The Adventure Cure

Podcast Trailer: How this Podcast Fits into Your Life

Rob Treppendahl Season 1

Hello everyone and welcome to the Adventure Cure Podcast! My name is Rob Treppendahl, and this is my little treasure trove of fascinating and inspiring people who have and continue to inspire me to become who I am. People who challenge the way I think and see the world, and most importantly, people who help me find as much meaning in this life as possible. I firmly believe they will do the same for you. 

Growing up, I heard older family members and their friends speak of their travels and adventures around the world, their great conquests and stories. From then on I was ruined. Then in 2012, two of my best friends and I paddled the entire MS river for charity. Setting off in the little trickle that starts America’s most infamous river, I had no idea how much this trip would change my life. Over the next two months, we were nearly killed by a tornado, as we rode the tide of a massive flood downstream through the biggest heat wave in decades. We ate turtles, befriended native Americans, and camped every single night on the banks of the river.  This 2300 mile trip really tested me, mentally more than anything, and when I was finished, I was a transformed person, ready for any challenge life had to throw at me. It was a complete paradigm shift in my life.  

We all have life-changing moments that change everything. On this podcast, those are exactly the stories we will be telling. What I will be doing is teasing out the lessons, stories, and tools that fascinating people from all different walks of life have used to live a more meaningful and passionate life. Also, while my big shift happened on an outdoor journey, these breakthroughs we will be covering are certainly not limited to outdoor adventures. To me, one of my biggest fears is to live a life that is boring, uninspiring, and void of joy. A monotonous gray existence.  Common themes of the show will be fear, mental health, addiction, but more importantly,  meaning What makes a life worth living, how do you define a life well lived, what does success look like to you? What do you value now that you didn't 10 years ago?

My aim is to have us listen to the stories of these breakthrough moments from a wide range of guests so that we can learn from them and apply these paradigm shifts in our own lives. 

Alright alright, enough talking, lets get to the stories!  But, real quickly, before you start furiously listening to all these episodes, please please do me a tiny favor and subscribe to this podcast wherever you listen, and go ahead,  if you really want to stay in the loop, follow my instagram, at robtrepp. Two p’s. Lastly, for more shownotes and details, visit the website at (Spell it out.) Thank you everyone! And now, let's get to the good stuff!



Podcast Channels:

I have a few spots left in my executive coaching business, Treppendahl Consulting.