Greetings From the Garden State

Exploring the NJ Underground with Kurt Donovan

May 14, 2024 Ham Radio Productions Episode 129
Exploring the NJ Underground with Kurt Donovan
Greetings From the Garden State
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Greetings From the Garden State
Exploring the NJ Underground with Kurt Donovan
May 14, 2024 Episode 129
Ham Radio Productions

In this episode, we sit down with Kurt Donovan at the NJ Underground Studios in Jersey City to dive into the vibrant world of creative support and development.

At NJ Underground Studios, creativity thrives. Donovan, a filmmaker and event planner, founded the studio with a mission to nurture artists through affordable, professional studio sessions and various growth opportunities. From seminars to partnerships with organizations and galleries, the studio is a hub for artists to flourish.

In our conversation, we highlight the rich creative community in Jersey City. Donovan's passion for supporting fellow artists led to the creation of events like "Come As You Are" and the "Underground Developmental Series," which provide platforms for artists to showcase their talents and connect with others.

The Underground Developmental (UD) series, in particular, has become a cornerstone of support for emerging artists in various creative fields. Originating from Donovan's desire to provide opportunities for passionate artists lacking local support, UD events offer a nurturing environment for artists to perform, receive feedback, and grow.

Throughout the episode, Donovan emphasizes the importance of community and collaboration in fostering artistic growth. From his transition to documentary filmmaking to his commitment to supporting others, Donovan embodies the values of authenticity and connection.

The conversation also delves into the power of storytelling, whether through studio sessions, podcasts, or documentaries. We both acknowledge the comfort and connection found in sharing stories.

In summary, this episode highlights the vital role of community support for artists in Jersey City and beyond. With NJ Underground Studios and initiatives like the Underground Developmental series, Donovan is paving the way for a more inclusive and vibrant creative landscape, one story at a time.



Music: "Ride" by Jackson Pines

Thank you to our sponsors:
New Jersey Lottery:

Make Cool Sh*t:

Albert & Whitney CPAs:

Mayo Performing Arts Center:

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Show Notes Transcript

In this episode, we sit down with Kurt Donovan at the NJ Underground Studios in Jersey City to dive into the vibrant world of creative support and development.

At NJ Underground Studios, creativity thrives. Donovan, a filmmaker and event planner, founded the studio with a mission to nurture artists through affordable, professional studio sessions and various growth opportunities. From seminars to partnerships with organizations and galleries, the studio is a hub for artists to flourish.

In our conversation, we highlight the rich creative community in Jersey City. Donovan's passion for supporting fellow artists led to the creation of events like "Come As You Are" and the "Underground Developmental Series," which provide platforms for artists to showcase their talents and connect with others.

The Underground Developmental (UD) series, in particular, has become a cornerstone of support for emerging artists in various creative fields. Originating from Donovan's desire to provide opportunities for passionate artists lacking local support, UD events offer a nurturing environment for artists to perform, receive feedback, and grow.

Throughout the episode, Donovan emphasizes the importance of community and collaboration in fostering artistic growth. From his transition to documentary filmmaking to his commitment to supporting others, Donovan embodies the values of authenticity and connection.

The conversation also delves into the power of storytelling, whether through studio sessions, podcasts, or documentaries. We both acknowledge the comfort and connection found in sharing stories.

In summary, this episode highlights the vital role of community support for artists in Jersey City and beyond. With NJ Underground Studios and initiatives like the Underground Developmental series, Donovan is paving the way for a more inclusive and vibrant creative landscape, one story at a time.



Music: "Ride" by Jackson Pines

Thank you to our sponsors:
New Jersey Lottery:

Make Cool Sh*t:

Albert & Whitney CPAs:

Mayo Performing Arts Center:

Contact the show:

Support the Show.




of bra all right what's up everybody welcome back to another episode of GRE from the guard State powered by the New


Jersey Lottery I'm my cam we're here in Jersey City today at New Jersey NJ underground Studios you said that right


with Kurt Donovan Kurt welcome to the show thank you for having me appreciate it absolutely uh thank you for having me


in your space this is cool uh so let's like because we're here and we're going


to talk about it like let's talk about the space a little bit so talk about the studio what it is who it who people what


people can actually come and use the space like what do you guys do here uh so essentially me and my friend um we're


creatives and uh we wanted to just create a space where we could consistently uh develop and help grow


creatives and artists uh by giving them uh not only affordable but um really


professional and quality uh Studio sessions whether you want to um make music whether you want to do a photo


shoot um uh whether you want to get like different seminars on how to grow


because we're not only just helping on the ends of just like creating which we which we are like uh focused on as well


but we're really Focus are is helping uh creatives get to like a higher point in


their career and actually make their art like a career so we have different we


partner with different um organizations that help like grow artists and different um galleries that could that


uh cultivate different art galleries and art shows and stuff like that that could actually get artists into those C


positions that they can really shine and grow from and from do we wanted to do that very consistently so yeah kind of


the idea of how we came up with the got the studio space yeah no it's cool and like we don't really use a ton of


studios for the way that I run my show but it's always cool to have a studio to


be in a studio because it kind of elevates it a little bit it's a cool space and like the you know I told you


before literally so last week's episode is with 02 Brewing which is like right down the street um and like I said


there's a bunch of different Studio spaces in here but this is really cool and this this one that you're in right


now you've been in for how long like this pH I Believe we' been this for 5 months okay and then cuz you had a


different one yeah I different we had a different one that was actually down the hallway building for like eight months


and then um actually just posted that video today where we moved into here yeah uh and we've been here for five months yeah cool and so like you you


said you wanted to get people like a space to create like let's learn a a little bit about you so you said you're a creative um what what what kind of


creative stuff do you do I know it's a bunch but let's like round you out a little bit yeah um so I've I've always


been kind of um just drawn to different creative arts uh when I was younger I


was really into film making and acting and I used to just make my own films


like get my friends together just make my own short films and uh post it on YouTube and that's really one of the


first loves that I I had and um just from there are just translated into me


uh just trying different creative aspects out like I got into painting I got into like uh kind of doing fashion I


got into music and stuff like that and just just the things that really stuck with me was mostly music and still like


the film making videography documentary yeah um uh and after a while guide into


event planning as well just to um I guess give every just give uh every


person who's in that who's kind of like me who's kind of like a creative uh the opportunities and the platforms I didn't


have well I still don't have yeah unless that's like creating yourself so um yeah


so I'm drawn to just anything creative aspect wise yeah whether it's either uh


me pay me it or just me living vicariously through a really good painter by just documenting them yeah


kind of thing so yeah well I think like just you know surrounding yourself with people that are creative you know even


just doing this show like the amount of people that we've had on that are creative and a variety of things whether it's like music art food you know


different things like that it just I think it just like helps Elevate what you do you know like you just get to see


people see what people see through like their eyes like their lens or whatever um and I think like everybody kind of


benefits yeah I feel like it just brings that creativity out of me as well just to see somebody create something and


something in the artistic kind of way and something in a really like passionate way and I feel like that's it really just makes me just once to do


something as well and just like feed off of that so yeah I just love being around other people who are like that as well


yeah for sure So like um what were you do prior to you guys opening the studio


uh like what were you doing before that so um so I I opened the studio with uh my


friend tag and we know each other from high school and um After High School I


was doing um I was doing my music and I was also doing my documentaries uh where


I was showcasing artists and uh different creatives and stuff like that so he was one of the people that I


documented um and he was doing a he was vending his clothes at a a um a show and


I asked him if I could come in and document him doing that and I got like some interviews with him and docum the


whole process and in that process I threw to him the idea of I I've been


thinking of doing like a creative like event kind of thing yeah and um just


just growing up I I wasn't really around a lot of creative people so my my uh experience of putting out


ideas to people that are like kind of creative wise was kind of like not really there's not really much belief


behind that but right when I told him that he was actually very supportive of that and wanted to help me do that


wanted to actually get on board with that so that was really one of the first times that that like somebody was doing that so it actually motivated me to do


that and then we started doing um uh a showcase called come as you are and um


and we started that in 2021 and uh that basically was just the idea of having


different creatives in all aspects uh musician uh performing on the stage um uh desires


being showcased as vendors and Painters having their paintings showcased and different uh just creatives in general


just being able to be showcased there and being able to network there so we did five of those in Jersey City and um


those went really well and from doing that that really gave me the like the


confidence to really just like keep creating spaces like that and uh after


doing that that's when I started to do my underground developmental series of shows where it was more focused on the


like the newer artists and really like focusing on how to get the newer artist to those um to those platform to to like


getting bigger instead of um just chasing bigger artists I wanted to actually like help grow like artists who


are like me so just just doing those we I started that series um and after just


doing those as well and from doing both of those events I just was kind of like I love the consistency of it but I


wouldn't I wouldn't have like The Daily Grind of just having like somewhere where I can every day help not only like


myself grows at artists but have other people as well have those same opportunities and just giving them the


same like platforms U that I have as well so yeah that was kind of like all encompassing the idea of the events I


kind of put in here as well but just more of a consistent like everyday like kind of thing it doesn't have to be like


an event um so just all around just I was kind of I just really want to have


just all the creatives just really just go up in that way and just all the um artists in Jersey just really have those


platforms where they can really just grow and so that we have artists that


are coming out of Jersey who are really big and I I think that would be like a really cool way to elevate Talent from


Jersey sure yeah yeah yeah it's cool too because like you're talking about how it started basically with the events like


the come are you come as you are and the um the underground development series is that said that right yeah underground


devel uh underground developmental so like those things you like I think you


told me off mic that at one point you were doing like three events a month in in some cases um but those are still


like 3 days but then to give these you know creatives and people a platform or a place to continue between those uh


events is like important too you know like it helping curate that which I think is really cool and then when you


uh when we connected because we've connected a while ago I feel like yeah and then you know now we're finally doing this episode and like that was one


of the things that I thought was really cool because you know you're giving people a place to kind of showcase what


they're passionate about but then also giving them with the with the actual events but then here giving them a place


to kind of work on it curate it you know get it to where like you know they can be the next big thing that kind of comes


out of out of Jersey which I think is awesome yeah no thank you appreciate that's I feel like that's what you do as


well like um showcasing what people are passionate about as well I I'm I'm


definitely more in the just like mostly creative side but like there's definitely other like aspects to it as


well like other just like different people um showcasing their passions I feel like you do that like beautifully


as well draw drew me to um your podcast cool so yeah well it's like a Love Fest


in here um so let's also talk about and I'm curious because this episode is


actually coming out May 14th so it's episode 129 which is a lot um but


actually this Saturday is when we have or the Saturday that will be after this episode releases is actually jerseyfest


so like we're working on that and you know obviously like we're at this point when this episode comes out hopefully


we're done with the actual work I'm getting it set up um but like I


have been OB was like aware of Jersey City like I live in Bloomfield so I you know we come in eat here drink here


whatever um but the more I've kind of spent time here kind of getting this event set up the more I've learned about


the area and I think I with your stuff and with all the kind of stuff that's


going on like Jersey City is like a really unique interesting place with like a lot of unique interesting people


and so talk to me like maybe kind of from a community standpoint like the Jersey City community and the creatives


that you work with in this immediate area like the Hudson County area basically like talk to me about that


like you know and the importance of that almost so I feel like i' I've lived in


Jersey City for most of my life and I feel like just in terms of um just being


able to meet other like-minded individuals it's it's definitely um it's definitely easier for it's


easier in Jersey today I feel like and I like I really started to meet most of


the creatives that I know from Jersey City because well not only the fact that I lived here but um I used to live in


other parts of Jersey as well but I would I I definitely saw the vast difference of being here because I feel


like it's more of a it's more of a city where like things are going on just like in the same light of how I feel as


though it's kind of hard to have a creative scene if it's like um say like


a like a suburb in New Jersey because there's not many PL there's not many like places where like things are going


on unless you have like a big like like venue in your city yeah um more the lights of like how New York is like it's


very easy to get into different scenes and stuff like that because there's so much going on and there's like trains that you get all over the place and like


that so I feel like the accessibility wise of Jersey City and it being um


they're being like consistent shows and just like consistent way to get around with like the Light Rail and with like


the buses and trains and stuff um it was a lot easier for me to actually meet


more people um I met a lot of people in this building alone like even before I had a stud here I was able to meet like


a lot of people um so I feel like Jersey City definitely has a very uh a very rich community of artists


that are here that are really um putting on for their city as well they're trying


to grow something in in Jersey City and just from doing the com to shows in Jersey City I was very surprised about


how much um interest there was because like I was I was a start like a small artist right um so to see how much


people came with the whole like idea of growing that community and getting the


artists in the same building and just really trying to support all the artists and grow that community and the majority


of the people came from Jersey City so it was really cool to actually get to meet more people from the city and just


to see that that Community like me and my friend we would go to downtown Jersey


City where it's like Grove Street where um there's like a lot going on and where


it's like you can't drive down there right yeah you can't drive yeah and we were like kind of like Washington Square


Park style like set up a table with like like clothes and just like sell to


people and we would meet a lot of people just like a lot of creative people so I feel like just having different things


like that in like where you could where it creates more opportunity for people to actually get a chance to meet people


and just in that area alone the amount of like open mic shows and stuff like that is is is really cool so just to


have those things I feel like is is very imperative because um I when I lived in


other parts of in of Jersey it was really like okay I don't know what's


going on but I it's it's like I've been here for a while and it's kind of hard to find yeah whereas though I got kind


of thrown in New Jersey City and automatically I'm I'm seeing all these things going on that are catching my


attention I'm kind of falling into different things like they're saying this open mics here they're saying this stuff here so it was kind of easier and


I feel like this Jersey City is is really home to me I always want to be in


this area yeah yeah yeah and I think it's cool too because just as like an outsider cuz I never I've never lived in


Jersey City but come here a decent amount it's like Jersey city has whole


definitely Embraces the art aspect of it with you know the public murals and the stuff on grow Street and like newer G


like all those things that I think is really a cool thing and that not is like


as Park is a similar in that similar vein but then there's like other places in Jersey that just don't really you


know it's just like not not a priority I guess um which is great so uh I do want


to talk a little bit about when you start doing like the the docu series like document


artists why like why artist and why was that the thing that you were kind of drawn to was just because you were also


an artist so you kind of wanted to explore that like talk to me a little bit about that um so I started doing


that um I guess that was that was based from


my love from film making yeah and because I was already shooting uh


my uh like short films and stuff when I was like in Middle School like early High School


and once I got out of high school then Co hit and I I feel like that's really


when I started doing the documentaries a lot more because um it was just the like


I it was it was so much work to get actors together and like a lot of the time I didn't really have actors I just


had my friends and I would have to drag them to to do things and he just act you know and um so it would be a whole thing


but I felt like um just me being a a artist and a creative person and knowing


like other creative people like I had one of my friends who was um who was a a musician who I uh I wasn't even a


musician but I just bought all the music equipment just so I could record him oh cool and I guess I always just had like


a like a passion to like try to help other people around me to try to achieve


their passions as well yeah um but


uh yeah so when I when I I I started doing that and then Co happened so it


was kind of a lot easier to just record the things that were going on around me yeah and kind of uh find the stories in


like everyday life and like have that being the film that I'm making and just


the ongoing story of my life so I would at first I would very much like is still on my YouTube like my like early videos


were more like aesthetically like like wide shots of like my friends just having conversations and stuff like that


and um it kind of uh gradually got more into me getting more in front of the


camera and um just more those is telling my story and uh documenting my journey


of how I would get to um where I want to get to with my artistic expression and


just that then became like showcasing other people as well it's like what would we do with


Dr wi's now and also my journey as well so it just kind of it just kind of came


from my like film making aspect but I always love like documentaries as well and I always the the films that I love


the most of the films where it it seems like it's not even a film yeah it's just like very raw and very um uncut and


very like it it doesn't it's not like it doesn't see it doesn't sound like two


people reciting Shakespeare to each other it sounds more like two people having a a conversation yeah like like


like people normally do yeah so that's what really drew me into it as well because it's like it's like you get a


like the feeling of you're there and you're really like in that experience just really kind of made me drew me into


just shooting like a lot of raw like documentary style videos and that's what I like about podcast as well like I


always say listen to podcast like all day just just because you know just


I guess like feeling that it's there it's also like um uh it's it's very


comforting kind of content very comforting kind of feeling like um I


used to do Uber um I used to do Uber at Uber Eats uh uh on a bike and in a car


when I was like younger and um I would just I would just feel lonely just doing it all day alone and then I would listen


to like a podcast and feel like there's somebody around me yeah you're part of the conversation yeah exactly so yeah I


guess it's just like very like comforting as well that's what drew me to it also yeah I find comfort in doing


it why is like talking to people I like learning people's stories and kind of like how they got there it was weird


like I don't really listen to podcasts at all oh yeah yeah because I'm always editing mine editing other people's


doing stuff like that so just like constantly listening to stuff music is kind of like where I all some music all day but yeah just a weird thing about me


host a podcast for four years now and don't actually listen to many podcast


but but you're living in the podcast yeah right living yeah right exactly it's like a chef that doesn't want to go home and cook for himself kind of thing


but that's why I like doing interviews as well because I'll be listening to a podcast like damn you should have asked


him this yeah right I I totally agree with that as being able to really get to


actually ask those questions and like yeah yeah like the ones that are kind of like the pre-scripted question type of


thing and like you know that like they didn't even listen to that answer that that person just gave and they asked like some random question like you said


like they just said that their mom is from Mars like why didn't you just ask about that you know like that kind of


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22:15 so let's talk a little bit about uh the underground developmental cuz I


that's really interesting to me um what are they you know like cuz we were


talking about off mic like kind of what the setup B and and different things like that um so talk to us a little bit


about what those are and kind of if people someone does go to one like what are they what should they expect so


underground developmental is an artist showcase Series where we really focus on


our main goal is really to just help artists um just make just grow and just


make what they want to do as a passion their career and give them the tools to


do that and we Who Run It are creatives ourselves as well as we're trying to do


um grow as well and um so we feel like I feel like that's the that's the most


authentic way to do it is really just because it's created just based off of


of what we never had so I feel like that's the best way to really create


something and um it really started with just me trying just me seeing how many


um really hungry and like passionate and genuine artists there are around me in


in Jersey and just wanting to give them a platform that they never had before


and that I never had before like me as an artist um growing up and trying to


grow my music um in New Jersey it really wasn't a lot of places that you could go


number one but it also like you even where there's places you could go you just like it's like you got to know


somebody yeah right or you got to pay a significant amount to get on those shows or whatever so it was just difficult in


those aspects so I really wanted to create something where um the focus is


not on and and not only that like even if there was a show and you did pay to get on a show like PE there's no like


Community people are not really there to meet people people are not really there to support new artists whatever like um


so I really wanted to create something that's for people people who are had the


same mindset of like let's come together and let's support each other let Let's help each other like grow and Elevate


and um get better and just just uh yeah just get better as a creative um so


that's when I started to do the underground Developmental and um the first one was fairly small but it was


amazing because I could tell that every single person in that room was on the same exact type of energy like in the


sense of we're here to support artists and we're here to get better and we're not like we are aware that a lot of us


are like either like first time performers or like trying to get to a certain point where um where we're just


getting better so it's just the fact that everybody who got on the stage got showed mad love to people who they never


even met before other than that day yeah regardless of even if they were like good or not like just of the fact that


like yo you got up and you tried and you you're getting up and you're you're getting better and you're developing and


you're and because that's all of us and so just I it just created that level of of


of genuine love and support that I never have ever seen at any other show before


yeah and really from the beginning too which is crazy yeah and I feel like that really stems from just


me like that's what I say I I love the fact that I think it's most genuine to


create something that's really genuine to you and that's really real to you because I created that based on my


experience as a creative um coming up in the in the scene and really seeing what


it is and seeing what there isn't that what's not there and how it can just be a lot better and like actually get


artists um that actual love and support that they need to actually um improve


their career yeah so um so that I created like that and really marketed


towards those type of people and just even just underground development so that's just the name of it alone like


like if you're an artist who's kind of like like I guess like just thinks that


they're too big for that like I'm not a developing artist I'm like the best artist in the world yeah right thing


yeah that automatically turns them off to it so I feel like a lot of the marketing and that created what it is


and what it is is just um a lot of different like a bunch of different


creatives in general who are there to not only grow as an artist but who


understands that that's everybody else as well and we're all trying to grow as well they're all trying to um just


Elevate ourselves as artists and it's a really family aspect that everybody has to each other like everybody cares about


each other and what I love as well is everybody holds each other accountable as well like within a lot of um like


underground communities you know like people don't really hold each other accountable in terms of like their


actions or like what they do uh outside of the shows or whatever like that but


we really care about having this um the community and the shows as a safe space


to where everybody can be there and not worry about something negative happening to them from somebody who does like


negative things so um we really care about each other at at the Showcase and


um that's that's the main thing that we are in like I care about everybody just


being genuine and being um a real person regardless of status regardless of how


good your music is so um and yeah so we did so we've done 31 of those and


um uh we're about to get started uh with a a new venue in Kerney in New Jersey um


and like I said ear just stacking it up in terms of like like that was really the Baseline of it like the all right I


need I want this to be like a supporting supportive like Series where artists can really come through to support each


other and have that genuine um atmosphere and it just got bigger and


bigger in that sense and just seeing how everybody was on that same like energy


and on that same Vibe was really cool and um just over a year I've seen so


many artists just get so much better and come and consistently keep coming to the


shows consistently perform and just get so much better um to where we do we have


screenings of like old documentaries and the artists are like damn I hate this performance and I'm like I love that you


hate this performance cuz this is a year ago because like that shows that you guys so much better right so that's


that's literally the the most that's the most amazing thing um to really see that


constant progression and like the artists are getting like bigger and now like uh like artists who started like 3


uh cuz we did 31 shows so artist who like started a un3 um who might have come like alone now he performed at UD


28 and there's like 10 people who are coming to see him yeah so that's really like an amazing thing because these are


people's like real life like passions and dreams and I love to see um like you


could really tell that they they um that's their passion when they're consistently coming and trying and


failing and keep trying and keep going so I love to to see like how how passionate the people are there and um


if you're an artist in whatever capacity like a new artist a medium artist or a


big artist this is like there's no I would say there's no better place for a creative to be to um just be in a


community of other genuine like-minded creatives as well as really significantly grow their career whether


you're a um like a painter or musician or a designer or whatever it is


especially with the upcoming series that um with the upcoming um UD shows that


we're going to be having um because just as time went along just implementing


more we have a lot more things where we're about to start implementing like um just to help artists really uh just


grow substantially uh with music marketers are going to be there to do like inperson like consultations we're


going to have different content pieces where artists can get in front of the camera and actually have content where


they could um utilize for social media and just partnering that with this space


where we can have seminars and like consultations where we could really like Hands-On like help artists um actually


grow and uh because there's a lot of and I I love the fact that we could do that


because we have the right mind for artists um there's a lot of like U


people who are in it to try to help artists to just so they could gain money but we're really like I'm really trying


to help grow artists so that we can all grow like I feel like I feel very I


don't know I feel very obligated to help every every step of the way that I go as an artist I just feel obligated to help


everybody else bring them along with you yeah cuz that's like that was me just like two three years ago just trying to


claw for any type of traction yeah right yeah yeah no it's so cool cuz it just like when listening to you talk about


like knowing what it is to a degree but then kind of hearing you talk about it and kind of seeing like like 31 shows is


a lot a year is not that long you know so like all that kind of stuff that's uh


evolved over that time I think is is really cool and kind of you know you yourself seeing the progression of


someone you know as an artist or whatever and kind of like having the um you know like it makes you feel good you


know kind of thing uh is there like a if people are that are listen to this are


either like an artist or someone that would come and watch this just cuz they're interested or whatever um is


there like a general like genre of stuff that you guys are doing or like what


what is that like so it's it's really all around and that's what's beautiful


about it it's really a mixing pot of of different artists um because when I when


I first started I really just wanted I I had no exact like kind of style of music


that you could do I kind of just like really just allowed any style of music that they could perform and just to see


really what's what's out there and people would perform hip-hop people perform Rock people perform R&B people


perform um reae people perform just all all around different types of music and


um I love that because uh once once we


really once I really got to uh to see like around like uni three or four when I really got to see like all the artists


who were really out here um I started to allow always allow like the open mic to


be like whomever and then with the featured artist I um I would cheate the featured artist and um but it would be


like a meling PT it would be like the first artist who like a like a R&B like singer and the next artist is like a was


like a band and then the next artist is a rapper and then the next artist is like a um like a like a like a hyper


kind of like like glitch kind of artist like just showcasing all of the


underground and just all of the different artists that they have um in


just a different like like individual genres within the genres of like um of


music and um uh yeah so that's always been kind of my my thing with that is


just really having it just anybody can really come through and anybody can perform anything and and um the crowd is


is very receptive like I feel like a lot of people see the like the mhing videos and like the yeah um and and think that


like they can't come and like like that's the vibe that they got be on to come through but those are the videos


that really get a lot of attention but if you look at the documentaries if you look at the social media there's also


like so many videos of some of the best vocalists you've ever heard like singing


like in performing and um uh just just all around different


genres like and what's beautiful as well with that is is this is one of the most receptive crowds I've ever seen it's


literally the um exact um opposite of the Apollo Theater like like everybody


is just showing you love like even if you're failing like even if you're up there like there's been so many times where people get up on the stage like


hey it's my first time I'm mad nervous they're like shaking and [ __ ] like and the crowd is like no you're good y like


do yeah so like it's really just that building each other up because like


we're all doing the same thing we're all like in it together and just that


mindset of just like helping each other get to that point um is really is really


really cool and um yeah and they receptive to anything so like it doesn't


have to be they're not just trying to just MH like they're there's um there's


a lot of people who are don't who are just in there to just listen to music and even the people who do like there's


in there like they would love to hear whatever like receptive to whatever type of music like slow music like any type


of thing they just want to hear what's going on and discover and and hear the


talent and just really just try to support and try to see the talent that's


around them and that's I feel like the most beautiful aspect of shows yeah for sure um what whether it's between like the


I'm curious because there's all like obviously these great moments that have kind of happened and and different things the evolution of it is obviously


like the the big thing um is there been um like a any particular moment and I'm


sure there's a bunch but any particular moment that kind of stands out to you that you're like whether it's with the docu series whether it's the with the


come as you are whether it's you know the ud stuff we're like wow like we're on to something with this like this is


like a really cool moment in time where like you know I helped kind of either curate it or create it or whatever has


there like been a moment like that for you in that stretch of time um I feel like the first moment of that


was definitely I say the first moment of that with UD is definitely from the


second show because I could tell it it kind of like caught fire after this


after the first one and um that I feel like that happened because like with KES series that we did


um the first KES was the first time I was I was expecting there to be like 20 people to come there and like it was


like over 100 people who came so I was in just disbelief and that was the first


time I really had that oh yeah no this is this is weong to something here yeah


and um so those those were big and then uh from those we focus on getting like


bigger artists on those so for me to go from that and then I'm like okay I want


to redirect completely and focus on the smaller artists who are who uh want to


perform and try to help them develop rather than focus on the bigger artist and um so I already I knew from that I'm


like okay these are probably going to be smaller shows so I I expected so the


first one was like a smaller show but everybody was on the same kind of uh energy so I guess that also gave me like a


confidence we're on to something like the B is there yeah but I still kind of thought okay maybe we're going to still


have that that same kind of numbered crowd like consistently but then the second one it was like way more people


so all on that same energy as well so I was like okay definitely definitely this


is something right and um yeah and but I feel like just as time


goes along because like like me three or four years ago would look at like a lot of the stuff that I was doing that time


is like just just in disbelief so uh but I feel like I have a hard time


processing things so like I'll just just keep I just keep going and going and


like there'll be certain times where I'm on the stage and then I have a second I'll be like oh wow like this is crazy


and I'll like tear up a little bit or something like that there's like a couple times where that happens like sporadically randomly at random


different times so there's definitely that um but yeah I would say definitely


the first one of UD was from the second show just see how many people came to the second one and just new new people


as well just on that same exact energy so I was like yeah this is this is something that's that's going to go


somewhere and it keep going yes yeah that's so cool like it's just it's I'm sure it's hard to pick out like a moment


but especially because talking to you and kind of understanding you a little bit more over the course of the day so far it's like the process is kind of


like the big thing for you like that creative process and you know building these things and kind of like we don't


really know what the end is or like what the finish line is or whatever but we're just kind of going along and doing what


we want to do yeah thanks um let's talk about your stuff specifically now like the the music that you do all that kind


of stuff like how would you describe it um and then you know how did that kind of start for you um so right now I make


uh we'll see the alternative music like postp and like dark Wave Music and uh so


I started really making music um after I bought my friend that uh recording


equipment yeah like um yeah I was I was doing music I mean I was doing uh I was


doing films and acting and I would go to like New York and do like auditions and


stuff like that so that's really what I was into but I also loved like music and painting and stuff like that and I would


just dabble in it a little bit but um so I bought my friend the recording equipment and then I started um


engineering him as well just like just like uh engineering of music and after a while I just started kind of uh just


trying it out like 201 like 18 just like making like random songs and stuff and a


lot of my stuff would come out like very like melodic like I would I grew up listening to a lot like um Nirvana so I


I never thought I was a good singer when I was growing up but then I heard like Kirk Cain sing like very off key to


certain songs and I'll would be like okay this sounds dope and this is not even on like like like I don't have to


sound like Ariana Grande to sing well the thing so um yeah so that gave me the


confidence to like do stuff like that and uh after like time went on I was


making like different um music like alternative like rap music and like when


I was in high school I listen to mad juice world I would make stuff like like music like that like which would be like


a blend of like uh like alternative and like uh rap type of music yeah and um


yeah just just in a couple years after that I just really started making like a lot of more like rock music and uh like


I I like the I like to make a lot of like more melodic like alternative kind of um the songs and that's kind of what


I graduated to the type of like music I'm Mak hour is more like M like postp


like Indie kind of music because um like I I grew up listening to like the Cure


and uh I I always loved like that kind of like sound and I a lot of my my music


is very like melodic so it it it works a lot with like my style that I have in


terms of like my voice and stuff like that and yeah so that's that's a lot of the stuff that I make um right now and


like the genre that I'm in right now and yeah I think it's cool because there's so many like different like sub genres


of music yeah that's that that you could like also like tap into um that I also


realized with doing like UD like it's not just like within like even like hip-hop like it's like lyrical hip-hop


it's like trap there's like like there's like so many sub Jrs like rock there's like Punk Rock Post Punk like um like


metal like dark wave like all types of different like some genres so um it's


cool to actually like dive into those and really like get your see what you


enjoy making and and see what you like so I feel like I just really dove into


making the stuff that really fit me and like really fit like the way I felt and like the way that's more like natural


the most like natural to me yeah yeah yeah so uh so we're getting close I think check the time yeah getting close


to the end of this episode which sucks but you know yeah uh so like you do all these things


right like the basically takes up your entire day yeah you know but do you do anything else besides like all this all


the creative things that you're doing because you do I mean with the shows with your own stuff with the studio with


you know helping support people like there's so many different layers to all the things that you're doing it just


it's really cool you know no thank you yeah um that's the thing like not really


honestly yeah I feel like I I know I feel like um like I feel like I'm a maniac with


this stuff like in the sense of like


um there's just so much that I want to do and there's so much stuff that I'm


passionate about to where I've kind of gotten to the point where I'm like I


need to like lock into all of these aspects to really make it grow and um


this is really the first time in over a year that I had a break from UD cuz in the first six months we were


doing three shows a month in the second six months we were doing two shows a month so I really wasn't able to make my


music or like lock into like other aspects of like the creative that I have been so um I'm really trying to figure


out the just the management of everything like the Ballance of all the stuff yeah because I also see like


um like people like I'll see like like Instagram reels of like people who are


like uh like older who are like yeah I wish I wasn't such a maniac with my


career and I would have spent more time with like the people I love and stuff like that um so I do want to fit more of


that into my while also simultaneously figuring how to like Elevate everything


like yeah career-wise and I think that it comes with like building like more of


a team to be honest having more help like with the things that I'm doing because yeah doing all those events and


that was definitely a lot of work and we're not going to lie to you oh dude I I get it um so you mentioned you know


all these things that you want to do like what are some things you're like this is kind of like the next thing that


I want to try to go after and try to make happen is there something um the


next thing I really want to go after is try to have this weld oil machine like UD and


like a lot of other well oil machines consistently going at the same time yeah


so that's really the goal for me like year round having like UD going year round having being able to have my like


music coming out have my documentaries coming out um yeah just being able to do more of


the things I want to do like I haven't made a film since I was in Middle School like I want to have time to do that I


want to have time to spend with like like people I care about so


um yeah just just really want to figure out my my my really main goal right now


was figure out how to have all this stuff going on at the same time and like manage everything like TimeWise yeah


yeah yeah well that's good well I hope you figure it out but it's like the same thing with me people like oh what do you do besides like the show and like all


that stuff and I'm like know that's pretty much all we do you know like uh


because you know I love it and I get to like go do stuff you know and it's like


still kind of connected to the show and what we do with Jersey and like all that kind of stuff too so yeah you know it's


fun that's that's the best thing I feel like aligning like your career with the thing that you love to do is like yeah


you can never you can never go wrong with that yeah what's your hobby I'm like I don't know it's like my job and my hobby it's like kind of just how it


works yeah um all right so if people have listened to this episode they want to learn more about you more about UD


more about all the other stuff that you have going on uh where are places you would want them to go to do that and if


you forget one we're going to put them all in the show notes anyway so that's okay so if you want to follow me I make


music and I do documentaries uh showcasing different creative artists on YouTube you can check me on YouTube Kurt


Donovan that's d o n a v o n and uh


people spell it with o I like literally wrote it with an O on my pad make sure I fix it okay no you're good but


like I need to make sure I SP it right um no yeah I've got to the point where


like if somebody spells it wrong like on a thing I'm yeah it's an easy to fix though you know just add a little um so


yeah uh on Instagram YouTube Tik Tok at Kurt Donovan of the


A and uh everything underground developmental um is on my YouTube as


well like all the documentaries that we have um and also on Instagram at underground developmental or NJ


underground develo and um yeah if you want to come to a seminar


and uh or have a like a session or something like that come down to NJ and


brown City yeah and then and then once you and then after you come here um go


to um the Jersey Fest that's right come to Jersey Fest of course and you can


make it a double stop two stops in the same day really if you really wanted to yeah you know I'm going to be over there


cool yeah got to be yeah definitely got to have you we're having an Afterparty too so I'll make sure I tell you about


that bet but that's not for everybody um exclus exclusive uh well I really


appreciate you having me in uh thank you for running the cameras behind the scenes um and uh we'll make sure like I


said we'll put all those links and handles and stuff like that in the show notes people just go click it check it out uh we'll also put greetings to


thegarden which is the website for the show where we can get all the other stuff that we have going on between all of our other episodes the


maps the different things so go to too um Kurt thank you again so


this has been the green with GSA podcast powered by the New Jersey Lottery I'm Mike cam we were here in Jersey City at


NJ underground Studios with Kurt Donovan thank you for listening and we'll catch you next [Music]


time do you want R oh tell me before you


long way do you want to ride [Music]