The Adventure Cure

“Practical Tips to Ditch the 9-5 and Live your Dream Life: From the Most Interesting Man in the World” with Josh Koerpel

May 26, 2022 Rob Treppendahl Season 1 Episode 19

Todays show might just make you rethink the way you live your daily life. Today we will hear from my friend Josh Koerpel, who, if you listen to him, can teach you how to, as he calls it, live dangerously. Josh is a digital nomad, meaning he can work from and live anywhere while also making a good living and experiencing the adventure that travel allows. Today he will share with us what he has learned from nearly twenty years as a digital nomad, and practical tips to help you get there, or to get a step closer. Tired of that 9-5? Tired of the cubicle grind? Josh paves a new path for you that is more tangible than you might thing. Josh has one helluva resume too: He has I’ve kept people alive in the wilds of Alaska as a wilderness guide. developed optical systems for low earth orbit satellites now used by NASA and the US Air Force, and even designed mechanical engineering solutions for clients like Disney, Cirque du Soleil and AC/DC. He lived on a sailboat for years, traveled the globe, and yet also is humble enough and tecchy enough to share his wisdom and give all his secrets away. If you are ready for a completely new option for living your life, keep listening.

A specific reason why I
loved this conversation is my obsession with the idea of the 4 hour work week. Six years ago I read Tim Ferriss's now famous book of that title and sough out to make it happen for myself. I am now just about there with my landscaping company. Some weeks its 12 hrs, some weeks 4, but I'm getting close. My team is absolutely amazing, plus we have great systems and technology in place that helps automate so much of what we do. It was not has hard as you might think. With my newfound spare time, I decided to create this podcast you are listening to now, and to write the first draft of a memoir about my Mississippi River kayaking trip which took place in the summer of 2011. I am convinced there are practical ways many of us can escape the typical grind of working working working til we are 70, then retiring and then dying 10 years later. People like Josh have both encouraged and inspired me to pursue this and grow this dream and spread it to others. In my opinion, this dream is most accessible to business owners with very simple businesses and secondly to remote workers. Even if its not 4 hours, but 20 or 30, the freedom to live where you want and work where you want is now achievable for large swaths of the population.  So long as you are techhy, disciplined, and in tune with your own strengths and weaknesses. Ok ok, go listen to Josh!

Josh's Website

Josh on Social


Haro for  pitching, best in the morning,

4 Hour Work Week Book 

I have a few spots left in my executive coaching business, Treppendahl Consulting.