Greetings From the Garden State

Nature's Bounty: Chef, Wild Farmer & James Beard Nominee Phil Manganaro

April 16, 2024 Ham Radio Productions Episode 125
Nature's Bounty: Chef, Wild Farmer & James Beard Nominee Phil Manganaro
Greetings From the Garden State
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Greetings From the Garden State
Nature's Bounty: Chef, Wild Farmer & James Beard Nominee Phil Manganaro
Apr 16, 2024 Episode 125
Ham Radio Productions

We wander into the woods with Chef Phil Manganaro, the mastermind behind Marlton, New Jersey's Park Place Cafe and Restaurant. Phil unveils the restaurant's innovative approach, specializing in culinary creations crafted from foraged wild ingredients, a refreshing departure from conventional cooking methods. Delving into his culinary journey, Phil shares his upbringing in South Jersey, his culinary education in New York City, and his triumphant return to New Jersey to establish his dream eatery in Merchantville. Despite encountering hurdles like financial constraints and the lack of investors, Phil remains steadfast in his commitment to his vision, staunchly advocating for locally sourced, wild ingredients that fuel his creative process. Remarkably, Phil's unwavering dedication has garnered prestigious recognition, including a surprising James Beard nomination, a testament to his culinary prowess. Set amidst the serene woods of Marlton, New Jersey, this interview captivates listeners with Phil's infectious passion for his craft and his unwavering belief in the culinary potential of the Garden State.

In a fascinating segment of "Greetings from the Garden State," host Mike Ham is joined by Phil Manganaro, the visionary behind Park Place Cafe and Restaurant in Marlton, New Jersey, for an insightful exploration of outdoor experiences and wild farming. Phil's deep-rooted connection to nature, cultivated during his childhood adventures in the local woods, shines through as he shares his profound love for the outdoors and its influence on his culinary endeavors. Drawing on his expertise in foraging, Phil sheds light on native plants like Green Brier, advocating for sustainable harvesting practices rooted in respect for nature's bounty. As the conversation unfolds, Phil offers tantalizing glimpses into his upcoming documentary, "The King of Matsutake Ridge," which chronicles his journey as a chef and forager. Reflecting on the film's warm reception and its authentic portrayal of his life and values, Phil underscores the virtues of patience and humility in the pursuit of one's passions. Through his words, listeners gain valuable insight into Phil's ethos of sustainable living and his profound reverence for the natural world. As the episode draws to a close, listeners are encouraged to visit Park Place Cafe and Restaurant's website for reservations and updates on the documentary's eagerly awaited release.


Music: "Ride" by Jackson Pines

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New Jersey Lottery:

Make Cool Sh*t:

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Mayo Performing Arts Center:

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Show Notes Transcript

We wander into the woods with Chef Phil Manganaro, the mastermind behind Marlton, New Jersey's Park Place Cafe and Restaurant. Phil unveils the restaurant's innovative approach, specializing in culinary creations crafted from foraged wild ingredients, a refreshing departure from conventional cooking methods. Delving into his culinary journey, Phil shares his upbringing in South Jersey, his culinary education in New York City, and his triumphant return to New Jersey to establish his dream eatery in Merchantville. Despite encountering hurdles like financial constraints and the lack of investors, Phil remains steadfast in his commitment to his vision, staunchly advocating for locally sourced, wild ingredients that fuel his creative process. Remarkably, Phil's unwavering dedication has garnered prestigious recognition, including a surprising James Beard nomination, a testament to his culinary prowess. Set amidst the serene woods of Marlton, New Jersey, this interview captivates listeners with Phil's infectious passion for his craft and his unwavering belief in the culinary potential of the Garden State.

In a fascinating segment of "Greetings from the Garden State," host Mike Ham is joined by Phil Manganaro, the visionary behind Park Place Cafe and Restaurant in Marlton, New Jersey, for an insightful exploration of outdoor experiences and wild farming. Phil's deep-rooted connection to nature, cultivated during his childhood adventures in the local woods, shines through as he shares his profound love for the outdoors and its influence on his culinary endeavors. Drawing on his expertise in foraging, Phil sheds light on native plants like Green Brier, advocating for sustainable harvesting practices rooted in respect for nature's bounty. As the conversation unfolds, Phil offers tantalizing glimpses into his upcoming documentary, "The King of Matsutake Ridge," which chronicles his journey as a chef and forager. Reflecting on the film's warm reception and its authentic portrayal of his life and values, Phil underscores the virtues of patience and humility in the pursuit of one's passions. Through his words, listeners gain valuable insight into Phil's ethos of sustainable living and his profound reverence for the natural world. As the episode draws to a close, listeners are encouraged to visit Park Place Cafe and Restaurant's website for reservations and updates on the documentary's eagerly awaited release.


Music: "Ride" by Jackson Pines

Thank you to our sponsors:
New Jersey Lottery:

Make Cool Sh*t:

Albert & Whitney CPAs:

Mayo Performing Arts Center:

Contact the show:

Support the Show.


all right what's up everybody welcome back to another episode of greetings from the Garden State I'm your host Mike cam we are here in Marlton New Jersey


Marton New Jersey right uh we're here with Phil G Aro hello uh he is the chef and owner at Parkplace Cafe uh so we're


super excited we're doing this one way different than we normally do uh and there's a reason for that we'll kind of


get into it you know while we while we go along and and all that kind of stuff like why we're in the woods you know uh


so I think I said uh powered by the New Jersey Lottery if I didn't shout out the lottery so Phil talk to us about where


we are and uh why this place is significant for you personally uh we are


at a place called called Camp creek creek run in Marlton New Jersey uh my friend kir owns it it's a


nonprofit um geared to get children back outside into nature um she was kind


enough to let us come here today and uh walk the grounds uh we're here today because uh the restaurant that I i' I've


run and own is primarily based on uh foraging wild ingredients that's cool In


the Garden State yeah and so uh Parkplace Cafe is in what town it's from


uh the restaurant's in Merchantville New Jersey which is right across the bridge from Philadelphia around Cherry Hill New


Jersey and I I know you work back there by yourself uh and you're only open like


certain days of the week too right I'm open Thursday Friday and Saturdays because uh we can get into it more if


you'd like but still be a parent um which is very important to me and being a chef and being in a restaurant


industry if anybody's done it they know it's it's not easy it's holidays it's


so I I took a chance and I open Park Place and it all worked out and then I said to myself I only want to serve wild


ingredients that I find myself and I took a chance on that and so far that's all worked out sure so I kind of just


keep pushing it yeah no that's awesome well let's let's start walking a little bit and uh you know I'll we'll kind of


go talk as we talk as we walk um and you're all like ready to rock and roll


like you got the camo on I tried to like I wore boots I wore this Green Jacket


you know so I tried to like fit the vibe myself yeah this I got up in Maine my son and I go up to Maine every year and


uh I I'm not I don't have time to hunt or anything but I do hunt mushrooms I do


hunt vegetables um but for me it's more about cheap clothing more than anything


because there's certain days I come home covered in mud um from head to toil and


doesn't matter to me most times if it's raining it doesn't matter if it's snowing if it's 100° outside side if


it's humid if it's any any weather I have to go out in so yeah whatever it's


just going to be I could throw it away and have no problem with that yeah no no issues um so you know like obviously we


were kind of talking in the car ride over here about you being a chef and how


like when being a chef people want to obviously talk to you about that um but


I do want to learn like a little bit about your background a little bit and kind of how you got into food and


cooking and all that kind of stuff so let's kind of take it back are you a jersey guy I was born and born and


raised in in South Jersey down here in Medford and then I lived in Marlton


where we are now uh moved out to Los Angeles for a little while okay went to


culinary school in New York City and now I've been back down here for quite a while so yeah I I love all of New Jersey


sure um I love South Jersey and that's why is really interested in doing this


because it's like there are so many cool things going on in New Jersey and the


environment is one of them and the different soil types we have we have the pine baronss we have where we are now


which is on the edge of the pine Barons we have the mountains up north we have the coast we have an hour from here by


like Princeton we have clay soil there's so many different ecosystems in the state and I think it's special because


you have different plants growing in all those different ecosystems so it really


benefits My Lifestyle yeah and talk to me about talk to me about a little bit about that too because like you know


this is not really like a normal uh like when people go to restaurants it's not something that you


see every day on menus and all that kind of stuff so talk to me a little bit about like how you got interested and


involved in this wild ingredient type of cooking and and going out and picking this stuff


yourself um I got bored as a chef ordering a bag of lettuce and serving it


so to speak yeah so then I found these companies that sell wild food okay those


that you can buy it it's very expensive because it's the the abundance isn't out there and the desire isn't out there so


you're paying a lot for it so then in studying foraging and what grows here I I was


finding it here yeah and I said well why am I going to go spend $30 an hour $30 a


pound to buy this when I can go get it 5 minutes from my house yeah and it almost


became um like an addiction to me like the ultimate Challenge the ultimate you


know hide and seek the ultimate ingredient because when you


take something even if you take an ingredient that's a wild ingredient that you bought and it was was picked in


Seattle yeah it got picked it got shipped it sat it could sit a day or two


here everything I do like I talked to you earlier I was picking wild mustard yeah I just picked


it if I wasn't doing this today I'd already be yeah um but I'll go to the restaurant later and I'll preserve it


okay for the rest of the year so it's the smells the flavors the textures that


I'm getting to use as a chef by doing this is can't I can't even buy it and


that's that what that's what became addicting to me sure and the fact that I get to be outside like a lot and when I


say it's free it's not free because it's my time it's my energy it's my effort


and it's it's anything but free but yeah that's that's pretty much what happened yeah was there anyone maybe like and I


don't know if this is true or or you know is a thing or not but like anybody in particular that's that's also doing


stuff like this that maybe you kind of uh almost um kind of like took some ideas


from or anything like that or was just kind of just something like a self- start type of deal that you're just like this is what I want to do and here we go


I've never worked for anybody that did it I didn't even work for anybody that served wild


ingredients um if there is one thing that I'd seen on it yeah in my life it


was an old collection of videos um from Europe called The Art of


Cuisine okay and there was a guy in


France um Chef U Michelle Bross who would go out and and take things


yeah and and use things um


but for me I don't like if I were to pick something right now like just don't


talk for a minute yeah


that wasn't there the the subtle sound of the forest yeah a month ago and as a


person we go through wintertime and I I don't get bored but


it's like you look at a plant and it comes up in the spring it it needs that winter to to get the energy to come up


in the spring and I think a lot of times we look at winter as like this Dead period M and it it it's almost tied the


seasons for me together because it's like what is winter for like sure and that's what it's for it's for reflection


so now now the the forest is alive again things are getting ready to pop out and it's like it almost I'm digging in the


ground I'm digging in the soil I'm smelling things it's almost like that's what it does to me every


year yeah it it gets in me and like I'm every year I'm re like reborn reborn


yeah I am and it's reborn in the art Reborn the crafter born in the dedication I it's from right now until


uh matui mushrooms and end of October ear November I'm it's


every day yeah it's days I I'm not going to lie I I don't want to go every day I


don't like going every day I'm not like I'm reborn every day Phoenix yeah at the


overall the reality you have to come to terms with is you are yeah and just like


that winter those days where you don't want to do it or or my ankle hurts or I'd


rather go hang out with a friend and I I don't because I'm I'm dedicated to this right now that's all part of it and it


it requires that dedication anything in life does you know it's not just this it's anything that you want to get that


kind of push back from you have to to dedicate like that so yeah um and so we


were talking also you were talking Also earlier about about the fact that like um you know Jersey and you know I feel


like a lot of people sleep on the fact that Jersey has so many you know it's the Garden State for a reason you know


and it has so many like different climates different plants different soils and like all that kind of stuff so


can you talk to me a little bit about how you know you said uh for the last few years you've been doing it this way


and how this uh like going through Jersey and kind of understanding the


different like where everything's going to be growing you know and like knowing when to go pick it when to give it a


minute you know when to know that that rebirth is going to happen so you can kind of go and work with those uh plants


and different things I I I keep track of it all okay uh in an old school Excel spreadsheet I keep track of everything I


make how much I make um how much I go through every


year um and then also I mean what I get by doing that is it follows the same


list every year you'll go pick a and then you'll see B and C or next yeah and then I I don't consider it foraging as


much anymore okay um because I'm not out there looking for things so much I mean


the pine mushrooms and Matsu Takis I am cuz it's fun yeah uh morals it's fun um


to go forage them yeah other than that I I look at it almost like wild farming um


I know where I have enough trees I can go check on them any point of the year I


can see where they're at and I pretty much know I'm like all right next week what you're doing next week um but when


I first started yeah I didn't know where the trees I didn't know where anything was and also I guess like early on too like not really having not you don't


have any control because you kind of you know have a little bit of control of like what you actually pick but it's not


like you're planting the seeds yourself kind of going through Harvest and knowing what that schedule is it's like you're kind of at the mercy of Mother


Nature so to speak like we just happened to get like a 70° day in the middle of March you know which doesn't happen


often but then kind of knowing you know that's going to influence the dishes for that week the next month you know if


you're freezing and preserving stuff you know the the whole year yeah some could have a bad year I could be really into


cooking with um a berry and I'm like oh yeah I'm love this Berry and then it comes very that Beres time and we maybe


we got a bad storm when it was in flower maybe something wasn't right and now I only got a handful of them berries well


that that's going to dictate what I cook sure um it's going to take away from other ingredients now I got to get more


of something else um and as you can look at it two ways like I look at it as the


art and that can either really challenge you and accelerate the art or it can


also limit the art because I am Limited in a sense because I'm only


using what I pick and what I can pick and have time to pick and what grows so


I am Limited in what I use and that was a lot of it for me because as a person


you have to be okay with that and it's it's hard it was hard at first for me to be okay with that you know or to view it


as an art it was something I had to really work on myself which is all part


of why I did it I mean it's been the greatest personal challenge that I could have ever


ever given myself and it still is every day yeah and personal challenge because I think we should address the fact that


like you pick everything yourself and in the kitchen you cook everything yourself which also is a personal decision as


well yes um so talk to me a little bit about that specifically and like you


making that decision and why and then kind of how you know that influences


your kind of connection to everything that kind of gets onto a plate at your restaurant I I did it to see how much I


could do with two hands my two hands and a certain period of my life where I


wasn't um professionally in a position to take the risk before and I wasn't


personally mature enough to take the risk before and I think those two things came together at the same time and it's


almost like when those things happen in your head and your heart and your soul and you don't do it yeah you start


feeling like a fraud so to speak because you're like I could go do this I want to


go do this I feel like this is what I should be doing but I'm not doing it yeah um so I think all of that that


happened um at the same time for me and that's that's when I set out to do it yeah that's really interesting and and I


to me like I have a a chef friend uh who's also a James Beard nominee that he's like changing the way like the


front of house and back of house system and like that whole process I talking to people that just like aren't necessarily


like in this is how this is how it's done this is just how we do it you know and kind of like looking at it in a totally different way and changing


things you know and I think that that's a really interesting thing because it's it goes well beyond just food you know


you could have a great plate of food but then also you know like you know kind of what went into that and in this case


it's actually like walking through the woods and finding the stuff and getting it to your restaurant know doing all the stuff to it and then getting it to


somebody's plate eventually yeah and for me to finish on your other question I think or going a tangent one or the


other we're tting um for me it's like you were saying like I could pick something today and I'm going to


remember that it was a warm spring day I'm going to remember that the Birch just came back and uh I'm going to


remember all these things and then I'm going to make something into that and it's going to be preserved and I'm not


going to serve it until November right I'm going to serve something today I'm going to hold some back I'll do a little


in July and then some in November but then in November after how many months of my personal life has gone through how


many how many things and emotions and thoughts and feelings I've gone through in that time I can take that out and I


know I I know it was that 70° day I know I had a great morning I know all those


things and that's the that's what's on my plate for me that's what I'm cooking


with I'm cooking with memories of my life because getting this stuff is my life


you know it's it's 100% of it and it's on a plate now and it's like giving it to people yeah um so yeah no I love that


we can keep going yeah I know yeah yeah I love you know get just getting we were having a nature moment yeah we were


really having a nature moment there's nothing wrong with that no and I love like usually if I go into the woods like


I'm staying on the paths that have the trail markers and everything but I love that we're just like we're just going


just going you know yeah um so you know kind of as we're going through this and and people are learning more about you


know you and the restaurant and kind of how it works um you know like talk to me


also about so the restaurant's been open for I think you said uh what was it three and a half years no I'm going on


eight years now years eight years I've been doing the thing where I just forage everything except the proteins because


that's a whole another yeah that's a whole other thing risk factor and all um so I obviously buy my


proteins um but yeah the restaurant itself's going on eight years okay and so


uh talk to me a little bit about you know like starting the restaurant uh getting it off the ground and kind of


putting your own stamp on the Jersey culinary world and then we'll kind of


get into like maybe some of the accolades which I know is not always


why you do it but it is nice to at least address it you know uh I worked for high


volume restaurants the majority of my career yeah uh for in Philadelphia and


then even down in the Borgata um an AC guy yeah for nine


months um that was it that was it yeah um and I went to get an executive POS


Chef position in Philadelphia and I pretty much had


the job but as I mentioned earlier being a being a parent being a father is it's


something that I it doesn't matter you can't replace that time yeah with money


sure in my belief so when I brought up this to the


company that was going to hire me it pretty much shut down the interview I was like yeah all right good luck with


that buddy I was like all right so I left what are you kidding me I said if I want to do this with my life I said I'm


I'm pretty much unemployable as I've known employment in the past yeah I went on


Craigslist um where I'm at now popped up I I grew up around here I was like where


is Merchantville yeah right so I go and I see it and I'm like all right and I


opened the place um out of pocket with you know the money I had left and I just


never looked back yeah I'm very grateful for it I'm I have such a loyal following


of of regulars that have been coming some of them for S years um which is incredible and the place has changed I


mean it's not like You' I've said it how it's changed over the years you they've been there the whole time the new people


that come um you know they support it yeah um but one thing that's been


important for me is I don't try to please everyone I'm pleasing myself yeah in what I want to


create and what I want to do and if it ever gets to a point where my restaurant's empty because of that then


that's okay yeah it's it's fine um because I think a lot of times we get caught up in trying to please everyone


right and everything and I think in doing that what I've been able to do is make something very special of an


offering to people and a very unique offering to people yeah and I


think that might be why you were saying I have gotten a fair amount of accolades


for it talk to me a little bit about those and like kind of what what are some that stand out for you personally


you know because like we said before I understand what you're talking about when it comes to like you know doing


this for you and like putting your own two hands type of thing uh but maybe like what are some accolades that were


like wow like I took that risk and now look at here we are I was surprised um


I'm not surprised by it I I I don't do it for that I'm I pride myself in being


humble right I I pride myself in taking day by day um I do believe if what I was doing


I was in Europe or if I was in New York City I I would have more accurates sure


but you know I think we all and it's a New Jersey podcast I think all of us from New Jersey


sometimes are like it almost has this stereotype of like New Jersey it's like


it's New Jersey man this is a beautiful state has beautiful people has beautiful areas has has beautiful cultures


and that's why I love I love talking about New Jersey it's my home yeah it's


it's my my home it's where I was born it's where I raised my son it's it's


where I have my business and if I can put word out that I'm doing this in New


Jersey you can do something in New Jersey you're doing something in New Jersey if all of us that are doing


something in New Jersey and that's kind of what you're doing is you're collecting us and you're bringing it out


and I think it's it's great and it's positive for for everyone so yeah well I mean there's just been I mean just from


my travels you know and I'm sure for you too like knowing what's here and like


what people kind of automatically think of when they think of New Jersey and not


knowing necessarily that there's like you know I mean like you're a James Beard nominee right that is what I was


going to say was there's other ones here and there's like so many especially the food scene is crazy you know in New


Jersey like that's that's in it's and people are like oh no you got to go into the city to get a good meal or go into


Philly or whatever it is you know what I mean that is the one that surpris surprised me the most Accolade wise


though because I don't know how they necessarily found the place or or


anything like that so that that is the one because like I said I do everything out of pocket um I do everything at at


my cost at my risk I have no investors so to get that yeah and living that


lifestyle is is great because sometimes it's hard like it it's hard when


everything you're running a business and a personal life and everything and it's small it's very small right it's it gets


hard some days having nobody else having no no there's no there's no investor I


go to where I'm like hey man I got a my I need new tires like on my truck so it's it's stressful


in its own way but I love working for myself and I love not having any of that


so yeah all right so I think what we're going to do just because I was looking


at the time mhm is this is where we usually like take a break okay but we're going to take a break and uh just reset


the cameras this is usually where I put ads so okay we're in the middle of the woods in Marlton New Jersey with Chef


Phil mang I'm Mike ham this is the green g podcast Power by the New Jersey Lottery we'll be right


back the male Performing Arts Center is the heart of arts and entertainment in Morristown New Jersey empac presents


over 200 events annually and is home to an Innovative Children's Arts education program to see impact's upcoming


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our show notes hey folks I want to tell you about the crew over at make cool [ __ ] these are The Magicians recently gave our


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all right we're back for Segment two of this episode of greetings from the Garden State powered by the New Jersey


Lottery I'm Mike ham we're here in Marlton New Jersey we're doing a little bit different kind of episode today uh


we're with Phil manganaro from Parkplace Cafe uh and worked in the woods can you


remind us where we are again uh wton New Jersey cam Creek run cam Creek run and


so uh this is a place that you come out to to Wild Farm right yes I do sometimes


yes it's also a place that my I met the director KIRO G andina here because my son was attending her nature programs


okay and it was right away I was like yeah he's got to go here yeah you know


this is we're going yeah you know um and so I know we want to talk about like a couple different things in this in this


last segment here but um one of the things that I was curious about and


obviously we can't really do it so much right now because there's not a lot blooming right now or growing um but uh


like when you're out here did you do you have like a uh outdoor childhood like where you always Outdoors like that kind


of thing um Talk me like how you kind of got just comfortable being out here and


like knowing what to look for and and all that kind offf I grew up around here before it was you know really built up


um and we used to just ride our bikes in the woods for 12 hours in the summer you know right you know and just be kids um


I don't necessar I love being outdoors and I love nature and I love love it all


I don't sometimes I don't love it though um because a lot of what I do has become


such work yeah and but that's I always remind myself of how


lucky I am and blessed I am that my work is kneeling here and picking something or kneeling there and listening to a


bird or feeling the temperatures um definitely you can ask anyone I don't


not like bugs I don't think anyone really likes of bug I will


scream um so comfortable I I just it's just


what I feel like I'm supposed to be doing right now it's I don't think when you reach a point with something in your


life you just the best thing is to not question it like if I'm supposed to be


having this faith in what I'm doing yeah you can't question that then you do it you you see it through and you go with


it you know and anybody that does anything they're going to they're going to have days where they're like uhuh you


know like not today that's a test of why are we doing what we're doing you know


like especially too when you're doing something like I do this on my own you know you do this on your own I think


like that could just be like uh in some days like wow like this is incredible


and then other days like wow this sucks you know that kind of thing um so like


while we're out here and we're kind of like looking at stuff like do you know I mean you know now but know like what to


look for when we're out here this is one of my favorite things that's probably like a month away it's called Green


Brier okay um you see how it's real thorny yeah and it's funny you asked me earlier like we used to say every word


available to mankind to curse these riding our bikes through the woods because they will shred you to pieces


yeah I didn't know back then you know I wasn't I was not raised with any of this I was not culinarily trained with any of


this any of it so but and about a month they they shoot out a tip almost like


asparagus and they'll have they'll have the th on this new tip but the Thorn's edible


because it's soft because these what Greener does is it tries to find another one or it tries to get over to that tree


and wrap around and grow up it's always trying to grow up you know and you just snap them off like


asparagus almost and then it it grows another one and then eventually the


plant tells itself it's time to get hard for the year and then that's when the


season ends um but yeah this is one of my by far favorite um things I


mean this is native to here there's a lot of there's native and invasive and all this stuff this is native to here


sure um so that makes it for me it's even more special um to use um but it's


important to use the invasive stuff too because that the mustard that I'm


picking right now if that came here doesn't belong here right um and it would take over because most of


the invasives reproduce at such a rate that they will drown out the native species that's one thing Kira does here


is she keeps it native okay um she does work to keep it native um Acres which is


yeah you're looking at you know a pretty majority of what this ecosystem here is


supposed to look like yeah that's really interesting and it's just so funny that we also just stopped at a place that has


something that you can talk about like how send oh yeah yeah um I mean I use I


use pine pine trees I mean you know there's so many I was going to say other


things I mean pine trees would be one I mean the next time I'm on sure yeah yeah there's so many there's medicinal


qualities to all these things I mean pine needles are so high in vitamin C that you can use it in the winter time


I'll cook with pine we have white pine here and Pitch Pine here yeah um I always refer to one as being more


feminine the White Pine and the other one more masculine and flavor um I use that it's a wine descriptor also that


people use about wine which I've learned a fair amount at the restaurant about


and I'll cook with that chard I'll steep it in things um I'll burn the pine needles to make an ash that I use yeah


um one of my you know the the matsutake mushrooms I get at the end of the Fall


are like my they love going for these things it's like 70 m a walking in like a couple weeks and it's out in the


middle of nowhere extreme South Jersey maybe could be North Jersey um yeah you know and I do that


with venison and then the pines and it's like it's almost like you can start you


know cuz the deer eat these mushrooms and they grow in the pines and it's almost like when you use these


ingredients and you start experimenting with them you can almost cook that that's a situation in nature


that's now a dish sure um you can I can buy


a a ramp from a purveyor yeah I can't buy a late season ramp with a bulb the


size of a of a quarter right I can go get that though yeah um


so yeah there like I mean pine needles wouldn't be something that like I necessarily would think of um but there


are other things that like people listening to this be like oh my God like I see that all the time or like I didn't


even know that I mean I'm sure ramps I mean we there's not I mean truffles are very unique to where they grow yeah


there's nothing that you're going to see from a wild food perspective on any menu


that you cannot find in New Jersey okay um one thing that I'm really got into


and love and I do it I go up to Maine too every year so I love New Jersey most


of the stuff comes from New Jersey but I always say that my my Cuisine is the terroir of my life okay so now when I go


to to main every year with my son that that's my life yeah that so that's part


of my terar of my life and I love the seaweeds up there because they don't


grow down here sure um I'll bring back I'll bring back water I make salt from


up there yep but adversely New Jersey has like I love sea lettuce it has the


most beautiful sea lettuce that I've ever seen up and down the whole Coast I mean it's so delicate it's so green so


vibrant so I'll go down and I get that or I'll dry it and then you know I'll do


a a nice you know like a risoto with seafood in it and then the dehydrated


sea lettuce powder I call it on top and it's like some of these seaweeds you'll


I dehydrate them yeah and you I do it through a te- strainer and it goes on


the on the hot like Roto we'll say yeah and it's you're like right back on the


coast of M or you're right on the coast for me you know I and it's that smell


and that freshness and I'm sure the diner is okay they don't you


know I'm with my son I'm on like I said earlier it's my life that I'm seeing


right um but the the the coast is something that I've gotten so just as a


person it's ever changing it's ever evolving it never changes though right it can have very calm days it can have


very rough days it can have it's it's so the coast for me is like to be able to


cook and to be able I it was not you know it's am I going to really go forage seaweed and yeah yeah be like that guy


on the beach like pulling seaweed yeah in Japan or out west or in Maine even you can take 50 lbs of seaweed a day in


Maine yeah and so just because something's not necessarily exactly like am I going to


be the guy on the beach Jersey like oh yeah sea lettuce


yeah I am going to be that guy yeah absolutely I am sure and I think it one


thing like foraging I think sometimes it's like some some there's two camps or three camps or 10 camps some people say


you shouldn't do it yeah some people say it's you shouldn't you're disrupting this you're disrupting


that I believe that this is here for us


and I I use it and I take it and I study it and in that I respect it more than


more than anyone um that it's not that I


there's a whole industry based around foraging yeah um I use this as an example and that'll make the point that


I just didn't make sure yeah the mutaki mushrooms that I find okay commercial foragers will go into the woods with a


team of of people 50 people all with rakes yeah rake rake rake rake rake rake rake take the mushrooms leave you just


could have destroyed the mushroom population there forever sure and anything else that's growing in like


that I yeah I I it's all by hand um I take the mushroom and I put it back I


put it back you would never even know I'm there because my lifestyle that I've


chosen to live which is this and my livelihood and it depends on me being


able to go back next year I'm not going to go in if it's seaweed if it's this if it's a ramp if it's I'm not going to go


in and clear it out because then what am I doing next year I'm going to have


nothing eventually I'm going to have nothing so I do it in such a respectful manner I take I take only exactly what I


need and yeah I sell it yeah as uh food on a plate sure AB absolutely I make


money off of it right like yeah especially when we when we're talking about the alternative before which like buying everything it's still happening


you know and I I know what I'm serving people and I only use you know like uh


grass-fed meat no hormones from the meat perspective sure all my other stuff in


my restaurant is like you said earlier it's grown by the chance of the Sun the chance of the rain the chance of the


seed being dropped by the bird over here it's so organic and so fresh and so I


know I can give this to people and I'm like I I know I'm feeding people good um


you know so has a lot to do with it too too for me and that it I'm glad I


brought that up because the commercial foraging industry is it's it's not an


industry that I necessarily agree with and sometimes it's like well you're making money off of it it's like wow


yeah right just like it's all relative too you know like commercial foraging you foraging like like all that kind of


stuff I think is you know it's all relative like I said before um so as


kind of talking about I know you've mentioned the mutaki mushrooms which does uh make me remember that we want to


talk about uh the movie that you have coming out eventually uh which is called


the king of mutaki Ridge right it is yeah it's a found found the king of


matsutake Ridge not to correct you for found but for me it was no yeah it


wasn't originally it was just found and I like that because like this has been a found way of life for me this has been a


found lifestyle for me this is it's it's all been found the food is found and


then uh it was customers that I I made the movie with originally there was they


came back and we talked and we talked and we were like yeah we'll make like a five minute thing s minute and then you


know we it got going into something and they put a lot more time and effort into


it than I had hired for because I think they were like this is a story that we're going to


tell and we're going to put time and effort into it sure like when you start to dig a little bit you're like like from me I was like all right let's


release it and uh charge 99 cents to watch it and I make my money back but


then it was like well we can enter this into film festivals because it's a short


dock it's like 33 minutes long and I was like absolutely let's enter into film


festivals who I I never thought totally in my life I'd have some in in a film


festival you know let alone getting like finalist and this and that and the other things so and as I told you earlier we


just found out that we are you know in the I forget the official term but at


the International Film Festival in New Jersey yeah the one that they do in Asbury Park the Gard New Brunswick OH


New Brunswick okay it was um we're getting screened out of 709 entrance we


were like one of 5% of people that get screen so it it can't be released to all


those processes are over sure yeah and I think when you even with the food like I


never think about it I never go back I never ponder it my menu changes if not every day a couple times a day per


tables um I think the hardest thing with art for me well this way yeah you just have


to let it go right you have to let it go it's going to do its own thing I'm there to get it to a point where it's on a


circle plate yeah after that it's just it's up to interpretation it's up to this it's up to that you just have to


let it go sure and as a person be okay with that you know yeah I mean like


different tastes different everything even but even with the movie like it's it come out when it comes out I guess


now you know right I would love to get it out I would love for people to see it I'd love to share it with people


but not forcing things is is it's not an easy thing to do in


life to have patience one of the things that one of the things that I I my whole life I you most unpatient person you


ever meet yeah over the last 3 four five years but I knew that was my issue you


know I was like you got to have patience you got to so like in seeing this


through and having the patience and belief to see it through I I've learned


a lot so for me this whole thing is about as a person learning a lot yes I'm cooking yes I'm picking food but


for me that's what it's truly about yeah yeah and so maybe let's talk a


little bit too about oh so this is what I wanted to talk about so we're here and this is what I was saying before we were


in a tree and there's berries in the tree you're not taking these no those are holly so those you don't want to eat


yeah they'll poison you right well yes and I don't those that's something I


don't know specifics about I know you don't eat them that's all I right there like I don't know if it's


going to make your stomach hurt I don't know if it's going to give you a fever um but yeah that's a no yeah that's a


that's a hard no was was there any trial by error early on no no no I remember


the first thing I tried was actually here at Camp was something called Mullen


okay which is um it's medicinal it's a natural X Expo terrant or whatever m x


is I remember we did it in and we Dr I knew what it was 100% yeah you know now


I drink it every day um first time though it's like you drink it and then like you're sitting there and you're


like all my arms are getting hot you know what I mean so what's no that was it no it's you have to study it you have


to know um and I have never served anything to


anyone in my restaurant that I haven't consumed sure multiple times first um


these AR ingredient some of them are ingredients that you can't buy yeah um those I make sure and then there are


some risky ingredients that I don't even use because I have 80y old people come


to my restaurant why what do I need to take a chance for on somebody else like that like you know and that that's I


have my own very conscious very um mature limits on what I actually do do


yeah yeah so I I wanted to just hit the movie just we just want to talk about that real fast just because as we were


standing here um why do you think the movie is getting the kind of reception


that it is uh I mean obviously it's well done everything like that but the story itself like talk to me a little bit


about why that's such a good story that people need to hear if they if they're not like already like this episode was


great and we know why I would say it's just really honest and really positive


yeah it's not and that that's what it is to tell it's just an honest positive


story about why I truly do this is to be a parent and my son and to to explore


myself more like the woods to like like you know on a weird analogy like I'm


foraging within my own emotions and feelings as a 44y old man sure yeah yeah


you know what I'm saying it doesn't happen often I'm not and I'm not shy to talk about it like CU everybody that's


going to watch this has had a day where they're just like like oh my gosh yeah or they've had a day where they're


they're on top of the world we're all just people and if me doing this or this


movie or or the food that I make can maybe only touch one person on


the road maybe I do a thousand interviews right over my span and I touch one person in that time and that


makes the difference in their life then you have to be open you have to be okay with yourself to be like yeah some days


I'm yeah not having the best you but I still believe and go forward


on on this life that I've I've set forth on even if the restaurant closes even if


uh the movie does nothing I'm still on this road I you'll still be able to come


out here and I don't know what I'll be doing with the food yeah I'll still be out here though I'll still be picking it


and even if I just eat it you know it's it's a way of life I found a way of life


and I I think that's why because it's it's nice to see right and anyone even I


had to step out said I'm very humble that we premiered it we have one private screening at a movie theater I'm not


walking in like oh I'm on a movie screen you know what I mean like screen baby even though you know it was I'm sure it


was like pretty cool to see separate it was but you know listening to yourself talk for 30 minutes kind it's like all


right all right this guy needs to stop talking totally get it so but even in


that how should I have to come to terms with in my own self to get to a point


where it's like I know I'm okay seeing this I know I'm a humble person doing


this I know it's not about this I know it's not about negativity I know it's about positivity you know it's I started


looking at everything as a a teaching lesson in life and to be a better


version of the self every day yeah you know so uh before we get like wrapped up


we kind of tell people excuse me nature um we wrapped up here and kind


of like get everyone uh like where they should go to learn more about the movie the restaurant and all that kind of stuff um you obviously like this is like


you said before like this is kind of a personal choice that you've made to kind of live your life this way both at the


restaurant and both out here um to be a dad to be all that kind of stuff but almost like like this is really just


like a really unique we've had a ton of chefs on the show this is the most


unique episode we've done with the chef so far um probably one of the most unique episodes we've done period


because of the way we filmed it the way you know we did this whole story and everything but uh almost kind of like uh


a message almost to the people that are listening like obviously like we want them to come try the food and experience


it and kind of experience it through your eyes and your hands and your plates and stuff like that um but almost kind


of like that way of life we've touched on like a couple times like you know being in nature hearing the birds like


that rebirth type of thing um but anything that you want to like leave the people with before we wrap this up not


really okay I would just say what I've said you know I think it's more than a


it's more than just a boom boom boom statement I think it's a just I I it's


not I just I said it's not easy I said I have bad days I do it yeah if there's


something that somebody sees this and they like like I I asked you earlier like you know when you've went to this


fulltime things sometimes you you're not thinking maybe I should go do this for


no reason just go do it like I can you can always go back if you need to but


going forward is a beautiful experience yeah and so like do you have this is my last question before we wrap it up but


do you have anything that you're kind of looking at because obviously like this was a risk so to speak I forgot I should


point the camera right myself too um but I've been doing great my arms are um but


uh you know people that are you know doing this and or you're doing this and


you took a risk essentially to like open up your own place and then took another risk to do everything all yourself and


then kind of come out here and and do the wild farming and everything um are there like other things that you're


looking like oh I'd like to get to like this point too or try this other new thing like are you thinking about that consciously or just kind of going about


taking it day by day and seeing what comes next I kind of Let It Go yeah there it has an end what I'm doing right


now working alone and picking alone it's I I has an end um I'll always cook I


always want a forage or Wild Farm whatever you want to call it yeah um I I


don't I'm there that's where I'm at in my life at the what is next right


and talking more and more honestly every time about it and relating it to life is


what I think somehow is next I haven't figured that out yet and I believe eventually it's if you keep doing


something that's what opens up to you if you know so if I keep doing that and I keep getting more comfortable in it and


there's a reaction to then something's going to open up and I just I just you


know going to go that direction yeah um and keep going on because it all stems


back from the first day where I said I'm going to do this but this is part of that you know this convers


all goes back to that just going to keep on it yeah awesome well this was awesome


and I'm glad we did it this way and we didn't do like a sit down walk around you know uh cuz this is just like way


cooler and we got to like walk around a little bit you know see parts of the Garden State that a lot of people either


don't realize exists or don't get down to enough so uh I appreciate you taking


me out taking me out yeah so if people are listening to this and they're like I need to I need to experience this where


would you send people to go to do that um they can go on uh Parkplace I


think it's NJ Parkplace something like that on the Instagram um but we are um


we're real small yeah uh have a lot of regulars so it is not an easy res get


feet um but you never know you know we do get new people in we get cancellations but yeah we we book out


from long times in advance sure so make your reservations or find somebody that


already has a reservation and buy it from them um but yeah and then the uh the


documentary or the website you can go to Parkplace I have a website you can sign up for movie alerts or stuff like that


so it's all all be on the website I don't know it off the top of my head how we'll put it in the show notes go


click it yeah yeah um and then when we start promoting the episode and stuff like that then we'll we'll make sure we put all that stuff on there but um again


this has been awesome I really appreciate you having me down and taking me out and doing this episode with us


and uh I'm going to have to book a reservation now for next year so um but


uh thank you again again this has been the greetings to the Garden State podcast we were here in Maron New Jersey


at Camp Creek run uh with Phil manganaro of Parkplace Cafe which is in remind me


Merchantville Merchantville thank you sorry there lot of things and like I'm I'm walking around I'm you know the birds yeah it's the birds I'm just kind


of like Lost In My Own Thing uh we'll put all of Phil's uh


stuff in the show notes uh so you can just go click it go check it out try to get a reservation if you can uh CU I


know I will and then wook Greening for the in the show notes as well so you can just go click that uh and


you'll get to all of our other great episodes that we've been we've been releasing this year because this year's episode crop has been off the charts


just like literally like one after another have been incredible uh so thank you for listening again greetings for


the RSA podcast powered by the New Jersey Lottery I'm Mike cam he was Phil manganaro thank you for listening we'll


catch you next


time do you right


me way do you want to ride