Greetings From the Garden State

The Resilience and Redemption of Fil Santos

January 23, 2024 Ham Radio Productions Episode 113
The Resilience and Redemption of Fil Santos
Greetings From the Garden State
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Greetings From the Garden State
The Resilience and Redemption of Fil Santos
Jan 23, 2024 Episode 113
Ham Radio Productions

We sit down with the resilient and dynamic entrepreneur, Filipe "Fil" Santos, starting with his roots in Harrison, New Jersey. You get a glimpse into Fil's early passions – skateboarding, playing drums, and the twists and turns that led to struggles with substance abuse.

The story takes a powerful turn when Fil opens up about his commitment to recovery and the unwavering support he received from his parents, despite the challenges. The spotlight then shifts to Fil's entrepreneurial ventures, notably "The Room," his evolving salon that has transformed into an educational haven for hairstylists. But Fil's entrepreneurial spirit doesn't stop there; he manages a tattoo shop and rental properties, painting a diverse landscape of his endeavors.

Listeners get an insider's view of Fil's mindset – the power of positivity, manifestation, and strategic use of technology in growing businesses, particularly in the salon industry. The conversation also weaves in Fil's collaboration with Drew O'Brien from Make Cool Sh*t, showcasing the artistic dimensions of their partnership.

The narrative extends to Fil's role in the "Chop Meat" podcast, co-hosted with chef Jamie Knott, revealing the therapeutic side of podcasting and the pursuit of fulfillment beyond immediate financial gains. Fil invites you to connect with him on Instagram @chop_safil, embodying his passion for service work and helping others.

Don't miss this inspiring episode of "Greetings From the Garden State," where Fil Santos shares his journey – from overcoming challenges to embracing the entrepreneurial spirit and seeking true fulfillment.



Music: "Ride" by Jackson Pines

Thank you to our sponsors:
New Jersey Lottery:

New Jersey Innovation Institute:

Make Cool Sh*t:

UCS Advisors:

Albert & Whitney CPAs:

Mayo Performing Arts Center:

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Show Notes Transcript

We sit down with the resilient and dynamic entrepreneur, Filipe "Fil" Santos, starting with his roots in Harrison, New Jersey. You get a glimpse into Fil's early passions – skateboarding, playing drums, and the twists and turns that led to struggles with substance abuse.

The story takes a powerful turn when Fil opens up about his commitment to recovery and the unwavering support he received from his parents, despite the challenges. The spotlight then shifts to Fil's entrepreneurial ventures, notably "The Room," his evolving salon that has transformed into an educational haven for hairstylists. But Fil's entrepreneurial spirit doesn't stop there; he manages a tattoo shop and rental properties, painting a diverse landscape of his endeavors.

Listeners get an insider's view of Fil's mindset – the power of positivity, manifestation, and strategic use of technology in growing businesses, particularly in the salon industry. The conversation also weaves in Fil's collaboration with Drew O'Brien from Make Cool Sh*t, showcasing the artistic dimensions of their partnership.

The narrative extends to Fil's role in the "Chop Meat" podcast, co-hosted with chef Jamie Knott, revealing the therapeutic side of podcasting and the pursuit of fulfillment beyond immediate financial gains. Fil invites you to connect with him on Instagram @chop_safil, embodying his passion for service work and helping others.

Don't miss this inspiring episode of "Greetings From the Garden State," where Fil Santos shares his journey – from overcoming challenges to embracing the entrepreneurial spirit and seeking true fulfillment.



Music: "Ride" by Jackson Pines

Thank you to our sponsors:
New Jersey Lottery:

New Jersey Innovation Institute:

Make Cool Sh*t:

UCS Advisors:

Albert & Whitney CPAs:

Mayo Performing Arts Center:

Contact the show:

Support the Show.


all right what's up bir welcome back to another episode of GRE the Garden State powered by the New Jersey Lottery I'm Mike ham we're here at the room in


Verona New Jersey with Phil Santos Phil welcome to the show thank you for having Mike I got you didn't my name right yeah


iol I don't know why I was like did I just that up like right out of the gate but it's a yeah but uh this place


is really cool I think it's like we were texting uh yesterday and it's like so ironic that we have two bald guys


[Music] but yeah why not we heard get it


fixed I mean we can do the Beards I feel like that that be are good ABS it's all we got left so that's what we're going


to yeah in other parts too but uh that's the story day but um no I it's great to


finally like get you out because we've been a talking about this for forever um


and then also like running in similar circles with like Drew and Jamie and all


those so I'm just like I'm excited to finally get to talk to you and like learn more about you because I know a


little bit I feel like just from what I've seen through the chop we podcast which we'll talk about eventually um and


just like other stuff that I see on Instagram and all that kind of stuff but I'm excited so uh let's talk about where


let's talk about the Le first well because this is one of your businesses we'll get into like all of them as we kind of progress through the episode but


uh how has has been here why a hair place you know all that kind of stuff


why a hair place well we'll start where so the room's been open we opened up the room in 2016 it was actually across the


street small narrow um five chair facility uh we primarily do women's hair


there uh me and my wife opened it up and uh it's going to be 2 years January that


we came over to this place and in the front is the hair salon and over here is our uh education Academy gang gang okay


cool what is what is that so essentially when um we get assistance from schools right they a cosmetology license they


come to us and we were training them and usually we had to like close down the salon on a on a Sunday or Monday and


have the training here and we have other salons too so we figured all right the easiest way is to make our own education


facility here where we could train them we don't have to close the salons okay so essentially they go through a boot camp um we show them pretty much


everything they need to like get on the floor to start like that and then we also have advanced education for all


other hair stylist that's cool like a feeder program as essentially that's really cool um all right so I want to


learn more about you too uh so you're a jersey guy yeah off like Harrison yeah


Harrison New Jersey like right outside of New York like take me through that life experience cuz like I've never


lived in a place like that so talk to me a little bit about that so um well I was born in Newark which is Harrison's one


square mile so it's like really small and it's surrounded by New York and Jersey City so we're like right in the


taint you I mean that's County hon County uh but we belonged almost more


it's Hudson County but belonged more to Essex because we walk right over the bridge right nor so I grew up like I was born in New York uh my parents are


Portuguese immigrants first generation I was born we moved to Harrison I think when I was 5 years old


and it's a typical working class town you see New York City Twin Towers in the background train go to the city you know


very very urban life and um you know I got to say like I had a great childhood


in the sense of like my parents went to work every day they kind of just let me roam around yeah yeah and just so like


that's really cool uh especially because like now too with Newark and like the Portuguese Community there like the food


is crazy you know we were just we went to a thing at the new Yark Museum of Art


recently and then went down to the like the Ironbound seabra and like those other spots like that it's there a lot


crazy yeah it's so good um so Portuguese like what were your parents doing as


Portuguese immigrants so my dad came here and he was a baker he worked at pector and Harrison was a baker there


for 30 something years uh my mom worked in a in some factories for my dad worked as a baker and my mom worked in a cookie


factory so I had no chance it was just downhill every day it's like free bread


free cookies and it it didn't work out very well right uh I was chubby


right which I've accepted right uh so so they worked doing that and then my mom


eventually started cleaning houses right and it was kind of like what the Portuguese did it's either construction you know Factory job or something like


that um have no brothers or sisters it was just me but back then like you would walk to school with everybody on the


block again it's a small town she was a couple blocks away and um you know like


it was good but I got in a lot of trouble too because I didn't have any I wanted attention cuz I didn't have it and then I had uh you know I wanted uh


significance and I looked up to the older kids in the street and you know you get attention by doing doing dumb


yeah like what kind I thought of uh at First Look I remember started like soon as I moved to Harrison I would


just like do anything stealing was the thing for me right like Little D cars and stuff like that toy cars right I was


at five that happened later but um you know just like uh mouthing off like


typical wise ass then I got my parents put me in Catholic school cuz they're like this is definitely going to


be better it was worth cuz all the bad kids at the Catholic School yeah try to get them yeah and uh and I was like I


was into skateboarding right that was my thing so I was always in the city at Brooklyn Bank skating and you know


develop like that and it was fun and then at some point um you know drinking and partying came into it and drugs and


uh I it just like everybody went home and I didn't want to go home yeah so it


it escalated at that point and like that's really interesting too because it's like like the attention side of it


you know and like like feel like report them all that kind of stuff and and it's


like ironic because like your parents come here and then like are working


their asses off B for you and that you know the family um and like you know


just kind of like interested kind of how those like systems kind of ironic it is yeah pretty ironic but um so like I I


know a little bit of the story uh just because of like stuff that I've listened to before so like obviously you know


like the initial stuff led to more and more and more and like the what you were


describing when I listened to the episode of chop meat like the amount of stuff that you were doing like in a day


is like I can't even like wrap my head around that like it's crazy yeah yeah um


talk to like take take me through like as you're kind of progressing through you know like uh like you didn't want to


go Hollow like you said before so like obviously like things start to get you know you get deeper and deeper in the it


um so take me through like like kind of like the early stages of maybe like when you're like maybe I have that a issue


wouldn't yeah so um I I'll say a little bit of the of the why of what I think


that I don't know so like I skated I played the drums I was in bands I was in the city doing drugs was kind of cool my


Idols like Kirk Cain you know was kind of like my idol at that age at that age I'm 15 or something when he passed away


and um I didn't that the 27 club like I idolized getting high you know what I


mean I was like this is what you need to create art or be an artist it was false but sure and so like I didn't see it but


I also saw friends or people I knew walking over the bridge getting harassed by cops in and out of jail all the time


and I was like I'll never be that guy and then I fell into it and then what happened was like it was fun in the


beginning it I wasn't like yeah I want to sign up to be a junkie right sure um it it's weird cuz my story is like Watch


Basketball Diaries right with Le the cab and I'm like I'm like that's my story holy yeah not without the


fame and Jim Carol ban right but I was like Wow and it played it so well but um


you know it uh what I mean by I didn't want to go home was like in the beginning I was having so much fun that


I was like I don't want the party to stop eventually the party is not a party anymore and so it escalates to it and


and it went from like you know being social and everything to like next thing you know I'm getting locked up all the time right I'm I'm shooting heroin I'm


on a methodone Clinic um next you know it's like two decades doing it um I'm in the projects more that I'm at home like


I know everybody like I'm in hallways I'm I'm like just just running and gunning


um like I still had morals and a conscience but it wasn't strong enough to overcome what my addiction was and it


took me places that uh you know I wouldn't wish anybody and and you know


what though like I knew the drugs were bad but I also got caught up in the lifestyle right like a little bit in my


surroundings was like either this is what you do or it's cool or there was a


like I glamorized it yeah a little bit it is interesting too like we talk about how like you have like the moral compass


too you know and like it's like you don't sign up to be a jokey you just see


like the party doit stop and eventually that party gets kind of crazy but um like you said two decades like when did


it start like before for you uh just drink and smoking like what what age did it


start well I was going to say like it was probably no it's all right it was uh maybe like 12 13 okay and by the time I


got clean was 33 yeah like completely clean was 33 yeah and then how old are you know uh I'm 45 nice yeah uh I'm 33


but there you could start right now yeah uh so what I also think is really


interesting is like when we're talking about you know like this life that your


basically like a previous life that you had and now this life that you have and it's like the business like how many


businesses do you ow right now cuz you like you you have rental properties you have like small businesses like this


like how many you know things how many balls you got in the air at one time I got a lot right but it's not


overwhelming or nothing like that like so we have nine salons we have eight in New Jersey one in Miami I have a tattoo


shop that was my first business in Harrison and then uh about 50 uh apart RADS yeah at several


buildings and then I know there's other stuff there too CU we went vertical we have the education and everything but


more or less that's what yes it's like think it's what I thought fascina to is like from uh like redirected energy


almost like obviously the energy in that two decade span was on the r directed in


yeah d I'll AG yeah and now like I think it's so cool to see like now it's pulled


in a different direction and just like how like intense and just uh like to


scale it is you know like to kind of put that energy into something that's like a little bit different and now like kind


of seeing success from that like have you always been that way just like a man of extremes basically man of extremes


yes right like even from Little I have that I had that like I couldn't stay still yeah right then they would try to


diagnose me as something and I just really believe looking back at it now Traditional School and everything like I


excelled at school like I was smart where I didn't have to test and you know like uh went to Catholic school got


kicked out and high school went to public and then I was in AP class and everything not cuz I did the work yeah


right like I wasn't like this this book nerd but like they actually put me in classes where I could engage I had


physics and I could actually measure stuff and so I was always you know what I mean Sports uh I was more I still


snowboard skateboarding snowboarding motorcycles in that sense I'm an adrenaline junkie right like so I always


needed to to to feed that um and then on this side I don't see the thing is like


a lot of people will say like hey you you exchange one for the other or you just focus your energy and and I'm sure


some of it's true but I know a lot of people that got clean and didn't right so it's not like a definitely right it's


more of just like I got clean and then I had to change my mindset cuz


I did have it in me and I think most people just genuinely do sure and then I found out how how to how to focus on


something and actually put my all into it without knowing the outcome cuz I was


really good when I knew the out like like uh I never skipped the day of not getting


high it was very painful if right imagine like like unless I was in jail


or something like that so I was very like I'm very competitive uh I get what


I want and not strong arm or something but just like if I want it strong enough I'm going to go get it right and I


believe in manifestation and stuff like that um I think it's a culmination of things but yeah I look at it as an asset


now sure and like cool um when I first got clean and and drugs Black Sheep you


don't talk about it I'm in recovery and uh now it's like it's almost becoming


the cool thing to do like be sober don't drink don't do drugs you know what I mean like Clarity mindset and uh and and


it is an asset yeah uh the entrepreneurial side of it um I I'm also


interested in like that family Dynamic too because like your parents come here like you said they work in factories


they you know do like all that kind of stuff and then I feel like the American


dream type of thing is like you know my son's going to go to college he's going to get a good job he's going to like


work you and I how the family like the whole kind of thing and you know not necessarily like an entrepreneurial side


we had uh this guy Dave vieta who also this uh Chef in like Asbury and


Woodbridge all that and his parents are Portuguese no yeah yeah I know he has a Leo yeah yeah yeah and uh like he's a


friend of mine now but like they're it's like he grew up in Elizabeth so like


very similar right and talking about how like like he was in law school and it was like I want a cup now and they're


like what the man like we just we built this whole thing for you and now you're going to go do like be a chef


like they wouldn't they wouldn't talk about that and I think like that's a really interesting thing too because it's you know from like you know they


come here they're working their asses off and then you know uh like the entrepreneurial side like where where do


you think that came from cuz obviously you know if they're working factory jobs you're at Bakery like there's not


entrepr thing there um but so where does that come from for you I I'd say most of


it they asked are like my mom yeah so what happened was um tightnit Portuguese


Community my uncle started a credit union back in the 70s to help Portuguese


people put their money together and buy Properties or whatever cars or whatever like let's pull them was a credit union


um and then it eventually became a savings back and that was uh obviously my father's


brother-in-law and he helped my dad like hey let's buy some buildings together so they bought the one in Harrison a 10


unit that's where we moved and we ended up taking care of it and living there and then bought one Jersey so I saw that


already from early age and I had to learn cuz I'm the only one that spoke English in my family yeah had to do


leases had to fix stuff had to like like I learned that right so that's where the real estate came in um and then one day


one of our tenants we had two stores downstairs and like they left and my mom's like why don't you open up your


own thing mind you at that point I'm strung out and I'm like you really think that's a good idea I believe she was


just like I can keep an eye on you I really believe that's what it is yeah I know where you're at you're not


disappearing and I was like cool what's the scummiest business I could open up I


was like cool tattoo shop this is at the time right I like this is right up my alley my friend had one I hung out there


anyway I was like this is this is great so um I open a tattoo shop uh 200 10 I


believe that and uh no idea like I know how to build it out everything yeah like


were I mean I'm sure you had a couple of tattoos um more now blanks uh like you


not a tattoo artists no so just to like tattoo shop we're going to hire people and figure that it was it was it was I'm


going to figure out so I tattooed a little bit already right I had a gun I was messing around I was not good right


um and I was like Wow there a lot of work I wanted instant gratification and I built it out and I hired some kid is


still my friend today uh Dale Convoy he's in uh North Carol line I believe now and he moved up here and he had a


southern draw right and uh I was like it's not like I had other candidates I


was like congratulations I hired him and it was a show yeah I was getting


high the deal you know I mean it was it was literally like some biker movie you know and um but had my mom not pushed me


suggested whatever into that for whatever her motive was uh I don't think I'd be doing what I'm doing right now


like that was she always wanted me to do something on my own yeah did did you uh so you have this and you still have that


sh right which is I think really cool um because that's seen kind of a lot of


seasons of your life since 2010 uh was there did you have when you


went clean or got clean uh was there a Moment of clarity or was it more of kind


of just Progressive thing we were just like I just can't do this anymore you know it was this big bright light


[Applause] came down he was like help there moment


so for a long time right I was like I was first I was used to getting I was just institutionally in and out of jail


all the time I was in a bike gang one% club right I was like like the you know


B character in a movie that was me right um but I was like I was like d I'm got


tired of this I'm like it was cool not even it was just like I'm like damn I wasn't scared of dying not like that I


was Brave but like I was like I was more scared of I'm going to be stuck like this forever like I was I was


petrified right and I was like what I do and I tried everything I was on methadone which is like you got to go to


the clinic every day take it and then I ended up getting high anyway so I got two habits and I'm just I'm all up right at that point I'm like 280 lbs


cuz of the methodone makes you makes you big too um now I have this girl she's


got two little girls that I'm raising right and uh she gets pregnant with my


first and she's getting high too by the way right we're all just like bang it out and I'm like there's and so I


started getting tired right yeah I knew about Narcotic Anonymous in and out all the time of the rooms new people then I


started to see some of my friends get clean I was like damn that is worse than me how the did cuz


the easy ones I'm like ah you're you're you're a you don't you're not really you're not shooting through you


got track marks like me you know me to jail cuz I would no like you


start it it was always it was either like you're not as bad as me or as I'm not bad as you so on that end was that


if somebody's eating out of a dumpster like at least I'm not homeless you like a hustle so it kept it keeps you in a


up spot so seeing them get clean I'm going to meetings again eventually I


was like all right and and I stopped and it was November 4th 2011 but right before that my son was born and he was


was born addicted so he had the University Hospital in New Yark cuz his mom was you know nothing on her but we


were just getting high that's what we did yeah and uh he had to stay there for like month and a half two months in the


Nick unit I went every day um I went after I got high first right my


priorities sure and people were like oh you got clean cuz of your son and I'm like I I didn't and I love him that's my


boy I love him to death I didn't I got clean and I knew it too like I had to get clean for me first sure because I


couldn't stay and get clean for my son and then he's good so I got clean for me first and then I could take care of


everybody else and that's kind of like how it unfolded with that where I got eventually I got full custody of him um


you know and and my wife now I've been with her 11 years something kind of like


that's M he kind of knows the story and everything and um but yeah it it was a


consequences didn't work I got 18 felonies that didn't work you know what I mean I had warrant in Florida like it


just after a while you're just like whatever you know what I mean it had to be I I did have a hole in my spirit


right where it just I couldn't I threw everything in there and I couldn't get filled but I knew like once I did it


something switched yeah uh so this is I last question before a break in the second half we're going to talk all about you know now stuff but uh so I


want to bring it back to the family Dynamic did that ever like did the family support system that I ever just


kind of be like done with this we're done with you like we just can't do this anymore like how was that


relationship like through that part of your life sure um like my


parents did the best job they could I don't like my parents were great parents they really were they enabled me they


should they should have you know what I mean like it just I took him hostage you know I was I was like very aggressive


very violent um they were they fear for their lives right I didn't listen maybe


I pushed them and I want to say I never physically attacked them I'm sure I did under under the influence and


and um you know like but they never gave up on me I'm going to tell you that much they didn't and um even my


like my aunts and uncles and then I have people in Europe and everything like that they did what I did which is like


keep me at arms length they're like it's cool but we're not inviting you two things first I was like cool and then


second I was like all right I I understand so like they learn you got to and I have friends that still get high


and I create boundaries yeah you know uh whether they wanted to or not but they


were listen some people be like you're lucky your parents supported you on the other side it's like well they engag


they enabled me so it lasted longer than just throw me out I don't I don't have the answer to that but for M they


definitely uh as much as it could it came to a point though right after I started really like I would get locked


up twice in a day sometimes right I was a sloppy and um then they were just like you're sitting there and I would


threading them through the phone and they're like yeah that's cool like you're locked up right and the biggest


thing is they would be like listen we know you're safe in there yeah like being in jail was safe to them for them


for me you're not dead of course I'm like as soon as I get out I promise just get me out in the beginning it worked


then they were like yeah you got court in the morning yeah we'll see you you know what I mean right we'll see you in


there but um yeah they you know they did the best that they could they supported me yeah for sure uh well that was a


great first segment so we're going to take our break cool uh we'll come right back so this is the GRE Mard podcast


powered by the New Jersey Lottery on my C we're at the rad Verona New Jersey with pill Santos we'll be right


back the male Performing Art Center is the heart of arts and entertainment in Morristown New Jersey empac presents


over 200 events annually and is home to an Innovative Children's Arts education program to see empa's upcoming schedule


of worldclass concerts standup comedy family shows and more head to or just click the link in


our show notes hey folks I want to tell you about the crew over at make cool these are The Magicians who recently gave our


podcast a jaw-dropping makeover you know how we roll here at greetings with the G State podcast right we're all about that


Garden State attitude well make cool shares that same Vibe and they've got something absolutely epic to offer


it's called the unlimited cool design subscription it's a game changer my friends imagine this unlimited creativity One Flat monthly fee and none


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them out on Instagram at we makecool or visit their website we makecool remember that's


greetings from the Garden State is proud to be partnered with some amazing Brands a special thanks to Grand Coffee House


our official coffee and birdling our official travel bag to learn more about these and all of our other great


sponsors head to greetings from the garden

26:41 all right we're back for Segment two this episode of GRA from the guard state I'm your host Mike hand we're here in oh G from State powered by


the New Jersey Lottery I keep got to get like youed just saying that all over which is nice so thank you to the lottery uh we're at the room in Verona


jersey with Phil Santos so first April we learned kind of like your early life like all the stuff that you kind of have


gone through so far um but I want to get into stuff that we're like talking about now uh so I'm we met through Drew uh at


make cool who did like our logos like this is a make cool new logo for us which is really great um so like


the tattoo Shop's the first business that you start um and then in that time


is like when you get clean and all that kind of stuff so take me from like like you get clean and now it's


the entrepreneurial stuff starts and then like this salons I guess what kind


of like the next business so kind of how how does that happen like now you have the the tattoo shop and then starting


like more and more and more businesses so um tattoo shop and and I got clean


after that a little bit and um like I focused on getting clean for a year like


no job I moved in with a friend that was clean I left everything my son I left with my my parents right like I knew I


needed to focus and gather my stuff like gather my together and um


eventually I needed a job and I need health insurance right my son he a baby at the time so uh I had a couple people


who were in the union carpenters union and I was good in my hands I fixed apartments and stuff so I got into the Union became a union carpenter as an


apprentice at 34 or something like that which at the time I was like damn I'm old for this right and then you


come to find out it's actually right time it was one of the best experiences I had uh wor a lot of cool building a


lot of highrises the Hanes building in Newark I was there for 2 years and I remember going there as a kid it also


taught me a lot of things which is like how to work with others what I want to be what I don't want to be uh my foreman


yelled all the time I didn't want to yell uh but he put the pressure so I learned how to time everything be


efficient it it taught me a lot of stuff I learned the number side of it I got a good grasp on it and um that helped me


focus on my tattoo shop and actually make it profitable yeah did it take like


a lot to kind of like get back in there for how long was it open between when it opened then when you got clean uh about


2 years 2 and a half years and was it like like just like up when you got back in there I mean like they did


tattoos and they made money and whatever I could grab I gra so there was no go on


the business side there was no POS it was Cash nothing was reported that type of I really didn't know it was the


the the trust Factor um but I wasn't trustworthy so like how do I expect them


to do it what happened in that time though I was always techsavvy right uh my parents did one the lots of things


but when I was a kid they bought me an Apple 2C okay this is like ' 86 nobody even had a computer and especially


Harrison but cuz my cousin had one I had one and uh you almost had to learn how


to program a little bit I think it was Doss and uh always had computers cool


and I ran Linux Red Hat stuff like that so I was always tech savvy um I was uh the social media started


hitting and I started utilizing that for my business it was 4 Square first and then Facebook I started doing ads in


2011 Facebook ads Google ads um you know


and there was when nobody's using it the cpcs are very very cheap yeah so I kind


of like owned the market and I learned that in the tattoo and then Instagram came to and I did Instagram ads so I


understood that really well and I started to like I I got into it like I I started


loving it I was like wow this is fun I could actually see how many people called how many came in the analytics the kpis like this is cool my wife's a


hair stylist um we always knew we were going to open up a hair salon right didn't know when yeah buddy of mine


across the street at a barber shop just open he's like I got the best place for you it's next door and I was like


I'm not ready I was buying a house my first first a three family I was going


to propose to my wife right so like there seems a lot of expenses there was for there was a lot yeah so I's like


just go see it and he was like listen oh work we do men you do women like our our wives will go you and husbands and and


it didn't make sense and I was like we went there rent was super cheap uh everything included except for electric


right for a certain price they were there we we had people next door that we knew me and my wife were like like


what's the worst that could happen both have that you know attitude I'm like well the worst that could happen is


I put a security deposit on this house and I have to use it and so I did put a security deposit on it right and I had


to use that security deposit I'm like hopefully it drags out it's 2016 I was working in the h building in nework uh


left at three ran up here built it out within two months me and my my buddies a foreman um we had a date so July we


opened up September 20th 2016 and the house didn't close it I'm like cool now we have I'm about have to get the money


back and yeah and it was just like that um you know to to tight up that story is


we ended up closing in January that year but what it taught me right the pressure how to handle it back against the wall


get creative like you can't buy that lesson anywhere you can't study anything


and uh it gave me so many likes well if we did that we could do this right sure


like it it's one of the other things that like changed my mindset to like hm what else what else could I do yeah


where is the Loney coming from for like the businesses and stuff like that like to get you know the the the salons off


the off the ground first like you're an apprentice at that time yeah fourth year okay so fourth year so I meanly my Bun's


coming through there so I think like May is was me asking about like starting a business


and how do you do that you know I I'll tell you the easiest yeah a lot of Sweat


Equity so I'm working at the time I think I'm making $35 $40 an hour and my


wife's a hair stylist so she's making it too a lot of meal prepping lot of lot of saving a lot of being efficient um you


know I have the tattoo shop is starting to produce too y uh but I saved all the money and I had it for the security


deposit so I built the salon across the street maybe at the time for like 40,000


not in one shot I didn't I was a carpenter I knew how Rock sand to the floors painted


everything I look at it now compared to this it's like damn that looks like a little hole but it wasn't it was my


hole and it was like I put everything it I I didn't borrow right I


just I wanted to do it on my own not that I I'm sure my dad would have helped me or something but uh you know


like I had a timeline right so again the pressure helped me just like make it


happen yeah and then was there like a moment with the first Salon which is this one across the


street that you're like we could do eight more of these you know like was


just I know it was a moment nobody's like an eight man let's


go we just 10x it yeah like the whole thing people talk that CH all the time


um yeah so like when do you start seeing like you have the tattoo shop now you have uh do you have like ready retal properties at this point the one I was


living in which is my first it was three family gotcha so that's smart so you do that and then now it's like things are


coming in and doubling down on like the salon business businesses uh like was


though at a moment we're like yeah let's like do more like we could take on more so let's just do it so and the salon


side like we had five chairs across the street yeah got really tight we got really busy you know we're like the best


Salon I believe in northern New Jersey in terms of quality in terms of experience in terms of everything thing


and education uh I got really good on the business side of that while my wife was more on uh on the on the art side of


it on the you know me on employee side we made a really really good team yeah uh where I could focus on on ads


analytics retention retail percentages negotiate with the Distributors get


better deals you know what I mean get education for everybody that's how uh that happened we started to we started


to like bust at the seams and uh in 2019 um got reacquaint I knew him already we


met at um my wife's uh cousin died he overdose


so we went to the funeral my other buddy's uh my partner now in recovery too and uh he's like listen I don't know


what happened to you when I first hung out with you a few years ago you seem very angry very mad and I will say


what's up but again the same like he's like just didn't want you that close yeah like what's up he's like I don't


know what it is but first you're smiling way too much right and he's like so I had energy around me he was saying he's like listen


let's have lunch you got a salon I got a salon he had a salon and he still does in Ridgewood let's have lunch we had


lunch in August 2019 it went very well he's like let's do this every other


Thursday I'm like cool yeah by the next one I was like listen I got a spot in Mont Clair I'm looking at want to go


look at it with me it's like yeah and we went we just energy wise there was no big business plan or you know anything


out and I was like let's do it we signed it we opened it November around than G November


2019 and 3 months later Co happened and it was like all right yeah


what do we do now right yeah um I do want to ask about uh so you mentioned it


in the first segment with like manifestation and kind of just like the energy like all kind of stuff and even


this story we were talking about where you know your friend SL business partner I'm guessing like is just saying like


your energy has totally changed like where did that come from and like what are some things that you do to kind of


keep that positive energy I guess sure um first I got clean that's the easy


answer but I know lots of people that are clean are just angry and miserable yeah right try drunks there's everything


I knew when I got clean my my negotiation my deal was I'm not getting clean to be bitter and angry


for that I just go continue what I'm doing you know what I mean like there has to some sort of benefit and so that


that was like my non-negotiable and then uh I started seeing other people and started that and um a buddy of mine I


seen his life change and he wasn't getting higher or nothing started getting successful mindset everything and I'm like what are you doing he's


like I'm reading these books he's like I'll give you a couple and I'm like I don't really read I'm more of


like T you know yeah you know internet some like that audio cool again


back to when I was in school like I couldn't sit still right I could read got really force myself but he gave me two books he gave me Napoleon Hill uh


thinking Grow Rich and he gave me uh Rich Dad Poor Dad right and they were easy reads they were good and I was


already getting there and I'm like I understand has nothing to do with money yeah nothing it's just what perception


is then I still seen him do his thing on on Instagram right and he's like Hey


listen I'm going uh I one free ticket to a Tony Robbins event it's in newer credential Center uh and at the time I


kind of heard about him a little bit and I looked up like this shit's $1,200 I don't got $1,200 like I could get it but


it was not my priority right it was I didn't put it there he's like whoever wants someone for free tell me your


story I typed them he's like and he knew it a little bit he's like yo it's yours I'm like cool I'll meet you there he's


like no no no no you got to go by yourself and sit there 13,000 people and


you have to experience it and I'm like he's like it's easy it's 4 days from 9:00 in the morning till 1: in the morning Jesus it's it's intense right


he's like do not go on YouTube and look anything up don't listen to nobody just show up yeah so that's part of my open


mind and I went there and uh I was already very open and mindset and what


happened was it's not so much him as uh the tools that are available and the


other people around where you're like all right everybody else is there's


positive people solution based people people with energy you just felt it so that was a big uh that was a big change


in terms of mindset of course I came out and everybody's like cool what the


happened to you like you guys are wearing Nike Cortez and drinking Koolaid


some Jim Jones you know what I mean Heaven's Gate type of and and I'm not like I'm not really uh you know I I


believe and I have faith religion yeah and I was like you know you're like no no and they're just like but what


happened again is like first my wife saw it like after a few months she's like I don't know what the happened but I


like it you're not complaining you're like let's find the solution you're not panicking you're talking about people


differently I stopped not that I did like I don't yell so she's like you don't y even went I'm y you're like


you're telling me to calm down and I don't like it yeah they don't like that no it's like too abort yeah and I'm like


let's use the 24-hour rule she's like no we're going to resolve this now yeah so uh that was a that was a big like my


shift and then when I happened what happened is I started making um relationships new networks I had to let


go of other ones not like they're not value or anything but it's a different chapter in the book you can't bring the


other chapter with you and um I think other people started noticing that and then where I grew up and I was like


nothing happens for me I have no opportunities to working class that now I'm like now I see it I was just like so


close-minded or just this is the way it is people are coming to me more with opportunities everything yeah it's crazy


like as you're like you know I feel this the same way like we're talking about like about some of the stuff that I've been kind of going through and or do it


and whatever and it's like the energies and like the stuff that you kind of just start like putting out into the universe


like though it's like freaky real how real that is and like as soon it's even


like the people that you started surrounding yourself with like if they're vibrating at the same frequency


as you or S and just like we start meeting more and more those people that kind of just you're all s you know I think


that's really like a really cool thing and like I 100% noticed that like no doubt um let's get back to co happens uh


the world goes to um and like so then what you know cuz I feel like


you're like a yes and now what kind of guy yeah yeah so right before I met my partner and everything and he actually


was like this is right before happened so it's like November he's like you know I've been thinking like you ever heard


of Tony Robbins you ever go and at that time I went like three times my wife and I was like yeah it's funny you say that


like I'm like why you want to go he's like yeah I'm like all right so somebody gave me my ticket I always pay the ticket forward I buy tickets for people


so I'm like let me buy your ticket I'm like it's our first trip together I'm like we're going to find a lot of stuff out and it was in Miami went to Miami


and he just like he didn't he was he was a great person already and it just like


put him on another he's like he had a partner that it's like one of those relationships that need attend for


whatever reason and he just couldn't he left and ended that relationship he actually gave the guy he had another


Salon he gave the guy the salon for nothing wow right cuz he's like oh I want money I'm like nah give it to him


one it's good he felt so good about it so we're prepare down so Co happens and


it's like cool everybody panics the government this it's what they're doing Meanwhile we're like solution base


it's like what are we going to do cool let's do some kits right now let's reach out to them let's make sure all are


employees we actually closed a few days before March 13th we actually flew in from Europe as


it's happening there running out of it we were like in in Paris fashion week and they're shutting everything down


every country and we're like we need to get the out of here just made it we saw it coming March 13th was a Friday we


shut everything down that day uh and applied for unemployment for all people right away so our first priority was


taking care of everybody um so we were cool with that now we're like cool we need to you know figure this out and um


and we did and then we opened up I think it was uh June 20th and there was PPP all this other stuff and where a lot of


people were just like it's mindset and perspective this sucks this and it did right sure but it's not going


to change anything we were like cool what are we doing here um the salon across the street and the others were


some of them were smaller so we had to skip a salon chair yeah so if we have


five and they make 100,000 it's 500 Grand if we skip two you're at 300 Grand so we created teams where it's like


everybody works three days a week longer days and it actually doubled our Revenue because now we could actually hire more


people yeah um so where there were a lot of like oh it became like let's get


creative so we actually excelled in the sense of our gross revenue everywhere


because we could have double the employees and all essentially each chair became double yeah especially when we


opened up um and then how we grew too is like we started getting opportunities some of our Distributors were like hey


we see what you're doing we actually have somebody has a salon for sale struggling cuz coob hits you either one


way you're like oh and you're going to close we're going to excel plain and simple it's very hard to be just this


I'm sure you had a career change to you were saying a little bit before yeah so opportunity


or and um might to go go check it out it's in Maplewood um we're respectful we


didn't want to like she had employees and we're like and we bought it and we're like wow instead of opening up


salons maybe we should purchase them Acquisitions you have employees you have clients you have everything you give it


and that was our first one and it's one of our most successful ones yes and then


um the next year like we bought Miami we bought that Salon we bought a package of four in uh in Bergen County and and the


same thing we started looking at this more like cool they brought it to here yeah they have education systems and we


could bring it there like a turkey thing yeah that's cool um yeah cuz I would


imagine building them all from scratch would be a lot of work and a lot of money yeah you L of capital too exactly


yeah um so where at what point does I'm just just cuz I'm curious uh and


technically there's a partner of ours like where does make cool come in oh Drew at Drew is awesome Drew is Stu


man yeah so right before K the Monclair he was uh doing some stuff for


the for sparrows okay to Next Door friends of ours before then they had another restaurant that I loved Adam and


Mike and uh it was a real quick like hey we we love their logo like hey we got a logo guy Drew was kind of working out of


his house he came to the salon did our logo like it we already have three Salon tattoo shop and some other stuff


I'm like do the all it worked like that and then we started buying more then we're like why are we summon this why


don't we I think it was like him and us he was like hey let's do something and


that's when we partnered and um you know Drew is the is the brains and everything behind it and we help him in the sense


of uh on the business side again so that he could stay creative right and um


which is huge in a creative world as someone who does a creative Endeavor like the business side is other that


like seemingly always gets Moss with like a lot of creatives it's just like you know money's like so secondary to a


lot of that kind of stuff we call it the artist curse right where it's like I'm so artistic and this is all I care about


and it's like yeah you're closing yeah you're not doing good so like I look at business as an art right like I'm I'm a


skater kid I used to do graffiti like I I played music like that was like that


was my um my out of everything right and and I I fell into it business is an art


cuz it's not like this you got it's a surfboard I got to like do this and figure it out and I think that's my


asset my biggest ones is like uh I can let you do what you do yeah and I could


be over here figuring else and that's what I love and I could be artistic about it I could the pressure hits me


differently or when pressure hits me that's when I'm creative when it's BL I'm like I need something new yeah I'm


that I'm not stir the pop I'm just like cuz I want to find a problem to solve yeah I want the challenge and um but but


but Drew is just like he's uh he's special he's he's you know he's he's part of the family and uh our


relationship here is is is because of him but uh you know he's also good because he's uh it's very small business


like he has that relationship that emotional connection where it's not just a logo or branding or website like he


does it all he actually talks to you feels you knows that like for sure he


knows how to convert that yeah that's like like the whole process what we did the Rebrand for the show was that and


like it was just basically from the episode that we did through where we actually like got it all launch like


beginning of October I think it was like October 5th or something was when we actually did the whole Rebrand um but uh


yeah it's like the same kind of thing and like now with the production side like production company side it's the same kind of thing like let's talk about


like what kind of clients you want to work with and all these other like I was like this you sp a logo but as


to your point it's like like a he really did establishes that connection which I


which I like so um okay so what what's next for you like what's the


next problem you're going to solve if you don't know what it is already like are you like looking at other like


different types of things or continuing with like what you're doing now when uh just kind like continue to expand like


the salon business like what are you looking to do like next um so what what


what's cool like with the Drew thing how we connected uh I have a lot of of friends that are business owners I have


a lot of Chef friends for whatever reason right and um you know it like we


talk about stuff like that I've done some stuff with some some great chefs um I'm like really open to whatever and


I think it's because um I'm a Problem Solver that a lot of people get like attracted to be


in the energy right like I help people in that aspect in the sense of real estate um I have a bunch in New Jersey I


partnered with somebody we're looking at a project in Connecticut's like 202 units it's way out of my league and


that's why I'm attracted to it yeah right um on the salon side I think we're good right now uh we grew fast and we


have to make sure our systems keep up the pace the sounds really good and then you know you get nine that means one or


two are going to close they're not all going to be successful and I think uh it's one of the best learning things


learning curves I could get handson because it's like cool uh do I how do I remove the emotional attachment from it


how do I make the right decisions do we start getting uh seite people in right yeah um the biggest thing I've learn


Right Where I Need Is everything was funded by our own money and I start running out of my own money really quick


oh yeah right because the bigger the project of this so um you I go to a lot


of I go to a lot of seminars a lot of Tony Robin stuff I've been around the world this last year Africa everything


and the type of people I have to be around it it's not money based it's idea


based but it correlates yeah cuz when you're solution you know a problem solver


you're going to get paid more for what you do so learning how they think lets


me think on a bigger scale with and removing the money so now the 2002 units it's like $23 million I don't have $23


million right I don't have the down payment for it right but I figured out it's a deal I I figure out how to do it


so I'm working on putting a fund together I've had some small investors in some of the salons and real estates


and stuff friends and family that I could trust that's where I'm might not putting this fun together cuz I want to


I'm really curious just want to see how far I could go yes I'm not afraid to fail that does I'm not Reckless sure


like the fear of that I'm afraid of not doing it yeah cuz also like I got the


biggest second chance ever like I ow I've been in jail you know what I mean I could have worse I could have still been


getting high and roaming around like one of them zombies right so like uh I look


at it just like why would I waste everything that was like I have


friends that didn't make it right so I'm going to just be like mediocre or like don't push hard or this I hear all that


you know what I mean you're too ambitious or why don't you just relax with your family and this and like


listen if that's what it is for you but like you have a short you know as you get older it's a short time span yeah I


want to make sure um I do as much as I can and more than anything like I need fulfillment in my life so like bringing


people along with me watching them get better or do better like that's the biggest that's the biggest fulfillment


um keeping myself grounded with gratitude every day right it's as simple


as just waking up my feet in the ground and I'm grateful but it's also like that's easy when shit's good like thank


you God for my son and everybody but like when I have to go into a situation


and um you know I feel a certain type of way old emotions come up and I and and


in my head right like I'm like damn I could smack the out of this right now practicing it in


that moment gratitude and stack and I'm like all right n I'll feel horrible after playing the T I'll feel horrible


I've got too far why do I want to do that he's going to win if I do that uh you know I play the tape and so


like yeah stay in a state of gratitude uh and just like I used to avoid problems and get into


them now I look for them to fix them yeah that's really cool and I love it's just like it's such a cool full circle


Journey now and like you know causeing problems and soling problems you know um


before we kind of like wrap it all up I do want to make sure that we plug the podcast do uh so chop meat which is one


of my favorite names of a show that I'd never heard um and I think it just like fits so good with you and Jamie um take


me through like why why you started and then kind of like what what it's about and types of guests that you get on all


that kind of stuff I'm going to shout out Drew on that one too yeah like name Logo if you're struggling with it like


Drew is he finds out who you are and and puts it together uh it started off I


always wanted to do a podcast too and I think it was more just to like practice and get it out there my first guest was


uh chef Jamie KN for the Saddle River in and he's got five other came keep up bunch of restaurants everywhere and uh


it went so well kind of like this very just like easy and he's like can I be your co-host and I was like I was saying


before I was like I got to talk to the board which is me and no but I was like yeah I guess so it was that easy I'm


like and we scheduled it that was the biggest thing I was like cool every Monday at noon no matter what and um you


know it's it's a part of my therapy too and I think when people come uh because of our energy who we are and everything


they get to release too and you know I again like it it's um and we were


talking before like the money will come afterwards sure right like I really believe like it's just feels good and it


is good and somebody will reward you even if it's not money and whatever and whatever capacity and it's uh it's


definitely one of my my pure project yeah that's really cool I remember when I interviewed Jamie we did it at his


house cuz he was like all pumped up about his brand new basement yeah and so we had to do it there and that was like


right around the time when you guys were getting started so I kind of feel I've been a for like the whole ride and uh


this episode's going to post in January so like we all also do like the top 10


we re-release the top 10 episodes of the year over the holidays cuz nobody listens during the holidays and


Jamie's like number four for like whole year which is really like we've had a lot of really good guests and episodes


that we've done this year so which that is really cool and that was easily one of my favorite ones that we did for 2023


now we're in 202 court for this episode so uh um if people want to learn more


like connect with you your businesses we can put all I'll put all the stuff in the sh out so they can go click it like


where do you want them to go first uh you can just reach out to me it's chop CH


oore sails fil that's on Instagram I answer all my DMs um you know we also


have the room Verona that's our main Salon over here um but yeah just send me


out a DM send me out a text whatever if I could do anything if I could help like that's like service work is what I do


yeah right like I love helping people I love giving what was freely given to me and you know I love to connect cool


awesome so we'll put those in the show notes so people can connect with you check out the businesses that you got uh


my uh Christy my girlfriend is like covered in tattoos so we might have to make it out to Harrison at some point too whatever you want got you uh a face


tats on her and make her look a fistal yeah for sure uh but uh all right cool


so put thr those in there along with greetings so you can check out all of our other episodes cuz at this point we're in well into the hundreds


now so uh again thank you so much for doing this with us today this was great cool spot cool story uh I've able to


finally get it done you know so uh I'm interested to see like what everybody


else thinks about it uh so this has been the GRE B podcast powered by the New Jersey Lottery I'm Mike H we were here


at the room in Verona with Phil Santos thank you for listening and we'll catch you next time cool thank you for having


me I appreciate it [Music]


absolutely do you all right oh tell me before you go all the


way do [Music]


you [Music]