MixedMedia Talks

Carnegie Hall at 2, and Professional Childhood with Judy Wong

July 26, 2022 Amelia Season 1 Episode 16

In this episode my guest is lifelong New York Artist, Judy Wong and We talk about the essential human need to be creative, and how "Art is life and life is art" as well as growing up in NY as a child professional,  bullying and identity, formal and informal arts education, escaping performance to find what we love about it when we choose to do it for ourselves.
We then wander through some nostalgia about how the performing arts fields have changed over time, finding why she does her art, many philosophical gems, the pearls of wisdom gained from arts communities with Vaudevillian colleagues, sleeping almost anywhere, formal arts training and the costs of being a child professional. and then what?!?!? Finding her way into parenting, and furniture design, woodworking, ceramics, photography, growing up in New York and the farms outside of Manhattan, and teaching kids using pathways found through many arts.

Judy Wong is an International Educator /Consultant /Life Coach and Speaker in the performing & visual arts, various education & business industries. She is an Energy Healer and a certified Silva Method practitioner. Judy is on a mission for those, like her, who are over 60, 70, 80 & 90 to Raise their Fountain of Life and Live Life for Living! 

Her Career spans performing in Carnegie Hall as a toddler, through dance, acting, singing,puppeteering, and onward into life coaching with all that experience finding what the art is to living. 

https://www.spunkyoldbroad.com/judy-wong-episode-124-part-1/ https://www.spunkyoldbroad.com/judy-wong-episode-124-part-2/ 

Intro Music, Irish Trad tune: The Micky Dam- guitar instrumental by Richard Mandel 
of Three Mile Stone, and the Jammy Dodgers, https://thejammydodgers.com/Richard_Mandel.html with Permission for MixedMedia Talks

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