Lost And Sound

Ed Dowie

Paul Hanford Season 4 Episode 9

Fresh up on Lost And Sound, this week is a little different. It’s not just that Ed Dowie has made what is already being heralded is one of the album’s of the year, but that we have a shared history.  

We’ve been friends for 25 years and in the late 90s our band Brothers In Sound were briefly indie-electronic darlings.  His new LP, The Obvious I is being released on Pete Paphides’ Needle Mythlogy label, and has fans from Lauren Lavern to The Quietus and feels like a choral, almost pastoral English cousin of Kraftwerk.  At some point, we kind of abandoned the interview format and got into a ramble about music, creativity, social activism in songwriting and bad Harrison Ford films that you secretly like.

Ed Dowie’s music

Title music by ESO