
The Power of ASKfirmations - Rewiring the Subconscious Mind for Wealth (Results in 24 hours)

Angela Christian Season 2 Episode 88

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Dive in and learn about the potent tool I recently learned from Kathrin Zenkina inside her Sovereign Money program.

This one tool gave me results within 24 hours!!

Discover how bridging traditional affirmations into believable truths can rewire your subconscious for success, commanding your inner self to actively seek evidence in favour of your deepest desires.

With 95% of our reality under the control of our subconscious, it's time to take the reins and steer your ship where you want it to go.

By the end of this episode, you'll be armed with the strategies to elevate your affirmations beyond mere wishful thinking, transforming them into magnetic statements that attract your aspirations like a beacon.

Don't just dream about change—manifest it through ASKfirmations.

FREE download on ASKfirmations here.

Grab the $49 Wealth Wiring program here.

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Speaker 1:

Society told us who we should be. I tried that. It's not for me, and if you're here, I'm guessing it's not for you either. So welcome to the unconventional UnCEO podcast with your host, angela Christian, where my mission is to help you break free from the matrix once and for all to live a life of freedom, joy, wild abundance and fulfillment on your terms, unsubscribing from the status quo because you don't fit into someone else's box. Are you ready? Let's do it. Hello, and welcome back to the show.

Speaker 1:

I'm having to record this podcast on my phone, so hopefully the audio will be okay. The reason being is I have an office that's about 35 minutes away that I rent and it's just a really beautiful, quiet space. I'm actually basically using it for podcast studio slash, you know, coaching calls. Anytime I need like just quiet and a nice space to like record video or be on calls. So I've decided I'm going to be here two days a week and then I'll do the rest from my home office, which is a little louder. So anyway, I got here this morning with a long to-do list and the internet is down, so I put in a note to the owner. But until then I didn't want to delay on this podcast recording, because I actually did start it on Friday and got interrupted. So no interruptions moving forward.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, if you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen that I posted something I think I just posted it in my stories about a new manifestation tool that literally worked within 24 hours. I mean, I've never had something work so quickly before when it comes to manifestations. So I am in Catherine Zanquina's sovereign money program and you know, as I've mentioned if you've heard other episodes I had a lot of money limiting beliefs around money that I had to clear and I'm still working through, because when you clear one level right, then you move to the next level. So the level that I'm clearing now is more around like holding onto money because I make pretty good money. Am I where I want to be? No, but I make pretty good money right now. But the issue is there's still something or I should say there has been something that I've been experiencing where I'll just spend it all, because I know there was an unconscious. I'm trying to put it in the past. That's an ROT trick. I'm trying not to bring it into my future. That's why I keep changing my present tense, which is a good tool in itself. So I've noticed that I've been spending as much, or almost as much that has been coming in, and so I realized there's an issue there. So I need to, you know, address that. So otherwise, once I start making more and more money, I don't want that to continue, right? So I am working on these next level beliefs, anyway.

Speaker 1:

So she gave us this tool that she didn't create, called Ask Formations, and it's kind of a funny name, but what it is. Well, let me backtrack for a second. I'm sure you've heard of affirmations, which is, you know, a really great tool to rewire your subconscious mind to align with your desires. But the key is knowing how to speak in a way that your subconscious actually understands and will accept. Because what I have found is, you know, there's some really great affirmations out there, but there's some that are very well-intentioned but don't really work. So, and I'm going to give you some examples of that, so, as an example and I don't have my notes for this podcast because the internet's not working, so I am just winging it from memory, which is sometimes even better so this is how the subconscious mind speaks and understands through specificity, through metaphors, through symbols.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so it's very emotional. It's not logical. Our conscious mind is what is logical, okay, so I want you to just think about putting your finger, like your right pointer finger, on your nose. Just imagine yourself doing that. It's pretty easy to imagine, right, unless there are. I have had, well, I have had some clients who can't visualize due to a brain injury. So if you can't visualize, just set the intent of like or just do it like put your finger on your nose, like. That's easy to visualize, it's easy to do right, as long as you don't have any injuries.

Speaker 1:

And now, quickly, I want you to visualize enough. I want you to visualize worthiness. So your brain probably feels a little scrambled, and that's because those words, while well-intentioned, aren't specific enough for the unconscious mind. When I say unconscious, subconscious, same thing for the unconscious mind to understand. So when you're repeating I am enough, I am worthy, I am deserving, it's not doing anything for your subconscious mind. It might make you feel emotionally uplifted, which is great, but if your goal is to actually shift to align with wealth or happiness or joy or whatever it is, those affirmations are not going to get you there. And so I know there's some pretty big coaches in the self-help space that focus on those. I don't find them useful. That's just my opinion. That's based on, you know, my RT training, really understanding how the brain works. So the key is to speak affirmations in a way that the unconscious mind will understand, and I actually did like a private podcast episode on this.

Speaker 1:

It was a free, private podcast. I think it's still out there somewhere. I might go back and check it out and see if I need to update that. But I basically talked about this like how to use affirmations to speak to the subconscious mind. So this tool that I'm about to share with you literally brought me results within 24 hours. It was amazing, I was shocked and I told one of my close friends and he was like you need to tell me, you need to teach this to me because clearly it's working for you. So the results I'm going to tell you first and then we'll dive into this.

Speaker 1:

But within 24 hours I had someone purchase a $49 mini rewiring program. It's called Wealth Wiring and it's actually something I created last July, and so I've been studying RRT for over a year now and I recently updated those audios because you know a lot. I learned a lot more. They would still be helpful just as they were, but just knowing even more, now I wanted to redo them so that they were even more powerful and potent, right? So the issue, though, was I had taken down that wealth wiring from my website. So I don't even know actually need to ask her how she even found it, because all of a sudden, I was just working and this was within 24 hours of doing this tool and I see a strike notification and it said $49. And I was like what $49? What do I have? That's $49?, because it didn't tell me what it was.

Speaker 1:

So I had to go searching and try to figure out. And then I got an email from her saying hey, I bought your audio and it's saying it's not available, which that was embarrassing, but a good reminder to check the systems. And what had happened is my assistant had accidentally archived my new rewiring feed on. I use hello audio, which is great for private podcasting. I'll put a link in the show notes for that. So she had archived the old one, not the new one, so anyway it was. It took me like 10 minutes to kind of sort it out and figure out what happened, but it's just crazy, because it was like I don't even. I'm not even advertising that anywhere. Maybe she found it in an old podcast recording or I really don't know. I'm gonna have to ask her. So that happened and I was like, whoa, that's so cool. And so if you're interested in that it's, I'll link it below. It's 49.

Speaker 1:

It's like a mini wealth wiring program and so it's an excerpt from my membership, the club, which I'll also link below. Inside the club I do monthly rrt for everybody different topics each month. So it's really for like all areas of life. I just pulled the wealth one out because I feel like a lot of people are focusing on building their wealth. So I do a monthly rrt clearing based on different topics. I do monthly hot seat coaching and q and a. So again, I'll link that below.

Speaker 1:

So that happened. That was the first thing. Then, literally within an hour, I got an email from someone saying hey, I would, I would love to book an rrt, uh coaching call with you. Can you send me the information? Again? I don't know where she found me. I was just like what? This is just crazy. It's like two things in one day, right. So then I sent her over the information and I was just like this is so awesome. So even if she hadn't booked, I would still be like grateful, and I'll get into some of the affirmations I was using, because then you'll see why it's so cool. She didn't end up booking, so I'm really happy, I'm really excited to work with her.

Speaker 1:

And then the third thing that happened is the next day I got an email from a woman who is interested. She was asking questions about my clean bde program, which is the baby daddy energy program where I help mothers clear toxic energy with their co-parents and I'm going to do another podcast on that, because she had some great questions that I realized I didn't really address anywhere. And so you know I think, oh, she found me through andrea's podcast, andrea crouter's podcast. I'll link that in the show notes too. So she ended up enrolling in bde, which I had just had a coaching call with andrea the week before, and I was saying like I don't feel like I'm, you know, saying enough about the program. Like sales and marketing, I'm still working on building up a big muscle for that, like it's still something I'm new with. I'm trying to be careful with my words here, and so I don't feel like I've done the program justice quite yet and so I hadn't done anything new.

Speaker 1:

And well, besides, you know that post I talked about my last episode that has. Now it keeps growing like every day. It's just crazy to me. I've never had a post this big. I think it's at 47 000 something views. And I just stopped checking the comments because there was another male comment who they said something like this isn't normal, which I don't know if he was talking about me or the guy I just anything that just feels confrontational I just don't want, because the whole focus of that post wasn't to like point fingers or to get sympathy. It was really just talking about I was trying to make other people feel better, basically like if they haven't left someone yet, it's okay. If they feel like they left too late, they didn't. Everything happens as it should without getting too much into that anyway. So these three things happened, which equalled almost a thousand dollars in 24 hours. So I've never had this happen, or I should say I haven't had this happen before when I'm not really like.

Speaker 1:

It's not like I'm in a launch I I mean I am still launching bde and I'm trying to figure out a method like andrea does. She launches things, she launches different her programs at all times. And so I kind of asked her last week how do you do that? Because it just feels she's a mani gen. If you know human design, she's a mani gen. I'm a generator, so it's more of a mani gen thing to do. And so she asked me some coaching questions that helped me figure out.

Speaker 1:

I really just need to be focusing on promoting bde because that is what gives me the most joy and energy, because I'm like at a testimonial from a mother last week who was like this has totally changed my life. I no longer feel fear. I'm now going to be getting child support after seven years of not getting child support. I was just like full body chills and tears for her because I remember that fear and panic and then I remember it being gone and it's just like where the hell did that go? It's so weird, but that's what our. That's the magic of rrt.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, I'm getting off topic. So back to this tool. Um, the tool is called ask formations, which is funny. So instead of affirmations, which are just statements, ask formations obviously are questions. But first I'm going to kind of go over some other tools that will help you amplify your affirmations and ask formations. So the first one is a bridge.

Speaker 1:

So when you're stating affirmations, if you state something like I am a millionaire, when you know you have maybe a hundred dollars in the bank or even a thousand dollars in the bank, like you know, your subconscious is going to reject that and you're going to feel like resistance to it. Right, unless you've really done a lot of energy, work and you know, as I know, in a different dimension, in a different parallel universe, yes, we are millionaires. So, like, when you say I'm a millionaire, you could be thinking of your future self being a millionaire, which, because time is not real, the way that we see it, it's not linear. So, in a sense, yes, you are a millionaire, even though your bank account reflects $100 in this at this moment. Right, but in a parallel universe I'm not going to get into all of that, it's a different podcast episode. So most people, their subconscious mind, would automatically reject that. It just wouldn't get through to it, which means it won't make the change it needs. So the subconscious mind unconscious mind, interchangeable is an evidence seeking machine, so it will automatically look for evidence behind everything we think or say. This is why an affirmation needs to be said in a way that it won't just reject it, otherwise it's not going to help you, right? And in case you're not familiar with the difference between the two minds, I'll tell you quickly.

Speaker 1:

Conscious mind those are the thoughts that we hear. It's the more evolved mind, it's logical, it's our creative mind. It controls 5% of our reality. So it's always hard for people to wrap their minds around this concept because it's the thoughts we hear. We think it's the mind that's controlling our reality. It's not so. A lot of people focus on just changing their conscious mind thoughts, but that only affects 5% of your reality. Yes, it's still worthwhile to do that, of course, but they think that's all they need to do, and so that isn't going to get you where you want to go.

Speaker 1:

You really need to tap into the subconscious, unconscious mind. That is our primitive mind. It's automatic, it's emotional, it's built on beliefs. It controls 95% of our reality. So that's why it's key and that's why these ask formations have worked so well. Another cool fact is that, on average, we have around 60,000 thoughts per day. That's a lot. Only 5% of those thoughts are conscious thoughts. So those are the thoughts we can control. The other 95% are from the subconscious and they are repetitive. They are based on our childhood programming, our beliefs, their thoughts from the day before. So that's why it's really key to utilize affirmations that reach the subconscious mind to really see true change.

Speaker 1:

Affirmations really work great at reprogramming because they're typically done in a very repetitive manner. But again, language is really key because if you're just repeating I am enough, I am enough, I am worthy, so the subconscious mind think of it like a five-year-old. If you ask a five-year-old what does worthiness mean? It might give you an answer, but it's not very clear. So instead of saying I am worthy, dive deeper into that. What is it that you're looking for? So you need to be more specific. So again, going back to the example, I am a millionaire. The subconscious mind will reject that and you will probably feel resistance to it. So something Catherine teaches which is really great is something called a bridge. So instead of saying I'm a millionaire, you can say I'm choosing to believe I'm on my way to becoming a millionaire, or I'm in the process of believing I'm a millionaire. The subconscious mind won't reject those statements because do you see how they're different?

Speaker 1:

So, second, anytime you're trying a new affirmation, it's best to start when you're already in a good mood, like an elevated state, because your subconscious mind will be more receptive when you're already at a higher frequency. After a week or so of repeating the new affirmation, though, it doesn't really matter what mood you're in, but it's just a good idea to start when you're already on a high. Last week, when I made those three sales out of nowhere, I was in a high frequency state because I was like, oh my God, thank you, this is amazing. I feel so honored, right. So that would be a great time. Or maybe you get a raise, or maybe just something exciting happens. That's a really good time to tap in.

Speaker 1:

Another amplifier of affirmations would be movement. So I love to walk, say them while I'm walking. On Saturday I went to yoga During my entire yoga practice and I was supposed to be like silent in the mind, which I usually am, but I wanted to try it out. So while I was doing these different poses, I was, I was thinking my ask formations, and Catherine says that movement will help your subconscious mind open up and receive. Also, if you can't do that or you're really wanting to start, but you just you know You're not able to work out right now, just standing in like a power pose, like with your hands on your hips, your legs spread apart, with your head held high like a Wonder Woman and Thinking or speaking them, and that pose will do the same thing.

Speaker 1:

So now we're going to get into ask formations, so our subconscious mind will automatically seek evidence as to why the question is true. So that's the key here. So by asking a how or a why question, you're assuming it's already true, and so it's like a hack. Right, and this is what produced the results for me within 24 hours. So here's what you want to do, and I actually have a free PDF workbook that walks you through all of this. I will link it in the show notes. I Put it on my story last week and had so many people sign up to get it, so I know it's probably a very hot topic right now.

Speaker 1:

So you just record yourself asking the ask formations and then listen to it every day for 21 to 30 days. I'm right now because I'm in Catherine's course. She did a five-minute audio for us and so I just so. She says an ask formation like how am I so luck? How am I so lucky? Then she pauses and gives us time to say how am I so lucky, right? So it's like you can do that yourself though.

Speaker 1:

So in my free PDF workbook I give you some examples, so choose the ones that work for you, add ones and you'll kind of see. Like some examples are how am I so wealthy? Why am I a millionaire? How am I so magnetic? How does everything always work out for me? And like, honestly, when I'm doing these, I do it three times a day, so that's probably also why it worked very quickly. But it starts elevating your mood too, and you can just imagine like one of them that I love is, like why is my life so luxurious? I love that one. It like instantly elevates my mood. So definitely get the free PDF, just go to my show notes and you'll see it and Try it out, and then please let me know. I want to know what you manifest. Okay, so, finally, we all know this, but, like, repetition is key.

Speaker 1:

So the reason why affirmations and ask formations works, oh well, is due to repetition, because it triggers the subconscious mind into taking positive action. So when we take this a step further with the ask formations by utilizing questions, the mind is going to immediately go to work to find solutions and answers For the questions you're asking. For example, why am I a millionaire? The subconscious mind will automatically assume it's true that you're a millionaire. Because it doesn't understand logic. Anything you visualize, it thinks is happening. That's why it's so important to you know to work on your conscious mind as well, because If you're visualizing, you know being miserable, then it thinks that's what's happening. Or when you're watching a movie like a scary movie this is why I don't watch scary movies it thinks that's you running from. You know whatever it is. So it doesn't understand logic and it's just going to assume it's actually happening. So when you ask it, why am I a millionaire? It automatically Believes okay, she's a millionaire. How did this happen? It's going to look for answers as to why you're a millionaire. Okay, so that's why this is like such a great hack. And Ask formations also work really well because they're utilizing something called the law of assumption. That is what is conditioning your mind to believe that your desire is already here. So when you're Stating things like I am a millionaire, that's almost like trying to force your mind to attract what you desire. Ask formations assume it's already here. I hope that's clear I. So, if you really want to see change quickly.

Speaker 1:

I recommend also listening to yourself, and a note is that your subconscious mind loves your own voice. So I've been listening to Catherine's because I've actually been a little. I've had a little sickness, so my voice wasn't great. I am going to record my own this week and start listening to my own, but it's been great just listening to hers for now. Originally I was going to record something for you guys as like a free download, but I just figured it'd be better to give you some examples of Ask Formations and have you do it, because the subconscious loves its own voice or your voice. You know what I mean. So anyway, this is the tool and it has been amazing for me. Not just that, but it's like it's also elevated my mood so much.

Speaker 1:

So again, please let me know what you manifest. If this was helpful, please share it with a friend and I haven't asked this in a while, but if you could leave a review of my podcast, I would so appreciate it. I actually haven't asked that in like two years and I realized I probably should start collecting testimonials again and maybe I'll offer a little free audio. So if you leave me a review, I'm just making this up right now. So if you leave me a review and send me a screenshot, I will send you a free audio on clearing emotional pain and heart break, if that interests you. Maybe I'll switch it up every once in a while, so that's the one. I did it in my membership. So it's worth $200, probably more actually but I'll send that to you for free if you leave me a review. And yeah, I appreciate all of you. Thank you for listening. Have a wonderful week, you guys. Bye.