
How to Make Peace with your Current Reality...and Create a Better One

Angela Marie Christian Season 1 Episode 84

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Ever had to make a U-turn and move back in with your parents? I did, and it taught me the art of finding peace in unexpected conditions. Join me as I share my journey, the stumbling blocks, and the transformation that came from embracing change. From firsthand experiences, I've learned that our thoughts, emotions, and bodies do not define us, and it's crucial not to let others' opinions shape us. This episode is all about the journey to self-discovery and the importance of authenticity.

In the spirit of letting go and growth, I've discovered that Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) can help clear negative thoughts and emotions. Imagine not clinging to the lint on a sweater or carrying trash with us forever? That's the kind of freedom we're discussing.

As we near the holiday season and look forward to the future, let's remind ourselves to be present. It's all about embracing today while keeping our eyes on the horizon. So, let's navigate these waters together, shall we?

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the 5D CFO podcast. My name is Angela Marie Christian and my mission is to help entrepreneurs and thought leaders rise to the 5D, where we can find wealth in all dimensions, in all areas of life. Enjoy, hello and welcome back to the 5D CFO. Wrapping up season one, I will probably only have maybe a couple more episodes for season one, and then season two is going to be a whole next level, because for season one it's been kind of like tinkering, which is really important for entrepreneurs. Like the whole point of being an entrepreneur is to tinker and to actually enjoy the process, because when you're just focused on getting to there, wherever that there might be, then you're not enjoying the journey and that's part of living. And so I think it's fun to tinker, I think it's fun to just kind of experiment, and that's really what season one was all about. And it's kind of a beautiful parallel to my business as well, because my business has just reached such a next level, and so I'm just so incredibly grateful for all the people in my life, for all of you. I'm sending every one of you just so much love and light and gratitude and I really hope that 2024 is an amazing year for you, whether that means you're learning more about yourself, you're successful in business, you meet someone amazing to find partnership with, whatever it might be. I just felt called to record this episode today. I have no notes, I'm just coming on and riffing a little bit, because one of my commitments I've noticed in the past is that I haven't been super consistent, because I do like to follow my energy. So if I'm not feeling super energy rich, if I'm feeling stressed out in business, I have a deadline. It wasn't always easy for me to get a podcast episode out, but now what I'm realizing is I have much more freedom in my schedule and I can batch on days where I feel more energy, and so next season definitely expect more consistency from me. Not only that, but I am going to be taking the time to write out my episodes, at least an outline that will correspond to blog articles, newsletter, social media posts, all of that. It's just been such a transition and a fun journey getting to this place, and so I already have some amazing guests lined up for 2024 as well, so it's kind of beautiful.

Speaker 1:

Season one is ending at the end of this year and, as many of you know, it's been a year of change for me leaving my million dollar home to move back in with my parents, which at first was very rough I'm not going to lie, but I've actually and that's kind of what I wanted to talk about today as well. There's a couple of things. Is really the importance of making peace with your current conditions because I actually had a conversation with a client this week around this very thing and one of my first episodes and blog posts in 2024 is going to be a deep dive into why people aren't able to change, why there's something they want to. You know, it's not even about becoming. It's more about releasing what isn't you and stepping into that you know, fully authentic self. And it's really hard and I'll give you a hint it's because we have conditioned our body to actually become addicted to negative emotions.

Speaker 1:

So if you're someone and I'm going to go way more into this in my blog article and newsletter and podcast but if you're someone who grew up and you just had a lot of guilt, for example, and then one day you realize, like, you catch yourself apologizing to a salesperson who didn't give you enough change back, and you're apologizing and you're like wait, why am I apologizing and why do I apologize to everyone? I don't know about you, but I still catch myself sometimes when someone almost runs into me and I'll be like, oh sorry, like it's my fault, instead of just saying like, oh, excuse me, or you know, whatever it might be. But if you are someone who has grown up with a lot of guilt, then all of a sudden you're starting to become aware of that guilt and you try to change your body. It's literally going to go through a withdrawal and it's going to start sending signals to your brain like, oh my God, what's going on? We need to get this person to start feeling guilt immediately because they think the body thinks something is going wrong. It's like a matter of survival and I help a lot of people with really seeing these unconscious emotions like guilt with RRT, and I'll talk about kind of the solutions as well in that episode. But just know, sometimes it's well especially around this time of year, I should say, when we're all about to make our New Year's resolutions. I'm actually not even making really New Year's resolutions. I'm not making the vision board that I see every day on my phone and I'm projecting it will come true within the next couple of years. I don't give myself a hard deadline, because that just puts way too much pressure on what you want to manifest and on yourself. So then it's less likely to manifest. And so when you're dealing with this time of year where there's a lot of people doing the resolutions, you might say like, oh, I want to lose 20 pounds. And this is kind of a funny story.

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I recently just joined my local yoga studio because I was like I'm set, there were three classes I wanted to take per week, three to four. So I was like that's perfect, I'll go. It made sense to just pay for the unlimited, because it was less expensive, obviously, because I was going to be going three to four times per week. So I did that. I went for about a week and I immediately got RSV, which I've been still battling a little bit, feeling much better. So I was out. I couldn't work out. I've not been able to work out in like four weeks, and those are the kinds of things that you don't even realize. Your body is dealing with some kind of identity crisis. So I used to be someone who worked out several times a week, but then you know I was going through some challenges where it wasn't possible. And now I'm trying to switch back my identity to someone who goes to yoga, who goes to work out, and your body can create sickness, it can create all of these things to try to keep you in the familiar, because unconscious mind reads familiar as safety, as survival. So just know that it's not always like. Don't be hard on yourself if you're not able to do it on your own.

Speaker 1:

Withhold your resolutions. Sometimes there's a lot more that has to go into it, like unconscious programming, like understanding how unconscious mind works and all of that. So make sure you keep an eye out for my first 2024 podcast episode, which will also be a newsletter and blog. So I'm really excited about that. And so, as you form, if you have resolutions or if you're doing a vision board, what's really important and I have experience with this so I can absolutely say that it works is if you're not where you want to be right now. Here's what I recommend, because your current reality is just a compilation of your past frequencies, thoughts and emotions compounded over time. That's what's created your current reality right now. So to change your future, you need to change your frequency, change your thoughts, change your emotions right Again.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes it can be easier said than done if you don't have the tools, like unconscious reprogramming, which, if you need help. I do monthly RRT sessions on my members and right now it's only 397 to join for the entire year and usually I would charge 250 for one RRT session. So it's quite a deal and it will be going up next year. So I'll drop a link in the show notes in case you do wanna join. We are going to be doing an RRT session on money blocks and wealth for December I think it's December 19th and then I also have my shaman creating a shamanic journey toward wealth, which is going to be amazing and only available inside my membership. So if you've been wanting to join, if you wanna be in a group of like-minded people and entrepreneurs, definitely come join us. So here is what I recommend if you're wanting to change your reality.

Speaker 1:

So one first, make peace with your current circumstances. Make peace with your current conditions. I did that when I moved out of my large house after filing for divorce and I lived in this tiny two bedroom apartment with my three kids and I made peace with it. I just I acted like I mean, obviously it was real, but I didn't put any energy into it. I was just like this got me to here and this is gonna get me to a bigger place. And sure enough, within six months I was literally across the street from my old big house and a big four bedroom, four bath house which served me for a while. And then I realized I was at that point I still had a full-time job and it was just I wasn't able to save. It was just very stressful. I wasn't able to build my business. So that got me to here. This was my choice to move back to my parents. I mean, there were other things that happened in the background that just made it a lot easier of a choice.

Speaker 1:

But Again, I sit in my bedroom at night sometimes and it's the same bedroom I grew up in and I kind of laugh because I'm like I literally feel like I'm in my twenties or even as a teenager, because it's my childhood room and like just dealing with my mom clean your room, you know and I just laugh. Some people would just be like, oh my God, I can't believe this is my reality. You know, blah, blah, blah. I'm so grateful. Every night I thank my parents in my mind. I'm like I'm so grateful that I have this option, because some people don't have that option. Some people don't have parents that they can go live with, and I'm so grateful I do, because it's allowing me to build my business, and I've quadrupled my business income.

Speaker 1:

After I made that decision, which had to be made out of love and not out of fear and because I made that decision, there was just this whole ripple effect, and now I'm still at peace with my current circumstances and I'm giving my energy to the future Instead of complaining about my present or even my past. I am giving my energy to the future. And not just that, but I'm seeing. Every morning and night I fall asleep envisioning myself. It's a very specific meditation I'm going to be teaching in my membership about how to visualize your future self and then embody that now, and so there's a really great way to do this is also incorporating your senses. So in my visualization and one piece of it, I'm sitting by a fire, drinking pumpkin spice coffee and maybe there's a vanilla candle and just really like feeling the flames of the fire, smelling the pumpkin spice.

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And it also depends on what type of manifestor you are, so if you're not into human design, you might not know what I'm talking about. But if you've heard of human design and I'm very new and we are actually going to have a teaching in my membership on human design soon and so there's non-specific manifestors, which you're really and that's what I am it's more about feelings. And then there's specific manifestors and that's when, like, if you're visualizing, you actually do want to get very specific on what you see in your visualization, whereas non-specific manifestors, like me, it's more about the feeling. So it actually relieved some pressure because sometimes it was so hard to visualize every detail. So I have, like the basic layout, the basic details, but I don't like make myself try to imagine every little nook and cranny, what's there. It's just more about the feeling and then embodying that now.

Speaker 1:

So every week I give myself, usually on Fridays, I'll have a pumpkin spice latte, I have pumpkin spice creamer, and so I'll close my eyes and I'll drink it and I feel the feeling of my future self. And this might sound like woo-woo out there to you, but this has worked for me and it's worked for so many people. And what's the worst thing that could happen, if you really gave this your all, you could be living a totally different life in three months, in six months, in a year, and if you don't do anything, you're going to continue staying where you're at, which maybe you're happy with where you're at, but maybe you're not. So just something to think about, and I just popped on to do like a quick episode. I'll leave you guys with one more little riff on this, but I posted so recently.

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I've gotten into Twitter, or X, whatever you want to call it. I was never really into it before, but I'm taking some courses by this guy named Dan Coe Dan KOE and he's amazing, he's brilliant, he's so creative and he's really helping me find my creativity again. And so I find it easier to actually write my posts on Twitter because I'm a writer at heart more than like a social media, like video person, and so what I do is I write my posts on Twitter and then I'll take a snapshot of it and share it on Instagram and other places. I wrote a post recently and it was. I'll just read it to you.

Speaker 1:

It says your truth will feel like a warm, cozy sweater. Just as we wouldn't hold on to the lint of an old sweater and think that's what makes it cozy, we also need to release what isn't authentically us and the lint equals other people's opinions and ideas of who we should be. Childhood programming right. So the whole thing behind this is you have thoughts, but you aren't your thoughts and in fact, most of your thoughts are automatic and they're not actually who you are. So you can actually do something where, if a thought pops in and it's not useful, you can ask yourself where did this come from? Is it mine? What is it trying to tell me? You can also do that, and I learned that from Andrea Crowder. You can also do that with any kind of negative sensations or emotions. Just ask yourself who's is this? Is it yours? Are you feeling your client's sensations? What do I need to know?

Speaker 1:

And so she recommends envisioning that as like a small child, because a lot of times we'll get scared of our own sensations and so, instead of focusing on your sensation, you can just close your eyes and see it as like a small child trying to warn you about a fire in the kitchen. You wouldn't be scared of that small child, right? You would follow that child into the kitchen to try to figure out what's going on. So when you're having unhelpful sensations and you don't really know what to do, close your eyes, see it as a child and say what do you need for me? Or show me what you need. And when I did this the other day, it was pretty amazing. Actually, it was today on a training with Andrea. I was having some sensations about there's a new course, a new program that I'm going to be coming out with in 2024. And I don't wanna talk about it quite yet because I'm really excited and I'm doing a strategy session with Andrea to kind of dig into it. So I've been feeling excited but also nervous.

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And when I asked that small child, what do you need, she actually dragged me into a room with other children and they said we all need you, we need your voice. And then it became something more than just me, more than about myself, it's like because this program will help children. And so I was like, wow, that was such like a good reframe and it took five seconds. So that's something to leave you with. So you have thoughts, but you aren't your thoughts. You have emotions, but you aren't your emotions. You have a body, but you aren't your body. You are, whatever you believe, spiritual-wise or religious-wise. I believe that we are divine sparks of light, that we are literally little sparks of God or universe or creator whatever you wanna say living a human experience. And so that analogy popped into my head the other day when I was thinking about I used to let other people's thoughts and opinions shape me and affect me so much, and it held me back for a very long time.

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And maybe you can relate I, even when I was younger, I would become whoever I thought like the guy I was dating wanted me to be. So if he was a cowboy, I would wear wranglers, if he was a preppy, I would wear my Ralph Lauren polo shirts. You know, it's like I didn't know who I was. I was very lost and I feel like a lot of people are and I really struggled with understanding my truth for the majority of my life and I was scared of fully stepping in and proclaiming my authority and authenticity. So it took so much unlearning, deprogramming and then rewiring to really clear all of that crap out.

Speaker 1:

That wasn't me, but it was in my hard drive, it was in my operating system. So just like if your computer is on the fritz and you wouldn't just sit there and yell at it and be like, hey, stop, stop. Like that's not going to do anything. You have to get into the hard drive or someone to clean it up, fix it up, whatever. So that's the same as us, by just telling yourself, like God, do better or just do it, or whatever. That's not going to do anything. It's just going to actually cause more frustration. We need to get into your hard drive, to your operating system, and make changes from there. So and it does take some time I started on this spiritual self-development journey in 2015 and I really wanted it to happen overnight.

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But I'm so glad it didn't, because in the last year and a half, I have had my world transformed many times, and if I had had that happen at an earlier stage, I wouldn't have been able to handle it. But because I had gone through so much training and reprogramming, I was able to see the house crumbling down so that I could build a bigger, stronger foundation, bigger, stronger house. And so you cannot rush the process, because that will set you back further. It's when you just really start loving the present moment, accepting the present moment, accepting your current circumstances without getting attached to them. It's just like okay, this is the way it is because of who I was in the past, the way I thought the way. I felt it's not going to be me going forward. Then hold a very strong vision for where you want to be and embody that feeling now.

Speaker 1:

Then, when I actually started getting RRT on myself I think I've been doing it now for almost a year it just felt like I came out of a fog, because we have so many computer tabs running in the background and once you start axing out of those tabs it frees up energy so that you can be more clear-headed. I'll just end with saying again just as you wouldn't cling to the lint on your sweater, thinking you needed that for warmth, you also wouldn't pick up a piece of trash. If you're walking by and you see a piece of trash floating in your pool or on the ground, you wouldn't pick that up and then think you have to carry that with you forever. That's just like other people's opinions, that's like obligatory energy, that's worrying about being judged. You would not pick up a piece of trash and think you need to carry it with you always. You would just toss it in the garbage. Let's get rid of that lint, let's get rid of that trash, let's reprogram you and let's get you ready for the life that you were sent here to live.

Speaker 1:

All of this was channeled through me and I felt called to do it, and that's what I see for you too. I see you stepping into the person that you were sent here to be, because I look at life right now as kind of a game. It's like we were sent here. We were filled with a bunch of crap from our parents, from society, from our teachers. The game is really clearing it all out so that we can be like oh, this is who I am, this is what I'm here to do. That's what I see for you.

Speaker 1:

I hope you have a wonderful holiday. If I don't make another episode before Christmas and the end of the year, I have two little ones who are going to be home with me for two weeks during the Christmas holidays. We'll see. Maybe I will make another episode before I wrap up season one, but if I don't, sending you so much love and light and I will see you in 2024. Thank you so much for listening to the 5D CFO podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please share it and tag me on social media. You can find me at Angela Marie Christian on Instagram, Facebook and TikTok. If you haven't purchased my best-selling book Manifestation Mastery, yet it's priced at $0.99 on Amazon for the Kindle version.