Chasing Financial Freedom

How to Unlock Your Full Potential with AFFORMATIONS® with Dr. Noah St. John

Season 4 Episode 39

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If you’re struggling with limiting beliefs and struggling to unlock your full potential in life, then this episode is for you! On this episode of Chasing Financial Freedom Podcast, we have a special guest, Dr. Noah St. John is known worldwide as “The Father of AFFORMATIONS®” and “The Mental Health Coach to The Stars.” Working with Hollywood celebrities, 8-figure company CEOs, professional athletes, top executives, and elite entrepreneurs, Noah is famous for helping his coaching clients make more in 12 weeks than they did in the past 12 months.

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How to Unlock Your Full Potential with AFFORMATIONS® with Dr. Noah St. John

[00:00:00] Ryan: Hey guys, Ryan DeMent from Chasing Financial Freedom Podcast. I hope you guys are having a great day this week. On the podcast we have Dr. Noah St. John, Dr. Noah St. John is known as the father of Afformations in the mental health coach to the stars, working with Hollywood celebrities, eight figure company CEOs, professional athlete.

Top executives and entrepreneurs. Noah's famous for helping his coaching clients make more in just 12 weeks than they made in the previous 12 months. Noah's also appeared on over a thousand media outlets, including ABC CBS, Fox Entrepreneur and Success Magazine. Welcome into the show, Dr. Noah St.

John. How are you doing? I'm great, Ryan. How are you? I cannot complain. I get another day to grind it out and here we go. I got you on the show. Nice. Sorry, sorry for a little confusion this morning, but we will make it happen. We made it through, so let's get right into it. I'm gonna, I'm gonna take the obvious and just d and jump right in.

the father of affirmations. How did you get 

[00:01:05] Noah St. John: that? Yeah, so we're saying a new word here for everybody watching and listening. It's af formations, A F, I'm sorry, O r M A T I N S af Formations. So this is one of my new books. It's called Millionaire Af Formations, the Magic Formula That Will Make You Rich.

How's that first subtitle? So yeah, so our formations are different from the old. Traditional affirmations method. Now, as we all know, an affirmation is a statement of something you wanna be true. And as you mentioned, I'm the father of AF Formations, the mental health coach to the Stars.

I'm also a keynote speaker, so I get to speak at conferences, events all around the world. One of the things I like to do at my events and seminars whether virtual or live, I like to have everyone in the audience. I say, okay, everybody stand up. And now we're gonna say an old affirmation, just like they taught us.

And everybody say, I am rich. And everybody goes, I am rich. You know what happens next? Everyone starts laughing. And I go, what are you laughing at? And they go I'm not. . And I say, but you just said you were. And they go, yeah, but I don't believe it. See now, isn't that the problem with the old affirmations method?

We say these statements, we wanna believe them, but most of the time we just don't believe it. In fact, a recent study showed that 75 get this, 75% of people who use the old affirmations method actually end up feeling more frustrated than before. So imagine if you had a smartphone that didn't work 75% of the time, right?

You'd probably trade it in and get a. And so that's what I did. I invented a new phone , a new way of using your brain to get what you want. So instead of saying a statement, which is the old way, what I invented 25 years ago was that the the process called af formations, my af formations method.

So now we're gonna use empowering questions rather than statements. So rather than saying something, I'm happy, I'm wealthy, I'm successful, I'm rich, and everybody goes, no, you're not right Now we're gonna say empowering questions like, why am I so happy? Why? Am I always in the right place at the right time?

And because of the embedded presupposition factor of the brain, that's a just a fancy way of saying that when you ask a question, your brain automatically searches for the answer. While using that embedded presupposition factor. We ask empowering questions, we follow the method, and then that's how we literally change our beliefs, change our habits, change our.

And that's how we change people's lives. So over a million people are now using my AF formations method all around the world. We've helped people we've helped my clients add over 2 billion in revenues, not just using my AF formations method, but of course many of the other things that we do

But we've helped people make a lot of money. We've helped people lose weight, overcome addiction, find love, save marriages. We've helped teenagers, CEOs. And everyone in between. So it's a really very powerful method, but something you can do in less than five minutes a day. So let's hear it.

[00:03:38] Ryan: Less than five minutes a day. Let's put it on the line. Let's see how it works. Yeah, 

[00:03:41] Noah St. John: absolutely. This is something I do talk about in, in the book Millionaire Out Formations, and so we call it my core four Formula. Now we call it that because there are four modes of human communication.

We humans communicate in four ways. Reading, writing, speaking, and listening. That's how we humans. And so what I teach, and I show you in the book, is you want to use my Core four formula to use app formations, my app formations method every morning when you get up. All right? So the first minute you're gonna read your app formation, so you know you can read it in the book, you can.

Read it in any of my other books. I've written 17 books so far with my 18th and 19th coming out next year. But you can read your affirmations for one minute, then you wanna write them down. So we have an affirmations journal, right? So that goes with that. We have a companion journal.

You can write it down or you can write it on your phone, wherever you wanna take notes. So that's writing. Then you wanna say it out loud, right? You wanna. Literally to your partner, your spouse, your boyfriend, girlfriend, your cat, your dog, your goldfish, it doesn't matter. Just say that out loud and that's gonna get your brain attuned to this.

And then the fourth stage is you want to listen, right? That's the fourth mode of human communication. On our website we have these programs called I Formm Audios, where actually you can listen to your out formation set to inspiring music. And that's how you can reprogram your subconscious thought patterns while you're actually not even paying attention.

So using that Core four formula, that's how you can change your financial future in less than five minutes a day. And by the way, why do we say it takes less than five minutes a day? It's very simple. The number one objection that I get is, oh, Noah, I wanna change my life. I wanna make more money.

I want to have better. , but I don't have the time. So I say to the person listen, if you don't have five minutes a day to change your financial life, then I guess you don't want it that badly, right? Any, everybody has five minutes a day. And so that's, where my core four formula with my af formations method comes in, and that's really how you do it.

So I, I guess I 

[00:05:32] Ryan: gotta ask the question because everybody, like you said, should have five minutes. , but we've become a society that doesn't want to put the time and effort in it. It, and I joke all aside, we're on technology, but there's not a week that doesn't go by that I have people reach out to me and say they want to be like me.

And I'm like, I've been eight years of grinding at this to get to where I'm at today. And. It's day in and day out. I didn't put one TikTok video or Facebook me video out and become an in an overnight success. It's right, taken a long time and effort. So how do you fight back and deal with those individuals that say, I don't have time, or I'm not gonna really put in the effort.


[00:06:09] Noah St. John: goes back to something that I've been teaching for over 25 years to my clients, and that's called Finding your Why to, right? And so all human behavior is based on two factors. All right? There's the driving force and the restraining force. All right? So it's like driving a car, right? So if you think about your goals, right?

So people say, Hey, no I wanna make more money. So I go, okay, here's five bucks. Go away. No, you gotta be a lot more clearer than that, right? , you gotta be a lot clearer than that. So how much money do you wanna make and buy when? And also, what are you willing to do to get that money or that, result, whether it's weight loss or relationships or money or whatever.

Your goal might be, right? So it's like driving a car. When you're in your car, you're just going from point A to point B. You could walk, you could take a bicycle, you could whatever you want to do. Generally speaking, for most people, taking a car is a nice, fast, easy way. Convenient to get from point A to point B a lot faster than walking, right?

And so it's the same with our goals, right? Whatever you want, that's your pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. You have the driving force of your foot on the gas. That's your Y two, meaning I want this because, but then we have the restraining force of your foot on the brake. Right?

That's, Ooh, I don't know if I want to do that because so I call that your why not tos. You have your Y two s and your why not tos. That is actually. That's causing all your behavior, every single behavior that you do, every single day. And so the point is that if someone says to me, Noah, I wanna make more money.

I wanna start my business. I wanna write books like you do, I wanna have my online courses, or whatever it might be, I wanna be a thought leader. , but I don't have the time, or I don't have the money, or I can't afford it. All these excuses that we have, then I say, listen, let's look at your why twos and why not twos, and then we can really make a determination.

Because let's face it, you and I both have the same number of hours that everybody does. Mark Cuban, bill Gates, Warren Buffett. We, everybody, Elon Musk, we all the same 24 hours on day. So it has absolutely nothing to do with the amount of time. Time is in fact irrelevant. What it has to do is your system.

So we don't rise to the level of our goals, we fall to the level of our 

[00:08:07] Ryan: systems. And time to me is the, probably the most press, it is the most precious commodity I have. And we don't know how many more days, hours, weeks, whatever you wanna say that we have on this planet. So you've gotta be able to use those effectively.

Correct. One of the things that I talk a lot about on my other podcast, chasing Happiness is being in the moment, being present. I know when you look into the future, you've got anxiety. And when you look in the past you're looking at depression. , but it's more prevalent today than anything else.

We went through a pandemic, we've got all these other issues going on. What are some tips and tricks that individuals that are struggling with looking in, into the future and into the past to get to where they want to be? They wanna put the time and effort in, but they're playing on these two polar sides of their lives and not staying focused down the middle.

[00:08:52] Noah St. John: Yes, that's correct. Many years ago I was meditating and I realized that all human emotion comes down to just two sentence. Believe it or not, literally every emotion that we humans face comes down to only two sentences. And I was shocked to learn that. When I discovered it just in meditation one morning, and I realized that those two sentences are when your opinion of your past, present, and future tends to be positive, you'll be happy When your opinion of your past, present, or future tends to be negative, you will be unhappy.

And so the key word in both of those sentences is, , right? So it's our, not what happened, but it's our opinion of what happened or what's going to happen or what is happening, right? So that is our experience. We have the past, the present, and the future, right? And one of the things that I work with clients on all the time is a precisely that.

So the only three things that we really need to focus on is, number one, forgive the past. Number two, appreciate the present. And number three, step into your best future so we can all look to the past and have regret. Anger, sadness, depression, things like that. , right? Very negative emotions, right?

There you go. So clearly, once you have a negative emotion about the past, bingo, you're unhappy. Okay? But if you can forgive the past now, who is the hardest person for most people to forgive? ourselves. Ourselves. Oh man, oh I can't believe I was so stupid. Why did I do that? Or why did I make that decision?

Or why did I listen to that person when I should have just listened to my own inner knowing and I knew what was right and I went into this other direction. We've all done this, a thousand times, a million times, whatever it is. And so the point is to forgive ourselves is usually the hardest thing for most people to do.

But we still have to do it every single day if we want. be happy, right? Then we have to appreciate our present. The word appreciate comes from the Latin word protium, which means price or value. So what most people are doing is depreciating their present. Oh, why doesn't she ever so and so this, and why doesn't he that, that, and blah, blah, blah, right?

And so we are depreciating the present, and that is exactly what's happening now, we're unhappy about the present, and then of course we're looking into the future and we have. , right? . You can't fear the past because it already happened. You can't be afraid of something that happened. You can only be regretful of it, or forgive it.

Fear is of course, looking at the future and saying, oh my gosh, what if I run out of money? What if I am not healthy? What if I lose my spouse or lose someone close to me? That's what we humans fear. We fear change, but at the same time, we want change. So it is very ironic that the very thing that we humans want is the very thing that we.

And so in order to, once we realize that's when we, you can use app formations, for example, or my other Power Habits. We have a system called the Power Habit System, which where I teach the power habits of unconsciously successful people, how highly successful people actually do these things unconsciously, meaning they can't even teach it.

And because they don't know what they're doing. They do it unconsciously. And that's where I come in and that's, one of the reasons we've helped our clients get a lot of really great results, not just in money, but also in happiness and peace of mind and fulfillment. I 

[00:11:52] Ryan: know as an entrepreneur, so prior to this lifestyle I caught a lifestyle cuz it truly is, you have to embrace it.

I spent 25 years in, corporate America and I touch practically every financial tool you can touch. , I thought I was prepared to be an entrepreneur. I failed twice. Had to go back to corporate America twice to learn my lesson. . But one of the things that I learned along this journey was the future.

Cannot control me today. I have to be able to control what I see and feel today. And you said a couple times the anxiety that you feel about, I'm gonna lose money or I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do that. As an entrepreneur, when we're trying, and I use this loosely cuz I hate this scale up or level up stuff when you're trying to grow your business.

and you're putting it on your back and you're strapping on and you're ready to go. You worry about those things that are gonna happen in the future. But realistically, you need to worry about those le the lessons that are here today and focus on those and then start working your way down the road as they come.

And I ask you this, I know you work with entrepreneurs. It's a struggle. I know I have on a daily basis as we try to grow our business and do different things. . I stay, I try to stay as focused. I possibly can on a daily basis, but my mind does wander, but I get up and walk away. Go on a walk, take my dog for a walk, do something just to get my head back in the place.

What are some other helpful tips and tricks for entrepreneurs to understand that the future's not gonna control them, that today is gonna what they need to focus on and move. And step in and really step into it if 

[00:13:20] Noah St. John: you think about your goals, all right? Again, this is all focused on your goals. What is it you want?

We, humans are goal-oriented organisms, whether it's a new car, a new house, or a ham sandwich for lunch, we're always focused on what we want. All right. And but here's the problem. We live in a world of infinite distractions. At our fingertips every second is the these wonderful machines that are infinite distractions, okay?

. And by the way the, the people who run those social media platforms and we all know what they are. They have people there that design these platforms to literally addict you to addict. because we are the product. Remember, because they're all free, right? Yeah. The platforms are free, and so you're like how do they make billions of dollars?

Because we are the product. , right? We, you're, they're selling us, right? They're selling our data and saying, here, show these ads to these people, and these ads to these people, and so on. And so the point is that it can be very difficult, especially now, people ask me all the time, Noah, how have you written, now 18 books?

19 books actually. How have you written 19 books? I can't even write, a blog post, or I can't. I like to write a book, but I can't even write one. How have you written all these books? And I always answered the same. by writing them, now, I know that sounds like a flip, an answer, but that's actually really true.

When I'm writing a book for just this, I'm just using this as an example, right? When I'm writing a book I'm not on social media, right? I'm not checking my email. I'm not on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, whatever. I'm just, I've got my blinders on. I've got, I've got these, I'm just laser focused. And so the point is that most entre.

Suffer from shiny object syndrome, right? This is the number one thing that people are asking me, literally, and this wasn't this way 10 years ago. I've been coaching entrepreneurs for over 25 years now. 10 years ago, it was not this way because of course, social media really wasn't around so much that, 10 years ago, certainly not like it is today.

And so now 90% of the questions that I get are about. No, I can't focus help, can you help me focus? I'm like yeah, of course I can. So the point is that number one, we've gotta focus on our goals. No kidding, right? Everybody talks about that. But number two, we've gotta go back to that point that I was just talking about the foot on the brake and the foot on the gas, right?

If you're driving down the road of life with one foot on the brake, doesn't matter how many. You know how fast you're going or you know how many how hard you'd press on that gas pedal, you're still going to have one foot on the brake. So what happens is entrepreneurs get so scattered and they have shiny object syndrome.

So one of the things that I work with my clients on is building one bridge at a time. , right? Because if you think about going from where you are to where you want to be, it's like you're building a bridge, right? From here to there. But the problem is most entrepreneurs have 20 half built bridges.

Oh I better do Facebook ads cuz you know, this guru said do Facebook ads and this guru says to do TikTok and this guru says to do Instagram. And this guru says to now, these are all fine. There's nothing wrong with any of these. . It's just the fact that you got 20 half build bridges. So the point is that, I'll give you an example.

I had one client and he was stuck at about 4 million a year in revenues for his company. Now that's doesn't sound like a big problem, right? 4 million a year. Wow. That doesn't sound bad. But he was stuck there for four years and he just couldn't get over it. He just couldn't get over that hump.

I worked with him for a year and in that one year, we worked one-on-one together. . And in that one year he went from four being stuck at 4 million for the previous four years to over 20 million in revenues, a six times increase. That's a hockey stick growth, right? Yeah. And really we didn't even talk about marketing or sales or funnels or any of that stuff.

Not that you don't need that, but we didn't even, we never talked about that. All we talked about was this inner game stuff that I'm talking about now. So you know that the $2.8 billion we've helped our clients make, 95% of that is as a result of, mastering your. And do you 

[00:16:55] Ryan: think that is the number one struggle that entrepreneurs have is mastering that inner game of the, that they have going on?



[00:17:01] Noah St. John: but they don't think it is, right? Everybody thinks it's traffic. Everybody thinks that if I just had more traffic, I'd make more money. And I can't tell you how many people have said to me at my seminars or my coaching, Hey Noah, I spent all this money on Facebook. and I lost all this money and I go, wow, I'm sorry to hear that, but why did you do that?

Cuz this guru said to do it and this guru said to do it. I'm like, okay, that's nice for them. So what were you sending your traffic to? They said my website. And I go, okay, what's your offer? And they go I don't really have an offer right now. and I go like this face paw, it's come on.

All you can do in that scenario is lose money. There's nothing you can do but lose money. So just because this guru or that guru says that, you know they did it and you know they, it worked for them, that doesn't mean it's gonna work for you. So the point is, we have to go in order. As Steven Covey talked about, we have to begin with the end in mind.

And so traffic is the end. That's the very last thing, especially paid traffic. That's the last thing you should do because if not, all you can do is lose money. And so the point is every entrepreneur thinks they have a traffic problem, but. and 95% of the time, that's not really the problem. Sure, that can be part of the problem, but that's not the problem.

The biggest problem for for most everybody that I've ever worked with over the last 20 plus years is an inner game issue. Meaning they have one foot on the brake, number one, which leads to this shiny object syndrome. So what's so funny is lots and lots of entrepreneurs understand and know they've got a problem with focus.

They've got a problem with shiny objects center, but what they don't realize, that's just the. , that's not the cause, right? The cause is all these things that I'm talking about right now. 

[00:18:36] Ryan: But part of that cause in the, I want to call it the equation, is having and this is, I know we're going back and forth.

I do rabbit holes unfortunately. But you do have to have a good marketing technique. You gotta have an offer. And I agree with you, but the distractions in the 20 half-built bridges, been there, done that. I know that very well. I know that on a daily basis, . But the other thing is in that process is knowing your place within your business.

 And I know it's a crazy adage or dumb adage if you wanna say, is if you're doing $10 an hour work, you can't expect a hundred dollars an hour results. Sure. That's another thing that you have to understand in the businesses, understand what your value is to the business and where you need to have somebody else brought in to help you with the business.

That, on my first two tries, I failed miserably because I thought I could do it all. And that. It just doesn't work. But then once you start realizing that you can build a core group around, you have the right people doing certain things. I have a VA that helps me with the podcast. I have a VA that helps me with marketing.

I have a va, all three VAs do have a specific set of tools. , but it took me almost 12 months to find three solid VAs that could actually mirror. And I think that this could also be part of that inner game you're talking about is. And maybe you can correct me if I'm wrong, but being trustworthy and somebody that's halfway across the world is hard for me cuz I'm letting them have access to a lot, nothing sensitive.

I'm giving them tools, but I'm not there to see what they're end result in their work. So in the end, how do I know how productive they are? I have to manage their time. Unfortunately, I've got screenshots I can grab and stuff like that. . It's building that trust and putting that foundation down so I can have a little ease of mind or peace of mind to where I can focus on the stuff that's making us money and not actually spending $10 an hour at work and saying, oh yeah, look how great I am.

But. , I've got all these unbuild bridges. 

[00:20:32] Noah St. John: You know what you just stated there, Ryan is one of the biggest struggles of entrepreneurs, particularly the entrepreneurs that really want to make that leap to the six figures and then up to seven figures. And let's be very blunt, you can do everything right.

You are good at everything. And I'm speaking not to you, just you, Ryan, but also at everybody watching this program is that yeah, you're the entrepreneur, you can do it. . But that's the problem. You are good at everything. But that's the problem. Think about it like like a baseball team, right?

Think about a baseball team. You've got the owner, you've got the manager, and you've got the players, right? So the players are, they're on field, they're throwing the ball, catching the ball, and hitting the ball, so they're running around. That's the game, right? Yeah. Got the manager and he's the one that's saying, okay, you go over here and you do this and you steal a base, and change pictures, whatever.

But then you got the. up in the owner's box. What's he doing? He's up there counting his money. , right? Yeah. And he's saying, okay, I'm gonna hire this guy because he's good at hitting and this person because they're good at running and this person's gonna feel, or whatever that might be, however involved they are in the hiring process.

That's, of course, depends. But you see what I'm saying? So we've gotta start thinking as the owner, we gotta start thinking as the person who's up there in the owner's box counting their money. , and I'm being a little facetious, but you get the point. They're not running around catching, throwing the ball.

Yeah. And again, you gotta catch and throw the ball. So who's gonna do that? And so that leads to my second point that, you brought up, which is trust is earned. Yes, we do have to trust people, but trust has to be earned. You can't just, and I made that mistake so many times, I, cuz I'm a very trusting, trustworthy person.

And so when I say something, it's true. and I thought other people were like that. I thought everyone was like that. I come to find out almost nobody's like that , almost everybody's lying, and they're like, wow, man, really? And they just don't do what they said they were going to do.

Because if I say I'm gonna do something, I do it. And I thought other people did that. And that's nah, not so much. And yeah, that got me into a lot of trouble. There's that old saying, we've all heard it a million times higher, slow fire fast. And yes, that's true. And I, why did I do that wrong?

I, cuz I wanted people to work out. I and I put, poured so much money into them and, they screwed me over time and time again until I finally got wise. I know all, every mistake that you're talking about, I've. 10 times over it. I've got the arrows in my back to prove it

That's, why do you think I wrote all these books, from Painful Experience, 

[00:22:43] Ryan: I have to ask, what are your top three mistakes that you made in that 

[00:22:47] Noah St. John: journey? I can tell you top three right now. Trusting the wrong people, trusting the wrong people, and trusting the wrong people. Very simple.

Okay. I just did. And 

[00:22:54] Ryan: what, in what, I guess the qualities, personalities, whatever you wanna say. What met you? What allowed you to trust them? What started that process? I guess let's back up. The hiring process is different for everybody and I get that, but when you were doing a hiring process, did you have a structured hiring process when you first started 

[00:23:10] Noah St. John: out?

Yeah, it was called, if I Like him, I hired him. 

[00:23:12] Ryan: Ah, there we. 

[00:23:13] Noah St. John: Got it. Don't do that. Very dumb. Very dumb. Don't do that. That was a really bad idea. That cost me millions of dollars. So please don't do that. Yeah, no, I just, Hey. Oh, he sounds great. Or she sounds great. That's it. And I, because like I said, I'm a trustworthy person.

I say it, I do it, and. No it's just incredibly rare as we all know now. Nowadays it's very rare to find somebody who actually just does what they say. Everybody says they're gonna, give you the sun and the moon and the stars. Everybody says that nowadays. But very few people actually deliver.

So now of course, we have a very much more stringent hiring process called, hello, you gotta actually do something. But yeah, no, it's that, that cost me millions of dollars. It's 

[00:23:54] Ryan: a tough pill to swallow cuz I and I'm just talking VAs but I've hired thousands of people in my corporate career in totally different hiring process. Yes. But with VAs I'm more in tuned with what they're trying to do. I want to get to know them cuz I'm not gonna physically be able to see them. They're in the Philippines or they're in India and it's that's right. Okay. How. And that building connection was very difficult for me to overcome.

And like you said, trusting. I think I went through 22 or 23 VAs before I found my very first one. And. Probably by number 10 or number 11, I got smart enough to say, okay, I'm gonna give you a task before hiring you, but I'll pay you. That's right. But I, and I'm gonna give you several tasks and see if you can actually complete it.

That's right. It was amazing. It was a 50 50 shot that these people said they could do something, that they would actually complete it. Yeah. 

[00:24:43] Noah St. John: Yeah. And what's so funny is people will then, they'll ghost you. And it's yeah, do you want money? Hello? What? What are you doing? Yeah. And it's just crazy.

What's worse is, and this happens mostly in America, when I hired all these marketing dudes, all these, gurus, and I paid them all this, I paid them tens of thousands of dollars, hundreds of thousands, on the aggregate. And, I, I said, okay.

Either teach, I hired them, either teach me how to do something or to actually do it, and then I paid them all the money and then they didn't do it. And that's hello. Yeah. So that's where I found out that most of those marketing gurus are, how can I put this nicely? Lying sociopaths.

Yeah. Anyway, and they're still out there. And you know what's what I finally realized again, this took me way too long to get, was that the, because great marketers tend to usually can't teach their way out of a paperback. , in other words, they're great at persuasion, great at marketing, and great at selling themselves.

But when it comes to coaching and teaching and mentoring, , they truly suck. They can't teach their way out of a paper bag. So just because someone is very good at marketing and persuasion does not make them a good coach. So you really, for the people you know, watching and listening to the program, make sure you do your homework.

That's why when you go to our website, you'll see literally hundreds of case studies, hundreds and hundreds of case studies of, clients that I've worked with, that I've held, because we have a system driven approach to. See with the goos it's personality driven because it's based on their personality.

But my argument is what if I don't have that personality? Then you're out of luck. See, and see I'm a very, shy, introverted person, and so I don't have this big, larger than life personality. If some, if they do the goos and they're like why don't you just do it like I did it?

What if I can't? What if I'm not like you? I needed a system. That's what I paid them for and they never gave it to me, even after I paid them all that money. So that's why, with our clients, peop my colleagues, my friends, they'll actually tease me.

They'll say, Noah, you got enough case studies. And I'll say, listen, people are skeptical today. They should be skeptical. Most people have been burned by like I was. And it's very common, unfortunately. So that's why, I just give you literally hundreds of case studies. Cause I'm like, Hey, I know probably most people won't believe what I'm saying cuz I'm saying it, but maybe you would believe, Mike and Adam and Sheila and Susan and Kathy and it just goes on and on.

That's why we give them an overabundance of proof so that people know if it worked for them, I guess it could work for me. 

[00:26:56] Ryan: And there's so many people burned by those gurus, and then we can go down a rabbit hole with that, but Right. Entre people that wanting, that are looking to be entrepreneurs are starting their own business, seem to reach out to those gurus quite frequently.

In my, in my day jobs we buy default in mortgages, from. banks and so forth. And there are plenty of people out there that are trying to show you to be a note investor. Yep. And when I first got in, it's just a quick story, , I had a guru reach out to me and wanted to charge me $25,000 to learn how to buy a defaulted mortgage from a bank.

And I'm like, are you kidding me? . I'm not gonna give you $25,000 to go do that. I can learn it on my own and go through that process. But it was such a hard sell, even after I said no. He would continue to email me and then text me and saying, oh, you're missing out on this great deal here and here.

And I'm like, not for $25,000, but this is where the pitfall, and maybe we can go back to that, is any of this part of that inner game? Because a lot of aspiring entrepreneurs fall into this space and then it just becomes hopeful. . They just don't, they don't turn 

[00:27:54] Noah St. John: around. Yeah. A and see that's what I was saying is that, see, the gurus got there for a specific reason because they're good at marketing themselves.

, they're great at persuasion and they're great at sales. Now, what do those things have to do with coaching and teaching? Absolutely nothing. , literally nothing. In fact, what's very interesting is this goes back to the whole Tesla Edison argument, right? Probably most people know at this point. You know about Tesla and Edison, right?

If you ask anybody off the street who invented the light bulb, A hundred people out of a hundred will say Thomas Edison. He actually had nothing to do with inventing the light bulb. He was just great at marketing. The fact that he invented the light bulb when he had nothing to do with it. Tesla is the one, Nicole Tesla, not the car.

Tesla. Nicole Tesla, the guy was the one who invented all the not invented, but, discovered and made it happen so that we could have electricity in our. Nothing to do with Edison, right? But Nicole Tesla was a lousy businessman. He was truly awful at marketing himself, and as a businessman, he made incredibly bad, awful decisions that cost him millions.

So Tesla, the man died, penniless and alone. Meanwhile, Edison went onto this great success. He was a psycho. , and it's holy crap, this is still going on today. You've got these, again, I'm saying it nicely lying sociopaths out there who are great at marketing and persuasion, they are Edison, and it's and then once you get in there I can't tell you how many people have.

Come to me after going to all those guys, cuz they're very loud. That's the sad part. Yeah, they're really loud. They're taking up all the air in the room because they're great at marketing and sales, and so I'm here going, I'm like the cleanup crew at this point. I have to clean up after these guys, cuz I'm a great teacher.

Am I as good a marketer as those guys? I'm really not, unfortunately. I'm more like Tesla, and I try to learn from that mistake of saying, Hey guys. We have to have this marketing stuff. But is that, does that become an inner game? It does because it takes away your confidence for the entrepreneur.

Yes. I gave this guy all this money. He didn't perform. He took my money and he took myself confidence. So now I doubt myself. I don't know, I don't know if I can trust myself. Boy did I go through that for years and years ago. So I know exactly what that feels like. So the point is you somehow have to get back and that's why, again, going back to my point, I give the overabundance of proof of that my system works, not that I am so great.

I talked to Steven Covey before he passed away. Steven Covey, the author of The Seven Habit of Highly Effective People, and he said one thing to me that really changed my life and I, he said, Noah, I want people to leave my seminars more impressed with themselves than with me. Now, when he said that to me, I wa I hadn't even written my first book yet.

At that time, I just was a big fan of Dr. Steven Covey, which again, he sadly passed away a few years ago. And when he said that, I realized that is how I want to. Live my life how I want to have my business now that is exactly counter to what those guys are doing. They want you, all of us, to be impressed with them.

Yes. Look how cool I am. And it works. That's the sad part is that it does work. But the problem is of course, that. A lot of times people don't get the results working with 

[00:30:51] Ryan: those guys and Exactly. And then you come in, you're the cleanup crew. What is a, I know it's, that's bad, but for those out there listening, unfortunately, there's some entrepreneurs that are listening that have gone through that.

Yeah. What can help them start prepping themselves if they wanna start working with you down the road and get. Act back together because they've got a passion. It's there. It's just been lost. 

[00:31:12] Noah St. John: We have a lot of free resources on our website so that you can do your research. That's all I always say to everybody.

My prospects, my clients, I say, just do your homework, do your research, and try not to get sucked in. By those guys who are really good at sucking you in, so we have, we've got a free book you can get, this book for free. For example, get rid of your head trash about money.

How to avoid the three big money mistakes even smart people make. I know everyone listening to this program is very smart. So you can get this book on our website. The book is free. We just ask you to cover the shipping. That's it. Send me a book, Very easy to remember. Send me a book, Noah. Dot com.

We've got on our YouTube channel, so we just try to give an overabundance of proof, as I just stated. Meaning that I've been doing this 25 years, we've helped our clients make billions of dollars. We know it works and we know you're probably skeptical that it works or that it might work for you.

So here's the ton of proof. And of course, you can talk to us, you could, we, or human beings, we actually enjoy talking to. What, so I'm like, I can't tell you how many people I've talked to, entrepreneurs who bought from those goos and then they, after they paid all that, It's like they ghosted them, it's hello , anybody home . And it's, yeah, it's sad. It's it is sad. We really do try, cuz we just actually like helping people. 

[00:32:23] Ryan: That's awesome. That is, that's refreshing because there is a lot of that going out there. And then we need to have more people like you out there helping entrepreneurs because Thanks.

It's a struggle man. Entrepreneurship is not as, it's not all cracked up to be in No, 

[00:32:37] Noah St. John: it's not. All the rainbows and unicorns. No, it is not. No. You know what I always say, sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off, but I always say, listen, go ahead. Everything sucks. You just have to pick your suck. It sucks to have a job.

Yeah. And it sucks to own your own business. Yeah. It just sucks a little less to own your own business cuz at least you control the. But when you work for someone else, and I'm not putting down, if you love your job, I'm not putting down, there's a lot of gurus out there.

Say, if you have a job, you're an idiot and you're a moron. And I'm like, what? Who are you? Yeah. To tell people what they should want. No, that's up to each individual person. There's pe lots of people that love their job, so who are anyway. But I'm just saying, sometimes I work with a lot of people who are trying to leave their nine to five, they've got a nine to five and they're trying to do the side hustling, da.

 And. . Okay. Listen, it's gonna hurt that there's gonna, there's not gonna be fun. Every day is not fun. But the point is, then you get to choose your life. And when I work, cuz I like you, I worked in corporate America also, and every single day that I woke up, I thought someone's I felt that someone's hands were around my throat.

That's how I woke up every day. Yeah. Like this. And I'm like, this cannot be life. , this can't be the next 40 years of my life. I'm might as well. And at the age of 25, I decided to commit suicide. I actually decided to take my own life at at the age of 25. Absolutely. Now, my life was spared at the very last moment.

I tell that story in my books. But my point is that, that was one of the reasons why, because I didn't see any way out. And now with this wonderful tool called the Internet we have more choices than ever before in human. . That's the good news and the bad news. Yes. So that's going back to of course, my point of focus here we are, it's a big circle and we just come, always come back to those power 

[00:34:07] Ryan: habits. W and it is, and it's amazing how many tools we have with the internet, but it's how detrimental it could be to us. And you have to balance that all out. Yes. But as entrepreneurs, I love what you were saying is you've got your, you had your blinders on when you're writing your books.

And that's what we really need to focus on and be able to. Really push ourselves, cuz on a daily basis I'm bombarded with 5 million things and I'm sure you are the same way of course, but when I need to sit down and write a blog or write a newsletter, , you gotta disconnect from everything else and just sit there and ride it and put it together and call it a day.

But that's right. The, like you were talking about your one client that was stuck at 4 million for four years and you brought 'em up to over 20 million. Entrepreneurs would be salivating at that to hear that ability to be able to get through that wall and punch to the next level. Yes. But it takes grit and it takes somebody like you to help us.

But the other thing is you gotta believe in yourself. And that is the biggest piece that I, when I talk to other fellow entrepreneurs that are struggling that are in the, I'm in the housing space also. They're struggling because the housing space is struggling course, and a lot of 'em are like, I just want to give up.

And it's like, why are you gonna give up on your you've been at this for 15 years, you've gone through an, you've already gone through one recession. What's another, you just have to now tighten the belt and go through that and figure out what you need to do to change your business and be creative.

And it's sad to hear them. Defeated and they have some pretty successful 

[00:35:31] Noah St. John: businesses. Yeah. That's why, like I said, it goes back to those power habits I was talking about the, we call it the power habits of unconsciously successful people, meaning highly successful people are doing things unconsciously that they don't even know they're doing, number one, and therefore number two, they can't teach it.

So that's another reason why people, so many people come to me after they've gone to all the GOs and they said, Noah, I spent all this money. They, and they're self-proclaimed, self-help junkies. And I'll give you a quick example. Like one of my clients named taa she self-proclaimed self-help junkie going all these places.

And she was doing well. She wasn't like struggling or, destitute herself. She was doing pretty well, but she was, really hit that plateau. And, in the first two weeks of working with me, she tripled her. In two weeks. Wow. And you can see her video and many others.

What was so funny is we hadn't even gotten to the money part yet, and she still tripled her investment in two weeks. , it's hello, it's all up here. And that's just one example. And so that's the point is yes, when when you lose your confidence, it is. And you know that, what's that old saying when the tide goes out, you can see who's.

Doesn't have their shorts on , . It's hello. Yeah, I mean we, I guess you could say we help people get their shorts back on. Is that a good way to say it? I dunno. But, 

[00:36:35] Ryan: That's good because there's some struggling out there in the entrepreneurship space, yeah, definitely.

For sure. Sir, I thank you very much for being on the show and Best way 

[00:36:43] Noah St. John: to get ahold of you. Yeah, just go to our website, noah st That's my name right there. Noah St. John n o a h s t j o h And also do make sure you get the book just go to send me a book, Noah . Send me a book,

And the book is free. We just ask you to cover the shipping. Oh, when? One more thing. We have another free gift. It's. Get this free gift from Hey, also easy to remember, free gift from That's a new training that I did on how I helped my clients make more in just 12 weeks than they did in the last 12 months.

Free gift from 

[00:37:12] Ryan: Thank you sir for sharing all your knowledge, your time, and being vulnerable. And it's been. Life changing. When I say life changing, you're really trying to put all that together for us entrepreneurs and also help others. But you are a real person, you're not a guru.

You're not trying to pitch anything, you're trying to help. So I thank you for that. My pleasure. Thank you sir. And I hope you have a good day. You too.

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