Freedom Through Passive Income

Ep 163 - Red Ocean vs Blue Ocean

June 12, 2022 Flip & Dani Robison Season 1 Episode 163

The red ocean is where all the people are. It's incredibly competitive, cutthroat and saturated. Everyone is there. It's a bloody red ocean because it’s just a pool full of sharks. Why would we want to even jump in? I'd rather go in the blue ocean with no sharks. It's so peaceful over here. We're just going to enjoy ourselves. There's very few people over here. We all have new ideas, small niches, we don't worry about competition, because there's very few doing what we do. And we did differentiate ourselves in so many different ways. Competition is just irrelevant, in the very peaceful blue ocean. It's the proverbial road less traveled. 

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There are over 13 million accredited investors between 1 million and 10 million and a large majority of those investors are investing in the stock market and not real estate. And so the stock market is that red ocean, that's where everybody is. That's where things are liquid, they can move in and out, they can also get stupid emotional about decisions. But the blue ocean is real estate. And it's where more and more people are starting to learn that they can invest their dollars in real estate, even their 401 K's in their IRAs. And that's really where it is saturated. 

And so real estate really is the place where it's less risky, you have a hedge against inflation, you've got appreciation, and on top of it, you've got tax benefits. There's so many great things about real estate. 

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Hey everybody!  Flip and Dani here, founders of the Freedom Real Estate Group Family of Companies. Whoa that was different. Oh and welcome to another episode of our podcast which is called Freedom Through Passive Income.

Welcome to another episode. Sorry for being silly. This Is what happens every so often and then you can't get us out of it. So let's hope we can get through this episode. And this episode is entitled The Red Ocean versus the Blue Ocean. And disclaimer very quickly for those of you listening this is not a political episode. Okay, if you're watching us it's never a political episode. Yeah, exactly the farthest. 

So red ocean, this is where all the people are. This is, it's incredibly competitive. That's where all the competition is. It's incredibly cutthroat. It's saturated. Everyone is there. It's bloody red ocean. That's right. Think of sharks. Yeah, yeah, that's what I think whenever I think of red ocean is just a pool full of sharks. Why would we want to even jump in?

I'd rather go in the blue ocean with no sharks. No, it's the blue ocean. It's so peaceful over here. We're just going to enjoy ourselves. There's very few people over here. We all have new ideas, small niches, we don't worry about competition, because there's very few doing what we do. And we did differentiate ourselves in so many different ways. Competition is just irrelevant, over here in the peaceful blue ocean. So it's the proverbial road less traveled. There you go. Hey, nice. pulled that one out. Thank you very much. Yeah, I even surprise myself. 

Yeah, so the reason we're talking about this is because there's over 13 million accredited investors between 1 million and 10 million at least that's a stat that I read online, and everything's factual online, you saw it online, it's going to be true. It's going to be. It's, I'm sure it's, I'm sure it's close at least. And a lot of those large majority of those investors are investing in the stock market, right, and not real estate. And so the stock market is that red ocean, that's where everybody's, that's where they're at. That's where things are liquid, they can move in and out, they can also get stupid emotional about decisions, and not just keep it in there. Like they really should. But the blue ocean is real estate. And it's where more and more people are starting to learn that they can invest their dollars in real estate, even their 401 K's in their IRAs. And that's really where it is saturated, I wouldn't say that the people in the 1 million to 10 million box, or are necessarily in the retirement account section. But it still true although that's trillions of dollars, that is invested in stock markets, or different things and not in real estate. And so real estate really is the place where it's less risky, you have a hedge against inflation, you've got appreciation on top of it, you've got tax benefits. There's so many great things about real estate. It's why we're constantly kind of shouting from the rooftops doing podcasts like this throwing out education material, just trying to say, Hey, look over here, we're in the blue ocean doing something different. And it's actually more successful than what you're doing over there and sharky red ocean where everything's bloody, and especially right now, the stock market's freaking going, how many of my friends have posted stock market post, go and enjoy the volatility of the stock market today? Why don't you invest in real estate. And I just laugh every single time. But that's really the difference and why I thought that this topic was important because for anybody listening to our podcast, you are or have been introduced to real estate, right? So we're introducing you to this blue ocean. 

And if you haven't invested yet, continue to research, because your money in real estate is where the ultra wealthy put their money as well. It's what the largest percentage of their portfolio is. And that's going to be another episode. We're actually we're going to be recording here. So watch, wherever this one lies. I don't know where this one is going to go. But if you haven't watched how the where the ultra wealthy are investing, I think is the title. Let me see. We have it right here. Where did the mega wealthy invest? So if you haven't listened to that one yet, be on the watch for it, because we're going to talk about that. We're going to talk about where people are putting their money and it's largely real estate, spoiler alert. So we just want to encourage you to keep on looking in this blue ocean of where the competition isn't. What's Warren Buffett's mind?

Oh, yeah and invest when or get greedy when people are fearful. Right? Yep. And then when people are greedy, yeah, don't think that I might have screwed up that quote a little bit, you guys get the idea.

You generalize it. That's exactly what he says. And right now we're in a market where people aren't getting there. There's some uncertainty, right. And that's why there is more volatility now than then. It's because of the uncertainty when people get uncertain, they get scared, and they pull their money out, right. That's why investing in the stock market we've talked about it before, is not necessarily the best idea. Because you can get emotional and you're going whooop, and you wake up, you go oh crap about much money you lost, and then you take it out, which is not the right thing to do. You have to like go into these investments, knowing what you're going to do and having that strategy. And I won't repeat that episode. We've already got like, we've already hit it.

And you had said the volatility of the stock market and sort of Whoa, go 2008 the real estate market. Yeah. Well, how many times in the last four decades, any kind of encounter one hand how many times the real estate market was volatile? In the last 40 years, so you can count I don't know how many times on one hand, how many times the stock market has in the last four months. So it's not even apples to apples.

Again, in 2008 when the real estate crashed, it was single family real estate. It wasn't multifamily. Yeah. So there's multifamily was actually thriving in 2008. So now it's understanding real estate, and which, where do you so if you want to avoid the 2008 we'll get your butt over multifamily like we're doing. So that's another little tidbit we're going to go in and another future episode. I just thought I would sling it in there.

I think that wraps it up. Yes. Awesome. Well, we hope that you enjoyed that episode. Make sure you're heading on over to our website, to join our Investor Club to find out things that we're doing behind the scenes and, and whatnot. 

Yeah, but we're also on Facebook, LinkedIn, all those other places so make sure to hit the like button and you're going to hit the like button because you'd like the blue ocean, not the red ocean. Good red ocean. 

Right, we'd like to end all of our episodes with Invest Smart. Live Happy. Bye everybody. 

Disclaimer: Nothing on the show should be considered specific personal or professional advice. Please consult an appropriate tax legal real estate, financial or business professional for individualized advice. Opinions and information on the show are not guaranteed. All investment strategies have the potential for profit or loss.

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