No Name Station

Is Good Kid MAAD City a Christian album?

February 21, 2022 Roscoe's Sweatsuit & NobodyKnows
No Name Station
Is Good Kid MAAD City a Christian album?
Show Notes Transcript

Just two guys randomly talking about Kendrick Lamar's  2012 album "Good Kid MAAD City", and if it is or is not a Christian album. 
If you somehow have not listened to Good Kid MAAD City here is a link where you can buy or listen to it-
Intro / Outro Music: Bluudbath by zetasins

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Nobody Knows:

Um, so we're gonna talk about, uh, good kid, Mad City. Yeah. So, Rosco, we had this conversation a but it's an interesting discussion and I would love to like, you know, talking to you about it again. Do you think that good kid, Mad City? I, Ken Gilmore is a Christian

Roscoes Wetsuit:

album. Hmm. I, I don't know what I, what I, when I, like a few months ago I would've been like a hundred percent for sure. Um, now, I think it's more so like a Tyler Perry. Oh man, that sounds insulting. That sounds really bad., Nobody Knows: way to go Hey, your album is like, uh, Kendrick Perry Perry. Kendrick Perry A Tyler Perry movie. No, I mean in the sense that like it, or like a Tyler Perry play, like the Tyler Perry plays are pretty or they're not that bad. Um, I stand by his older. That it reminds me more of that, like, there is sort of like a, a substance that like goes outside it. It's, it's more like a Greek play. I think that's Tyler Perry's stuff is more like a Greek play. It's a Greek play. Instead of like, Hey, Thora is not Thor and instead Zeus is gonna come down and smite you. Uh, so you should be nice or whatever. It's. It's got more of a Christian lean to it. Um hmm. Like it is Christian, but also like it is also theatrical. And has themes that like exist be beyond, uh, just the religion? Yeah. For, for

Nobody Knows:

me, um, this might extend into all of Kendrick Moore's work, but I don't think Country Lamar's album is a Christian album. I don't think Good Kid in Mad City is a Christian album, but I think it is way more compelling. Than a lot of other Christian albums out there. Mm. Um, because like, the reason I say that is because like when you, the people Christian albums are like marketed to and like, the people that receive Christian albums are people that are like kind of, if you're buying a Christian album or you're buying a Christian song, kind of already bought in. Right. But like with Kendle Mar's Music, It is way more about like, Hey, here's a album and here's my story, right? Like, I'm just gonna tell you my stories and my conclusions that I got from like, uh, like, you know, my life and like from writing this and like going through this creative process. And I, I think like some of my favorite artists stood at, I would say like, J Cole does this. I would say like, big creative does this and stuff like that. Um, Back to the point, him doing that and marketing it that way, he's saying like, Hey, this is this album. I'm gonna, it's gonna be good music. It's gonna be just my story and stuff like that. And if you'd like to listen, listen. Um, Is like gets more people into it and more people that actually listen to the music. Not expecting to hear anything like different or any like, I don't wanna say not expected to hear something different. Not expecting to be like bombarded, but like a whole bunch of like, hey you need Jesus or whatever. Right. And I don't think good kid Mad City does that like super heavily too, but like I feel like throughout the album and like album's conclusion, Is like, Hey, Kennedy's talking about all your experience and stuff like that. And he's like saying like, Hey, you know, for me, or for like what he has found or what he may think is like, Hey, the, the out, the answer for this is like, you know, God and religion and like being Christian and just being a good person, like open yourself and like opening us itself to this knowledge during this wisdom to like punch your thirst. And like, keep you kind of safe in a way. I don't know, like not safe, but knowledgeable. Um, and again, this is, uh, also like the albums like super, super old. Uh, how, how old was this album? Uh,

Roscoes Wetsuit:

Ooh. Let me look it up. Do you wanna take a guess? You wanna, I would say like, maybe like 2013, maybe 2012. Wow. What? 2012?

Nobody Knows:

Jesus, uh, . Oh, snap. I mean, Oh God. Oh, golly. Geez.

Roscoes Wetsuit:

You what? Nobody. I'm gonna my, uh, my, my opinion. I think that is, this is a very harsh, very true, very honest plea. For all of us, for humanity as a whole to stay hydrated because you need water. Holy water, holy water. I did not realize that. I, like, I thought that they had that, um, I thought that that was the person, but apparently that was Maya Angelou. They had reading the, the, that little skit section. You need water,

Nobody Knows:

holy water, . But yeah. The two things I wanna throw out right now is like, If Kevin Dmar was sitting right next to us while we were saying this, he'll probably say like, Oh, you guys are all wrong and idiots for even thinking about this. But like, and again, like this happened like in 2012, like this came out in 2012. So like, you know, what he thought then might not reflect what he thinks now. But I think, I just think is like, I just think it's way more compelling. It's like saying like, Hey, you know, here's the life I had. Here's like, uh, the struggles I've been. Like, I think of like the, the art of peers or whatever, where it's like, Hey, you know, I've been peered pressured. I love, I love how he said, Let me, lemme say, I love how that that whole song is kind of like saying like, I'm normally not this person, but when I'm with my homies, I'm a different person. Mm. And I think like a lot of people can relate to that. I, of course, like Ken Moore has like a way more difficult life than, um, a lot of other people. But you know what I'm saying? Like that idea is like super relat. And he's taken that like idea of saying like, Hey, I've been pressured and I've done wrong stuff, Um, because I was around like quote unquote the wrong people and stuff like that. But like, that still doesn't stop me from being like, like, you know, going to like becoming this person or becoming like, um, or believing in God or whatever. Right? Like, he recognizes mistakes and he's like willing to like try to, to step forward into like a, uh, To this righteous path. Um, like how, like how that, that kid, I don't know. I don't know if the kid at the end is supposed to be Kendrick Lamar or some, but the kid at the end when you're saying like, Hey, you know, don't, like, you know, say this prayer and then like, you know, like walk your right, your life in, uh, the right path. I think she says, I, I can look it up and see exactly what she

Roscoes Wetsuit:

says. I, I got it on Genius. Um, I'm pulling up right now. I was already, I was already on Jesus. Not Jesus. I was already on Genius. Let's see. Which, which part are you talking? Are you looking for

Nobody Knows:

Um, I was just saying like the very end part where like she's saying like, Hey, you know, they said the prayer. Um, and then they're like, she says like, Hey, now, now live your life. Um, in this, in like the Right, I got exactly what she says. Let me, I'm trying to look it up. All right. Now

Roscoes Wetsuit:

remember this day the start of a new life. You're real life. Real life. And then it transitions into the song Real. Yeah. Um.

Nobody Knows:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I was just saying like, Hey, you know, and like I just, I just like from, I I, we we're not even getting into like how good this album is cuz if you have any question about, about this album being good, uh, you don't need to think about that. That's a dumb question. This album's really, really great. Uh, but like, yeah, the, this album's just such a, like an experience of like listening to a person, like, um, just growing. And how his perspectives like shift and change cuz of his environment and like the people around him. Like even like from the first song, right? It's just kind of like, hey, like I was just a young dude trying to get some, uh, some of that good, good. And uh, I got fucked over, right? Like, I got really, really messed up. Like, like, uh, like really, really, uh, messed up for like trying to do this one thing. And then that last lead that leads into like more other. Like consequences. Not consequences, but like, Well, yeah, consequences. Not just for like, him doing something like in retaliation, but like, just like his, his, uh, his family, right? Like, like his mom can't get to the, where she needs to go to get like the food stamps, her

Roscoes Wetsuit:

food stamps and stuff like that. And his dad can't get dominoes.

Nobody Knows:

Can't get his dominoes, man. But that's all he wants. But yeah, I, I, I, I'm pretty sure like a lot of people have like, brought this up, but like, yeah, I just see like a lot of, maybe this is like a slightly more, um, thing, um, uh, bigger, bigger thing to say, but like, I just think that like, I can, I can, I can form these words. I think some of the most inspiring stuff. That would actually make someone like consider like getting to Christianity or whatever, or from artists that are just telling their story, right? And saying like, Hey, this is what I saw. This is what, how I feel and this is my conclusion. And stuff's like, you know what? Many Christian albums, at least from my perspective, um, are very like, Hey, Jesus is cool, right? You love Jesus already and like, you know, people don't know or care. You know what I'm. Yeah. And I don't, I don't, I don't, uh, I just think it's just a way better, like way, I think, like, I think there's a, I think if you were trying to get someone to become a Christian, I would definitely not give 'em a Christian album from my, my humble, my humble opinion. Uh hmm.

Roscoes Wetsuit:

Uh, yeah, I'd probably w Yeah. Yeah. Maybe I'd like, maybe like, I don't know. I'm, I'm pretty, I think Lara's pretty cool. Um, I'm not gonna say he's like the best rapper all the time. Um, and I am like, I don't know, just as. What is the word in full? Well, it's a call when you, like, when you say like, Full disclosure. Yeah. Full disclosure. Um, I'm neither religious nor spiritual. Um, but I really do enjoy like, a lot of like crazy albums. Mm. And I, I would, I would re I would recommend some. I I don't think they're gonna change your opinion. I think they're maybe gonna give you some stuff to think about. Um, and I, I do have a lot of respect for him, especially like, Some of his albums later on are political, which have like, which is a real, that is like a good thing in it, stance in itself. Like he had to make a lot of albums, uh, to appeal to White America. Um, and then eventually he's like, Hey, I made enough of y'all are fans, so you're gonna listen to me regardless. Now I'm gonna make, finally make a political album where I say something, uh, political. So there's, I don't know, I think there's a whole thing of like, um, censorship and like that, um, environment, in my opinion, from my experience. I think you don't get that in, uh, in a regular rap album.

Nobody Knows:

Mm-hmm. Do you think it's just like, uh, I guess like, I know we're probably rounding the bin on this, but like, do you think, um, like one of the most amazing things about like, uh, this album that even got me like in, back in the day when I started, when I first listened to it or whatever, was like, you know, uh, I always say this, like, it's funny how Swimming Pools was a song about like, Hey, You know, it's probably not a good idea to drink yourself to oblivion. Like was like, like kind of the song that was used as the party song for a while a while ago and people would like, I don't know, it is get a funny image of like people drinking themselves oblivion by listening to a song about not drinking yourself into oblivion. Yeah. But do you think it's just because of like, Hey, you know, this album really touches on like real stuff, especially like, It might even, even like, even with the time shift, man, like even like we're, we're talking about this, like, so much like eight to nine years in the future still like, seems to hit like core deep things about like, um, human condition just in general. And then like, you know, um, you know, being like a,

Roscoes Wetsuit:

what am I trying to get at? Let me, let me think. Let me think.

Nobody Knows:

Do you think, do you think the album works really. Just because like it's really real. Um, a lot of the songs are just stating like, events, if that makes sense. Mm. Right. Like a lot of albums, the album is stating events of like what happened and what's going on and how things are, like people see things or whatever. And then like you only get little tidbits about like how he feels. And like, uh, how, how he's getting to these conclusions or whatever. Like I think of like Sing About Me, Sing about Me is, is a lot of just a whole bunch of testimonies about, about like, you know, what Kendrick Moore does, you know what I'm saying?

Roscoes Wetsuit:

And what people around him say about him.

Nobody Knows:

Yeah, yeah. Like, yeah, it's just literally testimonies about, about him or whatever. Right. Even and in like, um, even like in Art of Pier, right? It just, the day, that day, like they went out and, you know, um, Rob some people and like, I not robbed, they didn't rob any people. They, uh, they broke into a house and robbed them. Well, I guess you robbed a person if you broke into a house. But, you know, I'm trying to say like, it has that thing of like saying like, Hey, here's what happened. Here's what happened, here's what happened, here's what happened. And then like, my conclusion, I don't know. I just find it interesting.

Roscoes Wetsuit:

Yeah. That is, that is one of my favorite songs of all time. Uh, man, this is one. I think like, as someone I, it's gonna, I'm gonna go back to, to, um, Lupe fiasco. Well, I think that like Lupe Fiasco does really well, and I think that Kendrick is also mastered too. I think Kendrick Lamar is like a, a master of like storytelling on the first and the third person. Hmm. I think he more so in the first person. I think that's like kind of what sets them apart. Um, and I think that's what he does like really well in this album. I know I, this album was, has basically been an accumulation of his entire, it's basically been his life's. From when he started, started out as K dot through every single, like from the beginning of his mix tapes, he has been accumulating these songs for this album. Like every song that he's put out, since he's been K dot, he has acu, like he has set some songs aside because he has always had this idea of making good kid meds. Yeah. And he still didn't win a Grammy for it, which I'm still bad., it

Nobody Knows:

still blows my mind and some, and, and slightly infuriates me that this song like, like listening to now I'm like, Hey, this is such a great album. And then I remember it's like, oh, it didn't win a Grammy . Uh, but yeah, I don't know. Um, also sing

Roscoes Wetsuit:

About Me apparently has, um, writing credits from Quincy Jones. Geez, Jeez. Yeah. Maybe I might just be because. That might just maybe be, maybe he has a sample, maybe, um, might just be because of the sample maybe. Mm-hmm. Maybe, maybe the samples maybe tomorrow by, Yeah. The samples, uh, maybe tomorrow by Grant Green.

Nobody Knows:

Nice. I don't always love like listening to

Roscoes Wetsuit:

like, you know, where the music comes from cause it's always pretty interesting.

Nobody Knows:

Yeah, so I guess, I guess like, I just wanted to get your quick opinion on this. Um, and maybe we talk about some other, some other albums or other artists cuz like, I don't, we talk about artists a lot and you know, you know, I'm a fan of a couple artists. I don't know, it's a interesting question. Great album. Uh, I'm glad we're talking about it. Nine years too late. But yeah. Uh, do you have anything else you wanna say about, um, you know, Good City Mad, Mad City? Like, uh, in that lens of like, yeah, it's a Christian album, or why does it work so well?

Roscoes Wetsuit:

I, I think we should probably list a little bit more evidence just in case, um, or kind of our reason, Cause we've had a conversation about it and we've kind of stated our, a little bit of our reasoning. I think we've already done a little bit of that. In this conversation, but just to like kind of set a more of a framework. Uh, I think some of the evidence, I think that seems really, or I really pull from when I like, think of this in that that lens is. Other than like, we could start, we could talk about the story concept, like it is sort of this redemption story. A lot of, um, especially like chick tracks. I remember, uh, back in the day had this arc where it's like, hey, this, this, there's this character who's like, for the most part, a good, good person, but like they are stuck in this sort of cycle or they've done a lot of things that they don't, uh, that they might, might weigh heavily on their soul. Um, and they get to. They get to this turning point where they are offered salvation and they take it and, um, it like ends up on a high note. Um, that, that's one of the angles I I would go with. We see that from like from track one Shera, uh, a kms or splinter daughter up to up to think about me. That's kind of the turning point. Um, and that it kind of takes like this sort of gospel twist where, um, I mean, pass, pass real. I would say like, it takes like this gospel twist towards the end where it ends up to Compton, which is like this really big celebratory, um, song about like Compton. Not just Compton, but also like Kendrick overcoming like the, maybe the negative parts of the, the city, um, that he came from and, and trying to celebrate, teach people about the, the positive aspects. Maybe, I don't know, man., I, I, I wish I would, I would like to take some more time and like really dissect this, uh, this album. Yeah. More than I am done. Yeah. Well

Nobody Knows:

we, you know, we just like you, you just ask a question kind of off the rip. You know, it's, it's hard with these things cuz you know, Kendrick, if Kevin was here or whatever next to us are on this podcast, you'd be like, You guys are all dumb. Go, go, go take your, your, your stupid daes somewhere else or whatever. I remember

Roscoes Wetsuit:

you was conflict. And you are conflicted now.

Nobody Knows:

But yeah. Uh, you know, like it's, it's interesting what the, the artist intends and then what the, uh, the viewer like interprets. Um, this is just stuff we're interpreted and we're just giving our opinions. It's just our opinions. And I, I think, I think you're right. I think that is like pretty good evidence. Uh, for my evidence. I have no evidence. This is all feeling base cause I feel this way. I feel like it is just a compelling story. Like I think it's a compelling story and it can really make someone really evaluate their life and their faith as well. I just think like, hey, this albums just is a album about Kendra Moore and it's life and. It draws you to kind of his conclusion and maybe, and kind of, and he kind just shares it out like, Hey, maybe you have, you have the same conclusion as well. Mm-hmm.

Roscoes Wetsuit:

Do you, What song? I was surprised that wasn't on this album? Well, what song? I thought ADHD was on this album, but apparently it's not. Hmm. Yeah, it is not on this, It kind of feels like it. It would fit. I feel like you could like that would. I, I, um, that's a whole separate theory of like, if adhd, like there's a part in the song that sounds kind of like, um, the intro to the, uh, like opening between like the conversation at the party with Sharon and Kendrick. Cause you know, there's that whole, there's the whole part in the, uh, ADHD where it's like, um, It's like they're at this party, like she takes'em to the back or whatever, and like they're having a conversation and like, like, you know, why, why we're crack babies cuz we're born in the eighties. Like, they're like connecting. So there's a whole thing I I I wonder if that's like a, if that's either a single or, but that seems like that could fit as like the intro, um, that chronological in intro to the, the. Because there's a whole mention, I forgot which song, where it's like, Hey, I met Sha at this party. Um, and really we really connected. And then she was like, we started texting and then, then that's like when the whole thing starts, she's like, Ask him to come over. Hmm. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I

Nobody Knows:

can see it. I could see it fitting. It might just be like, just generally like the, uh, like you were saying earlier, like, you know, you always gotta like decide what's going into this, these, these things. And if, if, You were saying if this is like a collection of Kendrick Lamar's, um, albums, um, like then albums, his ideas until one album, like throughout himself just becoming Kdo up to 2012 or whatever can becoming k Like if this was a collection of this, his ideas, this album was just a collection of his ideas up to this point in his life in 2012. It could make sense where he's like kind of like debating what goes in and what doesn't go in. Uh, but I don't know. Kendrick Gilmore always is. Pretty, pretty interesting man. You know what I'm saying? Like, uh, like he, he, like, if he made like a, if he made, like, Ricar could make an album that's a hundred, a hundred songs long and I'll probably still listen to all of it in one setting. Right. Like, I rather just do it right. Like, but like I can say that about a couple artists that I really like. You know, I, I think that's true. When you find artists that can really like either like interpret a, in either really like, Either like really explain and interpreted a, uh, point of view to you or like you can really connect to them. Uh, at least for, let me, lemme rephrase. For at least for me, I really like artists that can interpret a point of view that I don't get to see much, um, or really talk about stuff that like I can really connect on. And probably that's probably true for a lot of people. But yeah, I just, I just think, I just think it's just super

Roscoes Wetsuit:

interest. Yeah. Yeah, man, it's a really good album. Even the B sides on this album are really good. Um, and yeah, I, I definitely agree like Kendrick Lamar is like one of those people that like you can really, um, connect with their music and like, even if you don't agree with their point, like you can kind of understand like where they're coming from. But tag man, these beasts. Have you heard the deluxe album songs?

Nobody Knows:

Uh, no. What's up?

Roscoes Wetsuit:

Uh, there's just a lot of good, like, have you heard, uh, Black Boy Fly? Um, Oh, it's like a really good song, man. That's a, that is a great

Nobody Knows:

song. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, sorry. Yeah. Yeah. I, yeah, yeah, yeah. Um, yeah, man, I don't know. Like, it's just a good compact experience in my opinion. It's just like, it's this, it's, it's like one of those classic albums where you. Put it on and you were like, Oh, I'm just gonna listen to one or two songs. And then you started listening to the whole album, . Like, I, I, it's, it's so weird where I'm like, I like, there's a whole bunch of like, uh, songs, um, or like albums or songs or whatever, and I was like, I'll just listen to one song and then I end up listening to the whole album, like bad. I really liked his album, . Yeah. Do you have anything else you wanted to

Roscoes Wetsuit:

say? I'll know if Kendrick Lamar, if somehow you're watching this, you're the only viewer. If like we only have one view and it's just Kendrick Lamar,

Nobody Knows:

that would be pretty insane if Ken Lamar, if you somehow follow this, this would be crazy if you, and, and I want you to know that you're probably the only viewer too. Yeah.

Roscoes Wetsuit:

We, we appreciate you, um, right in the comment, uh, this is, you're all, you're both good kids, but this is a bad.

Nobody Knows:

A weird in late, late one as well. Yeah,

Roscoes Wetsuit:

Yeah. Where was your antennas when this came out?. Nobody Knows: When shit hit Uh, remember, uh, what's that, that, uh, that line in, um, Pi the Butterfly, where it's like supposed we, it's like, it's kind of super serious, a super, super line, but I, I kind of fight it hilarious. Like isolated where it's like, Hey, you know, um, your, your mom is blue. Blue eyes show, uh, shows that she can't run good. Yeah. Yeah. and, uh, complexion.

Nobody Knows:

Yeah. Let me see. I can find.

Roscoes Wetsuit:

I'm trying to brown skinny blue, but your blue eyes tell me your mommy can't run. I, I think that's that. It's something like that. Let me see if I can pull it. Sneak this in.

Nobody Knows:

Sneak this in. Come on, Brian. Rap genius. Give me, give the the

Roscoes Wetsuit:

lyrics, man. There's some good salt, man. Uh, now we're never with, uh, I don't know if you remember that song that was on the B sides too. That's a really good song. Yeah, just a. Just a, just a great album that trans transitions into like another, another classic album. Like, you know, most people have sophomore slumps. This man just like got just made another album that was better than the last one. I wouldn't say it was better. They're both equally as good. They're both really, really good in, in separate ways. Yeah.

Nobody Knows:

And like, yeah, like, I, I would say that too. Like, they're like super, super good and they're very like, uh, like hits on very like, crazy thing, like print the butterfly is like crazy. Like, uh, it still is like very like, uh, uh, uh, like, like hits very like political and social, like, um, focal points in a very like, strong, literal way, um, that people can relate to, identify and like, think about. I don't know. I watched, I listened to Pimp the Butterfly like a ton of times when it first came out cuz it just felt so, so like, compelling. Mm. I've gotta find this quote. Give a second. All right.

Roscoes Wetsuit:

Were Jeff to have another conversation about Pimp the Butterfly in like six months. Yeah,

Nobody Knows:

yeah. We're, we're having more conversation. I'm, I'm pretty sure I'm probably gonna give this like another name too, if,

Roscoes Wetsuit:

or something else. If you're coming from this episode from, uh, the first episode of our other, of our podcast, whose name? I just for some reason, forgot it. Name of our podcast. Anonymous Thought podcast. Yeah. A lot of a start podcasts. Uh, just know that, uh, it took like, at least like what, three to four boat. From the first episode, we were like, We're going to go do a talk about this on the podcast that we never talked about it, uh, to now, to making this video finally has been like several months in the future.

Nobody Knows:

Yeah. The, uh, the quote is brown skinned. Much of tell mama

Roscoes Wetsuit:

dude, if I was this good at, if I was this good at remembering things in school as I was, as I am at remembering song lyrics, I would be at Harvard. But,

Nobody Knows:

but yeah, if anyone is listening to this, and if you were listening to this Kendrick Lamar, which you're not, but if you were Oh yeah. Writing in comments, I would love to hear you guys, your thoughts and your perspective. Do you think, uh, this was a Christian album, and if this is not, which probably you guys are gonna say, No, it's not a Christian album. What is this album? And like, maybe what, maybe throw in like, what is this album to you? Like what does this, like this album represent for like, good kid Mad City, but. Yeah, we gotta definitely talk about more things. Cause I, there's like so many artists that I would love to like talk about, you know, you don't want know about water to talk about anyway. You, you know, he starts with Jay. Oh, I thought you was say Big CRI . Oh yeah. Oh fuck yeah. Big crit. That's a gi But yeah, uh, I was kind of being like, um, I don't know people, people that are j Coles fans I feel like get, get necessarily type, uh, rap. But yeah, I would love to talk about big creator as well. I, I, I just, I, I like, have, listen you listened to Children

Roscoes Wetsuit:

of the World and stuff like that. No. Is that new song? No. Whoa. That

Nobody Knows:

was, Is it new album Old? No, it's not a old album. It's not an old, it's the old super old song. It's

Roscoes Wetsuit:

like, um, it's part of, uh, Quit was Here. Oh, okay. Okay. I've probably heard it then. I really do like that project, but I don't remember the names of the songs on there. Yeah. Uh, um, Children of the World,

Nobody Knows:

Um, This package store on, on, on, on Crit was

Roscoes Wetsuit:

here. I don't know. I honestly don't remember. I need to re-listen to like, I like Cri Big Crits albums, but for some reason they're like, not all of them, like the songs stick with me. I, I remember very strongly, Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Uh, I remember, um, when Dad Porch, Yeah, I don't know, like, I think like, uh, uh, Children in the World, uh,

Nobody Knows:

they got. Uh, and like, um, Exhibit K are just like such good songs and like that whole album is really good, but that's another day we'll talk about Big Grit and I'll get to Ran and brave about him and say like, Why does everyone hate him? Because he has a Southern accent. He's super good . Well, not everyone hates him, but like, I remember early on I would bring up like Big Crick and he was, I was like, Yeah, he's a side rapper. And people were like, Say, Yeah, yeah, that's a, just, just, ugh. Just, just, just leave it at that.

Roscoes Wetsuit:

Yeah. Thanks for thanks. Good enough. Good enough is a good one too. Oh, sorry, go ahead. Oh, I was gonna say, uh, thanks for watching. Yeah. Uh, come below, do all the things. Uh, I, I, you know what, I may have been, uh, I may have been, what is the word? I may have been irresponsible. Um, and I'll, I'll apologize for telling the, the viewership to, you know, lick certain things. Lick, lick, the thumb like button. But, um, I have a new, I have a new catch phrase this time and, uh, I, I want you, I want you to headbutt the thumb button. Yeah. Boy, Headbutted. Put your head right

Nobody Knows:

through , like I don't know if I should go down this one, but this one seems like, it seems it's so much like better than the one you. You, you, you previously just tested. I'm just like, Yeah, that seems good enough, . No, don't

Roscoes Wetsuit:

do it. Nobody. You have to tell me. You have to be

Nobody Knows:

the, the light to buy. You have to be the, the organization to buy chaos. You have to tell the people don't do it. Please, viewers don't damage your brain and your face, which are things that are super important on their internet. Don't head. The light thought, don't do it. But you like the

Roscoes Wetsuit:

don't do it cuz I told you to do it because you want to. No, don't do it. Please don't. Nobody Knows: Uh, but if you If you don't like the video, don't. Yeah. Until next time,

Nobody Knows:

do next time. Um, you guys, uh, take it easy.

Roscoes Wetsuit:

Take it easy.

Nobody Knows:

Quick question. Did you subscribe to the

Roscoes Wetsuit:

uh, to the um, to the channel? I don't think I have, I haven't shown a support.

Nobody Knows:

Don't do it yet. Cause we haven't, we have two subscribers. What, how is a surprise? I don't know

Roscoes Wetsuit:

how. You know what we mentioned the government was watching, or you mentioned the government was watching and now they.