History From the Old Brick Church

Episode 2: What is History?

St. Luke's Historic Church & Museum Season 1 Episode 2

People often confuse history with memory. History is the study of the past through the investigation of primary source materials, scientific data, and reportage. Memory is a community’s reflections on a past event or people, usually with a goal of influencing current agendas. Guest speaker, Dr. Sheri Shuck-Hall, will discuss the distinction between the two and why it’s important for us to understand why historical interpretation continues to evolve.

Dr. Shuck-Hall is the Director of Christopher Newport University’s Public History Center. The Center’s mission is to, “foster a broader understanding of the importance of history and to forge closer relationships between Christopher Newport University and the world-class museums, archives, and public history agencies located throughout the Commonwealth of Virginia.” Dr. Shuck-Hall has a B.A. in History from Berry College and an MA and PhD in History from Auburn University. 

Intro and outro created by Thomas Fosdick. Project supported by a grant from Virginia Humanities.