The Formula Podcast with Trevor Carlson

Mentoring Student Entrepreneurs with Laurie Watje Part 2 - #93

Trevor Carlson / Laurie Watje

Currently, the Associate Director of the John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls, Iowa, Laurie Watje coaches students who want to start their own business or become entrepreneurs. As a mentor and counselor, Laurie advises her students thoughtfully but ultimately encourages them to find their own way in the business world. 

In this episode we will discuss:

  • Customer discovery and how to successfully establish a base
  • Value proposition and solving a problem with a startup
  • Creating a business plan in the competitive entrepreneurship world
  • Understanding which decisions are worth the risk


“You better be sure that [entrepreneurship] is truly what you want to do for the rest of your life. But know when to say no- know when to quit. It’s not for everyone. If you don’t like risk or uncertainty then this is not your path. This is not what you should be doing.” (5:57)

“If we didn’t have stress we wouldn’t be alive. Stress is part of life- it’s how you handle stress. And you also have to put it into perspective and say, ‘What’s the worst thing that could happen?’And if you can handle that, you’re going to be okay.” (8:06)

“Don’t be afraid to be yourself...Don’t worry about pleasing other people. Be true to yourself.” (10:52)


Laurie Watje UNI Professor Profile:

Laurie Watje Johnpappa John Profile:

“All In Startup” book by Diana Kander:



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