Metamorphosis- Using Essential Oils for Emotional Wellness

067: Emotional Signs in the Body: Throat Center

September 24, 2021 Val Petty and Jennifer Hawkins

Our body is always giving us signals, like the warning lights of the dash on a car.  Our spirit holds our original blueprint of health and harmony. But the flow of the communication from the spirit gets blocked when thoughts and emotions aren’t expressed and handled appropriately. Where are the signals? What are the red flags? How do we know we’re off course or out of alignment?

This episode gives the basic breakdown of the throat center, a center of the body that's associated with… our throat- but more than that. Think about how many important things happen in the throat area. You have the neck, the ears, the vagus nerve, the brain stem, thyroid, and so many lymphs and glands.

The throat center is responsible for communication, the expression of thoughts, feelings, and ideas, a healthy internal dialogue, and striking a balance between speaking and listening, as well as the seeking and sharing of truth, social skills, and personal integrity and honor.

Essential Oil Suggestions: 
Cypress and Clove-  one drop behind ears and down neck
Use when you feel unheard; when words just feel stuck

Speaker’s Blend for diffuser- 2 drops each spearmint, wild orange, lavender

 Heart Opening blend to use if you feel extra guarded with speaking or listening- 
5mL roller (roll on heart)- 5 drops geranium, 5 drops bergamot, 3 drops cypress, 5 drops of Jasmine Touch + Rose Touch

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