NCRI Women's Committee

How the Population Growth Law strips Iranian women of their rights?

July 15, 2022 NCRI Women's Committee Season 1 Episode 9

SDG 5.6 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals wants to ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights as agreed in the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development and the Beijing Platform for Action 

In this podcast, the NCRI Women’s Committee will get into the details of how the Iranian regime has failed to give the minimum response to this SDG and even adopted a law that cripples women’s rights in this regard.

The fact is that the fertility rate in Iran has dropped nine folds in the past 36 years. In 1986, every Iranian woman gave birth to an average of 5.6 children. But now this rate has dropped to 0.6 children per woman. This is mainly due to poverty and repression. Young people are poor and they cannot buy a house or even rent an apartment and pay the expenses of married life. Married couples are poor, and they cannot afford to feed their children, so they’d rather not have any children. Add to this the repressive conditions in society that discourage people from having children born into such a heavily repressive society.

The Population Growth law wants to force women to do what they really don’t want to. They don’t want and do not afford to have more children.

We strongly advise you to not only visit our website on a daily basis but carefully analyze this episode’s topic in our newly published pamphlet, “Double pressure on Iranian women under the pretext of population growth. Why?”