The Insider's Guide to Becoming a Barrister
Gresham College Lectures
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Gresham College Lectures
The Insider's Guide to Becoming a Barrister
Mar 05, 2020
Gresham College
This lecture provides an insider's brutally honest guide to what it's like to be a self-employed barrister - the highs and lows of the career, the work behind the scenes that makes a difference to outcomes in court, and the art of persuasion in it.

What are the ways of working that can make a difference to success and failure, for the client and to professional development for the barrister? What transferable skills does the advocate have looking at life Beyond the Bar?

A lecture by Jo Delahunty 5 March

The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website:

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