NCRI Women's Committee

Women of Iran remain high-spirited despite tragic ordeals

January 21, 2023 NCRI Women's Committee Season 2 Episode 2

This time, we bring you the inspiring stories of a series of women who have suffered greatly during the recent protests in Iran but remain high-spirited in their fight for freedom.
As you might be aware, blinding the protesters has been one of the mullahs’ inhuman ways to crush the uprising. 
Put yourself in their shoes. You lose your eye or eyes just for participating in a legitimate protest to demand your freedoms. Then security forces target you in the eye. You can imagine that one’s life completely changes after becoming blind in one or both eyes. Aside from the initial pain and suffering, you can’t see, and you have to deal with this major disability for the rest of your life. 

And if you’re young, you lose your beauty to the end of your life. You may even lose your job and even your friends and family. 

Now, let’s go over the stories of some women who became blind to learn of the fighting spirit of these brave women who are paying the price of freedom.