The Indie Dog

What Do You Do If A Pack Of Streeties Threatens You And Your Pet Dog On The Road

Radha Thomas / Vaibhav Mungole Season 1 Episode 13

Vaibhav Mungole worked in the IT industry for maybe a dozen years. A dozen too many. He was fed up. He wanted to get out of town, maybe move to a small village, a farm, something, anything to get out of the city.

But other forces were at work.

Specifically, a doggy named Eddy, that came into Vaibhav’s heart and soul about ten years ago.

The area of Bangalore they lived in didn’t have dog parks where Vaibhav could provide Eddy with a chance to socialize or play with doggies of his ilk. Eddy was a lab.

Vaibhav says he had no choice but to let his dog socialize with the local streeties in his ‘hood.

This is extremely unusual behaviour, IMHO because most people with a ‘pedigree’ dog won’t allow them to mingle with the riff raff.

Eddy had clue that he was privileged and high on the totem pole of doggie hierarchy. So he gladly mingled, socialized, sniffed butts and made lots of friends. 

And then a strange thing happened. 

Vaibhav started to notice and document all kinds of information about streeties that wasn’t written down anywhere at all. 

He became an expert on Indie dog behaviour, especially the psyche of #TheIndieDog.

So much in fact, that pretty soon his friends began referring all their dog issues to him. They also realised that if Vaibhav quit town, they’d be stuck with a bunch of unruly mutts; so they convinced him to stay and turn his new passion into a business. 

He started a company called ‘Dogs Can Do It.’ Vaibhav is a canine behavioural consultant. He points out that there is a world of difference between a dog trainer and a dog behaviour specialist.