Metamorphosis- Using Essential Oils for Emotional Wellness

059: Expanding Your Spirit and Gaining Wisdom

July 17, 2020 Val Petty and Jennifer Hawkins

In this episode, we talk about navigating around the anger, sadness, and confusion that's happening around us and how we are zeroed in on gaining wisdom that encourages others and diffuses the chaos in the air. The most powerful weapon we have is our peace, but the process of gaining and maintaining peace can sound a little abstract.

We break down some practical steps for your and we're announcing an opportunity for ten women who would like to be part of a special interactive study around Val's book, Designed for Joy, and the start of a community of growth minded peace warriors. You can join by signing up at any of our websites. We will keep you in the loop on when you can join even if you're not one of the first ten!

Podcast website-

Val's website-

Jen's website-