Straight Talking Doc Unhinged

Episode 15: Debunking the Cholesterol Myth

November 06, 2022 Andy

Since the publication of Ansel Keys landmark and fraudulent Seven Countries Study over 50 years ago, our nation has been on an anti-cholesterol kick.  We ascribe almost God-like meaning to the cholesterol measurement--especially Big Bad LDL--and are hell bent in doing whatever is necessary to bring it below some magically drug-industry defined threshold either with medicines or by sticking to a low fat diet.  What we have known for decades, and what a recent article reinforced (,Link%20between%20high%20cholesterol%20and,'inconsistent'%2C%20new%20study%20finds&text=Summary%3A,as%20strong%20as%20previously%20) is that cholesterol is a meaningless measurement.  By focusing on it, we have over-medicated Americans to the tune of likely a trillion dollars of wasted treatment, we have glorified a low fat diet that is both dangerous and ineffective, and we have effectively slaughtered millions of people and disabled hundreds of millions more by passing out bad advice about cholesterol.  And what is most tragic is that our Flexnerian trained doctors have not relented, still measuring cholesterol, still deluging patients with often toxic and typically ineffective pills,  and still thinking that the low-fat dogma is good medical care.  It's not, and in this podcast we'll explain why.  Our Flexnerian obsession with finding a number that defines us, and then "fixing" that number, has led us down many very dangerous and expensive roads, but cholesterol is the road that should be most disturbing only because of how heavily traveled it is.
I have discussed this too in a video on my practice website and in a blog i wrote for my practice website, but it's also in all my books and several articles that can be found on my general website  
video, look for cholesterol: