Honest Marketing

Marketing with a Conscience

Honest Podcasts

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We'll just go ahead and say it: Honesty is the best policy in marketing.

Sure, there are plenty of ways to be dishonest in advertising and marketing—and sometimes those methods are necessary for companies who need to make a quick buck and don't care about the consequences. But in general, being honest with your customers is the best way to build trust, which equals loyalty. And loyalty means repeat business!

Welcome to the Honest Marketing Podcast, where you’ll learn proven strategies to grow your business without selling your soul. We're not here to just tell you what to do. We're here to teach you how it works so that your brand can thrive without having to resort to shady tactics.

So if you're ready for some honest marketing advice, tune in every Tuesday.

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And if you have a guest in mind who you think would be a great fit for this show, drop me a line at hello@honestpodcasts.com

Travis Albritton  0:00  
Is it possible to grow a successful company without resorting to clickbait, high pressure sales tactics and misleading case studies? Can you actually be a good human and a marketer at the same time? And how do you cut through the noise and stand out without having to dance on TikTok or selling your kidney to fund another ads campaign? Welcome to the honest Marketing podcast. My name is Travis Albritton, former head of content at Buzzsprout current CEO of on his podcast in this show, we'll be digging into the strategies and tactics that you can use to level up your business without selling your soul that you can actually go to sleep and feel really good about yourself at night, not just with how much your company is growing, but the strategies you're implementing along the way that they're actually serving your clients serving your customers, and they walk away with a very high view of your company and of your brand and are more likely than not to tell other people how awesome you are and that they should definitely do business with you. 

Travis Albritton  0:55
So in this show, I'll be interviewing experts that are leading by example and growing some remarkable companies the right way, we're going to be digging into some case studies to reverse engineer best practices from online personalities from companies that are really doing exceptionally well becoming category kings. So the number one company in whatever their category is think Apple, Amazon, but if their specific industry and we'll also breaking down some practical tips and strategies that you can implement right away to help grow your business. If that sounds interesting to you, and that it would be helpful for you, you can follow and subscribe to the show for free on Apple podcast, Spotify, YouTube, or wherever else you get your podcasts. If you're listening to this or watching it somewhere on the internet, there's a good chance he's not on social media, you can subscribe and follow right there. And you'll get new episodes every single Tuesday. As they drop, the full episodes will drop everywhere on every podcast player and on YouTube. But if you want to stick around for clips for short content and to take part in the conversation and the community that we want to build on YouTube, leave a comment under a video. Let me know what you'd liked about it what you'd like to see me cover in a future episode and just engage in some really great conversations. So thanks for tuning in. And I can't wait to kick this off next week with you for episodes one and two of the honest Marketing podcast.