The Creeping Paralysis of Drought
Gresham College Lectures
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Gresham College Lectures
The Creeping Paralysis of Drought
Jan 14, 2016
Gresham College
Drought threatens the globe and water security becomes a top priority for nations. Professor Roberts explains:
Water shortage is an increasingly common challenge to development in southern England, as water is progressively diverted away from supporting ecosystems, and into agri-business, industry and homes. Climate change and population growth appear to be drawing us closer to the edge of an abyss. Drawing on research in the developed world (particularly in Spain and the UK), the lecture will explore the anatomy of severe droughts, and their consequences.
Can technology innovation offer realistic solutions to this problem, or will the competing interests of many different stakeholders prevent us from agreeing what needs to be done?
The transcript and downloadable versions of the lecture are available from the Gresham College website:
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