Freedom Through Passive Income

Ep 160 - Week 23 Progress Update

June 09, 2022 Flip & Dani Robison Season 1 Episode 160

Flip & Dani’s Weekly Live videos are intended to be timely recordings of what’s going on RIGHT NOW in their investing journey.

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 On today's episode, what’s been happening this week? 

1)  We got three reviews on our Apple podcasts and our recaps seem to be some of the most popular episodes. Our stats are consistent and thanks to Jose who is in our Freedom Through Passive Income group for his suggestion.
2)  CJ, Ben and Dani have been talking about ways to help our investors. We want to create roadmaps or certain paths to answer our investor’s questions.
3)  We also started last Tuesday our gathering with fellow entrepreneurs and we shared $100 for the waiters at a mom and pop restaurant in our area.
4)  Part of our Founders Day celebration was our cardboard cutout which brought the house down. 
5)  Coming soon: our new short term investment fund. It will allow people to have that liquidity piece they desire
6)  We are seeing results from sticking to our fitness and nutrition program

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Hey everybody! Flip and Dani here, founders of the Freedom Real Estate Group Family of Companies and welcome to another episode of our podcast. Did you just go like Slow Joe do a little bit? Because I entered these and I see what I do I do it the same way every single time. So I'm trying to do okay. Just trying to freshen things up. Welcome.

My guess is called Freedom Through Passive Income. There we go. And welcome to another Live Version. This is our Week 23. Yes. Oh, look, it matches your jersey 23. All right, for those of you who are listening and not watching, he's wearing his freedom jersey. And we're 23 If you didn't know his favorite number is 23. Way before that Jordan fella. I had this jersey first. You're welcome. MJ. Anyway, he stole it from me. Big trees. Yes. Okay. We can go on now. 

So first of all, we actually got an email yesterday. Yes. And I was looking through and I get this email every single week. And I look at it and then there's nothing really that big to respond to in the email. But this time it says you have a review. Yeah, that's like, what? So of course, we went nally, do we have one with three reviews? So again, this is on Apple podcasts? on Apple podcasts. Yes. Yeah. So if you're listening on Apple podcasts, just do a quick review. We love it.  I don't really think it's going to give us anything. But just to let us know that you're out there.

Yeah, no, it does. It improves your rankings. Like a lot of people will release something. And then they'll just tell all their friends in our masterminds and go, go give me reviews. You get all these like fake reviews. And they're not. It's not that they're fake. People know you and they like us. They give you a review. But it's not because they're listening, right. And then they go on the top 10 podcasts because they got this rush of reviews. And so I was thinking about, asking our friends and family and everybody, but we never did. Right. So we literally did not think we had any reviews. So when he saw this email, he was like, We got a review. And I was like, well, people comment and subscribe on YouTube, like all the time. And he was like, No, this is different. And so we went to Apple podcasts. And there was three and we're like, three? We know we have even one. Yeah, so you mean we're better than the bottom now. We were like, it was like all the podcasts in the world. And they're the last place is Freedom Through Passive Income.

So the point is, we're supposed to be asking you guys to please, rate, give reviews like that, and especially comments. It's always nice to read the comments. So we haven't forgotten to ask for that. So if you don't mind jumping in there, it does show that people listen, and people like it, it helps us get the word out. So we’d be super, super appreciative. Please, thank you.

Yeah, one thing we did find out too, that these live updates, these live updates. And our recap seems to be some of our most popular episodes. So that's pretty, pretty interesting.

Yeah, I was looking at all the stats, I was actually looking at the podcast stats as well. And it's interesting. They're like the man reviews, it's pretty consistent. And you can tell some people play like catch up dog dog. They'll listen to like a week's worth of time, because you'll see number no number no number then the most recent week right now is lower. So now I'm going to start watching it to kind of see, hey, what is the trend? Yeah, because these are little snippets, right? They're supposed to be eight minutes, which is not going to happen today. But anyways, it's just interesting looking at all in all this stuff. So I one of the things I was going to mention today was Jose, I'm not going to say his last name for privacy reasons case, he doesn't want me to say his name on broadcast. But he's in our Facebook group Freedom Through Passive Income Facebook group and I had made a post the other day because CJ, Ben and I are talking about the different things that we can do to help investors. And so one of the things that we want to do is create roadmaps. Another thing that we want to do is create certain paths. And a lot of the investors in there have different paths they are on whether it's they're actually finding properties themselves and rehabbing them, or they're buying turnkey properties that are already done, or they're buying multifamily properties, where they're investing passively as a private lender or in syndications. And so there's different people in this group. And we thought, how do you help them all. You have to have, if you're on this path, this is the road I want you to go down, this is how we can help you watch these videos as opposed to watching. But it was a really, real you're on this path. So we started creating that and he said, and so he gave me the answer to the question that I was asking you in the Facebook group. And then he said, Hey, I've been listening to your or watching your videos, and they're fantastic. I don't even know what he said. But he gave us a recommendation that he said maybe create some specific or no, he said use a visual slide on episodes explaining concepts. That was his ticket. And I was like, That's a great idea. And it's something that you and I have talked about, in fact, we're going to be doing it on an upcoming episode where we're talking about how to turn $100,000 in your IRA into a six figure passive income, that's going to have some visual effects that I'm sorry, audio listeners, you're going to have to go to YouTube and actually see the graph, even though we'll talk you through it for those of you listening, as opposed to watching. It’s really really a  great idea, which then made me go, Well, why we started the YouTube channel was because people say, if you're going to do a podcast, just recorded anyway and thorough YouTube, because some people like to watch you, conversing back and forth as opposed to just listen. So that's the reason we did it. But I also like the erent paths they are on whether it's they're actually finding properties themselves and rehabbing them, or they're buying turnkey properties that are already done, or they're buying multifamily properties, where they're investing passively as a private lender or in syndications. And so there's different people in this group. And we thought, how is listening only aren't going to get the visual elements. And so then I thought, maybe down the road, we create something specific for YouTube. That's not even in podcasts. If you want to learn more and see more visual stuff, you go to this series. So that was what that was about. Yeah, yeah. So thank you, Jose. Appreciate you.

Oh, that's awesome. Well, we do have some special guests with us. Today in our Live episode. Yes, they're not miked up, so they can't talk. But last Friday, we had a very special day. And our team threw a party for Founders Day. And part of the Founders Day celebration was this 

cardboard cutout, which I think is absolutely hilarious. We saw right when we first walked in and of course, I'm four foot tall in this cut out. So I'm standing on some books right now. But so we all just gathered around it and took pictures with it. And it's so funny, because some of our where we call our team FREG PH FREG. Our team in the Philippines, they Photoshopped themselves with our cardboard cut out in front of the office, which was hilarious. But it was a fun time it was an awesome celebration. And this was the thing that kind of cracked me up or shocked me probably the most I'm like, Oh my gosh, you guys. Yes, crazy.

The last three or four days, they've had to stand in the corner facing the wall, because they kept freaking us out every time we walk through the room.

People there. And again, for podcast listeners. Sorry, yeah. So we're going to have to go to this, YouTube to see what we're talking about. Just imagine us in a cardboard cutout standing on the floor. And we're short. Hi.

Alright, so another quick update. And I know we're like getting over time, but souls will try and speed up. We're on the fitness and nutrition program, right that we've told you about many times, well, so quick update. It's not going to be pounds necessarily, but it's going to be I'm wearing a shirt for the very first time in a long time that actually fits. I'm super, super excited. And I do believe, sir, that you're wearing shorts. Well, not today. But yesterday. Well, actually the shorts. Yeah, I have worn these shorts in a few years because they didn't fit. Yeah. But yesterday, I wore a pair of shorts that I never, I had never worn. I bought them a little bit over a year ago. And they're really super nice shorts. And I'm like, I don't want to return them. They're really nice shorts. And I'm like, I'll get into them. I'll get into those eventually. Yeah, I did yesterday for the very first time.

Yeah. So super excited. We're continuing to make progress. Right. All right. And then another thing is our new short term funds. So we've been talking about the different funds that we're trying to create. I'm not trying we are in the works to creating but we have to do the stress tests on them, make sure they're good. Make sure the financial forecasting piece makes sense that we can actually cover the fees, give the returns that we're saying that we're going to give, have the right partners in place so that we can have the consistency of the deals coming in. All of that is in the work. One of them is a short term fund to allow people to have that liquidity piece that they like, and it's gaining  traction. And we've already had a few people say, Hey, man, have fun like that. I would totally put like $500,000 in it. I'm like, we haven't, we're still brainstorming it and we got 1.5 million, like ready to go. So that's exciting.

Then another thing we started on Tuesday this week, was something that we'd heard about in one of our masterminds and a group of people had gotten together. I believe it was in Phoenix was the first group that I heard of doing this. They all got together and they went to a restaurant, there was a mom and pop restaurant. And they all every person there had $100 and what they did is at the end of the meal, part of the tip was every single person put $100 into the tip and then they gave that to the waiter or waitress and and they usually it's just, it's a great feeling. It's a great feeling. And so yesterday, not yesterday was Tuesday was their first meetup that we had. And did you count how many people were there? There was no count. Yeah, there was at least 10 for the first one it was pretty good considering we had like over 20, almost 30 people over there. We figured half would probably show up? Yeah. So we had a good time. A little, little small restaurant here, just close to the office sort of. But here it's not the Dayton. But it was a lot of fun. And we're going to be doing that every month and somebody different in the group is going to pick each month, which where we're going. It's really cool. It was a good feeling. Yeah, warm and fuzzy.

Yeah, we always get excited about different ways that we can give back. And this is especially wonderful because we're surrounding ourselves with other entrepreneurs who we can also help in the process, who also passionate about giving back. So it's just really, really cool one, Chris Harrell drove an hour and a half. Yeah, just for this lunch. So super excited about that. And then lastly, oh, the state of the economy means Yeah, so I'll put this on the screen. And I'll read it though so that people listening you'll at least get to hear it. But you'll definitely need to see this now. This is actually the for people that were in the movie, and I just lost the name of the movie too. But it's with Jason Sudeikis and Jennifer Aniston where they take an RV and they're traveling or whatever it's a very funny movie for him Dani terms it's a boy movie. But anyway, so the top left corner says gas prices and then it says I've risen to $4.62 per gallon on average, which is already over five and then over here it says inflation I've gone up 8.3% my highest in decades. And down here says housing prices I'm up 18.7% and rising a record levels. And then over here is the stock market. You guys are rising. So anyway, so I'll put this on. It's hilarious. I'll put this on the video so you guys can see it. But yeah, that's great. But plus I liked that movie so that will be was funny. Yeah, so we're always creating this content and when we see funny stuff like this I was like oh, let's throw this in the line. That's awesome. That's hilarious. All right.

Well, this one went definitely over. enjoyed this episode. Make sure you're going over to our website to join our Investor Club. 

And hit the subscribe button if you're watching on YouTube. Yeah, and hit that like button like but yeah, if you like what that mean.

We always like to end all of our episodes, right? Oh, oh, you guys are going to say Oh, hello Invest Smart. Live Happy. Bye everybody.

Disclosure:  Nothing on this show should be considered specific, personal or professional advice. Please consult an appropriate tax legal, real estate, financial or business professional for individualized advice. Opinions and information on the show are not guaranteed. All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss.

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