscription where people said pay a monthly fee to be part of it. I chose the monthly fee because I was scared when I started. I didn't want just anyone to see this Like. I was like I needed to weed out most people and make it very sacred, so I had a really high price back then. It's $25 a month, which in the grand scheme things isn't a lot, but it's a lot for that kind of platform, like most people do. Free to like $9. And so I'm more than double of what that was. But I'm like I don't want anyone, just anyone. I want people who are educated, empowered, enlightened and are happy to spend that much money. If that's you, then you're welcome into my world. So I had a year over a year, right at my price. That point I had a very small subscriber and made up 500.

Speaker 2:

And then my story came out. You know that I'm. You know I'm known as, like, the pastor turned stripper and I had no idea it would take the world by storm. And so then I got thousands of subscribers overnight. My income blew up. I think that weekend I made like $45,000 in a weekend, which was like that's more than double what I used to make as a school teacher. Okay, in a year, so like in a weekend, in my mind, like it just shows how quantum possibilities are freaking real. There's no limit to money, to success, to fame. There's no limit. We are often the ones who limit ourselves, and that was life changing and over time, just like anything we do for a longer period of time, you get savvy, you get smart, you get good, you get a little bit strategic.

Speaker 2:

Most of my work is energy with like a side of strategy. That's just how I'm wired and so over time I would follow other models on only fans to learn, like, how do they run it, how do they interact with their fans, like how do they show up, what are the different creative ideas. So it went from a platform where you paid $25 a month for me to post a photo a day. I was like I kept it so basic. That's all I knew back then.

Speaker 2:

Now it's a full-blown business and I post at least every day, if not multiple times a day. It's like it's the most active platform I'm on. I love it. It's like a real thriving community for me. We have three live streams a month. We I have like a VIP tier. I have the regular subscriber tier. You can book one-on-one calls with me. I can make custom content for you. I will mail you my panties. There's like a whole plethora of things that you can do inside of this. So now there's many revenues that come from this one platform, but that's also been four years of making and trial and error and tweaking and trying and like, I think, that compound effect of stay in the course, learning from others, tweaking as you can go along leads, can lead to so much money and success.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I know that's so helpful to share, to hear like how you evolved and then so. So how do you get your ideas? And then the live streams are like an hour or like what does that all look like?

Speaker 2:

So it's very like intuitive. So I remember I would subscribe to some of the models only fans and they're like they're charging $15, $20 a month and they post like once or twice a week and I'm like you're only posting twice a week and people are paying like I was disappointed as a subscriber, so that was an okay, nicole, don't do that to your subscribers. If they're paying, I want them to feel like every time they log in it's worth it. So I made a commitment to myself, not out of anyone's advice or opinion. My own desire was like I'm going to post every single day. I want to make sure my people get their value and they feel so blown away Like of course they're going to keep subscribing. Because Nicole always over delivers Live streams, so I have a few different ones.

Speaker 2:

So I do something called sex ed. I have a monthly sex ed live stream and it's where we talk about adult topics that I think we all have curiosities about but not really any space to talk about. So we talk about things like anal and deep throating and threesomes and stuff like that and just like I bring my own experience with it, I bring educational information and then I bring my life coaching angle to help like set people up to have the most positive experience possible, and that's my favorite thing is just like let's have a sacred space where we can talk about these things. So I have people who subscribe to my OnlyFans page purely for the sex ed live streams, nothing else. Then I have a VIP live stream and that's for people. So VIPs have to pay $100 a month on top of their subscription fees. It's $115 every single month and they get like priority messaging. They get extra bonus content for me every single week. They get their own VIP live. They get their whole perks. So we have a live stream once a month and it's about an hour, hour and a half. It's like smaller. I maybe have like between 10 and 20 people who pay that each month. So then we just hang out in Zoom or on a live stream for an hour and hour and half talking and it's like so intimate and they get to know me way more than in my if you're not a VIP.

Speaker 2:

And then I have a big monthly live stream. That is like my performance. It's three, sometimes four, sometimes five hours long and it's like I'm singing, I'm dancing, I'm stripping, we're playing games. There's like prizes, I'm doing a drawing, like it's a very active engage, like I want them to like feel so amazing, have so much fun. We end up like talking and laughing. I usually cry because I'm like having so much fun and then it makes me a good chunk of money in one night because they tip the whole night long and it's just something that came out of.

Speaker 2:

My desire is like I like performing, I like being seen, I like making it fun, like I want to make it worth your time. I think that's really important to me as a life coach and as an only fans creator. It's like I want to make it worth your time. So if you're going to subscribe or you're going to pay for something, I want you to walk away saying that was fucking worth it and that's what like. And most of these ideas come from within me.

Speaker 2:

So there's one more thing I do. I mean there's many things, but one unique thing about my only fans is I have a monthly campaign and this was just born for me. I've not seen any other model do it the way I do it, and it's where I want to make it fun. It's great if I post every day and I make my DMs every day, but it's like Like it needs to be something fresh there. So every single month I'll come up with like a theme. So when it's like March, it was like St Paddy's Day, you know, and like it's luck and like rainbow and skid, so that's the theme. Or like June is like Pride month.

Speaker 2:

So then what I do is I create it's basically a fundraiser where it's like okay, my goal is to raise 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, 2,500, whatever my goal is that month and in that campaign, and I create a bunch of videos, a bunch of content with that theme, so a bunch of like leprechauns or unicorns or rainbow, and it's like fun and playful and creative.

Speaker 2:

And you know, spend this bunch of money, you get one video. Spend this much money, you get two. Spend, you know, up to four to six videos and it's just fun. They get fresh content. They're they feel this like collective, like not pressure, but like excitement to like reach a goal, because if we reach my campaign goal, everyone gets like a bonus prize, and so it's like very playful and community driven and it makes me a good chunk of money. And then I resell that content I made long after the campaign's over. But all of this just comes from, like my heart, like what can I do to give someone an amazing experience? Right, that is a key question to ask for any business you run and any relationship you have.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, definitely. Wow, that's so cool. Thank you for sharing. I've never. I just have always been curious like what it looks like. I've never been on there and so, yeah, that's really.

Speaker 2:

it sounds like you're having a great time and that's like coming from your heart, so that's amazing and I always like encourage my people, like I mean, you have to be obviously comfortable with adult content, but I'm like I encourage my friends to subscribe, cause I have a lot of friends like that. They're super curious but they're like nervous. I'm like just subscribe, like just check it out and get a feel and just see. Like cause people are always afraid to like, oh, do these men degrade you and talk down to you? And I attract the most incredible humans and it doesn't shock me because we attract who we are so like, they are so respectful, they are so supportive.

Speaker 2:

I remember I had surgery a couple of years ago and they were all like don't you dare come back on until you're like healed and rested, like we're fine, don't worry about us? Like they were looking out for me, like they are so incredible. So when you subscribe, you can see how they talk to me in the comment section right, see how I interact with them and like just gives you a glimpse into the way I run it. But yeah, I have people check it out all the time and it's I'm like always open. Come check it out.

Speaker 1:

That's so cool. Well, and when you're on the calls, is it like Zoom? Do people have cameras on or are they like?

Speaker 2:

We did it one time for my VIPs and then I it was. It was really cute. I like loved it, but people were so hesitant to speak up cause, like you know, it's a different space, and so I was like they asked for us to do it again. I never did it again Cause, like, as a performer, I want the conversation to flow, and I went like I just want to keep it going and when I accept their waiting, it was just so awkward, it was like killing me. I'm like, okay, we're only going to do a live stream where they just see me and then they chat in the the comments, and that's how we do it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, cool, yeah, that makes sense. So are there any like cons that you would say about it?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, your family and friends will have very strong opinions about it. I've lost friends over it. I've lost family over it. So that's like a real flip side of it. Another flip side is when people find out what they do, they will stop being and I'm just friends with me, but friends with my kids. So if my kids have friends with their like, they have their friends. And then that kid's parent find out what I do, they ghost us and like.

Speaker 2:

I was even just grieving this yesterday because my I have a daughter who's like the most loving soul that walks this planet and no matter how many times I try to plan a play date with her best friend, her mom always says no to us and I I'm pretty sure I know why and it breaks my child's heart and it's like that. That's another flip side of like trying to find friends who support you so that when people reject you, you still have someone who can be a friend in your life. Or my kids can still have play dates with some kids when there's other kids' parents who won't let them Right, oh, that's so sad, I'm sorry, it's so sad, it kills me because I'm just like don't take it on my baby. She's here, I'm here, and that's another misconception. It's like when people find out if you do any kind of adult work they're afraid, like you're just like having sex all day long and like there's just porn all over your house. And it's like the opposite.

Speaker 2:

I actually find, at least for my friends who are sex workers and adult content creators they typically are the most educated, the most intentional, the most boundary, like very like the safest homes I could ever put my kids in. It's the families that are like repressed and avoid and have a lot of shame. It's those kids I find are tearing up photos from like porn magazines or they're like secretly getting into stuff behind the parents' back because they can't talk about it. But in my home, because we talk about it, there's no secrecy, there's no like trying to be sneaky, it's just like it's the mystery of it's been taken out. They're like oh yeah, those are mom's sex toys and they're gross and I don't wanna look at them or touch them. Cool, like if we didn't talk about it they'd be like you know. And it's like I think the homes of sex workers are some of the safest homes kids could be in.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, that's a good misconception to bring up, for sure. And yeah, I remember as a kid I was like I think I was a teenager we'd go to the store and I'd be like, can I get the woman's own magazine? And my mom was like she would let me buy it. And then I'd go like read, because I was just curious. You know about everything and I know that with you, like you said that you weren't allowed to read, like teen magazines and stuff, and it's like it makes so much sense when it's repressed. Of course they're gonna be more curious. I snuck it in.

Speaker 2:

I remember my girlfriend. I loved teen magazines and my favorite was like the confessional stories that were always like so funny and slightly inappropriate, which is like so true to Nicole, and so I would sneak it in and I remember one time I stuffed it in my pillowcase so like my parents don't find it, and I came home one day from school and my mom was like holding it and I got in so much trouble. You know it's like well, if we could talk, there was no talking about it, it was just don't or no or stop, or like I was at a I went to a private Christian school for a few years. In fourth grade my girlfriend brought out torn out magazine pages from her uncle's porn magazine and we're looking at it in the bathroom at the super teeny, tiny Christian private school. Like I went to a bunch of public schools and I went to a bunch of private schools.

Speaker 2:

Growing up I was only exposed to porn and adult content in my private Christian schools, never in my public schools. So even just like that, like people think like we're so safe there, well, that's where I learned, that's where, like we brought condoms to school in the private school and we're like playing with them. Never did that in public school Like it's just, like that's determined me wanting to like have a very open home and like let's talk about these things, you don't have to be sneaky and you don't put yourself in like unsafe or not good situations. Because of my own experience of being suppressed and repressed.

Speaker 1:

Right Now. I put my teen in a Catholic school because I thought, oh, she won't, because I partied a lot in high school and I was like I don't want her to do the same thing and like they're wild, they're so wild in the school I'm like she should have just went to a public school.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like you live and learn. It's like you tried your best. You know no-transcript. Oh, we just do the best that we can. Yeah, definitely.

Speaker 2:

Is there anything else that you would say about only fans, if people are listening and interested, I mean it's like to me, the older I get, the less black and white everything becomes and the more open I am. And it's like, if you have a curiosity there, check it out, Right. You know, I've even told people like if you wanted to start an account but you're afraid because stigma and family and friends and stuff, I'm like then just create an account, Just see what it feels like to create an account. It's no different than starting to create a Facebook account. It's just a social media account and then don't even tell them about it and then maybe start posting photos on there. And how does it feel to post photos of you, that you feel sexy and you have this sacred space. Do you like that? Is it exciting, Is it expansive or is it triggering? It makes you want to contract. Just give yourself permission to try it.

Speaker 2:

Just because you try it does not mean you have to commit to it. You can change your mind at any time and even I can. I mean if for almost four years and I could be like you know what, this is my last month. Like it's been a good run, I'm done. There is no harm in that. I think there's a lot of because of the stigma. There's a lot of pressure in society. It's like, well, you made your bed and I'm sleeping it. You did it for you did it once, so you have to live the consequences for the rest of your life, and like that's so untrue and unhelpful. And then it prevents people from taking action on their curiosities, and I actually think our curiosities are a big part of us living a confident life, and so I think, honor your curiosities, Try it. If you like it, great. If you don't like it, great. Now you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, and so is there anything that you're going to be doing in the next few months? Are you launching anything, or what do you offer in terms of coaching, and just so if anyone's listening and they want to wait for it to you.

Speaker 2:

So I yeah, I always offer a one-on-one coaching and I'm always teaching different master classes throughout the whole year. Two things I'm currently doing right now is there's been a lot of hunger for my membership, which is so funny, cause I've never I've never promoted it publicly until recent. Until last week, it's only been inside my classes. I'm like, if you guys like this energy and you want to stay in the conversation, I do have a membership and that's how I've promoted it. But then I've had more and more people ask do you have something? I'm like, oh, I mean, I do. So my membership is available, it's right for 2023. You can join any month, you can quit any month Like it's just something, an ongoing container of support, if you so choose.

Speaker 2:

And then I also am launching my latest mastermind called Fireproof, and this is for those who like, want to create next level wealth, fame and success. And how do you go on to create that when there's a flip side to it? I think in the personal development world, there's a lot of hype around ease and flow and effortlessness and your dreams coming true, and which is all true. Also, there's a flip side to everything there's. You know, I've been eaten alive by the press right, when you would make a lot more money. Sometimes people come after it Like there's this and we don't talk about that because it's not pretty in personal development.

Speaker 2:

But for those who've gone on to create next level wealth, fame and success, get it. And I realized like I want to support those souls, like so you can crush it, so you can make all the money you want and feel so fucking powerful, like in, like a good steward of it and no one's going to weasel you out of it. I want to support you in getting next level fame and press and being seen and support you when trolls and haters come after you. I want to support you as you take yourself expression as the next level and support you when family and friends judge you for it. Like this is a container to help you become fireproof and in a way that is so soft and receptive and beautiful and flowy, but inside you're so strong and tenacious and your fire purifies your path. That makes you unstoppable. And that's what I have available as well.

Speaker 1:

Wow, yeah, that sounds amazing, and I hadn't heard about your membership, so that makes sense. You had just offered it in your masterclass.

Speaker 2:

So that's another tweak I've learned is like I'd always promote my things publicly, like get this, get this, get this. But then I realized like once you launch something and people come in, they're already interested. And so now what I typically do, instead of promoting everything everywhere, it's like I promote publicly what is like a public masterclass or public container and then inside, if I feel it, if there's some kind of connection there and this isn't in every class but like if they're like we want more in a call, like hey, and so like my membership was born. Like I've had two different like mentorship containers that were born because people kept asking in the container, so I built it, filled it, never told the public about it, and like there's something really sacred. So I think like it takes the pressure off to make everyone buy everything.

Speaker 2:

It's like launch what you want to launch publicly and then if there's like a vibe going on inside that container where you want more, where they want more, create something for them and see that's something they want to stick with, and then just like then you have to launch it. People are like yeah, I'm in, I'm in, I'm in, I'm in and you make money, and it's like that tweaks been a lot more fun for me. It's taking the pressure off to promote things everywhere and it's like this is just for you guys, do you want it? And a lot of times they're like yes, we're in.

Speaker 1:

Yep, no, that's amazing. I like that. I like that idea. Just a quick question on your masterclasses, because everything like always flows out of you, like you have such a great, like a natural gift of just speaking and just channeling. Do you have like notes beforehand, or how do you prepare for the masterclasses?

Speaker 2:

So I've done it every way. In the beginning I wrote out everything ahead of time because I was a little nervous and like not as confident and I want to make sure I was delivering. Like that's my one of my biggest values. I have got to deliver what I say I'm going to deliver.

Speaker 2:

So I had all my notes like pages, which is not very helpful because you like can't read pages, but I think it would like get locked to my brain and if I forgot I would look at my notes. I'd full on page pages of notes in the beginning, and then I kind of went to the other extreme where I was like I can channel really well and I can riff really well, and so I went that direction. But then I would sometimes forget things. And so now I'm in this like kind of figure out those middle spot of like okay, I take some notes, I leave room for riffing and if I forget I look, but my notes now are sticky notes. So there are just things I like. I'll have them lined up on my desk to make sure I covered these seven points in today's module. So if I can veer off, that's great, but I've got seven core things I want to cover, and so that's kind of what I'm doing right now.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, no, that makes sense because you are so interactive with people who are in the chat or asking questions. So I'm sure it's easy to get like distracted and kind of like off track a little bit and let's see as we wrap up. Do you have like just a tip or two for any entrepreneurs that are listening? Maybe they're feeling kind of stuck or you've already offered so much. But if there's anything that just comes like top of mind, yeah, I do.

Speaker 2:

It's like, I think, sometimes when you're feeling stuck and you have these big dreams and desires and goals and you start feeling crazy because your dreams don't match your reality, and so you start thinking there's something wrong with you and like or you start thinking like there's less opportunity, or like why would anyone listen to you when there's so many other brilliant people out there? Like, we get so in our heads and I just want to say you've got it. You've got what it takes. You've got what it takes. You're not lacking in any way. And like, you are perfect, right where you are, how you are, you are perfectly wired for the life that you dream of. Like, if you desire that light, if you have that life desires you, you are a match made in heaven. And the more we can start believing that and the less we can question that, the more we can take all this energy we feel from criticizing ourselves to creating something for ourselves. So you've got what it takes. You've got what it takes. Yeah, I love that. Thank you. This is another tweak I'm doing. So what I'm learning about myself is I want people to buy, not because I have the perfect sales page, not because I have the perfect funnel, not because I have the perfect email marketing campaign, but because they know. They know in their heart, they know in their body that this is meant for them. And so for me, when I get an idea for a container, I'm like lit up. I'm like, oh my God. And for me, for the way, I'm worried I have to launch it right away, because if I don't launch it right away, I get in my head, I get over analytical, I get lost in details and then I lose the fire. So, for example, I launched Fireproof, my latest mastermind, and I haven't offered a mastermind in two or three years. I'm like so stoked to offer this high end, sacred container. And then I just want people to know.

Speaker 2:

So what I did is for people who knew like, if they knew, like they resonate with me the way I teach my energy and they know the next container I offered they want to be a part of. Without information, they could join it for the lowest price it'd be offered. So I was offering it for $3,333 back a couple weeks ago. No information, just based on your knowing. Because I realized that's the way I buy when I buy from someone, it is never because of their sales page. It is never because of their funnel, it is never because of their emails. It's like I hear about it or I see something about it and I'm like that's me. So why am I not selling in the way that I like to buy? Because I know there's people like me and so I'm trying to like provide a way for everyone to buy in a way that's true for them. So you could buy with no information and just a knowing for this price.

Speaker 2:

Then, once I like write up some copy, I like create the checkout page and I have like the basic email going out. Like, once I have to do more work back in, which is not my favorite thing to do, I'm raising that price. So now, this way you can get the information that you want and a knowing. You get your own separate price.

Speaker 2:

Then at some, once the mastermind is going all the information's out there, I'm gonna start talking about what we're talking about in this container. So now you're gonna get, you have your knowing, you're gonna get information and you're gonna get evidence of what has happened. This container, that's a different price. So cause people wanna buy at every level. There's people like I need all the details before I'll say yes. Then people are like I need all the details and I need evidence of the conversations, the results that people are getting, before I would ever say yes to it.

Speaker 2:

Great, you all get your own price point. So that's what I'm currently doing. So I'm in that middle of that phase right now where right now you can get it for 4444 and a week or two, when I finished creating the last back and the stuff, it's gonna go up to 55555. And then, once I start sharing about what happens to the mastermind, it's gonna go up to 7777. So there's a price point for everyone, there's a way of buying for everyone and that feels really like. It feels playful, it feels clean and it feels true to how I like to buy and giving people that opportunity to buy, to buy the way they want to buy, right?

Speaker 1:

no, I love that. And it's funny that you said that, because I used to get so caught up with all the sales page, like I don't love the tech stuff, and then I wouldn't. I'd be like, ah, this doesn't look good enough, I'm just not gonna do it, and then I would just push it. And then I would just say yeah, yeah. And so recently I just launched something and I was like here's the little like checkout page and I was like I'll do a sales page later for those who want information. And so it's so funny that you said that, because I'm like if you like me and you wanna just learn from me, then you can just join. But like I didn't wanna do the whole sales page and the check, it's just so much.

Speaker 2:

And this is like the whole reason we got into entrepreneurship is to do things our way, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

So this is something we really have to remember when there's so many opinions and experts saying it has to be this way.

Speaker 2:

No, it has to be that way for them because it works for them, but not for me. I have a different way, and so I've seen other mentors of mine do this, where they don't do any. They don't have this as a website, they don't have a sales page, they have just a checkout link, and they make millions every year. And it wasn't until I had a conversation with one of them about when they explain this like you know, you're creating ways for them to buy just like you want to buy in your way, and it's something clicked, and so this is the first time I'm practicing what I've seen them model for years. But just even knowing that, like my mentor makes $2 million a month with no website and no sales page, just a checkout link on Facebook and Instagram, it's like if she can do that, I can do that. Like there's all these like arbitrary rules and extra work that's not actually required if it doesn't align for you.

Speaker 1:

Right, and I feel sometimes people use that as an excuse, like their fear they'll be like oh, my sales page isn't good enough yet and they'll kind of just hide behind that instead of just watching.

Speaker 2:

You know, 100% Like, can you trust? I think we have to really learn to trust the intelligence of our buyers, that I don't need any convincing to buy what I want and in fact, the second you try to convince me you've lost the sale. We've all walked into a store. We're like I just kind of want to browse, and then someone hounds you and we've walked right back out because that is not the like, that is that will. You will lose me every time. But if I walk into a store and they're like welcome, peruse, if you have any questions, I'm here. They trust my intelligence, they trust that if I see something that was meant for me, I'm like, hey, can I try this on? Or hey, can you tell me more about this thing? Or like I don't need any pressure or any convincing. I'm like wow, that's the way we like to buy. Why is that not translating into online sales? Why do we think we have to like hound people with like the perfect sales page, so many emails, the funnels, five million posts on like on social media. It's like so much pressure when, like in real, I don't think most people actually want to buy that way. And then when someone does buy after all that you're typically attracted to people who aren't in their power. They had to be convinced, they had to be pushed, they had to be forced, and now they usually come in with this save me energy, like you forced me to be here. Now save me. I don't want anyone coming into my world who thinks that only I can save them. I want people to come in the world like.

Speaker 2:

I chose this, I wanted this, I decided this. I said yes, let's fucking go. Those are the people I want to track. So those are the people I want to track. Then why do I have to play all these games to get them? I don't. It's like I have a sing. It's fucking rad. Here's the details, or like the few details I have. Want it Great, if not great. But that also doesn't mean I post once about it and I never talk about it again. Like if you. I was so fired about my membership on I think it was on Tuesday. I made three posts about it on Instagram in one day, cause I, and it was authentic. I just felt like I was chilling. I got four people that day DMing me give me more. I went in what's the link? And it's like and not one of those posts was pressure convincing? It was just like there's a saying it is so potent, it's so powerful, I'm so excited and people are like, wait what I want in? Yeah, those are the people I want in my world?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, totally no, and I think that's like that's so important for people to hear that are just getting into this space because there's so many sales courses and all this. And I started going down that road like I need to get better at sales and it's like, no, I just need to be my authentic self and just care what I have to offer, you know, and it's like the right people will find you so yes, oh.

Speaker 2:

There's a buyer at every price point. There's a buyer at every level, every season. There's no way. There's no one who can buy from you right now. There's always someone willing and ready to pay.

Speaker 1:

And where can people find you online? And I'll link it in the show notes as well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm on all the socials pretty much, but if you go to NicoleMitchellcom, that's going to list all my socials. I'm the most active on Facebook and Instagram, or you know my only fans I'm the most active on, but publicly Facebook and Instagram. Come say hi.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for coming on. I'm so fun. Thank you so much for listening to the 5D CFO podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it and tag me on social media. You can find me at Angela Marie Christian on Instagram, facebook and TikTok. If you haven't purchased my bestselling book Manifestation Mastery yet, it's priced at 99 cents on Amazon for the Kindle version.

Success in the OnlyFans Business Model
Embracing Unexpected Paths to Success
Evolving and Thriving on OnlyFans
Sex Work and Safe Environment Discussion
Embracing Curiosity and Pursuing Personal Development
Unique Sales Approach in Entrepreneurship
Social Media Presence and Book Promotion