
Overcoming Manifestation Flatlines for Success (and Why I Left my Million $ Home to Live with my Parents)

Angela Marie Christian Season 1 Episode 75

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Ever grappled with the mysteries of intuition and pattern recognition? Ever wondered how they can be leveraged to manifest your dreams into reality?

In this episode, discuss the fascinating journey of self-discovery and growth, illuminating the path to understanding the significance of recognizing patterns in our life and harnessing the wisdom of intuition.

We'll delve into my personal experience with intuition & the "Clairs," exploring their profound impact on our life and business decisions.

I also touch upon the importance of aligning actions with our values and intuition. 

Diving deeper, we shed light on the 'Manifestation Flatline', understanding and overcoming hurdles that stand in our way to success.

Finally, I invite you to introspect, to analyze your goals and the means to achieve them.

So join me, as we explore these vital insights in this exciting journey of intuition and manifestation.

References mentioned:

My book
Join The 5D CEO Society
Existential Kink

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the 5D CFO podcast. My name is Angela Marie Christian and my mission is to help entrepreneurs and thought leaders rise to the 5D, where we can find wealth in all dimensions, in all areas of life. Enjoy Good morning Before I start, just going to give you a little disclaimer that my son bless his heart. Usually he's actually a really good sleeper because he is hyperactive as F during the day, but usually he sleeps really well, like from 730pm until 6am, 630am. Last night he woke me up at 1, 2 and 3 and he finally woke up at 3 for good and he was acting like he was on crack, like I don't know what was wrong with him. I'm really careful with his diet because he does have ADD and I try all the things. So if any parents are listening that has a child with ADD and they have found some luck with natural products or supplements, please definitely let me know, because my stepdad's going to bold school and he's like let's get him some Ritalin. I'm like no, I know judgment for anyone who takes it. I mean, some people have to, but I'm not going to give my three year old Ritalin. So, anyway, just bear with me. I feel a little delirious, but it's all good.

Speaker 1:

Something that Dr Connolly actually talks about is how we put such importance on sleep, and this is a complete aside. But anytime you tell your unconscious mind that something is important, like how much importance we put on sleep money, it actually tells your unconscious mind that you're in danger of dying. So that's why it's so important. Actually, I shouldn't say that, right. It is crucial that we take the importance like that word out, because otherwise you're going to be living in a very fear based survival mode. When you're in a fear based survival mode, energy is pulled from your brain into either your limbs to flee or your jaws to fight, so it doesn't help anybody. And so what I do on days like this is I just kind of laugh about it and I'm like well, oh well, like you know, I'll just get extra coffee and go to sleep extra early tonight. I don't try to dwell on it. And if I'm laying there restless just another tip before I get into this if you're laying there restless in bed and this is something Dr Connolly taught me as well is to just imagine something really boring, like waves going over a rock, and just imagining that over and over again and it really works, or I'll just be in complete silence in my mind, which is hard for some people. I've been doing it for a long time, but when I do that it's very easy for me to fall asleep too. Anyway, enough about that.

Speaker 1:

Today's episode is a little mishmash of things that I just wanted I felt really called to share, as I've been taking a lot of time internally to kind of figure out and like regroup. And I go through these, you know, seasons of when I'm feeling really inspired and then other times I I know it's time to pivot, so I pause and then I regroup. So I wanted to share this kind of a two part episode, but it's not going to be very long. The first thing I wanted to talk about is recognizing patterns in your life, how to recognize them, how to go with the flow and not fight them, and then also see it more objectively and how it's actually helping you. So to start that off, I'll just share why I chose to leave my million dollar home to live with my mom and stepdad. As an adult, with a single mom adult, it was not an easy choice and you know there were several things that came into play, but I always pay close attention to the whole picture and when three or more things happen at once, I know it's time for a shift, a big transition. And I always listen to my intuition, which I'm going to share a little bit about so that if you're not familiar with how to kind of tap into that, then you'll be a little bit more educated after this episode. But you might already know that's totally cool. So this is something I've actually been teaching and sharing with my close friends and family for a long time, but I just realized, you know, I really want to share it with you too. So you probably know this.

Speaker 1:

But we are all intuitive. We were actually born with an insane amount of intuition and then, due to moralistic programming, our parents, our teachers, our caretakers all started telling us what to do based on what's good or bad, which was based on their beliefs, society's beliefs, and you know their upbringings. So at some point, most people stop listening to that innate wisdom and just try really hard to fit into that box of either good girl or good boy. The great news is you can get it back. And well, it actually never left. It's just hidden and we just need to do some clearing. So I'm not going to dive into this in too much detail in this episode, but I will just give a broad overview. I do talk about this in my book, manifestation Mastery, which I'll link in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

But we have different types of intuition and we receive intuitive hits in different ways. Some people have a dominant, they're called clairs. So some people have a dominant Claire, some people have a mixture, some people might have all of them. So it's really important to understand how you receive intuitive hits because this can help you in business relationships, just life in general. Anytime I don't listen to an intuitive hit, something bad happens. So I'm really careful about it for the most part now. Sometimes that fear thinking we'll get in the way and I'll try to do the rational thing instead of the following my intuition, and it always turns out the wrong way. And sorry, I'm in a conference room right now and there's people talking outside, if you can hear them. So I'm just going to go over quickly just the different kinds of clairs and just give you an example. I'm just going to talk about the most popular ones.

Speaker 1:

So Claire of Wands, which might be the most you know, talked about one because it is in movies and it's kind of like how psychics are portrayed. This is when visions of either the past, present and or future flash through someone's mind's eye, or some people call it a third eye, much like a daydream. And so I'll just give you a personal example for me and then for my sister, who I'm sure she'll be fine with sharing. So for me, when this isn't my dominant one, to be honest and usually this is most dominant for people who are very visual, like artists, photographers, designers, builders this is a lot more dominant for them. So actually I'm just going to give you my sister's example. She will have a vision flash through her mind and if you've seen the ghost whisper, it's kind of like that, but it's almost. It can be like a flashback or like in the movies where they show like someone remembering something. So it's like that, and my sister will actually see something for the future, and sometimes it'll happen days, weeks or even years later and it really just like she doesn't. She hasn't figured out how to hone in on it and use it in a deeper sense. So that's what I'm working with her on, or what I'm going to be working with her on, because it is really important. We're given these gifts. Everybody is, and you know they're here to be used and to help us. So, claire, audience is one of my more dominant ones, and so that is clear hearing so that's when we hear like words, sounds or sometimes even like music in our minds. Voice on very rare, rare occasions. Sometimes people will hear an audible sound, but not usually so for me. I'll give you an example.

Speaker 1:

On my birthday, I connect with this shaman who I'm on the waitlist to work with and he advised well, through his assistant, he advises people to work with him in silence as you're waiting to work with him. And so at first it was a little hard for me to connect with him in silence because I've never met him, but then it just became easy and I do it every day now. And so on my birthday, and I love to ask questions either right before I fall asleep or right when I'm waking up, because you're in that altered state and I like to think of it as like you're in between dimensions, right. So I asked him right when I woke up on my birthday and like do you have any words of wisdom for me today? And it came through so clearly in my mind Don't micromanage your happiness. And I was like what? And that kind of woke me up because I was like what does that mean? And actually thought about it for two days. I'm like don't micromanage your happiness. Until a friend of mine actually was like, oh, I know what that means. I'm very spiritual and she's a shaman, so you know she translated it for me, so I know that that's not my own thought coming through, because first of all, it came very quickly and it is something that kind of made me think like huh. So that's usually when I know it's either him or a guide or spirit or whatever you want to call it. So that's definitely. Or sometimes I'll just hear like no, like if I'm considering something, it'll come through very strongly like nope, and so if I don't listen to that, I'm usually in trouble.

Speaker 1:

And then, claire, sentience is like clear feeling. So this would be like being able to feel another person or spirits, emotions, or feeling someone else's physical pain. A lot of people are clear sentient without even really knowing they are. So this can be kind of like when you get a strong gut feeling whether it's positive or negative about someone, or when you get the chills. So when that happens, if you're a highly sensitive person, then you are in tune with not just your own feelings, right, but the feelings of other people too, and so a lot of therapists, doctors, teachers have dominant their sentence and I definitely have the like gut feeling thing which also kind of goes. I feel like it goes hand in hand with Claire cognizance, which is clear knowing. So this is when you have knowledge of, like people or events that you normally wouldn't know about and that kind of just pops into your mind out of nowhere. So this could be like a premonition and you just don't know why. You know something but you do. So Claire sent.

Speaker 1:

To go back to Claire sentience for a second, the clear feeling that is probably my. It's probably the same dominance as Claire audience. So, for example, I was in the midst of leaving my corporate job and I was wanting to take on more clients, and at the time I only had like a few small clients, and so I interviewed this CFO firm to see if I wanted to work with them and immediately, even though we're very nice people, they're very nice, their companies, you know, seem like it was going in the right direction. I just had this weird gut feeling like no, this is not a good match and, against my own intuition, I listened to my fearful thoughts of like well, I need this, and that they're really they were, you know, a high paying client and just the whole time I worked for them, I just always felt like, like that feeling and it's like it's nothing they did.

Speaker 1:

I mean they were a little micromanage. They acted more like they were my employer versus my like I'm an independent contractor, they're not supposed to tell me what time to do things or be on a call or do, and they were acting much more like an employer than and I should have known from the beginning, because they put me through all these like hoops just to be an independent contractor, right. So we ended up parting ways because we both felt like it wasn't aligned and they probably didn't feel the energy, or they probably did feel the energetic, but they didn't know how to voice that and it wasn't aligned and I was like, yeah, I should have. This is an example of me not listening to my intuition, because you know it's not good, it's not a benefit for them, it's not a benefit for me to waste that time and energy when you know it's not a good fit and, like I knew from the beginning like this is just I don't see this working out and I went against my intuition and then I didn't speak up. So all of these clairs can be really helpful in business, like if you're considering hiring someone or you're wanting to bring on an independent contractor.

Speaker 1:

Really listen to your body and notice where things show up. Do you hear a voice that says yes or no in your mind? Do you have a feeling? Do you just know, like really start paying attention, because that's your higher self, your guides, speaking to you and like honestly helping you and guiding you. So by knowing and cultivating and deepening your clear sense, or senses, you'll start getting back to what your true life path is and who you are, under everything that you're not. Also, you'll start to be able to download information a lot easier.

Speaker 1:

So I download a lot of information. I just downloaded a book like the other day which I'm still working on. It was crazy. It just came out of nowhere when I was driving. A lot of times this happens when I'm driving. Things will just start downloading almost to where I have to like pull over and write it down. It just flows like a faucet, which is great, because I actually hadn't been feeling that inspiration for quite some time and all of a sudden now it's back and now I'm downloading all of these programs.

Speaker 1:

I want to teach and it's exciting, and so one of the things I downloaded which goes into my second part of this podcast episode is the 5D CFO. That term, that brand, was something I downloaded when I was working with a coach. She's very spiritual and we're going back and forth like bouncing ideas off of each other. I downloaded that, I got a logo made, but then I kind of stopped there and I think that's why I was feeling kind of like you know. And then I launched the 5D CEO Society, which I kind of paused on and regrouped, and now I'm going to launch it again because I have a much clearer picture now. So it's never a good idea to try and launch a course or a program when you're not like totally sure what it's going to look like.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm very clear on the transformation that I'm going to be providing people, but I allowed myself I didn't put pressure on myself like just keep moving forward, just keep launching. I do not follow like. I've always been a role follower for the most part and I've only been in the online space for, you know, a couple of years, and I was trying to follow the strategies of everybody else that has seen success, but it just felt wrong in my body. It didn't feel right until I met Andrea Crowder, who she was a guest in my podcast, and it's so funny we share the same birthday, we share the same human design lines, so it makes sense. But like she, basically without knowing it, gave me permission to just really do it my way, which means, you know, screw posting on social media three times a day, like that doesn't feel good to me, I don't want to do that, and I was feeling a lot of pressure. So just notice, like things that create pressure means you're going against your, you're swimming against the current right, so you want to look for how to do things with pleasure in any you know as much as possible. So it didn't. It felt like pressure for me to fully launch this program, and I did have people sign up, and so it's been great though, because I'm kind of bounced up ideas off of them and I've been working on giving them some extra free things just for being patient with me as I figure all of this out.

Speaker 1:

I took some time and I was like, okay, what does the five DCFO mean? Because another thing I was finding is a lot of people were like what does five D mean? And like, that's the name of my podcast too. So five D to me means the fifth dimension. A lot of people will be like what does that mean? So, like, the 3D world is our physical world. It's very dense. The five D is where the manifestation starts. It's very quantum physics based, and so things happen. In the five D it's energy, and here in the 3D it's matter, right. So that's the difference If you can think of anything you want in the five D, you can bring it to the 3D, and so that's what I wanna do for people. That's one prong of it. The other prong is really just like then feeling figuring out, okay, what is it that you want, and then how do we clear the obstacles in your way? So I took some time and I'm gonna share this with you, and then I'm just gonna share one other thought, and that will be the episode today.

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So I thought about okay, five Ds, so what are some words that start with D that could represent what I'm trying to help people with? So the first one is depth, so really diving into what makes you you, what are your values. So that's what I did with my business and myself. What are my values? What do I want to help people with Understanding yourself, your business, who you serve, what that transformation looks like from a very deep perspective. And then clearing blocks utilizing RRT rapid resolution therapy which is what I've been trained in, and I had the founder, dr John Connelly, on my podcast. Definitely gonna listen to it, it's my most highly rated episode actually. And so clearing these blocks, especially around money, losing money, not having enough money until you become untriggerable around money and most people think, oh, I'm fine, I'm not triggered by money, but these are all unconscious, and so if you're not happy financially, I guarantee you you have blocks to clear. So, and it's not just about like, yes, I want to help people become wealthy, but it's also I want you to feel wealthy, because being wealthy is a state of mind.

Speaker 1:

So then the next D is desire. We look at what increases desire for you and what makes it decline. So when we work and we live from a place of desire, things are going to fall into place a lot faster because we're swimming with the current, not against it. So that's kind of like you know how Andrea Crowder talks about pleasure over pressure. Same kind of thing like we wanna choose, we wanna follow our desire and then direction. So getting really clear on where you're going as a person and a business. So if I invited you to a party in the Hollywood Hills, you're not gonna just go to start driving around in the Hollywood Hills, you're gonna wanna know, like the address, how to get there, all of that. So after we know where we're going, then we look at, okay, are there any obstacles blocking us from getting there? And again, that's when I bring in our RT.

Speaker 1:

I also am bringing in other healers that I use into my program, the Five D CEOs of Society. I have one, actually, danielle Taylor, coming in next week or the week after. So you can still join the Five D CEOs of Society. I will share the link if you want to. I'm going to do one more launch at this really low price and then I'm gonna bump it up. So she's coming in and she's gonna do, she's gonna share information. You're gonna get a free healing with her, if you remember, and then you're gonna get 10% off her healing going forward, and then we'll also focus on when it comes to direction.

Speaker 1:

We'll also focus on what to do with the money. Right, because making it is just the first step. Then we need to know, like what do we do with the money? The money needs to be directed, ideally to buy assets and multiply. So that's the other piece that I help you with.

Speaker 1:

Fourth is dimensional. So once we have one to three goals, we and then we have a really strong desire for those goals. We wanna bring them into the 3D physical world. We need the clarity, we need the elevated emotions and then we start using my interdimensional techniques to set things into motion. I used to say set things into motion faster, but then I realized we don't want to rush this process. Everything truly happens with divine timing. But when you get very clear on where you're going and you're feeling as if you already have it now and you're grateful for it, that's a big piece of it is being grateful for what you're manifesting, because then you're telling unconscious mind that you already have it. So this is a whole, nother episode.

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I can dive into all of this, but this is just an overview. So then your results will be in alignment with exactly what you're calling in, instead of messy or off the mark and they're always. They're not gonna. You can't control how they show up, you can only control what it is that you desire. But it's really important to understand, like you are not the one who's going to determine how things show up. Okay, and then the fifth D is dollars. So I see this one as just a byproduct of the other four Ds, because money is simply a tool, and I wanna get you on triggerable around money so that it's not super highs and super lows. So if we focus on the first four Ds, then the fifth D will just come with ease.

Speaker 1:

That is an overview of what I wanted to share, and then I actually just realized one other piece that I was going to share earlier about choosing to move for my million dollar home to live with my parents. Like I said, notice patterns in your life, and what I noticed was in about two years ago, I filed for divorce, I lost my long-time job, I had to file bankruptcy and then I had to move. So I was like, okay, my foundation's crumbling for a reason, I didn't get depressed about it, I didn't get mad. It's just that this is happening for me, and so the same kind of thing happened here. Like my daughter was going off to college, I decided to leave my corporate job to pursue my consulting company and there was black mold in my house and my ex stop paying, has half of childcare, which is like double the price where I was living. So I just said, you know what? I don't want to live in this black mold house that was supposed to be fixed. It's not. All of these signs just told me you know what? It's time to move home.

Speaker 1:

And then, to make it even crazier, I had a call with my psychic on my birthday and she told me that the reason I actually moved home is because that it's finally time to heal my she called it, my mother wound. And so I believe that we come into this world with sacred contracts with other people, and so we decide okay, in this lifetime, I'm gonna learn this, you're gonna do this, and we all kind of we set it up right. And so she said that before this lifetime, I decided I finally wanted to heal my need to please to people, please to try to get approval from people, all of these things that I've struggled or that I had struggled with for most of my life until our ROT and you know. But the only person I hadn't really fully healed that with was my mother, because I noticed I would still go to her, even though I've had much more worldly experience than she has I have an MBA, I have a lot more emotional awareness but I've had like this codependent relationship with her because I love her and she's also one of my best friends and so I would still go to her for approval. And we actually had a really bad argument a couple of weeks ago and the last thing I said and it just felt like it came from my guts and like out of nowhere and it was just like no matter what I do, I'll never be good enough for you. And I was just like after I yelled that, which takes a lot for me to yell I was like whoa, okay, there's still a tab open there, right?

Speaker 1:

Because if you've heard other episodes I talk about how we have all these open tabs. Our unconscious mind has all these open tabs and it's just sucking energy, just like on your computer, like your conscious mind can only focus on like one or two things at a time, so like looking at two computers, looking at two tabs, okay, but our unconscious mind does so much in the background. So what I love about RRT is it closes not just one tab when you get a healing, but it will close multiple tabs. So I was like, okay, there's still a tab open here. So I'm actually going to make an appointment with either Dr Connolly or Dr Wayne Brown to clear this, because my intuitive side, the reason why, like I, have this vision of massive wealth and being in a healthy relationship, but it obviously hasn't manifested yet and I realized this is something I just coined this term and I'm going to, I'm filing paperwork to trademark it and I'll have a program and all of that, might even write a book.

Speaker 1:

But it's called the manifestation flatline and it feels like when we've been trying so hard to manifest something and it's just like nothing, no movement, sometimes even backwards, kind of like you know those flat escalator things at the airport. That's what I imagine like going forward, then going back and you're just like on this flatline and it feels like nothing's happening. But that's not true and then obstacles will pop up, like a lot of people would have looked at me moving home as, oh my gosh, I'm going backwards, right, because I just know better and I knew it felt right and it felt like this was necessary. After speaking to my intuitive, I was like yes, absolutely. Because she said, until I heal this mother wound basically of needing approval from her that you know, my wealth, my massive wealth and my healthy relationship can't come back because this is just something, this is like my life's work is not my life's work, but one of my life missions is to clear this. That was something I really wanted to do in this lifetime. So and the way I see it is, when you're on the manifestation flatline obstacles that pop up like this, you might think, god, I'm even further. When that's not the truth, you're actually closer because the obstacles are coming up for you to clear and then on the other side of that is the manifestation.

Speaker 1:

So this was all really exciting for me and after our argument I was like you know what? Maybe I should just move out into my own little house, because obviously I can afford to do that, but I really want to work on increasing and multiplying my income and assets, right. So it's a lot easier to do that when I'm not paying rent or mortgage. So all of this made so much sense. We can only connect the dots looking backwards. So any bit of doubt that I had, that I had made the wrong choice, disappeared because I was like, okay, I know.

Speaker 1:

Once I'm able to heal this and my whole goal with everything is to feel untriggerable, to feel neutral. And a good example that my intuitive gave me is, let's say, someone's talking bad about you and they're like, oh my God, look at her or his blue hair, so ugly. And you're like, well, I don't have blue hair, so okay, it's like not relevant. That's how we need to feel toward money, toward, you know, seeking that approval from people, and so I need to get into that place, and once I am, then I know that I will have fully healed this and fully cleared this. So my question for you as I wrap this up is one where in your life are you seeing patterns? Where are things happening that you might have thought are happening to you or against you, but they're actually happening for you? Like I knew in the moment that my ex stopped paying for childcare, that you know I no longer had my corporate job, that the black mold hadn't been fixed, like all of that happened for a reason, and I do 100% believe that my guides are always working on my behalf to also help. You know the direction. Obviously we have free will, but definitely help supporting the direction because I have a very clear target of where I want to be and I communicate that to my unconscious, to my guides, and so that makes it a lot easier to move toward that. And, of course, obstacles are going to come up, like things are going to have to be cleared, because, just for example, if I hadn't cleared on my money blocks, I wouldn't feel comfortable with massive wealth. I would have unconsciously sabotaged it or spent it all, just like I did when I won, when I had a six-figure lawsuit that I won and I went through it in a year because I didn't feel comfortable with it, I didn't feel safe with it. Unconsciously, it wasn't conscious. So there's things that we have to heal before we can really go to that next level. So what are your like? Top one to three goals.

Speaker 1:

And then one other piece that I will mention because it's something I'm learning right now and it's so cool. Definitely check out this book called Existential Kink. Sounds kind of weird, but it's a shadow workbook and it's it actually. It's written by this. I don't know if she's PhD, I'm not sure if she's a psychologist, but she talks about how sometimes we are actually attracting all the negative things in our life because our unconscious like kind of gets pleasure from it. It's very interesting. She gives you a lot of questions to ask yourself, and so I'm also taking this program from Catherine Zankeena right now called the Manifestation Reset, and so what she does is she tells you to think about what.

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Why could I secretly be desiring this? For example, if someone is really wanting to be taken care of, I have someone in mind, but I'm not going to use their name. So let's say, someone didn't have the best childhood. Their mother was kind of like, you know, not very warm, their father was gone or drunk and they didn't really feel taken care of. Maybe they had a lot of siblings. So all through their adult life they were seeking relationships where that person they were looking for, that one person who would just take care of them, you know, because unconsciously they didn't know they were seeking that, but that's what they were seeking. And so every time a relationship would fall apart, that person would go back and live with their parents and their parents would take care of them and like, secretly, they were wanting that pattern, unconsciously, because they wanted to be felt like they were taken care of.

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And so other people, and actually I just asked myself these questions the other day about why hasn't my massive wealth arrived yet, what could be a secret desire that I'm holding on to that's preventing my massive wealth? And I actually realized, because once I am wealthy, I'll no longer have the financial support for my parents, which I wouldn't need, but it's like I've always had that. And then two another question that she recommends asking is what is it about your current situation that might make you feel, unconsciously, that it's good the way it is? And so for me it was. Well, things are kind of simple. So when I'm wealthy, I'm going to have to hire a accountant, which I'm actually doing right now, so I'm actually preparing for my wealth.

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Now, because I was able to sit down and ask myself these questions, I'm going to have to set up some kind of direction for all my money to go. That felt a little overwhelming to me, but now I'm excited. I'm so excited to figure out okay, how am I going to? What assets will I build? What assets are going to multiply All of that? And so I started getting excited about that, whereas if I hadn't taken that time to really ask myself what kind of secret desire keeps attracting this right, because I wanted to be taken care of financially and that had a connection with my parents. Well, once you bring that to the light, it dissolves. So once you start asking yourself these questions, it's not going to stay in the dark in the unconscious, right.

Speaker 1:

So that's just one more little tidbit I wasn't planning on sharing, but I actually stayed up kind of late reading that book and I was like, oh my God, this is like amazing. It's definitely different. But yeah, definitely check it out. I'll link it in the show notes for you. Anyway, you have a wonderful day. Dm me any questions. If you enjoyed this, please share it. And yeah, we've been getting up on the top of the chart. So thank you, japan, I was like number 55. Sweden, I was pretty high up there, just got to work on maintaining and yeah. So thank you so much. I couldn't do it without you guys. Thank you so much for listening to the 5D CFO podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it and tag me on social media. You can find me at Angela Marie Christian on Instagram, facebook and TikTok. If you haven't purchased my best selling book, manifestation Mastery, yet priced at 99 cents on Amazon for the Kindle version.