Freedom Through Passive Income

Ep 154 - Week 22 Recap & Key Takeaways

Flip & Dani Robison Season 1 Episode 154

Flip & Dani review week 22 videos and give you their top takeaways for each episode. Whether you missed an episode this week or just want to hear our top takeaways, you’ll love these weekly recaps!

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This is our week in review with Key Takeaways from each day.

Episode 148: Failing Forward & The Never Give Up Mindset
There’s something about failure that can help us move forward. If you fail, it’s negative but if you fail forward, you can catch yourself and move on.

Episode 149: Putting Your Best Foot Forward When Making Offers
We don’t like it when people waste our time so we definitely don’t want to waste the time of others.

Episode 150: What is An Entity Purchase & Why Is This Strategy Used in Negotiations?
An asset purchase is the normal title company attorney type closing where an asset is going to transfer from seller to buyer at closing. An entity purchase is where the asset is held by an entity and you buy the entity that owns the asset rather than the asset itself.

Episode 151: What Is Our Track Record & Why That Matters?
 A track record is important because it informs you as an investor of who you are working with. Is it all talk or do they have the experience to back it up?

Episode 152: The Bigger Your Dreams, The More You Can Help Others
We’re talking to the people who are scared to dream big, who want to dream big, who want to expand their minds. The most impactful thing you can do is surround yourself with people who spark possibility into dreaming big.

Episode 153: Week 22 Progress Update
We have almost 4000 views on YouTube and our podcasts have been downloaded over 9000 times. We are ahead of schedule on rehabs for the 48 units we bought in Hamilton, Ohio.

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Hey everybody! Flip and Dani here, founders of the Freedom Real Estate Group family of Companies and welcome to another live episode. 

This is our Recap and Key Takeaways for the week. This is week number 22 Veintidós. Veintidós. Do you know yes I'm so bummed out last week I just called it dos uno and it was actually veintiuno. Right now it is veintidós. Yeah, you need to learn how to say happy fun shirt Friday in Spanish. Happy el fun shirt-o Friday-o. Ha ha ha. You are a dork. Nope.

Anyways, welcome to our Recap and Key Takeaways for Week 22 Episode number 148 Failing Forward and the Never Give Up Mindset. So key takeaway is failure is a requirement of getting to success. It's a stepping stone of allowing you to get there. Use the lessons of failing as fuel to catapult you forward. Another key takeaway is many people ask the biggest reason behind how we found our success and it's the Never Give Up Mindset. Three Feet From Gold. Yeah, that's right, which is from the book Think and Grow Rich. He might have gotten that wrong on a previous episode. And after the episode I went, are you sure that's the right book? I am pretty sure it was the Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich. I could have edited the video, but I left it because when you're wrong, you're wrong. And he was going, let's see who catches it. 

All right, Episode 149 Putting Your Best Foot Forward When Making Offers. Key takeaway number one was, we don't like it when people waste our time. Amen. So we definitely don't want to waste the time of others. We run through a detailed preliminary checklist of things before we even entertain putting in an offer. And key takeaway number two, the LOI which means letter of intent isn't a whipped together piece of paper that says hey, we really like your place, we want to put our best foot forward. It's a resume with references to prove that we are the real deal. This can often make the difference in our offer getting accepted over competing offers.

Love it, Episode 150. What Is An Entity Purchase And Why Is This Strategy Used In Negotiations? So takeaways, when buying using this the entity purchase strategy, use an attorney familiar with this type of transaction who can help you avoid any pitfalls you might otherwise miss. You don't know what you don't know. That's right. When underwriting a deal, and you choose entity purchase over an asset purchase, don't count on the fact that taxes won't increase, those school, whatever. Make sure that the deal is still going to be ideal even if the taxes go up. Otherwise, it's a bad deal.

That's right Episode 151 What Is Our Track Record And Why It Matters? Key takeaway number one, you want to work with people who have a proven track record, it's an important piece of mitigating risk when it comes to investing, often discounted or even overlooked. The second key takeaway is our private money lenders are very precious to us. They get their money back and everything that we promised. Even if we lose money on a deal, it is supremely important to us to keep the private lenders whole.

That's right. Episode 152. The Bigger Your Dreams, The More You Can Help Others. A key takeaway, surround yourself with like minded people who will support your dreams. It's amazing the difference it makes. Yeah, truth. Yeah. Your key people around you. Yes dreaming big turns into playing big. We're not here to play small. We're here to live fulfilled and to help others to do the same.

Absolutely. And Episode 153, which was yesterday's episode, it was a live episode. The day before the Fun Shirt Friday Yes. And that's why I tell people like it because tomorrow's Fun Shirt Friday. They like it because it was Thursday. Yes. What sorry. We're averaging around 1000 views between views and listens every single week. And that's really, really exciting, because we really didn't know how this was going to go. And I know we say that all the time. But it's the truth. We just said let's do it. And we're hoping we're going to be able to add value. And we appreciate the fact that it looks like we are adding value. And we hope we get to continue to add more value to more people. So please share these videos so that other people that you think that it can help achieve their goal of financial freedom through passive income. And the second key takeaway was asset protection. We're always learning new things. We've done and talked about so many things that we've done for asset protection in our lives, in our business, on these episodes. We'd shared our Estate Planning as we were signing the docs, what it involved what like all the things that we did to mitigate risk in the family of companies in case we died and the people that would keep it going to protect our team, the companies, our investors, our clients, everybody, and we just learned even more. And so as we get to the new elite to learn some really amazing things we're going to continually to pass them to pass them on to you guys. So we're going to be creating a cool something something. We just don't know what it is yet, but we will be passing on this information to you guys because it's going to change the game for us. So that was a key takeaway.

Yes, it's a completely different game. Yes, yes. Hey, make sure you head on over to our website, to join our Investor Club. Again, very important that you're doing that again, we talked more about that yesterday but very important to do that.

Make sure you head on over to Facebook and LinkedIn and all those other places and hitting the like button because it’s Fun Shirt Friday. There you go. You're wearing blue because you have blue eyes and your blue eyes just come out. And your pink shirt is making this thing stand out. But again, thank you, again for watching and listening and doing all this stuff every week with us.

But we like to end all our episodes with Invest Smart, Live Happy. Bye everybody.

Disclaimer: Nothing on the show should be considered specific personal or professional advice. Please consult an appropriate tax, legal, real estate, financial or business professional for individualized advice. Opinions and information on the show are not guaranteed. All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss.

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