The Simple and Smart SEO Show

SEO for Your Digital Marketing Strategy w/ Latesha Lynch

Latesha Lynch Season 2 Episode 54

Our conversation today with Latesha Lynch focuses on SEO, brand messaging strategies and promoting one's business or channel on various platforms.

Latesha Lynch is a marketing coach, consultant, and community builder.

Connect with Latesha!

Latesha's Lead Overflowis a free 3-day workshop to help people find their marketing style and create a marketing strategy that works well with that style.

1. Latesha defines SEO as the ability for people to find you anywhere on the internet. 

  • Choose keywords based on your niche, content pillars, and what  you want to be known for.
  • Choose marketing channels based on their personality and energy type.
  • Cohesive brand messaging across platforms starts with knowing one's brand voice, values, mission, and vision.

2. Focus on Simple ways to promote SEO channels.

  • Share YouTube videos to other platforms or pull quotes from blog posts.
  • Use  email newsletters alongside SEO channels for better implementation.
  • Connect problem-aware content to different stages of awareness.
  • Building authority through content, and brand messaging.

3. It's important to collaborate and demonstrate clear messaging in marketing.

  • B's PET framework: Storytelling broken down into beginning, middle, and end.
  • Crystal shares the idea of her YouTube channel called "Knowledge Vomit."
  • Clarity in messaging and  showcasing unique knowledge leads to collab opportunities.
  • Establish trust through collaborations.

Connect w/ B: YouTube, Website, LinkedIn, Instagram

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This transcript is machine edited and has not been edited for errors.

[00:00:00] Brittany Herzberg: Welcome back to the Simple and Smart SEO Show.

We are here yet again with another friend of mine from Instagram. Hey, I know her too. She does. Crystal does know her. 

Our friend, Latesha, is here with us. 

We're just going to be friends with everyone in the world. So say hi, ladies.

[00:00:15] Latesha Lynch: Hey, Hey! 

[00:00:18] Brittany Herzberg: There you go. So we're going to be talking about how to get visibility and promote your SEO channel.

We love how Latesha talks about this. 

So we were so excited that she was like, yeah, I'll join you on the podcast. 

And before we dive into too many things, I love asking people how they define SEO or what they think of, and there's never a wrong answer. 

We just like collecting the answers. 

[00:00:38] Latesha Lynch: Oh, okay.

That's something that's a good question. 

How I define SEO is the ability for people to find you anywhere on the internet. And I feel like when people focus so much on social media channels, I'm like if that person's not on that channel, they can't find you, but wouldn't you want to be found by people everywhere?

Like truly everywhere and [00:01:00] give accessibility to access to your information and what you have to offer. 

So I feel like search engine optimization is this accessibility of information more widely to a bigger audience through search channels like Google or Pinterest or YouTube. 

[00:01:17] Brittany Herzberg: Exactly. 

[00:01:18] Crystal Waddell: Or the new Bing!

[00:01:19] Latesha Lynch: I will not, cannot, will not be on Bing.

[00:01:23] Crystal Waddell: The thing about Bing 

[00:01:24] Brittany Herzberg: They have pretty pictures! 

[00:01:25] Crystal Waddell: They make it a little bit of a hindrance because you have to then download Edge, which is another web browser and I'm-

[00:01:32] Latesha Lynch: -like literally not a thing. No, thank you. 

[00:01:34] Crystal Waddell: I have downloaded Chrome, because iPhone Safari is the default. 

 Although sometimes then it goes to duck, duck, go. And I'm like, what's up with this DuckDuckGo?

So that's been new on my iPhone. And then I downloaded You. Have you heard of You. com? 

Okay, it's a it's an ad free Google, essentially. 

Yeah. So that's cool. Yeah. Everybody talks about the new Bing and I'm like, I want to be over there and on there, but I'm just like, I [00:02:00] cannot keep filling up my phone with all these web browsers. 

[00:02:02] Latesha Lynch: Thank you. 

[00:02:04] Crystal Waddell: But okay. So I'm curious, like, how do you weave SEO into what you do? 

And what do you do? 

Can you talk a little bit about that? 

[00:02:11] Latesha Lynch: Absolutely. I'll share what I do and then how I definitely weave it into my business. 

So I am a marketing coach, consultant, and community builder. 

I obviously do speaking and everything, but primarily my business is helping people with organic marketing, which is why I love SEO.

I have been helping service providers and business coaches to learn how to market their high value skill set that they typically get from corporate or their educational backgrounds and leverage that into high ticket offers usually. 

And one of the ways that I weave search engine optimization into my business is I have a YouTube channel that's one of my favorite because I am I specialize in teaching people video and the thing that I love about YouTube is it's one of the top search results that comes up are videos, especially [00:03:00] how Google used to be.

I don't know if you guys have also noticed that Google changed. It's not like the pages anymore. 

It's infinite. scroll and then the videos are dispersed, whereas they used to be in their own little section. 

So yeah, just a lot of changes. 

I use Pinterest and notice I didn't start right away with Google search.

I started with the other channels. 

Pinterest is another great way to send traffic to like your blog posts or your podcast episodes or your ideas and your products. 

So I like to leverage channels like that, especially Pinterest being a visual search engine. 

And then of course I have a blog on my website where I have all the great articles with all the keywords about what I do to send traffic to my website for the people who don't care about social media as much as I do.

[00:03:40] Crystal Waddell: So how did you choose the keywords that you wanted to show up for? 

Because I feel like coaching and, helping business owners with marketing and that type of stuff, that's a, it's a hard niche to really quantify with keywords. 

You got any tips around that? 

[00:03:55] Latesha Lynch: I think one of the famous things that online business coaches love to talk about is [00:04:00] niching and part of niching and your content pillars, but I really are just telling you to find your keywords so that you can talk about those things.

So I think when I'm trying to explain the different parts of marketing and I get to SEO, I'm like your content pillars are not just so you can show up with social media. 

What you want to be known for. 

And those are the keywords that have to be there, right? It has the thing that you need your topics to be about.

If you start a YouTube channel, you have to make sure that you do content on these topics that are related to this stuff, so I think that when you're teaching and coaching business owners, it's important for them to know what they specialize in and then to research the ways that people actually research how to get help with those things that they serve in.

[00:04:43] Brittany Herzberg: Yeah, definitely. 

So you shared the different channels that you're on. 

How might a business owner, like I'm a service provider, how might a service provider go about choosing which channels that are best, like a good fit for them? 

[00:04:54] Latesha Lynch: This is a good question. 

I actually did something to teach people how to figure out [00:05:00] which marketing channels are most aligned with their personality and energy, right?

Their energy type. 

I think a lot of business owners feel obligated to be on certain marketing channels because they're popular. 

And if you're not the kind of person who likes to be on video, but you feel like you have to be on YouTube or Instagram, then you're probably going to be pretty miserable.

And you're probably not going to be consistent. 

And then you get down on yourself because you lack the consistency and you don't know why you can't do it. 

But it's probably because that's not your marketing style. 

But what if I said If you hate being on video, why not just record the podcast and then just post the episode show notes to your website and then make a blog post from repurposing the MP3 file? 

And they're like can I do that?

Is that still going to be effective? 

It is because some people don't want to sit and watch your videos. 

I don't watch people's videos. I'd listen to them. I'm not necessarily staring at the screen. 

And so there's just so many ways that I think service providers can get more aligned with what they're going to be comfortable doing.

As long as they're ideal clients who are on that channel, [00:06:00] but if you have a visual marketing style, then yeah, Instagram is going to be fun and so is Pinterest. 

But if you like to be on video, then you should have chosen YouTube, or Instagram or TikTok. 

So it works just based on your personality. 

[00:06:12] Brittany Herzberg: I like that thought. 

[00:06:13] Latesha Lynch: Yeah. 

[00:06:14] Crystal Waddell: Yeah. I do too.

And then you talk about multi channel marketing, which is exactly all the things you just said, but how do you make it cohesive across platforms? 

[00:06:24] Latesha Lynch: I think it's all about understanding your brand messaging. 

And this gets back to the people who struggle with their keywords is a lot of times they don't know exactly.

They haven't really defined who they are as a business owner and what problem they solve and how to articulate that. 

And then I think it also then becomes an issue of then which channels should I be on? And then based on those channels, how do I need to communicate on that channel? 

Cause it's different.

If I'm on TikTok, I would never approach my videos. Like I approach them on Instagram. 

On Instagram, I talk so slow. I have all these stories [00:07:00] and yeah, they like that on TikTok, but it's hook, then you got to do this. And then you have to do that. 

And on YouTube, it's you have to give a synopsis of what's coming up and then you start breaking it down.

It's there's different ways of approaching content on the different channels. 

So it's very important for you to understand, the way that those particular channels work. 

And I think that when it comes to like brand messaging, I think it's very important to first understand who you are and how you want to convey like yourself.

So I talk about brand voice all the time. And one of the things I always teach is. How do you want people to describe what it is that you do? 

So do you want people to see you as trustworthy or friendly or approachable or professional? 

And then how do you describe yourself?

Like, how do you want to come across to people? 

Do you want to come across in those ways? 

And then when you understand that, I feel like that's when you start to be able to weave that into how you speak online. 

If you say that you're a [00:08:00] professional person, but you use slang in your messaging, then that probably isn't very professional.

And maybe you didn't mean that's the style that you want to talk about. 

And so as you start to, post your content on these different social platforms, and you think about your messaging, it then becomes, what do I want to be known for? 

What impact do I want to make it? Am I mentioning those things in my content?

Am I teaching people in the direction that's going to align with people caring about the support that I can offer? 

And am I saying these things in enough ways that I'm Allowing them to realize that I'm the person that can help them and I'm speaking the language that they're speaking. 

You know what I'm saying?

And you guys get that from the SEO perspective. 

I need to know what people are actually typing into search, not what I like to say, because I'm the person working in this industry and I'm using industry jargon. 

[00:08:48] Brittany Herzberg: Exactly. And I love that you actually called to light. Those are the questions that I ask my clients when I'm figuring out.

How to approach their keyword research and their SEO strategy. 

And let [00:09:00] me take you back just by being clear. What do you want to be known for? Who are you? How do you help people? 

There are three or four key questions. And those are definitely three of them that I asked my clients. And I just asked three people these questions yesterday.

Like you must know that stuff. 

Bare minimum the question or the client that I had yesterday we were working on it was a power hour for her messaging so that I can go do the SEO keyword research and create the SEO strategy and and I'm like, yeah, but I'm going to take all of this information and let me walk you through my process.

Here we go. Here we go. Here we go. 

Another thing that you mentioned that I just want to like. drive home is being repetitive. 

You must be repetitive with those things. 

And it's something I avoided for the longest time. 

Cause I have this really great skillset of making things harder. Don't do that.

Definitely be repetitive because people start to recognize you for those things that you're repeating case in point, my definition or how I explain SEO is how you show up is the answer to the question. Thank you. 

[00:10:00] See, other people can now help me with this, but I had two people in my DMS last week that were like, I can't use this line, but it's top of my head because you say it.

So thank you for doing that. 

[00:10:09] Latesha Lynch: I love that. 

[00:10:10] Crystal Waddell: I have a new line and it's that I believe everybody can be their own SEO superhero. 

 It's interesting as you talk about brand voice, like there's been so many iterations of Crystal Waddell on the internet, because my main place on the internet is that it's an e commerce seller. I have a e commerce shop where I sell giant wooden letters and numbers and I make these huge photo collages. 

It's at collageandwood.Com and That's how I met Kerrie Fitzgerald, and that's how I came across you, you back when you did her branding and different things.

That's how far back I remember. 

[00:10:43] Latesha Lynch: That's 2020. That was 2020. 

Yeah, exactly. That's and Kerrie really helped me dive into Pinterest more around 2020. 

[00:10:51] Crystal Waddell: And, I like Pinterest. I use Pinterest for my business. 

It's a major part of traffic. Like driving traffic to our e commerce site, [00:11:00] but I don't like how Pinterest changes and I don't like being at the whim of somebody else's platform to be an expert, so I was like, that's not really a good fit for me either. 

So I talk about Pinterest. I can help people with their Pinterest, but that's not what I want to be known for. 

And I finally realized, what I want to be known for is just that idea of empowerment that you can do this, a lot of people think SEO and they're like, Oh my gosh, I don't, I'm not techie.

I can't, and it's Sweetheart, you can use words and you can articulate everything that you're saying, like what you do, when you sell, how you help people, you can be your own SEO superhero. 

So I just want to throw that out there. 


[00:11:39] Latesha Lynch: love that. 

[00:11:39] Brittany Herzberg: No, that's great. And there was one other thing that I wanted to tie in, which actually works for e commerce and service providers. 

It's if you're ever stuck with, trying to stay away from that industry jargon that Latesha was talking about, go to your people, ask your people.

 All right, hot tip for you or like peek behind the scenes. 

The reason I ask, I like asking our guests how they define or how they think of [00:12:00] SEO is because guess what? 

Other people are going to think the same thing. 

[00:12:03] Latesha Lynch: Yep. 

[00:12:04] Brittany Herzberg: And then I can use that for content. We can put that in the show notes.

We can put that wherever we need to help you understand SEO. 

[00:12:13] Latesha Lynch: Yep. 

[00:12:14] Brittany Herzberg: So always go to your people. 

Okay, let's bring it back. So could you take us through the process, like the overview of brand messaging? 

Yeah, absolutely. 

So I always start brand messaging off with who I am first, before I get to who I want to be known as or anything else.

So who am I? So what are my values? What is my mission? What is the vision that I actually have for my company? 

And then what things am I best at helping people with, right?

What are my areas of expertise? Then as I dive further into brand messaging, then it becomes my brand voice. 

How do I want to sound? How do I want to be received? 

And then it gets down to now, who am I serving? 

And What do those people like struggle with? 

What are their pain points? [00:13:00] What are their goals? 

Because those are the two main things I need to know. 

What's their problem? And then what goals do they have? 

Because I want to speak to those goals and how I can help them get to them.

And then after that is how do I use that messaging like in action? Like how do I put it out there? 

How do where do I need to be putting this stuff? 

And it's always the website, social media, even like your banners, your Bios, all those different areas that I think people forget. 

I think earlier Crystal asked how do you keep it cohesive?

Or how do you make sure it's the same across all the platform? And just, as you said, you went through so many iterations of who you are. 

We all have that. We have all evolved as people, as experts, as business owners. 

I changed my offers every year. 

And so every year I have to update my bio to the new version of me.

I just updated mine. Which is why this is so fresh, but that's the approach that I take every single time. 

I take it from my personal brand. 

When I talk to people about messaging too, I tell them there's three different brands. You have to think about the messaging for there's your personal brand.

There's your business [00:14:00] brand overall. And then there's the brand of your different offers. 

Each of those have to have their own unique messaging to dive deeper into who that particular entity is. 

And I think people skip a lot of those pieces.

 Definitely, because even as you just said that, I was like, holy snap that's really interesting.

I have some homework. 

I know which one are you missing? It's I don't think I think about my personal brand or the business brand or whatever. Someone's skipping one. Definitely. Yeah. 

Oh, This is enlightening. I love this. 

[00:14:31] Crystal Waddell: And I think it helps to break it apart like that because there's not so much pressure to try to fit everything because sometimes the business and the personal, it's wait a second.

There's, there is a separation here, but until you think about it as, like you said, separate entities. It feels like you have to have a fight between the two to see which one 

[00:14:50] Latesha Lynch: like, it's to make it the perfect thing. No, once you figure out all three, then you start to intertwine the different stories.

As you share your new [00:15:00] offer, you probably have a personal brand story that affected why you came up with that offer. 

But your business as a whole does more than just that one offer. 

And so again, knowing all three I think it's really important that you to be able to have the freedom to jigsaw puzzle, how you want to talk about things and have stories to pull from.

[00:15:16] Brittany Herzberg: Yeah. 

[00:15:17] Crystal Waddell: Okay. So one of the things that we mentioned pre interview. And something that you shared. 

What are some overlooked yet simple ways people can promote their SEO channels? 

[00:15:30] Latesha Lynch: I think the simplest way, we love, so back to social media, you do love social media and yet do you ever share like your YouTube videos on the channel other than YouTube?

Like I think people are on like their YouTube and then they just post it there and then that's it. 

And I'm like people on your Instagram don't know when you're at the end of a TikTok video, why don't you just post a little clip and then say, by the way, you need to watch the rest of it on my YouTube.

Why are we not pulling quotes from our blog posts and then saying, read the full blog post on my website? 

[00:16:00] You have a newsletter. I know you have maybe a weekly newsletter, but wouldn't you want to send a separate email just about the new blog that just came out, or the new YouTube video that you just posted?

Because those things sometimes get buried inside of newsletters and then people forget or they get buried inside of stories. Why isn't it in your link?

You should have an aggregate of links in your bio and one of them should definitely lead to your other major channels that you know actually drives traffic.

And the thing about SEO that people forget is that, Unlike social media, it grows over time. It gets better it as it ages. 

And the longer that these, search platforms notice that this thing has been around, the better they show, the more they show you, the more they trust you. 

And the sooner you can put those things out on those channels, the better, and the more you can get people to that particular channel, the better it's going to be for you in the long run.

[00:16:48] Brittany Herzberg: I like that, and I just want to mention, you talked about I'm just thinking of it like through a reel. Highlighting something with a case study. I do this with my case studies and suggest that my clients do the same. 

You tease something. 

[00:17:00] Or you give the I have a pet framework problem, experience transformation, give those three highlights and then tell people, Hey, if you really want to go see the full story, go here.

Here's the link. Yeah. 

[00:17:10] Latesha Lynch: I just did that on my website. I literally had these case studies and it basically led to an offer, but I was breaking down how I created these particular offers and how successful they were so that people would know I can help them create their signature offer. 

So anyway, and they loved it.

They loved it. I'm like, you got to go to the website to read the full thing though. And they did. That's really cool. 

[00:17:28] Crystal Waddell: So I got another one liner here from what you said. It's like SEO is the fine wine of internet marketing. 

[00:17:35] Brittany Herzberg: I was just thinking that! 

[00:17:36] Latesha Lynch: I know when I was saying I was trying to be witty, but I couldn't get to it.

So I just was going to, 

[00:17:41] Brittany Herzberg: We're here for you! 

[00:17:42] Latesha Lynch: That's what I needed. 

[00:17:44] Crystal Waddell: So when you were talking about that, one of the things I heard in my head was workflow.

So when you're talking about making clips of video or making, text images, a blog, okay, do you have an example workflow that somebody can take away from this today and say, [00:18:00] okay, 

[00:18:00] Latesha Lynch: I'm like, so excited about this. 

I teach people repurposing all the time. So I always tell people with marketing, you want to start with your long form piece of content, and it's always going to go on your site.

It takes a while for that stuff to work. 

So the sooner you can get it on that platform, the better you have a chance for it to start to work and, get some attention. So I always start with my long form. 

My long form is going to go on YouTube or my blog, then I'm going to take that thing. If it's a long form video, take the MP3 file, the audio file.

Get the transcription and then take that transcription and turn it into a blog post. 

Now you have the words on that same blog post, though, embed the video from YouTube and say, by the way, if you don't want to read this long blog post, then just watch the video, or I dive a little bit deeper in this video, but here's a little synopsis and give them some tips.

So you always start with your long form videos. Step one of my process, then you want to break it down into micro pieces of content for your other major channels. 

So one channel that I always say, I always, again, you said multi [00:19:00] channel marketing. That is something that I love to talk about. You need one owned channel, one search engine optimization channel, and one social channel.

So I'm going to take it from my SEO channel is going to go to an owned channel. 

I own my website, obviously, but the only, the other owned channel that you have is your email. It should be an email just about that. 

[00:19:17] Crystal Waddell: That's good. 

[00:19:17] Latesha Lynch: Now I have my long form content and then I have it go into an own channel and now I'm going to break that up into smaller pieces and that's going to be what I put on social.

But how I get them to those SEO channels, which we talked about earlier, is to say, by the way, I dive, I'm giving you step one here, but steps three, two through four is in the YouTube video. You should go check it out. 

Or if you're not on my email list, you probably missed that. I shared that my new blog post is out or whatever.

And then you directing people back to that long form piece of content, which is what you need. 

And plus when people go to search engine optimization channels, they're usually problem aware, which is a good thing, especially on a channel like YouTube, SEO channel like YouTube. 

So they actually are searching [00:20:00] for a very specific problem.

So they're already a lot further along in their buyer's journey, which is just a benefit to you at the end of the day when it comes to sales. 

[00:20:07] Crystal Waddell: Wow. 

[00:20:08] Brittany Herzberg: So excited right now!. 

[00:20:08] Crystal Waddell: My brain just jumped to a whole bunch of different things. 

I remember that I G you were having a live one day and I jumped in on your live and you were talking about this with one SEO platform, one owned platform, social platform.

And the fact that you just wove in email as an owned, it's like duh, because ultimately, as 

[00:20:28] Latesha Lynch: you own that list, you can take it anywhere. 

[00:20:30] Crystal Waddell: Yeah. Most of the time we think about SEO just on our website, there's a chance that our websites could fall down.

You know what I mean? 

That's a very rare possible instance, like obviously we can get locked out of Instagram or Facebook or whatever. 

Could we get locked out of our website? Maybe, but when you have an email list, you have that direct access, that you can take with you, even if you for some reason lost your email service provider, as long as you downloaded your contacts, you can then go to somebody else and start again.

[00:21:00] So I just, I think that is so important and such a big takeaway. So I want to say thank you for sharing that. 

[00:21:04] Latesha Lynch: Absolutely. 

[00:21:05] Brittany Herzberg: I know I geek out about this stuff and I've definitely been consuming Latesha's content and I'm like, Oh, this makes so much sense. Like I'll hear something from my business coach or from a friend or like Crystal and I might have a conversation.

Then I go listen to something that you've said and you help me actually put it into practice and make it make sense. 

[00:21:20] Latesha Lynch: That's all I care about is implementation. 

[00:21:22] Crystal Waddell: Yes, exactly. And that's where like that iteration of Crystal Waddell over the internet. Has really happened because there's nothing that frustrates me more than a lack of implementation.

[00:21:34] Latesha Lynch: Yeah, marketing people, we struggle with that. We give these great strategies and all these tools and swipe files. 

And if you're never using them, it's just, it's not beneficial to you to keep investing in all of this. This access to resources if you're not going to do the stuff and it, and SEO takes time.

So the more you keep sitting on it, it's just not benefiting anyone. 

And then people want quick results from it. It's that's not how the internet works. It's not social media. It doesn't work [00:22:00] instantly. And even half the time that doesn't. 


[00:22:02] Brittany Herzberg: And just for anyone listening, I feel very called out right now in the best way.

There's a fire under my tush right now because I know I've been sitting on this stuff. I know that I've been prioritizing my clients with this stuff. 

And that's great because I'm helping them. I'm not helping myself. If you're listening to this, just know that you're not alone. 

[00:22:18] Latesha Lynch: That's typical.

Every marketing person's clients are doing well. It's not that we're actually doing any of this stuff, we're saying. 

[00:22:25] Brittany Herzberg: No, Cobbler's Kids or whatever that whole little thing is. Yep. 

[00:22:28] Crystal Waddell: And that's, again, why this iteration of Crystal Waddell keeps like starting and stopping because, as, because we do have an e commerce store where I've implemented a lot of these strategies that's really doing well, every time my, our progress gets shifted to other clients.

It's Ooh, this, our e commerce store is really our bread and butter. We can only do so much for other people in this capacity, because the implementation is so important. Like I've always felt very passionately about anything that say you would [00:23:00] teach us or any other expert that comes on.

I want to implement that today personally for our business, and I want other people to do it too. 

So it's frustrating as from a service provider perspective that, you know, when you give people the tools that they're not either ready or able to use them. 

And so that's what I find the most frustrating thing about.

Like the knowledge industry in general, which there was just some sort of magic implementation button that just happens. 

[00:23:27] Latesha Lynch: Or you're going to be a major penalty if you don't? Yeah. 

[00:23:30] Brittany Herzberg: Yeah, exactly. 

That would actually be very motivating. I would. Oh man. Okay. So I want to make sure we touch on like. 

How does putting out this content and sharing our brand messaging and speaking to people, how does that build our authority?

Cause maybe that will also light some fires under some other tushies. 

[00:23:47] Latesha Lynch: Yeah, I think, because we have to remember that there is, first of all, there's a lot of information out there and often. 

Experts share the same industry words, [00:24:00] they all approach their content the same way. It's all very just educational and no one's ever like you said there's no fire, right?

There's nothing that's motivating people more because everything sounds the same. 

So if we're constantly just learning or in a stage of learning. I think it's very difficult for us to emotionally connect with the urgency of why we should be actually doing something with what we learn. 

I think it's just very fun because we just have so much access now.

Google searching, remember encyclopedia, like encyclopedia Britannica, like we all used to have to manually go and seek out this information. Now it's just falling into our laps and with AI, it's worse. It's just falling into our laps all day long. And I feel like what's important is. In our content and with our brand messaging that we start to help people think for themselves and think differently.

I always say perspective shifting content should be 60% of the content that you're putting out there. And 1 of the reasons why I say that, and educational content is like 30% people are like, but that's how [00:25:00] people come to me. No, they're coming to you now thinking they can just do it themselves. They don't really think they need an expert.

But if you only do educational content, but also you don't sound any different, we all have five tips for making your messaging sound great. But what if I start to help you shift the perspective of why you haven't started doing your messaging? Probably because you're not really clear on who you are. And if I help you think through that, you know what I'm saying?

Like the sink into your seat, because that's the thing is most people aren't really thinking about themselves. They're thinking about tasks, but it's like, where do you fall within these tasks? Where does your business fall? We need to start making people. Think more and when they think more objectively and they think more strategically and we help them to be able to do that.

We empower them to be able to actually take those actions that we want. And I don't think we're empowering people very much. We're just hand spoon feeding them things. We're not empowering them to do anything. 

[00:25:51] Brittany Herzberg: Right. 

[00:25:52] Crystal Waddell: Yeah, I totally agree with you. And one thing I'm going to try to make a coherent statement here.

I don't know if it's possible. 

[00:25:59] Brittany Herzberg: Good luck. [00:26:00] 

[00:26:00] Latesha Lynch: The breath you took to prepare the cohesion is hilarious. 

[00:26:04] Crystal Waddell: Yes. Oh my gosh. 

You said something earlier about connecting someone that's problem aware to content that Goes deeper into that particular stage of awareness.

 and B you are talking about repeating yourself and all those type of things, but really understanding like where this person or company is that we're trying to reach where they're at in each of those stages of awareness, because then you can really dive deep into what they need to know more about. 

What they already know, how you can really attract them based on what they know in that stage of awareness and then move them along. 

And so I think so many times. It's like we feel like we have to do so much, but once you do get clear on that messaging, you can go so deep and serve people so well because you're just easing them on that path to their own self awareness to their own self education or [00:27:00] ability to fish on their own. 

So that's what everything you just said. That's the picture it painted for me. 

[00:27:05] Latesha Lynch: I'm glad. And speaking of painting pictures, a special tip for your audience.

And this is something that I always tell people is when I'm approaching my content, I do it from a storyline perspective. 

And the storyline is just about the person specific. So we all have target audiences, right? But then within that target audience, I help female entrepreneurs who are service providers and coaches selling high ticket.

Some of those female entrepreneurs are mothers, so their approach to work is different because they're really busy, they don't have a lot of free time, so what you're teaching them needs to be quick, it needs to work fast, or at least it needs to be something that they can do later, whatever. 

But then there's this other group of people who, no, it's not that they need help because they don't have any time, it's that they don't have any structure, so you need to speak to that specific situation.

So when you pick your content, If you have a storyline in mind of a very specific segment of your target audience, then when you're talking about [00:28:00] the pain point that they're experiencing, I know you're busy because you have kids and you feel like a bad mom, that I'm going to emotionally be like, Oh my God, she's speaking to me.

We want the reactions to be, how did you know? Or, Oh my God, that's exactly what I'm going through right now. And this is what no one's to this thing. It's because I know that you have this. particular angle that I need to approach from on an emotional level. And this person, this other person, they don't care about that.

They don't have kids. They're like, whatever. I don't care about that. When we can start speaking like that, it makes it so much easier to then take them on that journey because you are literally dragging a very specific person whose face you can see. 

Through a journey through their own experience and they are going to convert faster or engage quicker or share to everybody else in their friend circle who's just like them, which is what you want.

[00:28:52] Brittany Herzberg: Okay. So stories like this is how I came up with my pet framework because I feel like verbally I'm a. crappy storyteller, although I'm changing [00:29:00] the narrative on that. 

Written wise writing, I'm better. 

However, I also like going on tangents and pulling in different things and I want to tell everyone everything at the same time.

I have this terrible habit that I've broken, thanks to the pet framework, of throwing giving everyone the kitchen sink. 

That doesn't help anybody. 

So I came up with the pet framework, which again for case studies was problem experience transformation so that I could write in a way that would be very easy on their brains to get through that.

And then from there, I had headlines that were pulling them down the page in a very strategic way. 

And Letitia is nodding in case you're just listening to this. 

Yeah, I'm like, so that's what, when you think of storytelling, beginning, middle, and end break it down so simply for yourself and then expand on each of those points.

I also wanted to mention that when you were sharing about the mom, or the person who struggles with structure, I think of it I my coach, Meg Yelaney helped me figure out like three different personas. 

She was giving a workshop or something. And I just had this light bulb moment. I was like, Oh my gosh, I have three different personas.

I have the person that's doing this like side [00:30:00] hustle. Their life is going to be very different. They probably have two jobs. They want this business to take off, but whatever, like that's where they're at. Then we've got the and blanking solopreneur. They're wearing all the hats. They need to know all the things.

And Crystal talks about giving each of your like marketing channels and each of these different things in your business a different job. And then you've got the supported CEO. They have a team. Their approach to business is very different. Their tasks look very different. So if that helps anyone listening to think through that was for me, like a game changer.

[00:30:29] Crystal Waddell: It helped me a lot because I've been thinking about starting my own YouTube channel and I was going to call it like Knowledge Vomit with Crystal and then I thought, you know what, maybe what you're saying right here would be a better approach. 

[00:30:44] Brittany Herzberg: That I would sign up for Knowledge Vomit.

[00:30:46] Latesha Lynch: I would too, it made me laugh. 

[00:30:48] Crystal Waddell: Yeah, I think I might stick with it.

I think I might over deliver with your pet framework, 

[00:30:53] Brittany Herzberg: go for it. 

[00:30:54] Crystal Waddell: I am too, a knowledge vomiter I just want to share everything, but it's too much, the [00:31:00] fire hose is too much.

It's you've got to figure out where people are and say, if this is where you are on the map, then this is your next best step, because there's a thousand steps you can take. 

And it's overwhelming if you think about all 1, 000, but this is the next best step. Yeah, look for it coming soon.

Knowledge Vomit with Crystal. 

[00:31:20] Brittany Herzberg: That is such a visual. I get migraines pretty frequently. And so I'm just like imagining having those moments. 

[00:31:26] Latesha Lynch: That's hilarious. 

[00:31:28] Brittany Herzberg: I did want to ask you about, just because I've been in this mode of collaborations, like, how do you see collaborations coming into, especially when you're sharing content on these different channels?

[00:31:40] Latesha Lynch: One of the reasons why I always shared the importance of being clear on your messaging and who you are and how you want to be known is because when people are seeking out experts to speak on the topics that you're best at speaking on, it lends Opportunities.

It gives you opportunities to be, introduced to their audience and to connect with [00:32:00] other people. 

So I'll give a quick example. I I remember when I was a designer in my business, I used to talk all about how designers under charge. 

And I would share my story of $150 logos and $400 websites that I was charging for.

And clearly I changed my business really quickly after that. 

And so I would get invited to all these really big speaking engagements. 

And one of them was with a designer who's program I took to help me grow my business. And so to me, she was like a little mini internet celebrity. 

And I was like, I never could imagine that I would be connected in and now I'm speaking on the same stage or virtual stage. 

I think that the more we can put this unique knowledge and perspective, again, not just sharing your tips, because. We all have some tips and most of it's just the stuff that we learned to execute the job that we're going to end up doing for you anyway.

But what I really mean is our unique thoughts and perspectives and why we approach. 

It's not just sharing the what and the [00:33:00] why or the why and the how, but it's like the what and the why behind it is very important. 

I think a lot of times we share what it is and how to do it, but not why we did it. 

And I think the more we can start to share our deep perspectives on why we do what we do, how we do it. 

The what and the why behind what we did, the more we can really help to connect and get those partnership opportunities where people want you to speak to their audience or speak in their community or connect with their clients. 

And it's just, it just opens up so many doors for you.

And I don't think we all have we don't realize how much that's organic, right? 

That is organic because who's going to trust you more, some person who just came across your reel two seconds ago and never seen your account before? Or are you speaking in someone on someone's podcast or in their summit?

I'm going to be like that summit girl on the stage. 

I feel like she knows what she's talking about because she was at the summit and I just paid, a hundred dollars to attend. 

So I think she knows what she's. Talking about and I trust [00:34:00] her now. 

[00:34:00] Brittany Herzberg: Yeah. 

[00:34:01] Crystal Waddell: And what's interesting is this whole scenario right here is the perfect example of this because you didn't know that I've been following you since 2020.

[00:34:09] Latesha Lynch: I love it. 

[00:34:09] Crystal Waddell: And it's not that I'm stalking you on the internet. It's just that you've come across my feed and I know who you are because I have a trusted person in Kerrie that collaborated with you. 

And so I thought, man this lady's neat. And then every once in a while I'll catch your lives and I'll just, just enjoy hearing what you have to share.

You speak to my heart, you speak to the problems of entrepreneurs in a really fresh way. 

And I feel like you're one of the few people on the internet who's coaching, who's not just regurgitating what everybody else is saying. 

And I think as a business owner, anytime you're learning about how to be a business owner.

You get into that echo chamber of all of the people with the ad spend and what they're giving is business advice. 

But then you start to sort through it and realize this doesn't work for my business, and then you start to feel more confident okay, wait, I don't have to listen to everything they say. 

[00:35:00] I can actually think about what makes sense for my business. 

And you were one of the first people that I heard speak about that. And so that was so refreshing. 

[00:35:08] Latesha Lynch: Which is what I want to be known for. That's why I work on my messaging. 

[00:35:12] Crystal Waddell: Speaking of that, how can people get in touch with you? 

[00:35:15] Latesha Lynch: You can find me on multiple marketing channels. I'm her marketing coach. I made it easy. Her marketing coach on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram. 

Instagram is where I post most of my content. I have a podcast called the revolutionary CEO podcast, and my website is soon to be hermarketingcoach. com. 

I'm all over. 

[00:35:34] Brittany Herzberg: She is. And she's got good stuff. And actually that's a good point because how I found Letitia was through Marisa Corcoran. And I love Marisa, right? I just, I love that my people know other amazing people that I love. And then they 

[00:35:45] Latesha Lynch: found me from Dallas Travers podcast. She didn't even know me.

And she lives in Georgia. She was like, I heard you on Dallas podcast. And I was like, I love Dallas. 

And she was like, I want you to be in the copy chat. I was like, okay, this is how it works. 

[00:35:58] Brittany Herzberg: Yeah. Oh my gosh. I [00:36:00] love this so much. Thank you so much for being on here. We covered so much. 

[00:36:04] Latesha Lynch: I know. I can't wait to listen back to it.

[00:36:06] Brittany Herzberg: I know we do the same thing. I already have so many notes, but I'm going to have so much more notes by then.

[00:36:10] Latesha Lynch: Thank you for having me guys. This was wonderful. 

[00:36:13] Brittany Herzberg: Of course. All right. We will catch you next time on the Simple and Smart SEO show. Bye. 

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