"The Claims Coach" Podcast with Kevin Quinley

"Use Carrots -- not Sticks -- When Navigating Choice-of-Counsel Clashes"

Kevin Quinley

Like it or not, the phrase “panel counsel” has become a pejorative term in the lexicon of some commercial policyholders and among some brokers. This episode of the Claims Coach podcast offers claim professionals specific tips on selling the advantages of panel counsel when navigating friction points with accounts that want to go “off panel” and choose their own attorney. Although the insurer may have the contractual right to select counsel as part of the duty to defend, especially in the absence of any coverage issue a reservation of rights, forcing counsel choice down the throat of a reluctant policyholder can create lasting hard feelings that can ultimately germinate in a bad-faith claim. Claims people are salespeople. This episode of the Claims Coach discusses features of “panel counsel” to highlight in making the case to reluctant policyholders and brokers.