Greetings From the Garden State

Behind the Curtain at Newark's Prudential Center with Sean Saadeh

February 13, 2024 Ham Radio Productions Episode 116
Behind the Curtain at Newark's Prudential Center with Sean Saadeh
Greetings From the Garden State
More Info
Greetings From the Garden State
Behind the Curtain at Newark's Prudential Center with Sean Saadeh
Feb 13, 2024 Episode 116
Ham Radio Productions

We went into Brick City, Newark, NJ, to chat with Sean Saadeh, the EVP of Entertainment at the Prudential Center. Sean provides valuable insights into the diverse programming at The Rock, from hosting family shows like Disney on Ice to becoming a crucial venue for the community. The discussion unfolds with Sean, originally not from New Jersey, expressing his love for the state and navigating the challenges of positioning New Jersey as a significant market in the competitive Tri-State area.

As the EVP of Entertainment, Sean sheds light on his position's intricacies, emphasizing the responsibility of keeping the venue bustling with events, spanning sports to concerts. The conversation explores the importance of crafting exceptional experiences for both performers and fans, ensuring that the Prudential Center feels like a home away from home. Sean delves into the unique nature of New Jersey and its success in driving the concert business, making it a hub for diverse genres, including K-pop and Latin, earning the center a top global ranking according to Billboard.

The discussion naturally flows into the ongoing enhancements at the Prudential Center, ranging from technological upgrades like connected screens, improved Wi-Fi, 5G, and data to a revamped culinary experience. Sean highlights the commitment to excellence, ensuring the Prudential Center remains at the forefront of providing a top-tier venue experience for fans. The interview wraps up with Mike Ham expressing his awe at the Prudential Center's global recognition.

As the conversation unfolds, listeners are encouraged to visit the Prudential Center's website ( or follow them on social media (@prucenter) for updates on upcoming events and to secure tickets for a diverse range of shows and experiences. This episode serves as a captivating exploration of the dynamic world of entertainment at the Prudential Center, making it a must-listen for anyone passionate about New Jersey's vibrant entertainment scene.

Get your tickets for #JerseyFest here:

Music: "Ride" by Jackson Pines

Thank you to our sponsors:
New Jersey Lottery:

New Jersey Innovation Institute:

Make Cool Sh*t:

UCS Advisors:

Albert & Whitney CPAs:

Mayo Performing Arts Center:

Contact the show:

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Show Notes Transcript

We went into Brick City, Newark, NJ, to chat with Sean Saadeh, the EVP of Entertainment at the Prudential Center. Sean provides valuable insights into the diverse programming at The Rock, from hosting family shows like Disney on Ice to becoming a crucial venue for the community. The discussion unfolds with Sean, originally not from New Jersey, expressing his love for the state and navigating the challenges of positioning New Jersey as a significant market in the competitive Tri-State area.

As the EVP of Entertainment, Sean sheds light on his position's intricacies, emphasizing the responsibility of keeping the venue bustling with events, spanning sports to concerts. The conversation explores the importance of crafting exceptional experiences for both performers and fans, ensuring that the Prudential Center feels like a home away from home. Sean delves into the unique nature of New Jersey and its success in driving the concert business, making it a hub for diverse genres, including K-pop and Latin, earning the center a top global ranking according to Billboard.

The discussion naturally flows into the ongoing enhancements at the Prudential Center, ranging from technological upgrades like connected screens, improved Wi-Fi, 5G, and data to a revamped culinary experience. Sean highlights the commitment to excellence, ensuring the Prudential Center remains at the forefront of providing a top-tier venue experience for fans. The interview wraps up with Mike Ham expressing his awe at the Prudential Center's global recognition.

As the conversation unfolds, listeners are encouraged to visit the Prudential Center's website ( or follow them on social media (@prucenter) for updates on upcoming events and to secure tickets for a diverse range of shows and experiences. This episode serves as a captivating exploration of the dynamic world of entertainment at the Prudential Center, making it a must-listen for anyone passionate about New Jersey's vibrant entertainment scene.

Get your tickets for #JerseyFest here:

Music: "Ride" by Jackson Pines

Thank you to our sponsors:
New Jersey Lottery:

New Jersey Innovation Institute:

Make Cool Sh*t:

UCS Advisors:

Albert & Whitney CPAs:

Mayo Performing Arts Center:

Contact the show:

Support the Show.


we've always been book bookended by New York and Philly and so it's just very easy oh you're the the New York Market


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all right what's up everybody welcome back to another episode of greetings from the Garden State powered by the New Jersey Lottery I'm my cam we are here in


Newark New Jersey today at the credential center with the EVP of entertainment Sean Seda Sean welcome to the show thank you thanks for having me


I love being here it's just this is the biggest space probably we've been in I


think like only rivaled by the battleship uh in Camden uh which is obviously huge in and of itself but um


and it's also funny and I was telling Bill and Megan off off mik before um that down here you could see kind of on


the first camera that uh Disney on Ice is setting up down here and as a kid


Disney on Ice was like that's like I remember doing that every single year it was almost like a family tradition


through like work we had uh my dad's job not me as a kid but uh like there would be like a suite and we'd be you know


watching food and toys and whatever and it just so like kind of Full Circle moment that dision ice is here oh


welcome back yeah that's great yeah it's usually it's actually um the usually the


first live entertainment event for little ones yeah um so their first


experiences in arenas um because concerts tend to be too loud so it's it's kind of cool that we do this for


the community um and we do two of them a year we Disney on Ice in the fall and


one in in the win winter um and we have other a slew of other family shows that


usually are the first events that they go to yeah which is really cool and like I think and also like sorry to everyone


listening if there's some some banging in the background but that's you know that's part of the show that's why we like doing it this way excuse me so and


I think that's really cool because obviously you know I think a lot of people in Jersey associate uh credential


center with the Devils which is their home you know we'll get into the devils in a little bit but I do like the like


the diversity of the programming that you guys have here from like you know there's such a range and we'll get into


kind of like all the different all those different things uh in a second but I do want to learn and let the people know a


little bit about you are you a jersey guy I'm not actually okay all right that's fine uh but you have the Jersey


hat oners youve embraced it yeah right I have yeah I mean I've been out here for quite some time so I've been out on the


East Coast for over 12 years now um I started in Brooklyn um um I opened up


the barklay center um back in 2012 um but I've been on the Jersey side


um for almost eight and a half years now so um I feel like I'm part of the community now um you know we're a very


accepting Community you know yes absolutely and it it's what's interesting about jerseys I didn't know


anything about it when I came here um and you know there's there's all these


different stereotypes that you can apply to new jerseyans and New Jersey itself


and when I got here I was like this is pretty awesome like that's


cool like keep thinking that way we got something special over here with all of our communities um the towns the


Beautiful Homes and um and the divers diversity of the state sure um you know


it is I think one of the most densely populated states the most um in the


United States so we got everything here yeah and that's pretty cool um if you want to be in the city of City if you


want to be out in the mountains you have the mountains if you want the beach you got the beach you know not too many


states can say that um about their state so I think we're very we have a very special thing going on absolutely and I


and I think what I I find nework to be one of the most fascinating cities in


the state you know like and we I've had the luxury of you know as I've traveled cuz like we do all our episodes just


like this so we've been as far south as Wildwood and as far north as like MAA and monu like literally uh almost to the


total bottom uh but like the entire State and there's so many interesting places towns cities whatever but like


new Yark just has kind of this like energy you know that's like and especially in this area like this


surrounding area when you know you come down for Devil's game and like all that kind of stuff and you kind of like it's it has like a a pulse almost which is


really cool and interesting and I think this is kind of like one of those heartbeats that it has like this this


place for sure I I always always look at new New York as like has great bones yeah and it's it's and it has everything


that you want we just got to get people to come back to it yeah and I think having the credential Center here along


with so many other great um you know uh performance Halls um


museums uh you know restaurants now um it it's it's a tremendous place to come


to now and um you know I get to come here every single day and I it close up


but um I think that as more and more people come down here and experience the events they get to also experience some


of the cool things some of the Hidden nuggets around Newark um which are are


pretty cool yeah for sure um so let's let's take the people also through what your role here at credential Center is I


said EVP of entertainment what do you do okay so uh me and my team were


responsible for keeping this place busy so we have the New Jersey Devils as you mentioned before they're our main tenant


and um and we own the team and we also have seeden Hall basketball that plays


here they are also a tenant in in the building um we oversee their schedule um


they operate on their own so do the devils and uh we are responsible for all


the concerts family shows um sporting events other sporting events that come through whether that's boxing UFC um aew


uh wrestling WWE wrestling all that comes through here uh plus all the family shows which


of course we're loading in uh Disney on Ice right now so um we're we're here to


to to bring um you know content to the building um and that's that's typical in


arenas you know we the the teams play 41 home games a year plus a couple of


preseason games um SE and Hall will come in and play 14 to 15 games here uh home


games and and so that that doesn't make up 365 days so you're talking about 65


days you know roughly 55 whatever the math is 56 days um with your tenants and


now you have all these other days 300 more days to fill so our our job is to


keep the place busy and and to drive Revenue um and and it's beyond just the


making of money cuz we are a business of course we're we we're here to make money but I think it's also when we look at at


the credential CER we think of it as the town hall of New Jersey yeah and as the town hall of New Jersey that means like


you want to bring something for everybody right um and so you know the


programming we we really look at how we curate that you know it's it's the family shows right that brings in the


youth and their parents and that's a really cool thing you got your your tenants Sports tenants and then you got


these concerts that we bring in that are span all different types of genres from


you know Legacy acts like Paul McCartney and the Rolling Stones and and the Eagles to you know the being the home of


K-pop sure you know um we really consider ourselves as one of the first


venues in the United States to have embraced K-pop and now it's a huge


genre which we do you know five to six seven um concerts a year yeah um it's


sort of like the East Coast place to go for K-pop and uh we embraced it a long


time ago and we've you know since um since continue to embrace it and build


it um but Latin again super big um Latin


has crossover too that's not just Latin it's now Latin but it's also mainstream


artist um and uh so we see even when we produce those events those those events


have everybody and there's it's not just Latinos that are coming to these events it's everybody that's coming out so it's


pretty it's pretty cool um it's a fun thing to do you know it's it's


bringing happiness to our community and I I think I look at it that way yeah when you're like so take me through like


and we don't have to spend a lot of time on this but almost like the booking process and kind of curating that schedule and like how far out in advance


are you generally working because like I operate with this show on like hey you want to do it tomorrow like that kind of


that kind of schedule uh but I would imagine that doesn't work here you know so take me through like that process a


little bit and kind of how you start kind of building out a schedule that you know is going to hit all those different demographics that you're trying to hit


yeah so it's if you take a blank calendar right you're you're plugging in certain things based on booking windows


so booking windows are different for each type of event so um Family shows


for example like we're booking those out a year in advance so we kind of know where those fall yeah so you take that


off the calendar boom those are confirmed then you take your your your tenant schedules right they usually


don't come out until like you know June July August depending on you know like


uh with the NHL it's usually in the late June early July time frame um but at the


same time you're trying to book shows around that time so you're you're you're you're sort of just holding certain


dates right and then um horse trading a little bit and plugging plugging in


concerts when they come in um and then holding back team schedule so that you


can get so you can maximize really the the number of dates that you use in the


facility and that's a bit of a puzzle but we do it very very well and um I


think we we're very lucky to be able to work with great um with our our team the


devils and they totally get the bigger picture like they get that hey yeah we need real


real dates here and dates that work for us um but at the same time we need to


make sure that this venue is is busy and uh and I think that's really really key


um to have that that relationship with with your team and uh and same with Cen


Hall they they've been tremendous like if we need to horse trade a date um with the exception of like hey we need this


for what opening week or whatever it is you know they're they're very very uh


very great partners with us um to make sure that we maximize the venue yeah and


I think also what's interesting too is like you talk about ten so like the devils and seen Hall but everyone else


that comes through here is kind of like an out you know visiting teams and acts are all kind of like uh part of the


experience here um but also like their experience here I think is interesting and when bill sent over the information


uh prior to this interview and I was looking and how uh I like was read at one point I forget exactly what it said


but like the experience that like visiting teams have when they come here and how important that is because you


know like especially on like the ACT side I think you know could be great like a good space but if they have a


terrible experience while they're here it's going to be like hard to bring that same act back and have recurring business from that so like take me


through almost you know kind of like 30,000 foot view of like what that process is like and making sure that those experiences for people that are


visiting here um have a good experience yeah I think you know we work work


really hard to make sure that the experience is topnotch it's first class


and and part of that is we're in a very competitive market you know we've got four Arenas uh five Arenas really in in


the the Tri-State New York metropolitan area and um you know there's choices AXS


have choices to play any of those venues um and so we want them to when they come


here we want them to feel like it's their home away from home remember these artists are on the road or the teams


that are playing basketball here or UFC they're they're constantly on the road so they they're not they don't have the


home Creature Comforts and so what we try to do is really make that experience um topnotch so they can feel like


they're at P for that night um we want our the fans to have a great experience


whether that's the The Culinary offerings that we have here um to you know uh ease of getting into the


building the technology that we provide um those are all things that we think about so we really have two customers we


have those that are like performing or playing a game here um and we have our


fans and those are new new jerse you know and so I think we we really pay


close attention to that and are constantly upgrading and looking at ways to make sure that our experien is is is


Top Notch um you know we we also you know we think that New Jersey is


different yeah you know um lot of people in in in the industry I don't think


people here in New Jersey feel this way because I think people are very proud about being on the New Jersey side but I


think the industry sometimes tries to lump us into New York right hey you're a New York they split Us in two or either


Philly for New York depending on which top you know top or bottom part of the state that's correct yeah cuz we've


always been book book ended by New York and Philly and so it's just very easy oh


you're the the New York Market it's like no we're not yeah there's there's 27


million people in the in the tri- state area 10 million of them are right here in New Jersey that's a huge market right


where we're pulling from right even if that's not half the state half the state goes down to Philly the half State gos


is that that's a huge population it would be the fourth fifth largest city in the United States so what we try to


push out out is hey New Jersey is a separate and incremental Market to New York right yeah the likelihood of an


artist playing New York City is pretty high right they're going to play New


York City when they route their tours um and what we want to do is we want to


make sure that we say hey look we get it you want to play New York City it's the largest city in the United States yeah


of course but don't forget New Jersey is the fourth fifth largest city it's a


huge Market um and you have to play it you must play it's got to be an


incremental play and I think that's why we've been successful I think driving


the concert business from 23 24 concerts a year to 60 concerts a year we've


almost tripled the concerts that have come through here um and some of that is


strength of touring you know that you know coming out of Co a lot of artists there was pent up energy right to to get


out and and tour they were you know creating um content right they were


creating new music um and um and I think they were just like sitting back and like what do I do with this now usually


it's you create it and then that's what prompts you to go tour yeah um which is


where artists make the most of their money now right is on touring it used to be opposite when I was a kid it


was and albums you're selling and that's right you're it's album sales and it was


it's really about hey how do we go out there in tour so that we can sell more albums right


now it's the opposite it's like let's put out new music which is important right great content but this is how


we're going to monetize it through live live events yeah I want to continue this conversation but I do have more of like


a personal question for you sure so you've been doing this for a while and let's just take the stuff that you


booked here at presedential Center do you ever have like Pinch Me moments where you're like holy I can't


believe I just booked this person or like get to watch that show and know that you had a hand


in putting on that show concert act whatever it is look there there's always


I think there's Pinch Me moments every single day this is why I do what I do right um it's


not this kind of job is a length it's it's it's a lot of hours right we're


putting in the hours cuz not only we're working a full day but then we have evening events and so you know you got


to love what you do sure and uh I've been doing this for 27 years um so I'm


getting up there to the 30y year range and uh you know it's I get excited for


every single event that comes through because there's somebody in the crowd not somebody there's thousands of people


in this crowd that love that particular artist or that particular event whether that's UFC whether that's boxing whether


that's any of our concerts the family shows like they're there and they're for


two to three hours they get to shut it off right whatever is bothering them


whatever is the stress in their life they get to shut it off come here and


just enjoy their favorite artist yeah and I love that right and I think where


I get the goosies the Goosebumps is every single time those lights go down


you know um it's pretty cool like the when they shut the lights down and the show starts and the crowd goes crazy


it's it's it's pretty pretty special that's really cool uh excuse me uh so before we kind of


take our before we take our break um you know all the stuff that you're talking about you know the experience of you


know people coming here and and all that kind of stuff and I I took a note here about uh when billboard ranked like


their top venues in the country and like prenal Center being pretty ey number


five in the world isn't that crazy not to me okay not to me but but I can


understand how people might not know that sure yeah I I think that's really kind like you know my point is like who


would even like you mentioned before how you know that the idea of like everyone


doing New York or like you know even Philly or these other like major cities but then right here in New York in our


state in Jersey is a top five venue in the world that's right that's crazy it


it is it is something very special yeah and I'm very prideful of um and goes


with a lot of hard work from me and my team I mean I have a great team uh Tyler


Bates who runs all of our concerts and family show bookings and Dylan wal um who runs all of our SP Sports properties


and um and special events uh and Shannon Dem more I I just got to name those


people because they're such a a huge part of my team um and they keep the place busy and and put a lot of love


into it and um and so it doesn't surprise me but I think


people in our state even would would be surprised by it because


they just everyday life number one you're not paying attention to


everything that's going on right number two um you know you're kind you know you get the world's most famous arena I


guess is what they they say um across you know over at MSG and um you know


that's where people just think oh that's that's the that's the spot right that's the the mecca for for for concerts and


sporting events and uh and I think we we do it differently I think the Jersey fan


I just got to say this like we often get called out on how great the crowds are


here for for our events it's uh it's not corporate it's the real fan that's in


our building yes that loves the artist and it's really really cool um they


bring it every single night I'm very proud of that proud of that too so I I guess I I guess I'm not surprised by it


but at the same time like I'm super um thrilled that we could create a number


five venue in the world right here in New Jersey for this community absolutely


um and I I love that because I do think that this place like when you come for a show or you come for a game or you come


for whatever like there is that Vibe you know and uh I was at another arena in


the state last week and it's like you just sometimes you don't get that same like


that same Vibe you know um but uh this has been great so far so we're going to take our break uh this is uh the green g


State podcast powered by the New Jersey Lottery I'm my cam we're here at the presedential center in New York New Jersey with Shan Sada we'll be right


back the Bale Performing Art Center is the heart of arts and entertainment in Morristown New Jersey empac presents


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from the garden all right we're back for Segment two of this episode of greetings


from the Garden State powered by the New Jersey Lottery I'm my cam we are here in uh New York New Jersey at the presedential center with sha Seda so


first segment we touched on a lot of stuff uh first I need to that I didn't


do this in the first segment I feel bad thank you guys for the Jersey Jersey


yeah which I love um that was like that whole time frame of like releasing those


jerseys and then kind of like what it's built into you know Bill's got the hat hat on and it's just it's it's amazing I


love it so much but I'm pumped so thank you for that you're welcome absolutely yeah and uh okay so I know in the first


segment I asked you a little bit about your background and we literally just launched into every other topic that we


possibly could so I do want to just circle back to that um and maybe ask


like why you eventually landed here and how and all that kind of stuff and like why this was a good fit for you at that


time perfect um yeah we did touch on that briefly um so as I said in in the


the prior segment been doing this for 27 years I started in St Diego so that's where I'm from San Diego California um


born and raised there um grew up going to see concerts and sporting events at


the San Diego Sports Arena so there was already this like interest in this this space this world that didn't know


anything about um as a youth and then in college you know got marketing degree


and uh and business degree at Santa Clair University um and uh didn't know


exactly what I wanted to do but I did some internships I I was a nonprofit right out of college they offered me a


job through that internship and uh quickly realize that yeah this is not


something that I want to do long term um I loved it in in certain ways but it


wasn't my calling and I always feel like if you got to get up every single day


put on your shoes and work long hours you better do something that you love and so I started doing a bit of a an


audit on what I really was passionate about and it turned out that you know Sports was something that I really


wanted to get into just didn't know how to get into it um however I did have a contact at the San Diego Sports Arena so


I reached out and um you know asked them about how to get into this business and


um it you know it uh they explained to me like it's not the easiest thing to get into


but um but in in the end uh I really enjoyed the conversation and re


recognized and realize that's what I wanted to do um it turns out that the


same person that I reached out to we were out in Scott Scotland playing golf yeah and uh like St Andrews yeah we had


a whole golf trip out there with our fathers that's and yeah and we it was


great trip a story for a different day but um you know we're walking down I forget


which Fairway at trun and uh I'm like how do I get in how do you make this


happen for me and it turns out like 6 months later um you know they had


something available and it was this booking position it was a booking assistant position I didn't even know


what booking meant sure I just knew that oh I wanted to be in sports um and it


turns out that booking is beyond sports right it's everything as I we mentioned in the last segment so you know


um I give the Hans Ernie Han and and his his father Ron Han all the uh the props


for getting me into the business a long long time ago um and I immediately fell in love with it um and I worked nine


years at the San Diego Sports Arena for them and you know after about eight nine years I was starting to get itchy you


know I wanted to sort of get out of that you know the the San Diego Sports


Arena everyday kind of scenario and to to Branch off and um uh I started


looking around um they had built a new Arena and Phoenix actually in glendell


Arizona for the Phoenix Coyotes at the time now they're the Arizona Coyotes yep


and uh you know I I put my name out there said I'd be interested in the position and um um I ended up getting


that position I worked for the Phoenix Coyotes for five years um and I learned


a ton there um San Diego was a competitive market Phoenix was a competitive market with two buildings


you had the the the venue downtown for the Suns yep um and so you had to grow


up pretty quickly and how you devise your booking strategy to generate the


business right because now you have competition right down the street it's not like your New York the New York


metropolitan area where you can play multiple venues yeah within the area it's one play in San Diego it's one play


in Phoenix so you're going after it um and and so that I think that helped me


helped groom me to become a very strategic Booker so instead of being


just operational which is a lot of you know hey here's all the information you know call me blah blah blah it's this is


going out there and selling yeah and being proactive with trying to bring


content to your building and so sorry when you were out in like San Diego and


and Arizona more specifically obviously those are like major spots yeah the


demographics of those places are obviously like different than they are like those two are different in and of


themselves than they are here than they are in the city you know so like did that I'm sure that kind of like plays a


huge role in kind of the types of Acts you're trying to get and like all that kind of stuff to try to make sure that you know you're in whatever community


that you're that you're in 100 100% yeah it's it's not like a cookie cutter


situation you have to tailored to what ven you're at what Market you're at um


and so like having some of those skill sets of identifying all right you can't just walk in and say all right let's


let's book all these people they may not work here you know they may not work in this in San Diego or may not work in in


Phoenix I mean we did a lot of Latin in San Diego and Phoenix cuz there's a lot big Latin community


but they weren't like R&B hipop um uh at least at the time that I was booking it


um and so you know I think just identifying where you can go after you know countries strong in in Phoenix not


as much in San Diego although now you could make an argument that country is everywhere you know it's not just but


back when I was booking in the in the mid90s um and and early 2000s um that


was you know very much the situation um but yeah yeah so that you always have to


take that into account sure sorry to throw you off track no no it's all it's all good and then after you know after 5


years um in Arizona I uh um I was lucky enough to get hired um by the the


Brooklyn Nets at the time they were the New Jersey Nets um they were still playing here yeah in fact um and uh you


know they they hired me to to open up the the barklay center in Brooklyn um I was lucky enough to come on about a year


and a half before opening um got to see it build up um and um worked really um


really hard on the the grand opening of that building and what that looked like so you know we we opened up with hjz


shows and brought Robert stron back to Brooklyn her her hometown yeah and uh


and that was that was wonderful it was it was a great experiencing opening experience opening the building and uh


got a ton of you know uh of learnings from that and I think learning from every single place has is a building


block that got me to where I am today yeah um and I think uh you know after


Brooklyn so I was there for four years after Brooklyn um uh the credential


Center had reached out to me and and uh at the time it was Scott O'Neal and and H Weber and uh asked if I would consider


coming over here um to to build their business here yeah and um I think at the


time uh I wasn't sure um quite frankly um what I wanted to do I didn't know if


that was the next step but I just was so impressed with um you know uh the whole


organization you know starting with you know our our managing Partners Josh Harris and David Blitzer um I just


really bought into their vision of how they saw their the expansion business of


of entertainment and sports and um you know that that they're family they're a


family uh oriented people that want wanted a legacy for for the kids and so


you know having uh stability there is always a great thing um and so when


you're considering your next steps like yeah I I like that um and um so I I


immediately signed on and uh and I've been here for eight and 1 half years now yeah um um and it's been been tremendous


it really has um I love the team here uh our our CEO Tad uh Brown is tremendous


great leader um uh Jake Reynolds who I report into uh has a great vision um and


uh I just love working with this team every single day yeah yeah that's awesome and I and I love kind of like


that whole trajectory and kind of how it culminates here you know and like also


over the last eight years obviously I'm sure that there's been obviously


like a lot of uh improvements upgrades kind of just like what when you what you


walked into eight years ago is not the same as what it is now like it's come such a long way um and to really provide


that top level experience for everyone involved and then to be a top venue in the world you know so I I love that that


you're a big part of that and kind of sharing all these different things um going off that a little bit I do want to


just talk a little bit about like some of the different spots because everyone knows you know you come in you go to


your seat but there's like so many more things going on up here like we're up here in this is called The Lofts right


the lofs correct yeah so we're up in the Lofts and there's some other spots so it take me through like those other places that people can enjoy a show game all


that kind of stuff from yeah I mean again we want people to have a great experience here and times have changed


as it relates to going to see concerts and sporting events um people want a


full 360 experience we recognize that and that's even in the last 10 years


that that consumer uh feel for coming to


a game or to an event is has evolved and I I think we've taken note T have taken


note of that um the lofs here you know built a few years ago it's a new product


that has smaller more open um Suites yeah we at an area with a club behind it


so that you can go and sort of network with with other people sure and I think that's what consumers were looking for


versus like a traditional site that's kind of evolved over the years and we do have traditional suets still some people


still want that product um but we've added like the pr Lounge so the pr Lounge is now sort of our front door um


that faces out towards uh the new mberry Commons park that they built in New York a few years ago and uh it's beautiful


it's actually it's an open space um for hockey games for the devil's games it's uh you know our first and second row um


uh fans they get that space um for concerts we open it up uh depending on


the concert um or the event um uh for the general public to come in um and


it's used as a bar you get some food there yeah um it's kind of a nice experience um and it's kind of it as I


said it faces out has its own front door so we can actually do special events in there too yeah as well as what's going


on in the arena so um it's it's a it's a great little space that we just added


this year um and it's beautiful if you haven't seen it we'll take you down there to see it yeah um we added a bar


um on the main Concourse where the old uh double secondary shop was okay um and


we kind of moved that off to the M&M's uh uh above above the M&M's um


Tower location so people that come up through the M&M's uh escalators up to


the top just to the right is the new uh secondary um uh Team Store yeah U and we


so we replac the old one with The Foundry which is this beautiful bar um


right in the middle of everything has you know screens TV screens to playing


upcoming games or uh uh whatever sporting events on that day yeah and uh


and then you know it's just easy access um and it's kind of a cool location as well um so those are a couple things


that we that we added um just recently um we added these Lo boxes right here


not Lo boxes but um uh main conquer uh uh or Studio Suite sorry uh that's


that's the name of it Studio suites right here that was two years ago we put those in um so just just upgrades like


that technology upgrades ipv where our screens are all um kind of connected


together we can U promote upcoming events we can add new food items on there you know above the concession


stands um so those are really some some of the cool technology things that we've added Wi-Fi um 5G um uh data yeah um and


uh what else am I missing um I gu I can't keep it straight but every every


year we're putting we're putting new and new things in yeah and I think that that's a really cool thing and you know


even just like all the old upgrades on the food like that's how I got this whole conversation started was coming to like the tasting event that you guys did


for all the new menu offerings and all that kind of stuff but I think everything that you're talking about and like those like little upgrades to kind


of just keep enhancing that experience because you know if you come here 2


years ago and then you come here now it's like oh wow you know it's even better you know and I'm sure if you come here 2 years from now it's going to be


even better you know like that it's going to continue it's a continued growth and and you you mentioned Levy or


you mentioned the food experience U Levy just came in as our our uh our concessionaire this year um and has


brought a whole new menu uh of items to the arena which I think uh The Culinary


experience is so important we're in New Jersey so it's important that's right and uh you know I think they get that


and um have elevated in so many ways they just got in so the it's it's again


it's just building blocks like each day we get better and better and better right and I think they've done a really


really good job um I think some of the technology associated with food now to get you in to get whatever you need and


back to your seat as quickly as possible is kind of a cool thing that they've added whether that's you know um you


know In-N-Out like sort of convenience store experience where you're just grabbing your beer or whatever it is um


and checking out with your card um just by tapping it or using Palm technology


uh or we're using I I forget the name of the technology but you're just putting you're literally putting it on a tray


and it's it's checking you out right then and there I did the last time I was here at a devil's game like I put the


stuff like all our drinks down on the on the whatever that was like I I used a tray and it was like YP that's how much


you owe and you know that's it so it was really cool i' never seen anything like that before it's it's really it's cool


that they're they're bringing this technology because it's a better customer experience


one of theing when people building is keep the


lines right so some people just want hey I just want to go grab a beer I don't want to stay on line for 15 minutes to


get it right it's not a great experience so being able to just oh I can just walk in here grab this put it on the tray


checks me out I'm good yeah yeah no that's awesome and and and that's really you know the experience side of it


obviously coming for a show or a game is like what you're going there for but it's very apparent that like the


experience you have within whatever venue you're at can like immediately change like how you feel about that


experience like of watching that show you know like if you miss half the game because you're standing online for a hot


dog you know or like half the concert because you had to go run to the bathroom you know like nobody wants that


nobody wants that we don't want that either exactly um I do want to uh shift what we're talking about a little bit


because um White Eagle Hall in Jersey City and also uh the Lowe's Jersey


theater also in Jersey City are also connected to prenal center right correct


um so take me through like that I guess relationship or that uh that how that works um and then why that's like an


important piece of this whole puzzle well I think the vision here is


that you know so much of the let's call it the music business resides in New


York especially at the smaller Club level theater level uh we have New


Jersey has a lot of Performing Arts centers um which is not necessarily a music first environment so what we


wanted to try to create is a jerseys side kind of music uh music scene right


and so you know we we started operating White Eagle Hall a couple years ago um


it's a beautiful 800 CER room um in Jersey City right right right in the


Grove Street area yeah um which is a really cool stop if you if you're going


into Jersey City by path um go go to Grove Street and walk around there they


have tons of restaurants and so on so forth quick 10-minute walk up from Grove Street um you're at White Eagle Hall um


historic building built in the 1910s somewhere in there um has all the


original finishings that used to be where St Anthony's basketball used to practice yeah um which is crazy


to think which is crazy to think yeah like there another historic spot you know so Bob Hurley used to conduct uh


his practices there and uh um and you know when the when the school went away


you know obviously that was sitting there it was originally a performance hall so um uh Ben La Piccolo who uh was


the developer on the on the project did a great job uh renovating the space he even took the the old bass Court um and


repurposed it for the bar tops oh cool I didn't know that so um so when you walk


in there yeah it's it's new and improved but you know uh you still have the skylights in there the original


skylights um you have you know parts of the the old floor that are you know part


of the bars as I said um with all the modern amenities um it's a great great


place to see a show yeah um and we've diverse divice Diversified the


programming there as well we've kind of taken the model at the arena level of course much smaller um and applied it um


to White Eagle Hall yeah so so now you have this 800 cap club we are in the process of um you know working in


partnership with with the Jersey City to renovate the Lowe's theater um when


that's done you're going to have a 4,000 GA venue um and a


28900 roughly um um uh 2900 capacity seated venue yeah um which is going to


be a beautiful beautiful theater from you know one of the original five Wonder theaters in the New York area and we're


going to renovate that it's going to be a beautiful space and uh and so what the


thinking behind all of this is like can we take an artist from 800 to to 2900


4,000 to um to the arena now truthfully


not every artist is going to do that of course um in fact very few that are 800


end up at the arena but what it does is it it gets


people artists to play New Jersey right yeah so you build a bit of the music


scene and the people that are making decisions on on behalf of the artists right agents managers we now have an


intimate relationship with those people so if you look at an agent's roster


they probably have you know maybe one two three Arena acts yeah and a bunch of


smaller acts right so if you're helping them build their smaller acts uh and you


know step by step you have a an intimate relationship with them where it makes it


easier for us to conduct business with them yeah um versus at the arena level it tends to be more of a touring


business to be honest with you so Live Nation AEG you know um those of the two


big uh promoters they're they're buying 60 city tours and they're putting them


in buildings at the club level and at the theater level too um you know it's


it's much more organic um so you know at the club level you're B we're buyers


yeah so we're we're taking risk on their artists um and so when you're doing that


you're not only helping those artists to to grow up and and get bigger um through


your involvement with with their tour but but also helping their agents and


their managers and all that stuff that uh um so it's it's kind of two-pronged


is why we're doing it and I think it sets us up well long term to be more of


a hub for live music right yeah and I love that because it's like I think you


know one of the things that you know and people think of Jersey uh that are kind


of like almost like Fringe familiar with like a lot of things that they think of are places like a stone Pony or like a


Starland Ballroom almost where it's like those kind of uh those environments


where it's like uh Club level almost like you said and you have performing art centers like you know the male


Performing Art Center in Morristown is one of our uh sponsors and was one of our first ever guests and we love them


of course but like you said there's like a totally different kind of uh Vibe




all right we're back all right so we had some people come through so we wanted to take a quick Break um but we're still here


we're talking about we just we're talking about beauty of the Arena yeah the beauty of the Arena uh we were talking about the Lowe's theater we were


talking about White Eagle Hall all that kind of stuff and I love the idea of trying to like pull people back to


Jersey in a sense that's like uh just like a different style of like putting on entertainment and events and almost


kind of from a different end like curating excuse me um curating events


and acts that could eventually grow to something that could be here which I think is really cool yeah it's I think


it's it's it's something that they can aspire to to do and and to get to um but


I think the the the main thing here is that it's it's New Jersey yeah you know we're we're investing in New Jersey and


in the scene around here and and I don't think there's enough of that on the


Jersey side just s oh you know New York City That's Where It's At You know that's the Hub um and I think uh you


know especially after Co I think people uh want to stay on the side of


the river yeah you know the it's it's convenient it's less expensive going through tunnels Crossing Bridges


and and you know look I I I have a love for New York City I worked in Brooklyn for years so I do but I I love


how how much the fan base here loves their state yeah um and wants to be here


and um and so if they want to be here why not bring the the content here right


and I think by investing in these venues um is is a


makes a lot of sense um in Jersey City is not far from here you know so you


know we we we joke because where Lowe's is is uh Journal Square and I mentioned


earlier that wi Eagle Hall is on Grove Street so you could literally take a PATH train from here to Lowe's yep to


White Eagle Hall so we're right on the PATH train line and that's that's that's the beauty of it all I mean it's it


makes a lot of sense and so um you know we're excited about this and we're looking to grow it and we're excited


about just bringing beautiful venues to life here in New Jersey yeah and it's


great that you this is a great segue you're such a pro um that you know looking into the future kind of like


looking ahead and all these plans and things you guys are trying to do here excuse me I don't know why I can't talk


anymore um but like what are things uh that you're working on now like maybe


trying to like curate on the schedule uh a little bit more and um just like look looking into the future almost for


presential Center wh Hall uh Lowe's like all that kind of stuff together um and like what the goals are in the future


yeah I mean I think I think one of the things that we've invested on invested in in the past I I mentioned K-pop right


we're all in on K-POP that's a genre we want to invest in then it was Latin you


know let's build out the Latin business we're doing now we're doing 15 16 Latin shows a year um the next wave is country


music you know we have amp theaters in in New Jersey you know we have the uh PNC right down the way you know they do


a lot of Summer cont country shows um but I think that there's a there's a


great experience watching country in an arena as well and so we're we're focused on that building up the country business


so we have Dan and Shay and Kan Brown coming through and uh Zach Brian uh just


to name a few that uh that we have on the schedule now um and that's that's a


you know quite a few compared to what we've had in the past knowing that there is an Amphitheater right down the street


yeah um so that's definitely an an area of of growth and uh comedy is the other


area that we're we're looking to continue to grow and um as I mentioned before Tyler Bates are our head of


entertainment booking um for concerts uh he's he's 100% focused on that and we've


seen you know we've had quite a bit of success there whether that's Sebastian Maniscalco coming through or Bill Burr


they came through North the shore um we had uh Chris Rock and Kevin Hart


together uh as part of that tour um this some of just the recent uh comedy shows


yeah and uh we have Nate bansy coming up next week so um again we just have a


full schedule and that's that's an area of growth that we're we're really focused on and that that corresponds to


all of our venues again as we're managing and operating uh and book these venues we can take these these um


strategies and apply them of course at different levels cuz they're at different level capacities but um yeah


we're taking those strategies that's why I think we're we're great at what we do is we're able to um


really uh look at each and every venue separately and and and put together a


strong strategy around it yeah and I I love it and I love what you guys do this episode has been amazing uh so before we


wrap it up and send you back to you know doing the great job that you do um I


want to make sure that we give people like website places they can go like where do they get tickets for different


events and games and stuff like that um so where should they be going to do that well it's PR and then our our


our social handles are at PR Center and uh you can buy tickets at Ticket Master


great yeah easy pretty easy um but uh Sean like thank you so much for doing


this with us today and it was like so cool to kind of you know be here when no one else really isn't here like just


kind of like the way that it is right now and not a full packed Stadium or Arena um and I you know good luck with


the Disney on Ice you know thank you I'll check in on that but uh you want to come since that was your first you know


one of your first show I don't know if I could do it it's just like it' be like too jarring of a childhood memory for me


uh but this has been awesome and you know uh I'm sure like we'll talk more in the future you know do some different


things yeah please come back yeah absolutely you can guarantee that um so


again this has been we'll make sure that we put uh the pr Center and the social handles and all that kind of stuff in the show notes so people can just go


click on them uh and you know get tickets to a show because there's a lot of great stuff coming up when this episode releases this is airing on


February 13th so there's going to be a ton of stuff coming up for the rest of the winter I guess spring and then


throughout the rest of the year so uh be sure to do that and have a great experience uh Sean thank thank you again


uh really appreciate it and this has been the greetings for the Garden State podcast powered by the New Jersey Lottery I'm Mike H we were here with the


EVP of entertainment Sean S at the presedential center in Newark New Jersey uh we're also powered by the New Jersey


Lottery I forgot to say that sorry Lottery uh thank you for listening and we will catch you next


time do you are right oh tell me before you go long the


way do you want to

