The Formula Podcast with Trevor Carlson

Habits to Design Your Optimal Day Part 2 - #98

Trevor Carlson

In this episode, Trevor shares previous guests advice on designing their optimal day. By maintaining good habits and sticking to a schedule, these six entrepreneurs give advice on leading a successful personal and work life.

In this episode we will discuss:

  • Habits that enable having a productive and interesting day
  • Maintaining a solid routine and managing our time
  • Taking care of our bodies by exercising and eating well
  • Meditating regularly and taking care of our emotional/intellectual states
  • Performing at an optimal level and planning our weeks out


“Having that anticipation, having that novelty [in your routine]. It really does kind of jolt you out of any autopilot you may find yourself drifting into. I like finding myself at the end of the day knowing that I’ve done a lot... Being able to look back and remember the moments and not feeling like my day just disappeared and not knowing where it went.” –Colin Wright


“I think you really have to compartmentalize your time. I do what is called time blocks- it doesn’t matter what else is really happening. I’m going to do that activity during that time. ” –Andy Anderson


“I read excerpts from books to gain wisdom to remind me of the man I want to be...It’s really about getting ready for my morning. Taking care of the machine, the body, the mind, the intellectual state. And putting myself in the best possible situation that A. Have a great day and B. Be able to serve the communities that I want to serve. That’s how I start my day every day.” –

Tommy Breedlove


“I’m very strict with my schedule. I schedule each pocket of time in the day of what needs to get done...

If you just wing it each day- I used to be the one who winged it each day and I never got anything done. I was making minimal progress in a million directions when I just winged it. Once Istarted getting more intentional about scheduling the things that matter most, shit got done.” –

Scotty Russell



Colin Wright Blog:

Colin Wright Website:

DJ Moods Website:

John “Andy” Anderson Professor Profile:

Tommy Breedlove Website: Russell Website:



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