Ideas Have Consequences

Poverty Reframed

March 29, 2022 Disciple Nations Alliance Season 1 Episode 15

Mother Teresa, who spent years ministering to the dying and homeless in Calcutta, India, once said that New York City was the most impoverished place she had ever been. Why would she say that? She clearly saw poverty as more than a lack of money. She was using a broader biblical definition. In this episode, we examine the question: What is poverty? How we answer this question depends on our worldview. The biblical worldview sees poverty as more than material lack. When we look at the subject of poverty through the lens of a biblical worldview, we will begin to see the poor in new ways. We may even find that they are in our neighborhoods and our families in ways we never saw before. All of us are faced with poverty every day. What can we do to help the poor around us in our daily lives?