MixedMedia Talks

Art for the Joy of It With Thorn Coyle

Amelia Season 1 Episode 17

T. Thorn Coyle is a multidisciplinary artist, poet, photographer, teacher, singer, dancer, non-fiction and Now FIction writer who has written a cozy fiction series and is about to launch the kickstarter to finish the Pride Street Paranormal Cozy Mystery series: http://kck.st/3zAYDyE August 9, 2022

In this episode we talk about the why of which kinds of arts for which emotional spaces, and the necessity of fun art, what feels like failures is giving up, the politics of using your voice for joy, a history of perfectionism, where compensation fits with valuation of art, and where it's not the point, letting go of others responses to what we create, their muppet analog, and their newest fiction works ... just in time for their KS launch, TODAY! 

Please support their work at thorncoyle.com
their newest project at http://kck.st/3zAYDyE and find your favorite local independent bookstore to support communities for independent artists everywhere. 

Special thanks to Richard Mandel for intro music.
Intro Music, Irish Trad tune: The Micky Dam- guitar instrumental by Richard Mandel 
of Three Mile Stone, and the Jammy Dodgers, https://thejammydodgers.com/Richard_Mandel.html with Permission for MixedMedia Talks

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