The Formula Podcast with Trevor Carlson

Investing in Sustainability and Your Community with Steve Shriver Part 1 - #76

Trevor Carlson

As an avid entrepreneur and community contributor, Steve Shriver’s accomplishments thrive in the heart of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. As the founder of Eco Lips and co-founder of Soko Outfitters and Brewhemia, one of Steve’s main goals is to help build a sustainable, prospering culture within the city.  By supporting local suppliers and recycling within the business world, Steve encourages all companies to take part in helping take care of our environment.

In this episode we will discuss:

Diversifying through different companies

Creating local jobs and opportunities 

Newbo community growth in Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Organic food consumption and healthy lifestyles

Sustainability and community building

Local suppliers and employee appreciation

Solar power sustainability and recycling within the business world

Fair trade and benefiting the people and planet

Creating less of an impact on the environment


“Ultimately businesses will be forced to become more sustainable. Whether through their own decisions or just Mother Nature. It’s an approach that the more that we evolve, the cheaper it is to be sustainable. As we grow and evolve as an industry, there are benefits to it...sustainability is good business practice.” 


Steve Shriver Twitter:


Eco Lips:

Soko Outfitters:



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