
Clearing the Fear of Rejection

Angela Marie Christian Season 1 Episode 77

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I spent 40 years fearing the word 'no', but when I finally let go of that fear, my world transformed.

Let me take you through my journey and show you how overcoming the fear of rejection fueled my creativity, intuition, humor, and even my business growth. I'll share anecdotes of asking for seemingly impossible things and how focusing on clear yeses and nos rather than just making a sale transformed my self-promotion approach.

The conversation gets even richer as we delve into the fight or flight response. A simple misunderstanding of this natural reaction can lead to violence, and learning its nuances transformed my communication skills. You'll hear personal stories of how clearing emotions like fear, anger, guilt, and shame can help create a better world. And yes, you'll get a glimpse of my unyielding attempts to get Aaron Rogers on the podcast. :-)

A thrilling episode awaits, one where we shatter the chains of fear and embrace rejection as just another word.

References mentioned:

Regulate by Andrea Crowder (I'm a PROUD affiliate of hers): HERE.

Join The 5D CEO Society HERE.

Book a 1:1 Session with me HERE

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the 5D CFO podcast. My name is Angela Marie Christian and my mission is to help entrepreneurs and thought leaders rise to the 5D, where we can find wealth in all dimensions, in all areas of life Enjoy. Hello and welcome to the 5D CFO podcast. I'm Angela Christian, your host, and today I want to talk about rejection. So I was creating a social media post today to talk about rejection, and this happens quite often is I will then be like, oh my gosh, I have so much to say and I'm worried that if I put that all in the body of the post, that people might not read it, because I don't know if you know this, but our attention span is now officially less than a goldfish. So this is how sometimes I come up with my podcast episodes is I have so much to say that could really help someone in both life and business, and you know it might not all fit on my Instagram post. So hence my podcast, which is why I love it so much.

Speaker 1:

I just want you to think about this for a second, whether it's your personal life or business, like how would your life improve or your business improve if you weren't scared of rejection? I was afraid of rejection my whole life. And now I'm not. And you know, just imagine for a minute after you know 40 years of fearing rejection, the word no no longer has any meaning to it, because I've cleared that fear. I cannot even access that fear, and I'm going to just go back a little bit here. So you might have heard me talk about this before, but repetition is the mother of learning. So even if you hear me say something more than once, just know that's just sinking in even more for you. So when we were babies, right, our lives depended on the love and care of our parents, our caretakers, and so rejection was literally equated to it, equated to death, like if we were to be rejected by our parents or our caretakers, we would die because we were completely dependent on them and even though, as adults, we no longer need their care, if we're a fully functioning adult, unconscious mind hasn't been updated and that's all that needs to happen is unconscious mind needs to be updated, that rejection no longer means death, like literally. And once it's updated, things just like open up.

Speaker 1:

Because if you're going about your day, especially if you're in like sales, or you're a business owner and you're feeling that, for me at least, the fear of rejection would be in my stomach, like it would feel like a ton of butterflies. Would feel like this sinking feeling or like I did something bad, like I was waiting to be punished by my parents. It was just an awful feeling. Might feel like that for you, it might feel like you know something else. But now I don't feel it and I'm going to tell you what this has done for my business and give you some examples of what it could do for yours much less your life. Because, like I said, if you have a sales team maybe you own a big business just imagine, like how, what this could do for your business if your sales team did not fear rejection. What would that look like? It would look like your sales team picking up the phone, emailing more people, which would equate to more sales, more revenue, right? So if you're just an entrepreneur and you don't have a sales team, it's even more important because you aren't trained, probably, in sales. So I feel like it takes a very certain type of person to be a salesperson by trade when you don't have these kinds of nervous system, regulation modalities in your life, because you have to be willing to take no and just kind of let it roll off.

Speaker 1:

And a lot of people are probably in sales just living in fight or flight. Because if you haven't cleared that fear of rejection where you equate unconsciously equate rejection to death, then you're living in fight or flight all day. And when you're in fight or flight, like I've said, energy gets pulled from the brain and it goes into your legs to run fast or to your jaw to bite right. So it's fight or flight. When you're living in fight or flight, you don't have all the energy available to you in your brain. And when you're not in fight or flight, when you're thriving versus surviving, you're able to access much higher levels of wisdom, intuition, creativity, humor, all of that which is very important for just life in general, but also as a business owner, as an entrepreneur.

Speaker 1:

So here's what clearing this fear has done for my business I do not fear no when I'm asking for what might seem impossible. And I've had a lot of friends comment on this where I've had amazing podcast guests. I mean, all of my guests have been amazing, but there's some who are like famous, and so my friends will be like how are you getting these people on your podcast? And it's like I just ask and I don't fear rejection. The worst that's going to happen is they'll say no, which I've been told no, or they'll just ignore me, like Aaron Rogers. I've asked Aaron Rogers to be on my podcast probably 10 times over a DM. I should probably find his email address or something, but I just keep asking. He has millions of followers. He probably hasn't even seen the message, but maybe I'll call him out on Instagram. But he has a really cool view of spirituality and that's why I want him on my podcast, because I feel like he would bring just a new kind of story or view and so I don't fear rejection. If they tell me no, I'm not going to keep hassling them. It's like okay, cool. You know, maybe it's not aligned, maybe I'll check in some other time.

Speaker 1:

Or if I'm promoting something, like I'm getting ready to ramp up the relaunch of my 5D CEO society membership, I used to feel kind of like icky about sharing something, even though I knew it could help so many people. I was not a natural born salesperson and so to me it felt like self-promoting was just kind of awkward. And underneath it, though unconsciously, because your mind applies meaning to things and it's automatic. It's not something you can control until you, and then if you clear it, then it's not going to do that anymore. But what was happening is I was worried. Oh, what are people gonna think? Am I promoting too much? Am I selling too much? Are people gonna get sick of me? Are? Is it gonna be crickets?

Speaker 1:

You will see a lot of my Instagram posts and Facebook posts have no likes, have no comments. I don't care Like. I really don't care, because I know from my DMs especially and even if I wasn't getting DMs, I know that what I'm saying is helping people and that is what I'm here to do. I'm not here to get a thousand likes. I'm not here to get a million followers. If that happens, that's awesome. The more people I can help, the better. But I don't care about vanity metrics.

Speaker 1:

Part of that is being able to post, and you want to repel the people that aren't aligned for you or a match for you. You want them to be like okay enough and unfollow you. I want that because if they're not on the same energetic path or at least going in the right direction for example, if someone thinks RRT is a joke I obviously don't want them following me because, unless unconsciously they might be curious about it, they're following for that reason. If they were going to be negative about it or something, then I wouldn't want them following me. That's how I look at social media. Is I'm attracting my tribe based on my energy, because energy does not lie. I would rather have a smaller following of people who really get it or who are really taking something from what I'm saying, rather than a million followers of people who don't really care or who aren't reading my posts. I get enough DMs to know that people are reading it and they are getting it or they want to do it.

Speaker 1:

After I cleared this fear of rejection because, again, I wasn't posting very much during promotions and sometimes I would just this is what I did with my first launch of the membership is. I got some courage and I was like I'm just going to launch it. But then, once I took some time to actually clear the fear of rejection, it's from a different space and now I feel excited to share my offers, my membership, and not only that. But I don't care if I get a yes from everyone. What I see is and I was taught this by Andrea Crowder my job is to get people clear. It's either a clear yes from those who are a good fit or a clear no from those who aren't. That's what I care about, more than making a sale. I want people to be like yes, I need this, or no, that doesn't align because it's one or the other.

Speaker 1:

And so once you clear the fear of rejection, what I noticed at least, is you'll most likely see an increase of interest in you and your offerings. That is because when you aren't selling from fear or like some kind of frantic or needy energy, then your aligned customers and your aligned clients will find you. So what you want to do is just take a sip of the future that you want, and this is a Joe Dispenza technique. It's like just close your eyes and see your business, see that you're just like you just made the biggest sale of the month, or maybe it's your biggest month ever, like what a relief, right, and just feel that and just take a sip of that and like stay in that energy, because then what you're doing is you're inviting the people into your life who you can actually help with that kind of energy, and they're not going to be repelled by any kind of like frantic or needy energy. I mean, I've shared this before, but there was a.

Speaker 1:

My most successful launch ever was when I was in like such a good energetic space and I had a actually pretty low expectation and I like tripled what I expected to bring in, which was awesome. But then, when I was going through my divorce and I did the same launch, it was a very low number because I was like feeling frantic. I was feeling like obligated because I'd already met, like I'd already set up these. I think it was like a five day boot camp, like everything was set up and so I felt obligated to go through with it. Now what I should have done is postponed it. And now that's what I would do now. If my energy wasn't aligned, I would postpone it. And so what would happen to your business? What can you imagine would happen to your business or your life? Like, maybe there's someone you want to date but you're scared of rejection, which is totally normal. Most people are, because we equate rejection with death, unconsciously, until it's cleared. And so just think about that. Like, wouldn't it feel better to not fear rejection anymore?

Speaker 1:

And another way to look at this is the way other people interpret us tells us a lot about them. It tells us nothing about us, and that's because every piece of information that they are deciphering unconsciously flows through a lens of past trauma, past issues, unconscious blocks that we know nothing about. Like even my sister and I have the same parents, grew up in the same household. We have very different views on a lot of things and we remember things like she'll remember something I can't remember, maybe a blocked out, and vice versa. So everybody is interpreting things from their own lens, and so that's what we have to remember is someone might say something negative about you, but it doesn't tell you anything about you. It tells you a lot about them and about their thought process, but it does not tell you about you. So don't let that stop you from serving in whatever way it is that you were brought here to serve.

Speaker 1:

So just wanted to share a little Monday motivation with you. It popped in and I just felt called to share it. If this helped you, please do reach out and let me know. I love hearing when something resonates and if you're interested, I almost forgot to share how to actually clear it. If you're interested in clearing this, I have two options for you, actually three options. One regulate, which is a course that clears a lot of issues that a lot of people deal with, both in business and life. It is such a great program. It's only $3.99 and there are payment options. I go back to it. I actually just listened to it this morning, like if things pop up in my life. I'll just share some of the things that are cleared with this program regulate. It clears the feeling I'm not good enough. It helps with motivation and initiation. It clears other people's perceptions and then it clears some money. There's a money belief track on there, creating feelings of clarity or knowing what to do next. Boundaries for all those people pleasers Like I used to be even a weight loss track, and then there's a really great one about neutralizing over stimulation from kids or your environment. So that's just some of them. It's an amazing program and I'll share the link in my show notes.

Speaker 1:

The second way would be to join the 5D CEO membership in there we're going to be diving into it's my membership. I have trainings on all the 3D, like business, accounting, finance. I'll help you set the foundations for your business. I'll have monthly Q and A's where you can ask me anything about business or if you need help clearing like some kind of block. I'm going to be offering quarterly RRT clearings, so I'll have a topic and maybe I'll I what I might do is just have you guys vote, but I'll definitely be clearing the fear of rejection and then money beliefs those will be to. That will be the first ones to do.

Speaker 1:

I have a guest speaker coming on actually this week, tomorrow. So Daniel Taylor is coming into the group tomorrow and she's amazing. So she's going to do a talk on her modality, which is emotion code. I use it monthly with her. I usually have at least one session per month with her and I've used it with my kids. It's I can't say enough good things about Daniel. So she's going to be live tomorrow. So if you join the membership today, you'll be able to join the live call or you'll catch the replay. She's also going to offer a free one on one healing session to all my members, as well as ongoing discounts. I'm also going to have other people from my healing team come on and I just love highlighting the people who've had a really big influence on me and my journey and there's a lot of them, and they're doing such wonderful things in the world that I want to give back by bringing them in, exposing them to you, and then, if you feel like it's a fit, you can always schedule one on one time with them, or you can just schedule a one on one call with me and we can clear this for you, or I will clear this for you and I will share all the links in the show notes.

Speaker 1:

And yeah, I would love to see everybody not fear rejection, because the more that we can get people out of fight or flight, the better our world is going to be.

Speaker 1:

Because I'll share this quick example One of my exes. He's very much in survival mode. He had a horrible childhood, a lot of bad things happened to him and everything is fight or flight. Everything is like a fight. Basically, I mean, it's really hard to even communicate with him because he is always in fight or flight, so he's not really listening and it makes it difficult to communicate, especially when you're trying to not fight.

Speaker 1:

And when people are in fight or flight, they're more aggressive, they're ready to like. They have all this energy pulsing through their limbs and their jaw and they just, you know, it's like they need to get that energy out, and so that's how a lot of violence takes place. So the more that we can clear these unconscious, unhelpful emotions like fear, anger, guilt and shame, the better our world would be, and that's why I feel so pumped up about our RT, because it is just like opened up a whole new world for me. So, anyway, I hope this was helpful for you and have a beautiful week. Thank you so much for listening to the 5D CFO podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it and tag me on social media. You can find me at Angela Marie Christian on Instagram, facebook and TikTok. If you haven't purchased my bestselling book Manifestation Mastery yet, it's priced at $0.99 on Amazon for the Kindle version.