Home Care America

John Dickerson, Founder & CEO of Quillo, joins James Griffith of Cura OS

Cura OS

We speak a lot on this podcast about how powerful software tools can greatly empower you as a caregiver to put your focus back on the people in your care and not the process, helping you unlock the transformative potential of person centered planning and care, but it's about more than just the clients. It's about the employees too, the whole team. These tools can enable you to create community and culture that wraps everybody in the caregiving process into a shared experience. And today we're very fortunate to have John Dickerson, founder and CEO of Quillo, which is an amazing piece of software that does just THAT, using the power of storytelling and video content.
So let's join James Griffith of Cura, OS, and John Dickerson of Quillo for an amazing conversation. These are two men that have decades of real boots-on-the ground experience in caregiving, and they've found a way to translate that experience into really wonderful and functional software.

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