The Adventure Cure

How Skydiving Saved My Life

Rob Treppendahl Season 1 Episode 29

Today's guest has a story that is about as raw as they get. Steve Labse is a skydiving  enthusiast, a business owner and someone who has become extremely self aware through a series of challenges and experiences over the past decade or so. Steve has an amazing perspective about how we spend our days and what it also looks like to waste forty years of our lives pleasing other people. His story is one that many of you will be able to relate do as we will dive into people pleasing, living our lives with meaning, and about discovering what really makes us all tick. Trigger warning will will discuss suicide briefly, and also there will be a lot of cursing, so, you have been warned. Alright, with that out of the way, lets go meet Steve! 

I have a few spots left in my executive coaching business, Treppendahl Consulting.