Sounds About Right: Audiobooks to Help Us Understand the World
The nonfiction bookclub that’s all about learning new things and challenging our perspectives. In each episode I meet with an author and discuss their book with them.
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Sounds About Right: Audiobooks to Help Us Understand the World
#35: TUTANKHAMUN: Pharaoh, Icon, Enigma. Lost for Three Thousand Years, Misunderstood for a Century with Joyce Tyldesley
Joyce Tyldesley is professor of Egyptology in the Department of Classics, Ancient History, Archaeology and Egyptology (CAHAE), within the School of Arts, Languages and Cultures. She studied the archaeology of the Eastern Mediterranean at Liverpool University, then obtained a D.Phil in prehistoric archaeology from Oxford University.
Joyce has also published a series of books and articles on ancient Egypt: these include three television tie in books and Cleopatra, Last Queen of Egypt, which was a Radio 4 "Book of the Week".
In this episode I sat with Joyce and discussed her latest book, TUTANKHAMUN: Pharaoh, Icon, Enigma. Lost for Three Thousand Years, Misunderstood for a Century.
Some of the talking points include:
- The conflict is between how Tutankhamun is often remembered and how he wanted to be remembered.
- Why Tutankhamun's Amana background is integral to understanding who he was.
- The widely shared and misunderstood theories of how he died.
- The discovery of Tutankhamun, the world at the time and the controversy surrounding around it.
- Is it right to ever go to another persons land and dig up their tomb? and do we really learn a lot from doing it?
- The so-called curse of Tutankhamun's tomb
The Book and Audiobook: TUTANKHAMUN: Pharaoh, Icon, Enigma. Lost for Three Thousand Years, Misunderstood for a Century is out now.
As of now, my podcast is biweekly and prior to an episode I’ll let you know what book/audiobook I’ll be listening to before the next show so we can delve into it together!
Please don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast so you’re in the loop whenever a new episode comes out… and also connect with me on Instagram or email so we can keep the conversation going and share with each other fascinating content.
Are you an author that will like to be on the next episode of the podcast?
Listeners: Did I cover a book you read or listened to? Did I discuss the things which also stuck out to you? Or did I miss it out?..... get in touch, and let me know what your experience was or to give me audiobook recommendations: