The Formula Podcast with Trevor Carlson

The Art of Giving Selflessly aka The Kofola Gift - #99

September 13, 2019 Trevor Carlson / Dr. Árpád Rózsás

In this episode, Trevor sits down with Dr. Árpád Rózsás shares his thoughts and views on the art of gift-giving, more specifically giving without expecting anything in return. He has coined this practice as a “Kofola Gift,” and explains why this type of giving is to be cherished and used in our daily lives.

In this episode we will discuss:

  • The concept of giving without expecting gratitude
  • How language affects our mind
  • Practicing giving gifts forward to others
  • How society shapes our behaviors and outlooks
  • Inherent traits that we are born with


“The core concept is you don’t expect as the giver any gratitude. Even more, you are offended when someone is grateful... The reason is basically when someone is telling you thank you for the gift, that person is implying that you are expecting this. And you are expecting as the giver some sort of hierarchy, you expect your gift to be thanked and you also want the other person to show that you are superior to that person.”


“It’s really hard to be taken advantage of when you have no expectations in return.”


“You can practice this Kofola gift giving with strangers, but for me it’s usually an intimate act. So I do this with someone I feel close with. So in that case, the likelihood that someone would take advantage is lower.”


“This old concept and way of giving, this way of sharing without expecting anything in return is part of human nature. More specifically it is genetically’s something within us and is not artificial.”



The Art of Loving by Erich Fromm:



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