Greetings From the Garden State

The King of Old Pans Cast Iron Kyle

January 30, 2024 Ham Radio Productions Episode 114
The King of Old Pans Cast Iron Kyle
Greetings From the Garden State
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Greetings From the Garden State
The King of Old Pans Cast Iron Kyle
Jan 30, 2024 Episode 114
Ham Radio Productions

Trenton's "Cast Iron" Kyle Seip, is a seasoned hustler with a lifelong passion for treasures that stand the test of time. From his early days on a mission to acquire more Pokemon cards to his present endeavors, Kyle has always been driven by the thrill of the hunt.

Today, Cast Iron Kyle immerses himself in products with a rich history, often spanning over a century – cast iron skillets, pans, and other materials crafted by the hands of our great-grandparents. His journey takes him to flea markets, garage sales, and beyond, in search of rare items that others might discard but Kyle can lovingly restore to their former glory.

Discover how Kyle's expertise goes beyond mere restoration, creating cookware that not only withstands the test of time but also offers a healthier alternative to modern-day pans. Through his engaging presence on social media, Kyle has carved out a niche, showcasing his picking, restoring, and refurbishing processes. His dedicated followers and clients get an inside look at the transformation of these culinary artifacts.

Notably, Cast Iron Kyle's passion has attracted attention from culinary heavyweights like Matty Matheson and Brad Leone, and he has even captured the admiration of a famous British chef. Throughout his journey, Kyle remains committed to his mission – spreading love and awareness for cast iron. Tune in to this episode as he shares his insights and endeavors, hoping to make cast iron the go-to cooktop for a new generation. Embrace the legacy, savor the craftsmanship, and join us in rediscovering the culinary heritage of cast iron with Cast Iron Kyle Seip.


Music: "Ride" by Jackson Pines

Thank you to our sponsors:
New Jersey Lottery:

New Jersey Innovation Institute:

Make Cool Sh*t:

UCS Advisors:

Albert & Whitney CPAs:

Mayo Performing Arts Center:

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Show Notes Transcript

Trenton's "Cast Iron" Kyle Seip, is a seasoned hustler with a lifelong passion for treasures that stand the test of time. From his early days on a mission to acquire more Pokemon cards to his present endeavors, Kyle has always been driven by the thrill of the hunt.

Today, Cast Iron Kyle immerses himself in products with a rich history, often spanning over a century – cast iron skillets, pans, and other materials crafted by the hands of our great-grandparents. His journey takes him to flea markets, garage sales, and beyond, in search of rare items that others might discard but Kyle can lovingly restore to their former glory.

Discover how Kyle's expertise goes beyond mere restoration, creating cookware that not only withstands the test of time but also offers a healthier alternative to modern-day pans. Through his engaging presence on social media, Kyle has carved out a niche, showcasing his picking, restoring, and refurbishing processes. His dedicated followers and clients get an inside look at the transformation of these culinary artifacts.

Notably, Cast Iron Kyle's passion has attracted attention from culinary heavyweights like Matty Matheson and Brad Leone, and he has even captured the admiration of a famous British chef. Throughout his journey, Kyle remains committed to his mission – spreading love and awareness for cast iron. Tune in to this episode as he shares his insights and endeavors, hoping to make cast iron the go-to cooktop for a new generation. Embrace the legacy, savor the craftsmanship, and join us in rediscovering the culinary heritage of cast iron with Cast Iron Kyle Seip.


Music: "Ride" by Jackson Pines

Thank you to our sponsors:
New Jersey Lottery:

New Jersey Innovation Institute:

Make Cool Sh*t:

UCS Advisors:

Albert & Whitney CPAs:

Mayo Performing Arts Center:

Contact the show:

Support the Show.


there was never really a need to change cookware and I'm cool with cooking on


the stuff that my great great grandparents cooked on in you know the late 1800s and inspiring people to do


that and to share love and to show people that it's not hard to cook good stuff yeah um that's kind of what cast


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all right what's up everybody welcome back to another episode of greetings from the Garden State powered by the New Jersey Lottery I'm your host Mike H


we're here in Trenton New Jersey our first episode actually in Trenton New Jersey ever which is kind of surprising


but also not really that surprising but we're with Kyle Cy cast ir and Kyle cast ir and Kyle welcome to the show thank


you for having me absolutely happy to be here in your home I'm really pumped to


talk to you because you're a jersey guy absolutely right so we're going to talk a lot about that kind of stuff but also


uh we love when interesting people reach out to me first and so like you you followed us and then I started getting


into like what you do with your stuff and with cast iron like all the other things that you're doing with your accounts and I was like this is pretty


cool and definitely something that's like super unique for what uh the types of guests that we've had on the show


which at this point is this episode 114 we've we've a lot for um but uh okay I


want let's learn a little bit about you uh so we'll do a little bit quick 30,000


foot view what cast iron Kyle is okay and then we'll kind of like get into how


you got to he well I mean it's what what cast iron Kyle actually is is to teach


people how to you know essentially share the love of cooking to to share emotions um I


mean it's no no secret that men aren't really good at sharing emotions um


embracing uh having emotions is kind of tough for men to do sometimes so I found that it's a really great way to show


love for people uh you might not find the right words to say you might not find the right gift or the right


expression but if you're good at cooking and you can make a meal for somebody if they you know your girl's having a bad


day she comes in be like here's I made this for you I or I'm hungry before bed you could throw together a way better


case OFA some cast iron with a little knowledge then you know oh we'll order out real quick you know what I mean so


it's kind of it's not just the food itself it's the level of love and passion that you put into the meals that


you're sharing with people so I feel like teaching people to cook incast iron


is not only healthy and I'm a big fan of if it's not broke don't fix it so there


was never really a need to change cookware and I'm cool with cooking on the stuff that my great great


grandparents cooked on in you know the late 1800s and inspiring people to do


that and to share love and to show people that it's not hard to cook good stuff yeah um that's kind of what cast


iron Kyle is but also the element of um that personal element I like to add that


uh I try to use that element to stand out from other people that are doing the same thing like there's a lot of guys


that are doing great work in the cast iron world but when you approach their social media it's just pictures of


Skillets and Skillets and Skillets and Skillets and who is this who is this I forget who I'm looking at you look at mine I'm going to cook a you know a lamb


rack and then you're going to see a video of my dog and cat fighting you know what I mean like I want people to know that I'm an approachable guy like I


want people to reach out with questions my biggest thing is don't there's no stupid questions right I once asked in a


room full of horse people how many litters are how many Ponies are in a litter so i' I've been on the other end


of those those questions totally so I want people to know they can reach out and 90% of my sales are people actually


reaching out to me saying a size8 is 11 in I I I want a size you know like they


I I want people to know that they can talk to me and ask questions and 90% of my sales aren't even things I post it's


people coming to me telling me what they're looking for and I have it in inventory and send it out that's cool um


so there's so much that you just talked about that I want to talk about but we have to follow some sort of process here


but I just a big answer I have so many questions it's bubbling up already but I I let's just start I'm interested to see


how you got from like early days Kyle okay to starting with the cast iron


stuff and showing Love by cooking in a cast iron skillet so um you're born and raised Jersey guy absolutely alltown New


Jersey New Jersey that's this area right yeah it's about five six miles that way that way and so over there yeah camera


to over that way um and so what were you doing like what was Yol Kyle into were


you cooking back then was a big part of your early life we we were in 4 we were in I was in FFA we were in


4 we did um I was in Boy Scout so cooking outside was always Big 4 AG I entered a lot of uh vegetable growing


competitions my family owned a farm in heightstown my family's from the Jersey side of my family's from Heist toown


okay so when you were you know talking to P girl I was like I know exactly where that's um and you know young me I


I was always interested in in cooking it fascinated me that you could take something you know a couple ingredients


couple you know seasonings and spices and turn it into a meal where somebody's like happy yeah so it always intrigued me um I was always into fishing and my


dad was a hunter so we always had you know different things to eat in the house we were always you know here's deer meat or here's a mahim Mahi when I


was like 10 years old you know yeah and uh my parents did actually introduce us to some cultural dishes like my mom's


German so it's like different things that they eat and my dad you know cooked the traditional way they cooked on the farm and I just it was just a big part


of my life yeah and I spent a lot of my childhood with my paternal grandmother


from she was from heightstown she was a big Auctioneer she's antiquer big into collecting and buying and selling I


would go to auctions with her when I was little and I had to I'd have to sit on my hands because if you make any kind of gesture she's got to buy some art you


know she'll be pissed um that's that's my go-to line about my grandmothers I had to sit on my hands so she didn't


have to buy some stupid art she didn't want um but I I learned like I've seen


that I've seen people throw something out that looks like that how these people are biding like crazy and I learned at a young age like when Pokemon


came out I found out I can have my own Pokemon card collection but I can also


sell the Pokemon cards I don't want to get more Pokemon cards that I want sure


Hustler back in the day dude totally we had how old are you I'm 35 okay so I'm 33 so right in the same right in the


Wheelhouse um when we were little we we we didn't we didn't grow up you know Athlon or anything like that we grew up


in a nice middle class neighborhood um we always try to of new I remember my


had this bicycle was made bywin it was a bicycle with a big had two wheels in the back big basket newspaper delivery bike


we turned that into the come to you car wash it had the soap the our special solution of soap and our special rinse


bucket we would go to people's houses and wash their cars with our own Supply yeah and we were like oh my gosh now we


have money now we can get Pokémon cards now we can sell more Pokémon cars we have two flows of business we were like little entrepreneurs 12 years old


shoveling driveways mowing lawns raking leaves everything we could to make a couple extra bus to be able to have the


nicer things in life and my parent I didn't ask my parents to buy me magically gathering in Pokemon cards we had to pay the electric bill you know


what I mean so figuring that out at a young age and then being around my grandmother it just it just morphed into


this buying and selling phase of my my early 20s where it was just everything


it was antique stuff it was you know vintage shirt and it just became too much I learned the value of just about


everything yeah so the other half of where this all came from I I spent a great uh deal of time with my


grandfather on my mom's side he had Alzheimer's dementia Parkinson's all that and uh I lived with him around the


clock for 5 years and cooked for him I took care of him and he was from Tennessee so you're not going to fool a


guy raised in Tennessee on some bad food so I learned to cook very well to show that love when I should have been out


partying going to college being a stupid 18 19y old kid yeah I was living with my 80-year-old grandfather cooking for him


right so I kind of keep my my grandmother uh her her her memory alive


and my grandfather they were my two favorite people and to be able to do something that reminds me of both of them every single day yeah kind of takes


the heat off of losing them you know what I mean so it it's forgetting that they're gone is


like sometimes happens but remembering that they're not there is like super tough yeah so I might have got that


backwards so if you want to reverse that it might work the same way same I'm just I'm really into the and I I I enjoy


focusing on one realm of you know the buying and selling which is the cast iron I do find some cool stuff along the


way don't get me wrong I'm find a you know autographed Alex tbec Funko Pop here and there and uh that's fun too but


uh I learned the value of a dollar very early and I learned how to cook very early and I learned how to flip stuff


very early and it has totally taken over you know to this what you see now that's


really cool so uh at what point does the cast iron stuff come into play because


like we're talking about Pokemon cards yeah which is I mean dude Pokemon cards I I gave mine away to a friend's little


brother when I was yeah talk about regrets I like look every then I'll be like I wonder what a


Gengar Japanese and then I'm like no I should stop looking shut it off put it down I'm going I'm going to bed going to


bed yeah um but uh so so like I I would imagine like cooking for a grandfather


who's from Tennessee and like going antique King and like all that kind of stuff you're going to run across these types of things at some point um but


like when did that start to kind of become like the main thing so when I I I


actually moved back to the town where my grandfather lived that I took care of him that was uh Hopewell New Jersey


which is kind of right outside of Princeton area nice in the m m semi- mountainous area if you want to call it mountainous um yeah Hill yeah yeah yeah


s s Hills yeah um that's going to piss a lot of people off uh s Hills um it kind


of took a turn when I when I was living on my own and I learned that I could take cheap ingredients and you know when


you move to your first apartment and like it's like you pay your rent you're like oh cool that's all I got left for


two whole weeks what do I do kind of stretch this I learned how to one of the first things I when I made that I


thought was like cheffy was when I was I don't probably early 20s you're going


back you know 10 10 12 years I uh I made ramen noodles and I drained off the The


Soup part and I like sauteed the noodles with like some walnuts and a little chicken wow and I made my own duck sauce


and I like found out how easy that was to do I was like this cost like four bucks Al together right you know back


when chicken was not the price of an Aston Martin um and I I like I was like


wow this is cool what else could I do how else could I make food like to buy bacon WRA scallops you're going to pay


30 40 bucks for a couple of them right if you buy bay scallops from the grocery store and your own bacon and wrap them


yourself you can cook them how you like you can you can do so much with creativity and having to work on a


budget um that's what transformed me into the magic of cast iron because I figured out that everything you cocon


cast iron is a better for you but B just makes it better it's it just tastes better it is better and it's cool


because it's old you're cooking on something that's you know some of these things here 100 years old right and uh I


just became fascinated it was probably 12 years ago I would say would be the exact point in time where I was like


this is what I want to do yeah you start this metamorphosis to cast iron con yeah yes yeah my cocoon was


building Springs forth a butterfly absolutely um so you've mentioned a couple times and this is questions out


of order but I don't care so why like you said some of these things could be


100 plus years old yeah why is cooking on something that's so old healthier


than cooking on something that's like brand new from the store well back then when they made the pans it was mostly


from Pure iron ore like they Min it from the mountains most of these Brands 90% of the brands of cast iron vintage cast


iron come from either Ohio or Pennsylvania and it's Western Pennsylvania you're talking eie and and


Eastern Ohio you know and it was raw iron it was made correctly I'm a


machinist by trade and I can see how these pans were made and Mill and and tooled and and made with love and care


now it's a it's a quantity Thing versus actually putting out a good product things are made nowadays to be replaced


it's no it's no secret to anybody that it's really hard to find a good well-made product nowadays that doesn't


have some sort of warranty that immediately goes away the second it's a year old or something you know so back


then they didn't have the option to do that very much so they had to make good things they didn't have the money back


then and the time and the the means to go and shop and go and buy if you bought


something it was meant to last right so the quality is there the craftsmanship is there and most of the iron nowadays I


can't speak for the new cast iron Brands I don't know if it's for sure but it's very hard to think that a Pan's going to


a company's going to put out a million pans of raw ore iron you think some of it's recycled sure and that just gets in


your head to me you know think you're you know somebody's recycled fishing lures or something you know what I mean


so so it's just uh it's it's it's not necessarily I wouldn't say psychological but it's just it's logic based things


were made better back then it's the reason you'd want a 69 Camaro versus a 96 Camaro of course I had 96 Camaro was


cool totally I totally would have wanted a 69 Camaro though you know what I mean yeah right I have a new truck would love


an old truck absolutely you know what a Shabby Ford Dodge what is it uh Ford okay cool you'd probably wanton an F100


from the 60s 100% yeah okay that's I have this dream from one day when this show actually becomes like a mega


success cuz we're at like huge success right now so like Mega success where I


have like all this disposable income where I'm like it I'm going to buy a truck like an old truck and like make


sure that's an automatic trim with you the disposable income feel that man yeah um okay so you


start going down this path of uh getting into cast iron and and all that kind of stuff you have the background of being a


hustler and picking you know antiquing all that kind of stuff so I'm curious to


know like at what point do you decide like hey I should put this stuff on social media because people give a


about what I'm doing or just kind of like starting out and like doing your own thing and starting to try to when at


one point maybe did you think of it as like I can make this a business and start learning how to restore these


things that's a better question to start with well it was there was there was a couple different stages of it I I loved


sharing the videos of the cooking and stuff and helping people learn to cook it's very cool when somebody says hey I made that that those the steaks the way


you like I like reverse searing when people say hey I tried reverse searing I'm never going to cook a steak the other way again right that's inspiring


when somebody says hey I learned from your recipe so pushing the recipes and growing the recipes that person shares


it with this person with this person with that person that's all cool that's part of the growth in the social media


part but the business end came from um certain chefs started reaching out um


some people that are actually like pretty pretty well known in the food world were getting cast iron from me and


saying hey the way that you're restoring these and the way that you're seasoning them and taking care of them it's


working pretty good for us like we don't have any problems with it like do you have another size this size that people


are buying sets I'm putting you know I'm curating for people Brands like certain people want to grow Brands um you know


just just the level of um culinary professionals that were actually reaching out for Skillets and I think


that that Personal Touch I was talking about kind of made the difference yeah uh because they're like all right he's


just a knock around guy that you know does this right so uh the business end came when I think the pandemic which I


hate talking about the pandemic because it just it's just so hard to avoid it but people were cooped up yeah people


were cooking at home a lot more I don't know if you remember but if you tried to get door dashed during the pandemic you had like a three-h hour wait totally and


it was inflated prices there was there was you know you had to pay extra for delivery fees you felt guilty tipping


them because they're working during the pandemic it was just an explosion of cost yeah and um people were cooking at


home more and including myself and uh I reached out to a couple chefs and said


hey I have some cast iron if you want to if you need anything you know and a


couple chefs reached out and said yeah we we're looking for this that that that and I asked him for the first time ever


I was like I'll sell you these for a cheaper price if you post that I'm doing


this sure because I still had a way to get them during any Pand during anything


I can always get these I've worked with these Pickers for like 10 years like they're the same guys I've always done


work with um but the chef's sharing like hey this guy is the guy I get my cast iron from that boomed it into a business


I went from selling maybe 30 or 40 a year and thinking that was cool hundreds right and that that confidence and um


you know certain chefs like like Matty mat and and Brad Leone like those guys were very pivotal to making me feel like


I was doing the right thing and that I could keep going with with it as a bus as well as a passion sure so did it so I


was my next question was going to be like kind of pivotal moments you just talked about it but yeah very pivotal


yeah so let's you know you talk about Maddie Madison and and Brad Leone and some of these other guys that are that


are following you and you're now doing work with um and you said you go from doing like 2030 uh pens a year to


hundreds yeah like that's a pretty big jump it was a very big jump it was


yeah was there like almost kind of like oh like this is getting too big too fast type of thing like cuz obviously at


the same time like if you're you know promoting this business that you've now built yourself which is incredible and


like I respect the hell out of that but that also at the same time like you need to make sure that like your quality is


staying where it needs to be get going underw there's like some shitty pan and just to get it out the door I mean one


of the catalysts for absolute growth I have to I have to say was um right when my my


grandmother passed away the grandmother I'm talking about that was 2020 uh right right in the middle of the


start of the pandemic yeah um she always had my great-grandmother's cast iron skillet from 1916 I believe it was made


is a very early Griswald uh slant logo for those of you watching that know your Griswalds um she told me that that's she


asked me I'm getting old is there anything in my house that you would want and I was like I just literally want


that and she said I can't give that to you right now there's too many people that might want it in the family too many people are going to give me


for you know what I mean so she uh she said if I ever feel like I'm getting sick or I ever feel like I'm not going


to come home I will make sure before I leave for whatever procedure or whatever hospital visit or I'll have somebody


come and put it it'll be in the oven when it's ready to be yours and she passed away we had her services and her


her celebration of life actually at her house and I told my aunt and my dad who


were kind of handling all the you know the the fun side of that right yeah I


told them the story and they said well go look in the oven is it in there and it was in there wow and like two weeks later I connected with Brad and it was


like the universe said dude just like that that Philly shove that they all talk about that was the universe saying


you know they were shoving me she shoved me right into yeah now that's awesome yeah it just yeah cuz like to me that's


like the big thing is obviously like you know you have all these things happen


and then like the universe gives you like that push it was a total sign and then but also at the same time like


scaling it the right way to make sure that you're you know kind of I just went with it whatever came at me I I took as


a this is supposed to happen kind of thing I kind of before that had that not


happened I might have been like whoa whoa whoa whoa what are we doing here but after that I said you know what I just have to take this on full-fledged I


would I would get stacks of Skillets as many as I could restore as many as I could and I would do what was called


table sale I would literally clear off the table I would lay out the Skillets I would flip


them over so the backs were facing up so you could see the brands Full Table sales I'm talking 30 40 Skillets and I


would post the picture I'd have a notebook going ready to go you my girlfriend was ready there with with the


notebook too and I would fire off the picture of the table sale and the DMS would just start shooting in I remember


my first sale I ever did I I I said I'm just going to post everything I have and see what happens the birth of the table


sale and it was like it was like 30 it was between 30 40 pans


and I was sold out in less than an hour that's crazy I was like oh my God like this is nuts so I tried to find better


products I tried to figure out what sold faster try to get more of that yeah what


sold towards the end that I I kind of like package deal things too like if a Skillet's left and there's you know one


or two I'll say Hey listen for you know another 40 50 bucks I'll throw these in I'll pay I'll do shipping I'll pay like


I'm very I enjoy the market end of it and like the the sales end of it too but


then the people that's awesome that this this one wound up being better than this one that's the one I didn't even want so


learning the marketing was definitely a big part of the growth and and the inspiration to say hey what what else


could I do right and it gave me the confidence that I can handle it and I've been keeping it at that scale ever since


I'll post six to eight at a time last year I did a huge Christmas sale where I did you pay a flat fee and you get any


random piece that's on this table they valued from $1150 to I know a couple


hundred and like it was like no again 30 40 pieces it was sold out in less than


an hour yeah so I'm like if I can keep it this way that'll be good so now at


its current state I do a handful of pans and every other sale besides that post


is people messaging me just telling me what they need so it's all like it's it's word of mouth is really what it all


is that's really cool yeah so the digital version of Word of Mouth of course yes yeah yeah DM word of yeah DM


word of DM yeah um before we break I I do want to ask one more question so like you have all these things happening and


like obviously like there's significant growth and like now you're working with you know like chefs that maybe like you've watched on TV only before that oh


yeah like do you still get those like Pinch Me moments like oh I I'm now talking to this person yeah there was a


few of them um big one I was I was on a walk when I lived in bord toown City for a little while which is another great


place in New Jersey um and I had a friend who's he's kind of kind of a friend kind of just like a guy that was


always like really messaging me on Instagram and like I connected with the guy loved the guy talked talk shop on


recipes and fun tweaks and recipes and stuff he goes hey man I don't know what you're doing right now but Gordon Ramsey


just started following you he's like me and my girl just saw it like we we saw that you were mutual like followers of


like wait what no way and I remember stopping sitting down there was a bench


again the universe UN in away I I looked at I went no way it's probably a fake show you know there's no way Gordon


Ramsey yeah Ramsey 1core and I I look at my phone I'm like oh my God there's no way and I turn


there's just this big Open Bench people everywhere thr down City there's a bench right there I I literally sat down and I


looked and I was like this is I I what the hell yeah that's a pinch me


moment because he's you know obviously that's that's like the that's the guy and for that to happen happened


organically 100% organically sent me a pretty good message of you know hey yeah


I think you might be doing it doing it right sure so yeah I would say so yeah um okay so we're going to take quick


break cool uh we're going to talk about some of these ones that we have in the back we're going to talk a little bit more about like the process uh in the


second segment um but this was a great kickoff to kind of like all the ways that you got started with this whole


thing um I have so many more questions already but uh so this is the green podcast I'm Mike cam gree with gar


podcast powered by the New Jersey Lottery sorry Lottery I'm Mike cam we're here in Trent New Jersey with cast iron Kyle we'll be right


back the male Performing Art Center is the heart of arts and entertainment in Morristown New Jersey empac presents


over 200 events annually and is home to an Innovative Children's Arts education program to see impact's upcoming


schedule of worldclass concerts standup comedy family shows and more head to or just click the link in


our show notes hey folks I want to tell you about the crew over at make cool these are The Magicians who recently gave our


podcast a jaw-dropping makeover you know how we roll here at greetings with the Garden State podcast right we're all about that Garden State attitude well


make cool shares that same Vibe and they've got something absolutely epic to offer it's called the unlimited cool


design subscription it's a game changer my friends imagine this unlimited creativity One Flat monthly fee and none of that boring stuff it's


like having your very own Army of design superheroes on speed dial whether you're a fresh R startup or a season business


looking to shake things up the team and make cool has got your back it's all about making your brand Sizzle no matter where you are in your journey so


if you're ready to turn your ideas into mind-blowing realities then it's time to connect with make cool can check them out on Instagram at weake coolshit


or visit their website we makecool shit. remember that's greetings from the Garden State


is proud to be partnered with some amazing Brands a special thanks to L Grand Coffee House our official coffee


and birling our official travel bag to learn more about these and all of our other great sponsors head to greetings


from theeg garden all right we're back for Segment two


this episode of green for the Garden State powered by the New Jersey Lottery we're in Trend New Jersey with cast iron Kyle Kyle Cy so in the first seg we


learned your background Hustler young Kyle leads all the way to now yes


selling cast iron skillets and cows and pigs back here so this one I saw has


been getting like a lot of attention on social media yes can we like talk about it real fast um I found it at a Goodwill


of all places yeah which I usually strike out with uh finding vintage cast


iron but it's always worth a stop you know and uh I grabbed it I said ah this


would be cool cuz sometimes I'll see pieces that I'm like this might not be a good sales piece sure but I could


definitely get some content behind it like I could definitely generate some cool content with this which is part of you know half the battle is getting


people there yeah and uh I restored it I I put it in electrolysis tank got it all


you know this thing was completely a rust bomb yeah um when I first shared the video uh it was uh all rusted up and


has it's actually got three pieces there's a g um the top part comes off there's a little grate inside so that


the coals aren't on the very bottom and then the cow itself yeah so I had three tanks going restoring it and um yeah


it's it's so funny like the simplest video is just like oh yeah hey check this out at 3 million I do like a French


lamb rack and it's like 10,000 yeah damn this like some of it's the you're not that good yeah ex want the cow they want


the cow so I'm like wait what what's the Universe telling me now you know so it did get quite a bit of attention I get a


lot of messages about it I've gotten quite a few people that think it's for sale sure and um anytime I post any


content with this or the pig it's just it's just cool because you know I've never seen either of these before yeah


these are the one versions of them I have right they're not particularly valuable they're not particularly old


they're just different and fun so I've done some content on both of them I actually brought this one up to mainee


and did some elk on it and just you know we' got this cool Airbnb on a lake up in Maine I was like I'm bringing the cowg


grill yeah and we're driving down the highway going to Maine I hear clanking in the back like there she is she's with us so uh yeah it's fun it's a it's an


interesting piece and um probably the one that's gotten the most attention so I figured you know could hang out with us yeah totally so what I find really


interesting is like as we're talking about like these Skillets and you know all the pans and everything that we have out like this one that's on top like


obviously something that like looks like this or looks like this right there's like that like another level of detail


into like crafting something like that which is mind-blowing in and of itself I


feel like yes um the process of actually making these things is literally just


melting it's it's cast iron it's melted iron and a lot of the older companies like Wagner grisal eie wak all those


ones that you'll see mentioned on my page um it's all it's a lot of sand molds they would literally make a mold


out of sand for what they would want they would cast it and then they would they would hone that model down to a


little bit closer of what they want make a sand mold of that until they eventually got something that had you know perfect perfect edges you know the


same uh you know thickness here and there and stuff like that so the process of making them is the reason that


they're they're awesome but it's also why it's kind of easier to restore the older stuff because of how well made it


is it's harder to restore the newer pieces because it's not made as well yeah so so talk about processes


processes I want to know a little bit more about your process so obviously


like the first step is going in like finding these so you mentioned like you found the cow at Goodwill which is kind


of rare but like what other places are you going to like find these and then


once you're there what are you looking for that's that's a very good question


so throughout the years of doing this I've ventured to many of the New Jersey


Centric flea markets um you have all the ones in Central Jersey at Columbus and


gold nugget and all that stuff and throughout the last decade um New Egypt F Market as well too


throughout the last decade I've been buying this stuff and I'm not beating up anybody on prices they post 10 bucks on


a skillet I know I can restore it and sell it for more I'm going to pay the 10 bucks I'm not I understand uh the the


the process of of making it up in volume I'd rather sell 10 pans yeah for a $5


profit then try to make $20 profit on one pan sure CU you're going to have to find a new customer every time you have to sell that expensive pan but the


people that want to get it as a gift that want to buy another one that will always come if your price is just a little bit lower than the next guy so


I've had to go to these flea markets and get them from these people but I'm also honest with my prices for them because I


know that the markup I'm going to have on it right but if it's in really terrible shape and it's rusted and it's


got all this crud on it and corrosion I do kind of sometimes if I know a Pan's going to take a couple hours of restoration I'll say hey can you knock


like five 10 bucks all of this but I have a good reputation of paying very close to if not exactly what these


people want so I have derived a complete Client List of well not client reverse


client um vendor list sourcing list yeah vendor of people that hold this stuff from me sure people that message me a


stack and say hey before I go to the flea market here's what I got are you interested in any of this and I will literally screenshot the photo circle


circle circle this one this one this one this one this one sell that one I'll go look at it make sure it doesn't It's Not


Bent or bowed or cracked or anything all of my prices through the phone are a quote of if it is in good shape this is


what I will p on um and I do I'm proud very proud to say I have the reputation of paying very well for the Skillets and


I I help these people out by paying and not beating them up sure so there's there's guys that don't even bring this


stuff to the market anymore because they know they can make their money with me yeah so you mentioned like cracked


dinged up whatever yeah is there ever like a cast iron pan that's like so far


gone that's like it just like so rusted out like you mentioned the cow was like a basically like a rust bucket before


this does that ever happen there is there are pans that have sat out you


know so long and gotten rusted where they do get some pitting in them but uh if you're well seasoned which is a great


term to use if you're well seasoned in cast iron the pitting won't really affect much they're kind of like traps


for more seasoning sure um so like the the one pan I use for uh when I do good expensive Stakes it it's literally all


pitted up in here and it doesn't really change much yeah um but there are pan if it's cracked you can't fix it I mean you


can it's it's never going to be perfect it kind of puts equal or un unequal


opposite pressure on the rest of the pan when you weld it because of how porous the nature of this this piece is yeah um


it's not really terrible and there are some guys that turn them into spatulas but I mean I'm I'm not I don't know


about a 5B SC spatula but they're pretty cool they are cool the guys that are doings it is cool it's neat like if


you're in the cast iron get the cast iron spatula I get it but I I can't do that no we want easy on the rest um but


the cracked ones I do move them to some guys that make the spatulas out of them and uh rust rust really isn't a big


issue because it's as long as it's not penetrated rust like it's deep inside


the skillet it's it's very it's it's fixable gotcha okay so you you're uh


sourcing spots now you got your pants yep what's the next step what are you doing so there's an analysis process I


like to use it's a three-stage analysis process you either have one that needs rust and restoration one that's just


rusted or ones that are ready to go so if a skillet has a lot of crud and


corrosion on it or not corrosion but like builtup stuff you know CU they


cooked over fire stoves back in the day so you know yeah it's going to need to be either done through process of


electrolysis or lie and then after that I do a vinegar bath so that alleviates all any rust that's left gotcha um some


guys do it the other way around I find that it doesn't really matter which which direction you go you could either


do the LIE bath first the rust next which rust is easy to remove it's it's one part vinegar to one part water use a


gallon of water use a gallon of vinegar let it sit for a couple hours takes care of the rust all natural try to be as


natural as possible with this process I don't really use libass very much um


electrolysis is really the way to go because that can remove both um built-on


stuff yeah and the rust at the same time interesting so if it's just rusty you just give it a


little vinegar bath good to go sometimes I get Skillets that are turn key I just reason them get them to Bare Metal Reas


them ready to go yeah how'd you figure this out a lot of other guys are doing it and


also there is a lot of trial and error because the way one guy does something


doesn't necessarily work for another guy yeah um it's not cut and dry as much as


saying like well a cup of this and two scoops of that and four scoop I'm I'm


doing it in 55 gallon drums so I got to figure out my ratios um there's also things like food food safe things that


you can add to electrolysis that kind of boosts the process right um and uh you know being a machinist I


kind of learned like the composition of metal a little bit different I kind of have that in have that just a feather in


my cap as far as starting from what am I working with right and um yeah it's it's


fun it's you're developing your own process there's a way to do things but you got to figure out your way yeah you


know what can make it faster but if it's faster is it going to be good if it's good can it be fast can we get a skill


it out in a day can we get skill it out in 3 days um the one thing I do Implement though


is when I'm shipping because this is my side gig I don't let this interfere with my main um gig I do give like a 7 to 10


day window on shipments just because I don't like to rush shipping these because of how brittle they are and how easily they are to break the last thing


I want to do is Rush shipping something that's 100 years old sure and have someone message me and say dude this


cracked yeah I've sold if I I couldn't even put a number on how many I've sold but I have had less than a dozen breaks


in all the years I've been doing cast iron and that to me is more important than the money more important than


almost anything other than my family's background in this that is the most important thing to me is getting these


Skillets safe to people yeah I've shipped them to Europe I mean London


I've done uh I just did Ireland I've done Scotland I've done Spain every state all 50 states that was fun


Milestone um New Jersey being the most important of those 50 states of course uh all parts of Canada South America and


I have had no breaks on the uh International shipments sure most of my


breaks are in the Northeast and it's nuts like Boston three breaks in Boston


two in New York massholes yeah exactly and it's always around the holidays well


right colder I would imagine people well not only that people are just rushing they're not putting thought into it so


that's just as important as the process of restoring because if you can't get the pan there safe it doesn't matter how you restore right so well goes back to


what we're talking about in the first segment about just like your reputation like the quality of it all of it's riding on that getting it there safe I'm


also big into taking the hit as a as a business


adding the insurance on everything I sell I build that into the quote sure based on where you live um the insurance


is awesome because the buyer gets their their money back and they have the opportunity to get a a second piece yeah


at no cost to them um you see a lot of people that always want you to do like


friends and family on PayPal and venmo you're not protected that way so what I do is I give you the insurance like the


the tracking number with the insurance built in and the reputation of it getting there safe is just as important


like I just mentioned yeah for sure so um okay so uh back to picking them what


are the brands that are like you need like if let's just say someone's like oh dope like I want to go find one you know


and then I'll send it to Kyle and he can restore it for me yes and send it back which I love doing by the way if anybody


has anything these restored I love doing that what are the what are ones that people like should be looking out for uh


Griswald okay Griswald is a good one that pretty tore up but that's good Griswald there's some Wagers in there


Griswald Wagner um wack uh before Griswald was Griswald they they went by


Eerie brand so you see ran eie is good that definitely old it's definitely 110


years old Plus like they the youngest one is 110 years old you're talking you know 1890s on some of those sure uh yeah


Eerie wak Wagner um Wagner did um dissolve Griswald in the 50s and they


did start making some like lesser quality pans in the 50s and 60s uh so just because it says Wagner I don't want


people to think that it's you know one of the valuable ones um always send me a picture if you're thinking about buying a skillet and you're in the in the wild


looking at him send me a picture I can tell you if it's a good one or not yeah I can tell you what to look for um but


yeah if you're if you're getting a gwal you're not going to go wrong um anything that say Eerie anything that says W pack


favorite pea um there's a brand volrath but it usually just has a little number with a


line on the back and it's usually like at 90 degrees on the skillet that's a great brand anybody I get that picture a


lot like this has no brand on it what is it like d grab that you know what I mean get it um there's some other lesser


known Brands you have like Martin that was one of the rare brands that was in uh Alabama okay back in the you know


early 1900s there's a few foundaries down there um and a few in uh Illinois


Chicago there's a a brand called Chicago Hardware Foundry and O'Brien and O'Brien they were in business for like 10 years


in the in the 1920s so anything any of those Brands will be perfect for sure so


I feel like so I'm a lay person right not not a I mean I like to cook do some


like barbecue stuff I have a smoker that's kind of like where it starts and stops for me okay I was saying about


Chrissy she like culinary school the whole deal right all she cooks on really is cast iron she likes it because the


kitchen that she's in right now which will be like this will be like the last day she cooks in the kitchen when this


episode comes out because we're moving but like her kitchen's like lopsided her stove is kind of lopsided it's like the


only thing that can really get it heated up evenly is a cat IR Skillet or like a lake crus or stuff like that so I feel


like one of the things that someone like me who had one for a long time and it


was just like a campfire whatever the hell get from Target like it's like a you know what you talking about before one that just like kind of like a mass


produce type one but still still technically a cast iron skillet it has the properties and the the


um the cool part of cash you know what I mean but like I never used it cuz I was like intimidated by it cuz I was like I


a don't know how to clean this thing I don't know really exactly how to cook it like I know you could like you know you


can watch Gordon Ramsey like throw some Rosemary and steak in there like SP a bunch of butter on it and then


throw in the oven it comes out I'm setting off smoke alarms all sorts of stuff um so maybe like kind of take us


take the person that the novice okay through kind of like the basics of


caring for and cooking with a cast iron skillet okay so the first thing the


first piece of advice I give anybody I get that question very often uh first thing I would tell you to do is to just


forget everything that you've learned up to this point there is 90% of the problems people have with cast iron is


because it's you're overthinking it's very simple you need oil and you need heat you need high heat if you put this


Skillet on your stove cold and you crack an egg in it and it heats up with the


skillet at the same time it's going to stick if you put this on your stove and heat it up almost as hot as it'll go put


a little oil in it put that egg in there and immediately start moving the egg you will create this this chemical


scientific I'm not I'm I have no idea what it would be called yeah it's a it


it immediately releases and you have this barrier of movement so that nothing


will stick turn the heat down you can cover if you want for a little bit so you don't get that smoke but a lot of


people keep the heat going and this will absorb all that heat all that heat so get it where you're you're able to sear


something give it a good sear immediately crank the heat down but get it moving um steaks you would wait or


any meat you would want to wait a little bit longer I like to say one of the phrases I like to use is the meat will


tell you when it's ready to be lifted cuz a steak will stick if it's not ready to turn if you don't get that myard


reaction where you get that crust on the steak it's not going to lift and you're going to have portions of it that are


sticking yeah so it's a lot of patience but it's it's it's temperature control


and it's using the right oils you want to use an oil with a high smoke point which would be like your avocado oils or


your animal fats I use predominantly animal fats in my personal Skillets when I'm doing a skill it for a customer I


always use avocado cuz I'm not sure I'm never sure who's vegan who's not I know avocado is safe for everybody there's no


allergies attached to it um but you need a good oil you need temperature control and it's it's weird I get DMS from


people that are like I just unlocked it I figured it out like I figured out that sweet spot and it was 10 times more


simple than what I was trying to do before yeah it's it's just keeping it


simple and don't overthink it um as far as restoring them send it to me


super easy don't even bother send them here seal it stamp it you got a guy now


get the mail man um but for car uh caring for it in a sense of like okay I


cooked this baller steak in it good came out great now what do I do with it all


right you got two two scenarios one it looks like this and the steak came out fine skill it looks nice and


smooth let it cool down don't ever do this in the sink when it's hot cuz you will warp the metal you'll crack the


metal be dangerous could steam burn you let it cool down a little bit get a little water in there wipe it out with


your paper towel if it looks dry put a little oil in there run your paper towel around it put it back on your stove let


the flame come up as long as it's you know 165 to 200° you're going to kill any germs yeah um and you're ready to go


next time if you do have things stick which happens time to time none of these are to the point where you can cook


anything in them and nothing's going to stick few challenged to to it I'm to I've to


that don't need to add any oil to cook eggs or steaks or anything like that but if you do have something that sticks


take a little steel wool loosen it up rinse it out once again let the pan cool


down rinse it out wipe it out oil heat done that's the big big uh controversy


in cast iron is soap or not soap's fine uh the oil bonding to the pan that's


polymerization that's a scient ific Bond of that oil breaking down and bonding to the the the atoms of the steel sure or


the the iron so much science with this stuff it's a lot yeah but that's the part that's overwhelming to people right


they Scar from yeah it's just big words polymerization means just good burned oil stuck on yeah good polymerization


means good that's it there you go in the dictionary Webster's it um polymerization good yeah so if you


have anything this episode there you go polymerization equals good um the controversy of soap um I like the panda


look see how these pans have a little element of shininess to them there a little bit of surface oil y any kind of


soap modern old old soap I know I get a lot of messages people say well that's because soap had Li in it back in the


day I'm like well now I use lie to restore the Skillets you don't want that near your your pan now we have modern


degreasers any soap that you have in your kitchen or your house has a degreasing chemical in it has some sort


even if it's a natural soap it's still a degreasing agent you don't it you don't need it there's no need for it some


people mentally say you know what I'm not going to feel safe about cooking on this unless I use soap and if that's the


case fine you're going to have a harder time getting your Skillet to the point where you can cook just about anything


in it but if that's your Forte that's fine um I find like like I mentioned uh


I was in Boy Scouts I learned that if you want to purify or sanitize anything all you need is a heat is is heat above


200° is going to kill any germs you boil water you get water out of the gutter the street boil it let it cool down and


it's safe yeah I wouldn't do that but it's science yeah right and I find often that the people that use the science of


polymerization saying well soap's not going to damage the polymerization so what's the difference


if we use soap I'm like well then why would you even use it that's the thing I want I'm not saying you can't if if you


want to that's cool my thing is it's it's completely unnecessary if you have a well seasoned Skillet yeah I feel like


all that stuff the way the more you talk about it like all that stuff and knowing that I used soap to clean it cuz I don't know but it like rips rips off all that


like good seasoning that you've kind of outside of it but the bonded stuff it's not going to change that so I find the


people that try to use science against me are the same people that deny the other end of the science saying like hey


I just wipe it out and and heat it up yeah and it's sanitary I'm not losing


any oil and the average the average person there was I I did a study on how


much it took the least amount of water water it took to get soap off of a skillet to the point where there's no


soap residue or any remnants of soap was between 5 to seven gallons of water wow so if you use your Skillet half half the


nights of the Year say you use it you know 180 nights of the year you're talking 5 to seven gallons times 180 per


pan you're talking swimming pools of water you're wasting that's crazy yeah from growing up on the farm


water conservation we used we used a pond for irrigation you didn't waste that you know what I mean to wash a pan and that alone to me is


enough of a reason not to use it and I I don't I don't like people to think that


I judge anybody based on soap and I don't put anybody down I don't tell them they're wrong I am incredibly


approachable when it comes to anything that has to do with the cast iron yeah but I do want people to know that you


don't have to use soap to have a clean sanitary wellworking cast iron skillet


right so so I love that and I now I'm a little bit more emboldened in my own


adventures with cast iron for the next month until I never have to cook for myself ever again um congratulations


shout out Chrissy um but uh so what I think is really interesting is


like we started this episode and we talked about kind of like I asked you to give me the background or the 30,000


foot view of cast iron Kyle right and now we're here we kind of like took it all the way through from you know like


you kind of seeing like what was out there as as far as like the cast iron World building up your own thing now


working with you know interesting people big names um and then really just kind of taking us through like this second


segment has really been kind of just like a basic beginner course on like how to find one how to cook with it how to


clean it like all that kind of stuff um do you feel like you've kind of a met


this the need that you set out to fill and B what's next like what what are are


you like looking to do more stuff in this space or you kind of like continue to build out what you have right now


well expansion's always a thought um hiring somebody uh would be the next


move uh or just you know having some help from family and friends and stuff like that uh I do feel like I got out


what I needed to get out there was a nice exhale both sessions very good yeah um but that was a lot of a lot of your


part of leading the the the questions which was very well done um thank you


what's next not many people say that well you're you're good you're I trust you with the wheel here right um what's


next I started a hot sauce company okay um and I Market that uh very differently


than other people what's the hot sauce company it's called Word of Mouth hot sauce there's no website there is no Instagram back to the word of mouth we


love that that that's exactly right I took the principles of the cast iron business and I'm very very very into the


hot sauce world I was the judge for the Boston hot sauce Festival I was one of the judges and creators of the fil


Adelphia hot sauce Festival uh we did one in Jersey which was salce toober Fest up at Lone Eagle Brewing in


Flemington we started that and the judging process and the interesting world of craft hot sauce just was so


intriguing to me um I got on board with a ton of different companies that wanted to do videos together do content


together um I've now started marketing myself to these hot sauce Brands saying hey look I'm giving packages of one


sauce three sauces and we get together and say how do you want your sauce represented to people yeah and I found


the community to be very inviting it's not a comp competition like I have my brand they're cool with me having my own


brand because if I'm at these festivals with them with my brand all I'm going to try to do is get more people there for


everybody it's if it's a classic case of is good for the goose good for the G exactly Rising Tides is going to raise


all the ships so um doing a lot of stuff in the hot sauce world uh creating the


hot sauce business was really fun really cool and I sell that straight through me and it is at a point where I'm not


marketing it at all it is through this guy said giving it to his brother-in-law and his brother-in-law's co-workers want


a bottle I'm just seeing where that's you know where that's going marketing it that way yeah because then like I have


control with the sales of cast iron I'm only posting what I can I'm at the mercy of word of mouth and eventually that


will get to a point and that might be the P that might be the next move of hiring somebody to handle that and some of the cast iron sales and stuff like


that that's cool so yeah yeah so take it at like just expanding on cooking in a


cast iron yes but with spice your Foods yeah yeah yeah cool um all right so


we're out of time unfortunately wow that was quick yeah we've been going for an hour now which is pretty wild but I feel


like we can go another couple hours but to be respectful of everyone's time I'm not bad at


talking mether do I that's why that's why we both have podcast yeah full slice podcast we'll we'll shout that out as


well very um so if people have listened to this episode and they're like this is


dope I need to learn more about Kyle I need to learn more about where I can get stuff like where would you send them to


go learn more so I do have um I have a website that I don't I don't really plug


it very much because I I want people to come to me to ask because it's very hard to generalize this stuff yeah uh the the


questions are usually specific to the situation that their Skillet was in before they found it right so there's


not really like here's your product list but I do have an Amazon uh affiliate account where people can get the the


stainless steel wool that I used that oils that I use um that's available you


can do c iron for that but what I want people to know is if you're listening to this and you have a question and you think it's a stupid


question it's not a stupid question right I want you to come to me and say hey uh there's like for instance to


touch on the Wagner question or the Wagner brand in the 9s they came out with Wagers 1891 Wagners it was 100


anniversary edition people think that it's a 100-year-old pan yeah and people are like scared to ask me that don't be


scared to ask me stuff I want to help you my goal is to educate you how to cook educate you how to find these


Skillets and then have me restore them for you or teach you how to Market them I do Zoom consult uh consultations uh


FaceTime consultations with people by the half hour to two hour gaps where people literally have their collection


and say what do I do with this what should I do with that some Skillets aren't worth the time to restore them I


want to help people not put three hours of work into a $10 skillet that's sure you know made in Taiwan in the 60s and


they have no idea what's in it they could get you know what I mean I want people to feel that I'm approachable all on the Instagram the C iron Kyle or C


ironore Kyle on the Instagram I want people to be able to come to me and I may not answer you right away but I'll


never ignore you sure the only time I ignore people is when I do a sale and I say if I don't answer you back on the


availability of a skillet within 24 hours that means the Skillet's gone I'm not going to ignore the sale posts um


but I'm also not going to ignore anybody that has a question about learning I I have grown up around some of the most


supportive people in my life my father my uncle um all my uncles my uncle Steve my Uncle Tom my dad Henry those guys you


could go to them with any question and they would help you with anything they never F made you feel stupid they never made you feel like you couldn't come to


them with anything and that just that's how I carry myself with this so come on


on awesome love it so we'll put the links in the show notes people can just go click them uh and learn more get one


you know all that kind of stuff what you're looking for and if I if I don't have it I can get it within a couple days sure love that uh so they just go


click that uh so we'll put cast IR Kyle cast ironore Kyle uh this beer is double


IPA shout out brick shout out Brick City yeah Brick City but uh cast ironore Kyle


is the Instagram cast iron Kyle cast iron I just going to like slow myself down is the website so put those


in there so you can go click them greetings with the garden uh is the website for the show so you check


out this episode as long as well as all of our other episodes uh Kyle thank you so much for having me in your


home having me on your podcast man this is great yeah this was awesome and I I'm sure we'll do more stuff uh together in


the future for sure absolutely so uh thank you everybody for listening this has been the green spe gate podcast


powered by New Jersey Lottery I'm Mye cam we were here in Trent New Jersey with cast iron Kyle Kyle Cy thank you


for listening and we'll catch you next [Music]


time oh my God baby do you are


right oh tell me before you all the way


do you want [Music]


ride [Music]