
5 Steps on Regulating your Nervous System for Next-Level Wealth

Angela Christian Season 2 Episode 85

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Have you ever felt shackled by the weight of convention, desperately yearning to break free and forge your own path? That's where my story comes in as I, Angela Christian, transition from a 5D CFO to an Unconventional CEO.

Grab the free Wealth Regulation System here.

Journey with me as we uncover the profound impact of societal expectations and explore how to build a business that resonates with your core values, all while navigating significant life shifts like divorce and moving.

This episode delves into the fascinating intersection of emotional well-being and financial health, as I share my intimate struggles with money-related fears. Discover the ways in which our fight or flight response can betray us financially and how tackling our deep-seated emotional scars can be the key to unlocking true wealth.

In our final chapter, we embark on a journey through the murky waters of childhood money beliefs and their lasting imprint on our adult lives. Through the transformative teachings of Andrea Crowder and Rapid Transformational Therapy, I recount my personal odyssey to rewire these ingrained perceptions. Listen in to learn about the potent role language plays in manifesting prosperity, and join me as I outline actionable steps to sync your mind and body with your financial aspirations.

Join WAP (Wealth Alignment Patters) by 2/26 for 30% off here (use code WAP30).
Use code WAP20 Feb 27th - March 1st here.

Don't forget to grab the Wealth Activation System PDF and subscribe to our newsletter.

Other mention: Regulate by Andrea Crowder here.
Future Self Fortune: here.
The Pleasure Model here

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Speaker 1:

Society told us who we should be. I tried that. It's not for me, and if you're here, I'm guessing it's not for you either. So welcome to the unconventional UnCEO podcast with your host, angela Christian, where my mission is to help you break free from the matrix once and for all to live a life of freedom, joy, wild abundance and fulfillment on your terms, unsubscribing from the status quo because you don't fit into someone else's box. Are you ready? Let's do it. Hello, hello. Oh my gosh, you guys.

Speaker 1:

I can't believe it's been two months since I released an episode. Thank you so much for being patient with me. Life has been life being not in a bad way. I will just give you a quick update, since it's been a minute. So I've been really busy with CFO work and I've also been really busy with this rebrand which, as you can see, I'm no longer the 5D CFO. My brand has actually evolved and it is now the unconventional CEO. And it's funny because my psychic said to me the other day she was like you know, I'm really impressed that you're okay with just like rebranding, even though you've already had like not like super established brand, but it's pretty. You know, I've had it everywhere for a while now and you know we're just kind of chatting how some people feel like even if they've outgrown their brand or outgrown anything, they're too scared to evolve, they're scared of the change. But when it comes to brand specific, you know they might worry like, oh, people are going to drop off or people might not know who this is. And, honestly, if you've been around for a while, if you've been listening to this podcast for I think I've been doing it for my gosh, like two years, is that right? Yeah, two years You'll know that this isn't my first rebrand. So this podcast actually started out as per circle, then evolved to the 5D CFO and it's now the unconventional CEO. And I feel like, just like people, our businesses also evolve and I feel like our brand should evolve if we've made drastic changes internally, externally.

Speaker 1:

And so when I first started out with her, her circle, I felt very comfortable just really focusing on, like this circle of women and mothers, and I wasn't quite sure where I wanted to go, but I knew a big piece of it was like mindfulness, conscious parenting, spirituality, business. I didn't know quite what I was going to do. Then, as things became clearer, I had a massive download and that's when the 5D CFO came to me. Then I launched my 5D CFO fractional firm and I've had that brand probably for about a year and since, well, I guess it's been a year now. I guess it's kind of a pattern.

Speaker 1:

So then I just felt, with rapid resolution therapy, getting certified in that, making such massive shifts in my life, with nervous system regulation, with unconscious reprogramming, with spirituality, with going through a divorce and moving several times, and then having a teenager go off to college, and just thinking about, like what is my vision and what is my anti-vision? Like what don't I want? Here's what I don't want. And this is what this brand is all about. That's about unsubscribing from the status quo. Because what I don't want I don't want a corporate job, I don't want to work nine to five, I don't want to, you know, work 40 hours a week for 40 years, to retire at 65 on a retirement that might be there might make you struggle. Like I don't really see myself ever retiring. If this is what I'm doing with my life, like I love it, like why would I want to work just to stop? Like none of that makes sense to me.

Speaker 1:

And then just how our society really instills and programs into us like get good grades, go to college, get a job, get married, get, you know, buy a house, all these things, and it's. I just started really thinking about it, like, hmm, like why are those being programmed into us? Why are we learning about trigonometry in school instead of how to do our taxes, how to invest? I just learned this year how to properly invest and I was taught through a great program with Amy Singster how to invest and not have to pay someone, because even if you're paying someone, like 2% or whatever it is, it adds up to a lot, and I didn't realize that. So I did learn how to invest for myself, so I don't have to pay someone to do it. So I was, you know, just learned this year and, mind you, I have an MBA, so you would think that I would know how to invest properly, and so it's just been a big like this year. It's just been a lot of massive eye openings, and not just like I feel like with my eyes, but also just spiritually and I'm seeing what's actually going on in society.

Speaker 1:

All the programming and I'm like, you know, I just don't subscribe to that anymore. I did at one point. I never felt aligned with it. But I was just like, well, maybe that's just me, maybe there's something weird about me. And then, you know, I saw that I was doing it to my oldest daughter.

Speaker 1:

I put her in a college prep, high school and I was, you know, not super hard on her, but I mean she got. She graduated with a 4.6 GPA, honors, ap. We had this full plan for her to go to medical school and move away to Southern California. When it came time to move, she was just like Mom, I'm scared, I don't want to move away. It just made me think, gosh, why did I push her so hard? For what? For what? Because, honestly, you could learn more, and I have. I've learned more in the online digital space, working with mentors who've actually built multimillion-dollar companies, mentors who've taught me how to invest. All of these CEOs in the space are unconventional and I like it. I totally want to be in their circles. That's who I've paid to be in their circles.

Speaker 1:

Now, one of them who I've talked about a lot Andrea Crowder. I was just on her podcast. I'll link it in the show notes, which that was really exciting for me, because back in February 2023, a year ago actually sorry, it was January 2023, so a little over a year ago, I stumbled into Andrea's world through Catherine Zinchina Manifestation. Babe, catherine kept talking about her coach, andrea, and I was like I need to find out who this coach is, because if you know Catherine, she's very successful and she's self-made. I figured out it was Andrea Crowder who was her coach. I downloaded her free programs, then I bought one of her less expensive programs. Then, finally, I invested in a program called WAP Wealth Alignment Patterns. With that, there was an offer for 50 percent off regulate. Those are the two best programs I have ever invested in. I will link it in the show notes, depending on when you're listening to this episode. Now, through February 26th 2024, I have a 30 percent off coupon for WAP.

Speaker 1:

Andrea is actually going to be relaunching this live, which I didn't even get it live. I paid full price for it. She's going to be doing it live and the first 10 people to sign up actually, I think there's only four spots left for this the first 10 people to sign up and pay in full we'll get one week boxer access with Andrea. But she told me this morning there's only four left. So I don't know what the update is, but also I'm throwing in a couple of my own bonuses, because she chose me and a few other women to help her launch this. So I'm throwing in access to me during the entire program, boxer access. We can just catch up, we can work through anything, talk about what you're experiencing and just have someone supporting you as you go through it. Because this program and this isn't what my podcast is about today exactly, but it is talking about money I'll just wrap this up quickly.

Speaker 1:

But this program, wap, like you guys, it changed everything. Because I used to fear checking my bank account. Like, even when I knew there was a lot of money in there, I would get sick to my stomach. I wouldn't want to check my bank account. And there's one episode in this program, or track or whatever you want to call it that clears that fear. And it cleared it and I cannot access that fear, like it's gone. And to me that's when I was like whoa, what is this sorcery Called rapid resolution therapy and so that's what kind of put me on this whole path this last year of just nervous system reprogramming. I've had one-on-ones with Dr Connolly, I've just made so many shifts and I attribute all of that to WAP and regulate. That really helped me start on that path of reprogramming my unconscious and clearing these old traumas.

Speaker 1:

So if you're interested in that, check the show notes. There'll be a link there. I'll link the discount code. It's 30% off until the 26th and then I think it goes down to 20% off. I'll link all that information. So you're interested in it. If you have any questions about it, just DM me. Sorry, you guys, my light keeps turning off Very weird.

Speaker 1:

Ok, so I just wrote this free e-book which I'll link in the show notes. You can just grab it. I'll be talking about a lot of it on this episode, but if you like to have an actual PDF, I like to usually have both. I like to listen to books and then I also like to have the actual book, and again, it's free. It's called the wealth regulation system and it's going to help you start shifting out of fight or flight and into financial freedom.

Speaker 1:

I just really wanted to kick off this new podcast vibe with some wealth talk, and actually I created this because I'm in a program. Dan Ko is one of my mentors. He's helping me grow on Twitter. I'm in his mastermind and really just learning how that whole side of it works. So if you're on or X, I should say If you're on X, come find me. I am Angela. I'll link in the show notes because it's kind of a weird one, angela Christian was taken. So in this e-book I talk about five steps to regulate your nervous system to your next level of wealth. And also Andrea has a great program called Future Self-Portion, which I'll link in the show notes. That one is great and she actually just updated it and added some new stuff, so highly recommend that one as well.

Speaker 1:

I listen to it whenever I'm needing a little boost, because what I have found with unconscious reprogramming is that so, for example, in WAP, I was no longer scared of checking my bank account. I no longer feared money. So I cleared all of that almost like the bottom of a triangle, and so then I go up the next level. So then it became fear around holding onto large amounts of money, because I started making a lot of money, but then I was also just spending it and I was like what am I spending this money on? I don't go shopping. And so I realized there was some programming, or there was some programming around not feeling safe holding onto money due to some childhood issues I'll talk about in a minute. So it's like you clear one level, so then now I'm going back through WAP. That's why I'm excited to relaunch this with her, because I'm actually going to go through it with all of you guys, whoever decides to join and work on the new levels, and so you can kind of just go back to this and you can go back to WAP and just go through it and clear until you are like good, and then you can visit it anytime you need.

Speaker 1:

So these tips I'm going to share are based on years of studying energetics, quantum physics, human behavior, psychology, but, more importantly, just based on life experiences as well as my clients. So step one, this is all about understanding fight or flight, and the unfortunate truth is that most people are stuck in fighter flight. So our fighter flight system was really useful. When we were cavemen running from lions, it would turn on. It would send energy to our legs to run fast for a short amount of time. Or if we were trying to protect our babies, for example, it would send energy to our jaw to bite, and then, once we were saved, our babies were safe. That fighter flight would turn off.

Speaker 1:

But in our current environment, in our current world, especially with the news on 24 seven alerting us of dangers all over the world which this didn't happen when we were cavemen and cave women our primal alarm system has become really dysfunctional. So there's an emotion center in the brain and it's kind of similar to a smoke detector. So, just like a smoke detector in your house can't tell the difference between you burning dinner versus a real house fire, it just goes off when it gets enough smoke right. It can't tell the difference between real threat or a perceived threat, just like our system can't tell the difference between real versus perceived danger. So and you might have heard me talk about some of this before, but it's never like you cannot listen to this enough times, because what I've found is like the more that I listen to something, even if I've heard it before, the deeper it goes. So I teach I might have mentioned this to you guys.

Speaker 1:

I teach my students this in my programs but I like to think of our memories and experiences as like little mini marshmallows on a conveyor belt heading to a big storage unit, and so normal experiences and memories go straight in, while disturbing events do not. Instead, the mini marshmallows blow up and they sit right outside the storage unit, which then sends the message to unconscious mind that the traumatic event is still happening, about to happen or just happened. And as it sits there, it's vibrating and it's you know, it's telling that your fight or flight system to stay on and your fight or flight system is activated by the sympathetic nervous system. And not only that, but as it's out there just vibrating, anything that might be even slightly similar to this event, if it's like, even in the same vibration, just barely it will set the alarm off. And I'll give you an example.

Speaker 1:

So let's say Kathy's on a first date with Jimmy and Jimmy is wearing a yellow shirt. She can't shake the feeling that something's off. She decides oh, this must be my intuition warning me about him. Maybe he's a bad guy, but my friend sent me up with him and she said he's like the nicest guy, like why is this happening? Well, kathy was assaulted as a teenager and the guy was wearing a yellow shirt. And although her conscious mind doesn't remember you know perhaps that he was wearing a yellow shirt unconscious mind is thinking it needs to protect her by setting off those internal alarms, because it just the yellow shirt is enough to set off alarms. So then you know when this is happening you might feel increased heart rate, blood pressure and really narrow focus.

Speaker 1:

So our unconscious mind is constantly on alert for anything that might have harmed us in the past, especially if it hasn't been cleared yet and hasn't been sent into the storage unit, and it will alert us of potential danger, whether it's valid or not. And so when our body's stuck in fight or flight, it shuts off access to higher levels of wisdom, joy, intuition, creativity, logic all the things we want. And so if you're suffering financially right now, I guarantee you're stuck in fight or flight. And you know I see this a lot with my clients, with family members, with friends, is that they're feeling so stressed out about money it's all they can think about. They're obsessing about the money they don't have, and that is keeping them in this cycle. And you know you cannot solve problems from the same level, same consciousness that they're created. So my whole like and my job is to shift you out of survival to thrive mode.

Speaker 1:

So now I'm gonna go over some common signs of being stuck in fight or flight Fatigue, forgetfulness, hopelessness, chronic stress, difficulty just relaxing, difficulty focusing, any kind of digestive disorders, immune system dysfunction or being in a constant state of alertness, like if you scare easily. It's also called hypervigilance, and so just understanding how the fight or flight system works is really crucial to shifting out of it, and so if any of this resonates with you, I can help in many different ways. You can book a one-on-one session with me. I'll link it in the notes, in the show notes. You can sign up for a WAP and I'll be there with you supporting you. You can come into my membership, the Unconventional CEO, which I release monthly RRT sessions on different topics. So one month it was on wealth, one month it was on motivation, one month it was on releasing heartbreak, and then we do monthly Q&As and hot seat coaching. So you have the opportunity every month to show up and I'll answer your questions. I'll walk you through anything you're stuck with. So I'll link that in the show notes as well.

Speaker 1:

And I actually haven't even talked about my new program. This will be a different episode, but I just launched a new program called Clean BDE, clean Baby Dottie Energy, where I help you clear toxic energy trauma from your co-parent, whether you're still with them or not. Rrt helped me do this with all three of my baby daddies and now I am taking what I learned and I'm doing it for others. So that program is still open. I'm adding the audios every week. Once all of the audios are added, the price is going to double. So if you're interested in that, if you deal with negative co-parenting issues or you have a lot of trauma one of the women in it she doesn't even have children. She has a lot of dad issues, so she's finding a lot of value with it. So I will link that in the show notes and definitely always reach out to me if you have a question or if you're like, hey, I'm really struggling with this. What would be the best?

Speaker 1:

Okay, so moving on to step number two, awareness of what I call open tabs. So I want you to think of your brain as a supercomputer and if you're anything like me, you probably have like 50 tabs open on. I have like two browsers, sometimes three. It's kind of ridiculous and even though you're only focusing on the one tab, the other ones are still running in the background using up energy in space, and so when you start closing the tabs, you actually start freeing up energy and space. It's the same with our unconscious mind, when you have those huge sticky marshmallows sitting outside of the storage unit taking up energy and setting off false alarms, you won't be operating optimally. So here's how you know if you have any open tabs.

Speaker 1:

It says easiest thinking about a painful memory and noticing if it causes any of these emotions fear, guilt, anger, shame, frustration, resentment. If you can call up a memory that produces one of these feelings, you have an open tab that's taking up energy that needs to be cleared, and that's what I do in rapid resolution therapy. That's why I'm so obsessed with it, because it literally clears these tabs. Where, like you, couldn't pay me a million dollars to feel angry about my acts, who stole thousands of dollars from me? Was it okay? No, but I feel neutral about it because in our RT, another thing that we learn is he should be that way, based on his biology, based on his environment growing up, based on his programming. He should be that way. When you start saying he shouldn't be that way, that actually causes sensations in your body to try to get him to not be that way. Even though that memory was so long ago, my mind is thinking, oh, we need to go make sure he doesn't steal that money, and so that's not helpful. It takes up your energy, it keeps you in fight or flight. So as you start clearing these memories and the more specific you can get, the better, because it not only clears the unhelpful sensations around that memory but it clears it around others that are even slightly similar. So that's what's really cool and that's why it doesn't take long to see such a big difference. Like I saw a huge difference.

Speaker 1:

I think I did WAP first and then I signed up for understanding and utilizing rapid resolution therapy, which is like the first course. So WAPI signed up for in January last year 2023. And then I signed up, I believe, in like March or April for my RRT training, maybe February. So I just started clearing things left and right and now it's like I can look back on some really traumatic memories which I get into in quite detail in clean BDE only because a lot of my trauma was during that time in my life. So now it's neutral and that's what I see for you.

Speaker 1:

And honestly, I do believe nervous system regulation could save humanity, because when we're all running around with open tabs and we're in fight or flight, we are just like cavemen fighting each other. It's just ridiculous. It doesn't have to be this way. We don't have to be hurting people, we don't have to be putting people in boxes, and so I see nervous system regulation is really like the key to saving our world. So how are tabs closed?

Speaker 1:

So in my coaching sessions, whether it's one-on-one or group or online programs, I utilize multi-level communication, which means I'm speaking to your conscious and your unconscious mind to move it from being seen as still happening, like right outside the storage unit, into the storage unit. That's literally all it takes to clear these tabs. You don't have to punch pillows, you don't have to scream in your car, you don't have to do any of these traumatic things like reliving the experience. Those don't take care of the open tabs, those actually make them worse. Because you're just reliving the experience and you're reinforcing into your unconscious like, yeah, this is happening. That's not going to get you out of fight or flight. And I'm just speaking from my own personal experience.

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I went to talk therapy for over 10 years and didn't make much progress. And that's because you're going into a session, you're talking about the issue, you're opening it up. Then in 45 minutes or 60 minutes, you have to like try to close it up and leave. And now you've left and you feel even worse because you've opened up this box of pain and you're just left on your own. What I love about RRT is that we actually take the responsibility of helping you heal. We take the responsibility. We don't put it on you. In therapy, a lot of therapists put that responsibility on you to heal. We don't believe that because, like I said earlier, you can't solve an issue or heal at the same consciousness or level as it was created. So even the best surgeons will not do their own open heart surgery, right, they go to another doctor to get that open heart surgery done. So, just like we wouldn't expect him to do his own surgery, I don't expect you to heal yourself. That's my job.

Speaker 1:

So you might be asking, like, what does this all have to do with wealth? So I want you to just think about this Like name one time, when it's more useful, as an entrepreneur or anytime, really to have access to less logic, less creativity, less intuition and less focus. I can't think of a single way that that would ever be helpful, and so this is why it's absolutely necessary to move you out of fight or flight and regulate your nervous system, especially if you expect to be wealthy or you desire to be wealthy in all areas of your life. I mean there are plenty of CEOs out there who are working 10, 15 hours a day and they're daydreaming about burning down their companies. Their high stress lifestyle is actually contributing to heart disease, digestive disorders, other health issues. I mean, is that what you want? It's not what I want. Or do you want to embody the CEO who can just work four hours a day and actually enjoy their life? That is what I'm signed up for. Unsubscribe me from the 15 hour you know, burning down the company CEO. So it really all comes down to nervous system regulation and we absolutely need to regulate your system to feel comfortable with larger amounts of money, which we'll be talking about in the next section. So, knowing your wealth thermometer, this is step number three.

Speaker 1:

I don't know about you, but I grew up with a lot of unhelpful money beliefs due to my environment, childhood programming and the sad fact is most of us do, and it's not our parents fault. They were just saying probably what their parents said. So I heard the following phrases in my home a lot and they actually then became a part of my identity until I cleared them. So I heard things like rich people are evil. Wanting money makes you greedy. Why do you need to go to college? Just marry a rich man. I was the first person in my family to go to college. You'll never make it on your own. That led me to leaving and going back to my parents' house many times. Sure, you can have money or modeling, school or clothes, but if you don't behave the way I want you to, I'll be taking it back from you. Still, to this day, love my mother. She still does this, like her gifts and money is very conditional. That's why I was like I never want to ask money, ask her for money ever again.

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And that's what makes me feel or say, that's what made me feel so unsafe with large amounts of money, because I was scared for my childhood mind. I was scared someone was gonna take it from me, so I better spend it. All right. And I feel like a lot of people are like that. They just might not be aware why. And then they think, oh, I'm just bad with money. No, you're not bad with money, you just have some open tabs. You just have some unconscious reprogramming that's needed in order to shift you out of that.

Speaker 1:

I was also paid based on getting straight A's. So I was taught like work really hard for money right, and my parents both worked for the government for 30, 40 years and they retired very young. So they don't understand why I want to own my own business, why my top priority isn't finding a corporate job with a retirement. I don't care, I don't care about that, they're not gonna get it, it's okay. So these beliefs left me with some of the following circumstances and maybe you can relate rejecting money because who wants to feel evil? Right, and it's not from a conscious level, it's from an unconscious level Feeling bad about making a lot of money. I would hide it from them, I would spend it. I didn't want them to know because on an unconscious level, I thought that would make me evil, especially in their eyes. Feeling unsafe, like holding on to large amounts of money because I was worried it was gonna be taken from me.

Speaker 1:

As I said already, moving in and out of my parents' house several times as an adult, confusing money being spent on me with confusing that with love, that got me into a lot of trouble. I dated people who really had a lot of red flags and I should have said no or I should have dumped them years before. But they would spend money on me. They would come back from Europe with $15,000 on Louis Vuitton and take me on trips and I just kind of let the red flags like fly out of my view, even though I knew they were there, and I just thought, well, they must really love me, right? No, money being spent on you does not mean love.

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I would choose the wrong men based on their perceived financial status. Because what I found is sometimes I would start dating someone that I thought had it all together, that I thought was on their feet and had a good financial foundation, and then it actually was just kind of all a front like that wasn't the reality and I wouldn't have dated them if I had thought they were a mess financially. So also, I never felt like I was good enough on my own because of a lot of these childhood programming themes and I was really scared to launch my own business. It took me several times to finally just be like I'm burning the boats, I am not going back to corporate America, thank God. Like I am so happy to be there and I'm actually working on a program helping people in the accounting finance industry go from being in corporate America to becoming a freelancer consultant. So keep an eye out for that. But I can do that with people on a one-on-one basis. Right now I'm just the program isn't ready yet.

Speaker 1:

So how did I shift? Well, as I already mentioned, I in January 2023, I immersed myself in the world of RRT and Andrea Crowder. In August is when I finally left corporate America launched my fractional CFO firm, which, because of the work I did in WAP, I quickly scaled it to a six-figure business. Like that is pretty incredible to launch a business and have it quickly scale to six figures. Not only that, but I did not do a single bit of marketing to attract the clients. All of my clients found me, whether it was on LinkedIn, through mutual connections. It was just crazy. It was like, okay, I said no more to corporate America, the universe listened and my nervous could handle it. So that's why it's so key to get your nervous system regulated for the wealth that you want and mine isn't quite regulated at the level of wealth I want because I want to be a multimillionaire. Is my nervous system at that point yet? No, but it's moving in that direction. So it is, you have to start somewhere.

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So what I realized, as I mentioned, is I had updated my nervous system to feel comfortable making larger amounts of money in my own company, but I still needed to work on feeling safe holding onto it. And so now, even just in the last few months of working on that, I've been regularly contributing to monthly investing, I've been paying off my debt, I'm able to keep money in my savings account and, as you can see, just a lot of things changed in one year after I made updates to my internal operating system. And, as I mentioned, it's very, very normal, for once you clear one layer, for the next layer to show up and just to be like, yep, it should be here, instead of we don't want to say this shouldn't be here, like I should be okay. No, it should be there because it's showing you it's helpful. It's like, okay, you cleared that, now here's your next level to clear. So that's why it's key, it's necessary, it's required to have a coach who can clear these for you. So again, you can book a one-on-one session with me, you can take WAP, you can join my membership. There's so many different options at different price points. Do what you feel comfortable with and start getting these cleared.

Speaker 1:

So step number four is utilizing language for increased wealth. So until I got certified as a clinical hypnotherapist utilizing RRT, I had no idea that my language had actually been one of the biggest barriers to raising my wealth thermometer, because language doesn't just influence our reality, it actually defines it and creates it. Words carry a frequency that will determine our personal money experience, and now that you know you have the power to influence it. Okay, so have you been seen or thinking any of the following I can't afford it, it's too expensive. I'm just buried in debt. Oh, I really need to save for a rainy day. I'll never have enough money. I'm bad with money, I'm always working, so I can't enjoy life. So it's okay if you have been saying these things, but just know that what you say you will speak into existence, because we are literally creating spells with our words, hence why it's called spelling.

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The thought puts the idea out and the feeling draws the experience in. That's what I learned from Dr Joe Dispenza, who I listen to every morning. So if you've been thinking these types of thoughts and feeling really bad about your situation, I'm sorry to tell you, but, like if you don't get out of that. It's just going to keep happening. I've told the family member this so many times and they will not listen to me. And they're still in the same place. I've even given them free programs. I've offered to coach them.

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But this is why it's so important to invest in programs and coaching, Because if you're not invested in something, even if it's a small investment, you're not going to give it your energy and time, because you have nothing to lose. You're not like losing out monetarily. And so that's why I found this out. Like I just wanted all this free information. I consumed all the free programs I could, but I didn't see any change, because change isn't at that logical level. It needs to be attacked from the unconscious level, which you're not going to find in free programs. So the good news is there's a way out, and I'm going to give you some alternative things to start playing with alternative language when it comes to money.

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So, instead of saying I can't afford it, say something like I'm really excited to invest in that when it's aligned. Like can you see the difference? Like I can't afford, it is very constrictive. I'm so excited to invest in it when it's aligned. That's like excitement that's going to invite it in, because another thing I haven't mentioned yet is we don't want that needy energy, because nobody likes needy energy, even money. So we want to be excited. The feeling draws the experience in. Or you could say something like how can I afford this? And start asking your subconscious, your guides. Before you go to bed is a great time to ask Like how can I afford this? I really want it. Then sleep on it and just see what answers come to you. By simply shifting the words and the intention, you're going to feel an increase in energy, not a decrease.

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So instead of saying like I really need to save for a rainy day I hate this term, because if you're saving for a rainy day or saving for an emergency, that's what you're going to call in Like I don't want to save for an emergency, I want to save for something fun. So I actually like to call my savings account a garden. I like to think that I'm planting my money in there and it's growing and multiplying. In one of Andrea's other programs she likes to call it a trampoline account, because it's just like fun. I just really like a garden because I like the visual. So just try to think of an option that makes it feel exciting to invest or save, and you're not going to get wealthy by saving money, but you will get wealthy by investing.

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So instead of saying I've always been bad with money or I'm always bad with money, you are putting that in your future. Your unconscious mind will hear that and it'll think, oh okay, that's what she wants more of or he wants more of. Instead, you want to speak about this as if it's in the past, even if it's not yet put it in the past. So I used to be bad with money, or I used to feel like I was bad with money. Just start noticing what you're putting into the present and the future versus the past, because we only want to put our desires into the future, and when you say something like I'm always, that's it past, present and future. Right, so we don't want that. I used to be bad with money, okay so. And instead of saying like, if I make a million dollars, just change it to when, when I make a million dollars, like making these little shifts, I'm sure you can always already feel like it goes from like a decrease in energy or constrictive feeling constricted feeling to like more open and exciting, okay so finally, step number five or final step building an empire you love.

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So I've tried so many side businesses. I always thought like, well, I just find the right one, or if I just find the one that makes me the most money, I'll be good. And I even did several at the same time, which, oh my God, it's not. It's such a waste of time to try to do so much at once. I tried affiliate marketing, network marketing, direct sales. I always tried to like, hustle my way to the finished line of wealth. But here's what was missing and it's the missing piece is the enjoyment along the way.

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So about six months ago, I saw these moms on Instagram who are making millions of dollars with digital affiliate marketing and I was like, oh, that looks easy enough. I tried it, but it felt just really forced and like out of alignment and I was wondering like, why can they do this? And I can't. And it just kind of hit me. Like you know, we all have something that truly lights us up. Those moms on Instagram genuinely enjoyed what they were doing and that's why they were so magnetic. I had a friend who was so obsessed with selling essential oils and she was making $20,000 a month and I wasn't. I was lucky to make like 50.

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So I stepped back and I realized like I needed to find what lit me up. Then I'd be magnetic and attract aligned clients, and that's what happened. So let me ask you this If you had all the money in the world, how would you spend your time? For me, I realized it would be creating coaching and online programs that can transform people's lives. Even when I'm sitting on a multi-million dollar empire, even a billion dollar empire, I won't stop. Why? Because I genuinely love this work, I live for it and I know that it's what I incarnated on this earth to do. It is a soul mission and nothing is stronger than being in alignment with your dharma. When you're doing what you love, the resources will appear and you will have help. So would you rather create an empire through force and obligatory energy or through pleasure and ease?

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I'm taking also one of Andrea's courses called the Pleasure Model and this like blew my mind. It was exactly what I was looking for because I'm sorry, there's a lot of bro marketing, bro like digital courses, like do this, do this and it just didn't ever align with me and the way that Andrea teaches and the way that she has built her multi-million dollar company. I'm like, yes, that's what I want. And when I'm feeling stuck or overwhelmed, I do something she also taught me, which is I tap into my future self to figure out how my future self would handle the situation. So here's what you can do. You can find some more quiet and close your eyes. You can see your future self, get really like, get really clear. What does she look like? How does she dress? How does she wake up and feel? What does her day look like? What accomplishments is she proud of? What are her values? What does she eat? What does she drink?

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Every morning I spend about 30 minutes as my future self and I see myself as if I'm in her body, looking out. And that's very important, because the unconscious mind doesn't know. You're just imagining it. So you don't want to visualize this person outside of you, maybe just to get a picture of her first, but then you want to look as if you're looking out of her eyes, right? Sometimes I will go to her and ask her questions, but that's more if I'm just really needing guidance. But it's also really important to just practice being your future self. So I go through every detail of her morning, afternoon, evening, what she's doing, who she's with, how it feels. I feel so much gratitude in my heart and then I reminisce about it, infusing these experiences with more gratitude, which actually collapses time between your desire and reality, because when we reminisce about something, it's typically already happened, right. So when we reminisce on something we desire, it's telling unconscious mind, it's already happened. Therefore, it's only a matter of time before it becomes a reality. And when I want to get advice for my future self, I'll just ask her directly. Other times I'll simply think like what would she do so?

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Building a successful business, creating generational wealth, does not have to feel painful. You don't have to use words like pressure, discipline. I hate that word discipline. Sorry, I shouldn't say hate, but I don't like using the word discipline. It reminds me of a child when I would get hit with wooden spoons. Like I don't want to be disciplined. I don't want business to feel disciplined. If you don't have that experience and you don't have a negative attachment to that word, use it. But like I don't like using the word discipline, I want it to feel like play, and one of Andrea's mottoes which I love as well is she says something along these lines, but I just kind of captured it, as life is a game and it's not worth winning if I don't get to play right.

Speaker 1:

So what's next for you?

Speaker 1:

So how can you start getting to that next level? These five steps are literally like just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to realigning your mind and body with next level wealth. I could write an entire book about this topic, much bigger than my ebook, and someday I will, but I just wanted you to get started, so I would suggest taking it just one step at a time, keeping notes on what comes up for you, what you might need help with all of that. And you know, if you don't want to wait and would love to start shifting these beliefs quickly, then you can check out my coaching or my programs or WAP. I will link all of those in the show notes as well as this free PDF called the wealth regulation system, which is an ebook covering what we just covered, but it's always nice to just kind of see these things in print.

Speaker 1:

So I hope this episode was helpful for you and I'm so happy to be back. My goal is to release episodes weekly and I'm going to be also starting to share a weekly newsletter, so make sure you're on my email list so that you can receive everything. And, yeah, let me know if this was helpful for you, what you took away from this and if there's any way that I can support you on your next level of wealth. So bye.