No Name Station

The Pitch: Superman

Roscoe's Sweatsuit & NobodyKnows

Pitching Superman stories, and talk about what we like and don't like about the character.
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Nobody Knows: 3, 2, 1. Did you clap? Uh, did you clap? 

Roscoes Wetsuit: Yes, I clapped. Did you clap? 

Nobody Knows: Do you believe I clapped? How much do you trust that? I clapped, no. Uh, welcome to

Roscoes Wetsuit: the, I know we don't have, I don't have a name for this. I guess we can call it the pitch tentatively titled the pitch. I am your host, who a member, his name today, which is Roscoe's sweatsuit. And I'm here with nobody knows. Yep. 

Nobody Knows: Nobody. How are you doing today? Doing alright. Chilling, chilling, uh, in the ether.

Roscoes Wetsuit: Okay. Just, just to ask you how, how much, um, have I, have I prepared you for this show? I have, I explained the concept of this show to you. 

Nobody Knows: Uh, from my understanding, we are just, uh, having like a. Short discussion about an idea for a story or a change of altercation, like a alter alter altercation, a change in a story or so, um, and we're just trying to pitch like this idea or this change in the story and ways that we think are interesting or, uh, ways we think it is appealing from my understanding.

It's not like. Like a super serious thing. It's like, Hey, you know, we're just pitching something and then we're gonna work both like, kind of maybe like have some suggestions and some, um, workshop to it to make it maybe a little bit better. And then I guess like throw it on the internet and see what other people think.

Um, and see if they can give any suggestions or, uh, uh, input to see like, Hey, this is not gonna work. Or maybe you can change this or maybe have their own recommendation, or maybe they pitched their own show in the comment. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: Basically, we're too lazy to write fan fiction. So this is a, this is our really simple way of making, uh, fan fiction or like making, uh, I don't wanna say making fan fiction making like, uh, oh, we're just, we're just coming up with different ideas to shows that we either like liked or we, we thought could have been better.

Uh, we might have a few of our own shows, you know, it's just a really easy way to get out ideas and. Just test what works 

Nobody Knows: and what does yeah. And then, you know, get some feedback, uh, or everyone hates it either way. We will have more information.

Roscoes Wetsuit: yeah. So yeah, let's, let's get right into the show is the first part of the show is, um, just us kind of talking about what the topic is for today and our topic is. Superman. Oh man. Which nobody, you have a really interesting, uh, you have a really interesting backstory around Superman and your relationship 

Nobody Knows: with him.

Yeah. That makes it sound like you're making it sound like I hate Superman, uh, uh, kind of do I kind of hates probably a strong world. I just think a lot of his stories are just not great and it has nothing to do with like, um, I think it takes a lot to write Superman. And, um, I just think like he, his, his power level and him as a character is like something super difficult to handle in the story.

Um, I think there's some part of Superman that are super interesting. Um, like I think one of my favorite parts about Superman is like, Hey, he is this like the strongest man in the world, but he couldn't stop his like, uh, his granddad from dying from like a heart attack. Right. I think that's like a super cool concept and like, Um, interesting thing about him where it's like, you know, he's the most powerful man in the world, but like, in, in some ways he's still helpless, but generally how Sue mans portrayed at least from, from like, um, my experience and the little I've watched and like, read about him.

He's just like, so insoluble and just like every way, right? Like, um, not just like in like, he's the beaconing of hope. He always does the right thing. Um, he's super power role and stuff like that. Like it's just like, there's nothing that makes him kind of human, in my opinion. Um, and I know people would make arguments.

Like that's kind of the point where like car cleans the human side and two, man's not human or whatever, but like even when he's car Kent, he doesn't feel human to me. Right. Like, like, uh, Superman never like steps out of his boundaries at all. In my opinion, like, um, it reminds me of like, uh, And this, this might be a weird connection, but like, like star track in a way where it's like, oh, you guys are exploring this vast, vast universe.

And you come across all these people in all these places, but your way of thinking and your, in your, in your responses are always the correct one, right? You guys, you guys were never wrong about anything for real. Um, I'm not a big star star track fan, so that might not be completely true, but like, I feel like that, uh, that feeling is the same with Superman.

At least to me where it's like, Superman's always gonna do the right thing. He's always gonna use the proper amount of force. He's always gonna say like the, the, the absolutely correct thing. And I just feel like, you know, for a lot of stories, um, he comes off as like super, super boring, um, to me, um, and like, you know, there's always like exceptions to the rules.

Um, like I know there's like great Superman stories out there. Uh, I know like the one that you really like is, um, R star Superman, right? I believe so. Right. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: Yeah. Yeah. Um, that's my, that's my 

Nobody Knows: favorite Superman. Yeah. Um, but like, I just might say something about me, but like my, one of my like favorite iterations of Superman, at least the beginning part of it, I think the really beginning part of it was really cool was, um, the Superman in justice, um, where you have like I know, I know.

It's like, it's like, 

Roscoes Wetsuit: like I like the Superman. That kills people. I like the super bad that that is not, I like a good person 

Nobody Knows: at, I know, I know. I like, I like the super bad. That is the worst. That's the opposite of what super bad is that I know that thumbs off bad, but like the reason I like it is cuz you be, you'd be 

Roscoes Wetsuit: a real big fan.

Do you like ZD? 

Nobody Knows: I don't know. Like I, I, I, I haven't read too much sod. Um, I'm, I'm not a super fan of him. I don't know. The power level really gets me, man. The power level really gets me, but you like dragon 

Roscoes Wetsuit: ball though, but you like dragon balls, email. I I, which is, which is literally when Goku fights a God, he, he literally 

Nobody Knows: fights God.

Yeah. But Goku is an idiot. 100% like Goku, if you told Goku to do two plus two, that don't care would not be able to do it. Right. Goku is very good in certain ways he has a good personality, but he is 100% an idiot. You could also say he's a terrible dad, right? Like, like Piccolo raise, go hard. Right. And Goho and, and all this other.

Like Goku has flaws, right? He is not a perfect character. He doesn't mess up. You can even make this argument for everyone in drag ball Z, but Giada is super ignorant and let sell, got to his final form and then got his beat. Right. Cause he was so like arrogant, right? Uh, like it's like, like those fatal flaws still affect the charact.

And even though the outcome is, uh, is, um, normally, always the same where like, you know, Goku wins or whatever, but like a lot of that stuff is not even true. One a hundred percent of the time, right? Like one of the biggest arcs, um, in dragon ball Z I guess like one of the notorious one is, uh, the cell arc and the Victor of that was not Goku.

Right. It was his son who was kind of just pushed into the situation. Right. Like. That's where I think the key difference is Goku has like opens or flaws. He's not a perfect person. He's not smart for sure. He could barely drive a car. Right. Uh, but like he's still like him himself, right? His, his character of like, Hey, I'm gonna get stronger.

I love fighting. And I love food. Right. Um, just one thing I just wanted to say about the, uh, injustice thing, um, was just like, uh, Uh, I don't think like the, all the stories, like super cool, like I think like it kind of periods out for me, um, um, closer to the end or whatever. Um, I didn't even get all the way through it or whatever, but like, I think like the very beginning is super interesting because, um, I, I think like the action Superman does in, um, the first like first, uh, book or whatever is not.

Is an action made out of anger, right? Like he's just super angry. Right. Um, and it, it makes sense that like this character that, uh, Superman doesn't interact much with, um, joker, right. Um, who his whole thing is that he pushes people's buttons has did the right thing to push, um, um, Superman over the edge.

And that, that like cascades into him becoming like a, a villain. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: Cool. Yeah. And we'll probably talk more about that part, like when it gets into mind. Uh, cuz my idea really dives into that idea a little bit more, but yeah. You don't like Superman. I'm the exact opposite. I, I, 

Nobody Knows: I like super, I I'm just not a fan of Superman.

I don't hate the button or anything. I don't hate him or anything. You hate Superman. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: I'm a pretty big Superman fan. Uh, you know, my favorite versions are Smallville, like, um, all star Superman, even the red sun, I think stands out to me. I like the red sun, Superman Superman year one. Uh, I, I could probably go on and on.

I really like, I really like the, the character. I think he, um, is a really good, like, he's, he's a really good character for like, expressing, like I idealism. And he is kind of like, what, what you said, nobody, he's a character that always does the right thing. Even when he is really pushed toward. Not doing the right thing.

And he is generally ch I think he has one of the, we, we we've talked about this before. We said that Superman has the worst villains. Yeah. Generally speaking. Yeah. Or the most boring villains, like, but I think he also has probably one of the best, like best villains of all time, which to me is like Luther, which is this character who.

Very human. And he is the biggest threat to this man who is basically, uh, DC comics, equivalent of 

Nobody Knows: Jesus. Yeah. And, and well, well, Lex looser is also a humongous, uh, Dick 

Roscoes Wetsuit: and he's also probably, uh, Jeff Bezos. Yeah. You have his Kevin this character and like Luther, who is. This very like, and Randy and I can do things to myself, like humanity needs to improve and we can't improve as long as long as there is this, this person out there that like is perfect.

Like humanity will never be, will never want to improve. As long as we have this thing, this person that's able to solve our problems. And they have like this, that big sort of like fight between like, No I'm here. Like I represent the ideals that you can, that you can be me and Lex Luther is like, why would anyone want to be?

Or like, why would anyone try to be you when you exist? Why would anyone try to fight you when you could, when you could literally just drop a book of infinite pages on their heads, which is a, which is a canonical, a canonical thing that superbank could do, he could lift up a book of infinite page. 

Nobody Knows: Yep.

Yep. This person that has that much power has so many problems, 

Roscoes Wetsuit: man. And I, I just think it's so cool that, you know, the, the biggest villain, uh, to a man who. Basically omnipotent is, uh, just this tiny, tiny baldheaded, uh, little man with a, uh, ego. 

Nobody Knows: Well, well, you know, he's also, um, as a, a Denso Curry would say, um, this man has the, he has the power of money, you know how powerful that 

Roscoes Wetsuit: is, but I'm gonna spend most of my episode completely, uh, debunking Superman a as, uh, a complete opposite of what I just said.

I'm gonna spend the entire episode. Kind of ex uh, going off on my Superman kind of isn't that, um, idealistic it. Isn't that? Um, good of a character. 

Nobody Knows: Well, um, I guess I'll do something similar and like, I, I don't know. I feel like, I feel like at least mine, for sure. My pitch is gonna be very like, uh, away from the.

Deal Superman, which is, I think is fine. And, you know, I think that's like, this is why we're doing this. Right. It's, it's a fun little pitch. And then, you know, we get to expand ideas and, you know, uh, try to do better 

Roscoes Wetsuit: next time. Yeah. We'll see. We'll see how this first episode goes. Yeah. And we, we definitely, we, we picked something that, uh, I don't know.

We definitely, I think both have very strong 

Nobody Knows: opinions on like, do I have strong, do I hate Superman or do I, am I just super apathetic? . 

Roscoes Wetsuit: I've heard you say you 

Nobody Knows: specifically, you hate Superman oh, no, man. Like, I, I don't know. I just feel like he's just like such an and like a problem that is like, uh, let me take, if you're, if you just, if you put Superman on like any other side, except being like super good, he is basically WIS, right?

Like he's, he, there's nothing you can do to this person. And if you do something to this person, You, you still lose, right? Like, um, he just is he's, he's literally a God. Right? Like, and, um, he's up in the thing, that thing is like, he's a perfect God, too, right? Like, it's not like he has flaws that we, you can lean on and be like, this is why you should be afraid of this person.

Or this is why people don't like Silverman. Um, Everyone that dislikes Superman is, is kind of in the wrong, right. Um, cuz they, their, their reasonings doesn't justify it. And I don't, I don't know. It just seems so like, uh, like a weird character, but I, I get it. Um, I think like where you're saying earlier about like, Hey, you know, this dude NTSS ideals is like super, super true.

And I think that's what makes him interesting. But uh, It's just so boring sometimes. Uh, I think it just takes like, like, Just so much effort to make that not boring, but the 

Roscoes Wetsuit: S the S stands for hope. Nobody 

Nobody Knows: does it really cause someone, he, he cuz for someone that has literally the power that can move almost as fast as a flash super strength.

Can fly, can breathe out everywhere. How is there problems on earth? Right. And then you're gonna be like, oh, you know, he's, uh, he's just letting this happen and stuff like that. And that just goes into more stuff like, well, you know, what is the thing he's letting to happen? Right. Like, I don't know. It's just, it's just a weird concept to me.

It's just, it's just like, uh, it, let me take back. It's not a weird concept. It's just like, I feel like it's just like hard to write stories around this person. Um, That are interesting other than like, oh, you know, you know, what's, what's really, man, what's really crazy. There's a guy out there and he's that stronger Superman.

And you're like, really, oh, let's see him fight. And then they fight for two seconds and then man's like, alright, I have to, I have to body hope and I won't let you stop this stuff. Now I'm gonna actually stop playing around and put you super hard. And that I would. Yeah. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: And that's also a problem that we both generally have.

American comic books is that they, they have these really intense, really high overpowered power systems, but they don't apply them in any strategic way. Yeah. 

Nobody Knows: Yeah. I, I agree. It's like, it's very, I feel like it's very common, common in common books for like a lot of the villains to be more gimmicks than anything, right?

Like, um, like the power level of the superhero. I, I, I put, let me put this way. I feel it's very rare and like, uh, American comments, at least, um, like the mainstream ones to have a villain that is just flat out better than the main character. It's just like, Hey, this person just flat out better than you.

And if you wanna win or get, or, or beat this person, you're gonna either have to cheat or like do something super Inco conventional, or you're gonna have to get like way. . 

Roscoes Wetsuit: When was the last time you saw a training arc in a comic book? 

Nobody Knows: uh, that's a good question. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: well, like the only training arc I can think of is in Batman.

When is it happens initially is when, after his parents die and he goes into hiding and he spends the rest of like his childhood training. And a training arc. Yeah. And that's basically it. Yeah. Yeah. And he's the strongest charact. So, so what does that say for training arcs? 

Nobody Knows: you know, you know, if, if super bad, whether he train arc, a lot of people would be, uh, or a lot of problems would be solved.

Like I just kind of have this idea of like, everyone's just lazy and Batman just did a training arc and now he's, that's why he's just off the same level of these guys. Like everyone just does a trade. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: He just turns, he turns in like one punch man and his hair falls 

Nobody Knows: out. Um, yeah. But yeah, I just think, uh, I, I, but like, I know like, um, even though I'm like giving them that riff, but like, I think, uh, American comics, uh, explore like emotions a little bit better sometimes.

Um, but I, it, you know, it's depending on a comic and you know, like any type of medium, like this, that is. Um, art or whatever, you know, some comics are gonna hit way harder than others, um, to that specific person. Hmm. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: Okay. Well, you know, we, we spent a good amount of time talking about Superman, but are we ready to man?

I'm trying to 

Nobody Knows: delay this. Think of, not do this. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: I, I, 

Nobody Knows: I can go first. Um, yeah, you can go first, but Chicago. No, it's like, I, I don't even know if this is even a story. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: Yeah. Yeah. I, I mean, we should give, I think first we should, uh, we should probably give, uh, a title for our, for our show or a title for our or pitches.

I just realized I didn't give mine a, a pitch, a title plot. I just, I just realized I didn't give mine a title. Um, I'm going to call mine, um, uh, Superman. The, uh, , the sun also arises. Okay. And it'll be very, it'll be very obvious why I, I called it that in a, in a few minutes. Okay.

Well, what, what would you call yours? Oh, man. 

Nobody Knows: Uh, what would I call mine?

Roscoes Wetsuit: Uh, 

Nobody Knows: that's hard. I, I would probably call it. That God is. Um, oh, that's interesting. And it's gonna it, if it had to like, describe the, the, the, the cover or whatever, it's just like a.

Nobody Knows: that God is watching. Um, oh, that's interesting. And it's gonna it. If I had to like, describe the, the, the, the cover art or whatever, it's just like a, um, um, like a, like a, a kid in a group kind of talking and then like a shadow. And that shadow's like, uh, has an S symbol inside of it.

Roscoes Wetsuit: Okay, and this, this is the part of the show. Um, this is the part of the show where we, you know, we go into our pitches, we give sort of like a, a general idea we have for this. We talked about our problems, Superman, and this is our opportunity to either correct or, you know, branch off, uh, some of the ideas that we came, we came up with.

Yeah, well, our ideas may not be, you know, perfect. It may not be fully fleshed out. And then we'll just try to like, um, give feedback on each other's ideas and see if we can come to an ending or just, uh, see if there are any way things we could. We liked about it. Things we, we didn't, we thought could be more interesting.

Um, yeah. And hopefully we'll come out of it with a, a better idea in the end. Yeah. Yeah. You. 

Nobody Knows: We're all having fun. We're just having our fun time. Just making up stories and having 

Roscoes Wetsuit: fun. Don't at me. yeah.

all right. So my idea, uh, first is called Superman. Uh, the sun also rises and my, my thesis about this, and I've talked about this before I talked about this yesterday with you, is that I don't think that Superman. Could survive and got them. Mm-hmm I think that metropolis is it's. It's kind of Superman's handicap.

Like if metropolis doesn't force Superman to deal with any really hard, any hard hitting, uh, moral dilemmas or any conflicts like it is, it is in the name. It is this perfect ideal place where the society runs perfectly. And, um, there is no, there is no sort of corruption or that's the idea. There's no sort of corruption and, and the only enemies are.

Really likes Luther and like any sort of like, and just aliens from space that wanna disrupt, uh, their perfect little city. It's basically he he's in Krypton kind of, this is like his, it it's weird. Cuz you have this all powerful being that is stuck inside this city that is almost like. I don't know, I'm trying to think.

It's like he's in the world of like super monkey ball. And then outside of the world, a super monkey ball is like, uh, ninja Gaden and dark souls. Yeah. Cause if, if you go to Batman, like if you go to Gotham, like the world is like very, very different. You have like all these like really, uh, twisted, psychotic characters, like the joker and like characters have these.

Difficult moral dilemmas like Mr. Freeze or just, um, or characters that, that work on fear, like, like scarecrow. I don't even think that Superman, um, is faced with a character that is, is smart. That is smart enough and, and dark. I don't think he, um, Would be able to operate that well. Yeah. And, and, and within most of the villains in golf yeah.

Like the most, most of the villains 

Nobody Knows: in golf, um, um, I don't, it's a common thing that Batman has one of the best like rogue values of villains or whatever. Um, but yeah, most of his thing, like normy, like are very like, uh, exploitative, um, in nature. uh, like they normally exploit a certain thing or like the, the, the character itself has like some type of backstory that's like super interesting, like, or kind of moral in a way, like, like, like poison Ivy is example of this, uh, crazy psychopath.

Right. But she, her, her ideas of like keeping the environments is not like uncommon, like, uh, like a, it's not an uncommon feeling where like, you know, we are kind of destroying the earth. Right. And we should do better. To like, not do that. I'm not going to her extent where she's like, literally letting plants eat people and stuff like that.

But, you know, um, that like moral stance or whatever is, I think it's like super like somewhat relatable. I'm not saying people wanna be poison Ivy or whatever. Well, some people do wanna be poison Ivy, but you know, I'm trying to get at a lot of the characters have. A backstory that it's not just like, I'm evil, I'm from space and I'm evil and I'm here to, to take stuff.

Right. A lot of it's like, I literally died and became a zombie. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: Let me, yeah. You hear that perfectly. Like a lot of the characters are, are victims of, of their own society. Like Gotham itself is as much a character as like Batman and the villains in that world. Like most of these villains are a product. Of Gotham and its in its structure in a lot of ways you have penguin who is like a corrupt.

He is a, a corrupt like rich capitalist. You have Harvey dent, um, Harvey dent. Who's a, a, he is a product of a corrupt justice system. You have joker who is, who's a product of a poor, um, of like our society's poor. Um, Mental health practices back, especially back in the day, probably about the time it started.

Like that. Wasn't that about? Like the era of, um, like cycle wars? Um, 

Nobody Knows: yeah, I, I believe so. Well, like, you know, golf, um, like, you know, go asylum is supposed to be like for most of the comics, I understand it's like supposed to be like a psych ward. Um, and like, I don't jokers a little bit weird cuz like, you know, no one really knows his origin and it's really hard down, but like a lot of them do like rely effect like, like this dude.

Some type of problem before he even got into like, becoming 

Roscoes Wetsuit: super crazy. Nice. Yeah. Like either way, like, like, is he a part of you, you can't escape that part of it is like, uh, has to do with the failed institution. Like who knows is somebody maybe, maybe joker is just like tested to be evil. Maybe he was just, he's just born different.

But who's to say, if somebody found whoever like this character, the joker is like, as, as a younger, like, as a younger person and was able to get him through the right programs. Maybe he wouldn't have turned out that way. Yeah. Yeah. I think 

Nobody Knows: like, I think I said this before, 

Roscoes Wetsuit: I think, 

Nobody Knows: um, in our phone discussion before, but like, I think a lot of like, uh, Batman and, uh, um, uh, his stories and arcs in his villains deal with like some type of corruption, right?

Like corruption of morals, corruption of like the system, right? Like some type of like, Hey. These people's actions or like, um, this bad thing, um, that, that was kind of like, not right. Really had like ripples effect. And now I am this person now, um, you can make that argument from like Batman to all the way down to like, uh, like to his worst feelings, like, uh, like, like joker, right?

Like it's like, like you're saying again, like go Goum is a character. And Goam is like a very, very brutal, harsh place. That is also kind of super corrupt. Yeah. But you know, Batman doesn't live there, so

Roscoes Wetsuit: and so these are kind of two problems I'm trying to solve. Like one metropolis is super handicapped, um, or not super, is it? What is the, what is the word it's like, it's not handicapped. It's like an over, over not overpowered. It's metropolis is like, it's super, uh, like, um, um, 

Nobody Knows: I'm gonna, I try to say clean, um, like it's like super, uh, Paradi paradise.

Like all the, I feel like a lot of the crisis that happen at metropolis are very external, like literally aliens coming down and start to square up with, with super bad. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: yeah. Uh, yeah, like, yeah, one is, yeah. One is metropolis is I'll just say it's super. I don't know. Yeah. We'll, we'll make that into a word.

It's super para periodical, 

Nobody Knows: periodical Peral para para Peral. If, if there's anyone in the cots that knows a word that fits here, please put it in there. Put, put it somewhere so we can do 

Roscoes Wetsuit: it. Maybe that should be the title for the episodes. metropolis is super para parenthetical and my, my other problem is that Supermans villains suck.

So the way I, I kind of fix that is I was trying to like figure out the best way to fix, you know, Superman's problems and the like Superman Supermans villains and metropolis. Um, at the same time, I thought like, Hey, maybe I could bring a care, like a villain over from Gotham to like metropolis to sort of show how, you know, imperfect things are.

But I didn't wanna make, I didn't want that to be like a, a crossover sort of thing. Um, even though my, it did turn into a crossover, but I sort of re. Made some of the char I basically, this is what I did. I basically took the entire plot from dark net rises and I changed it to super fly for Superman.

Ain't nothing wrong with 

Nobody Knows: that 

Roscoes Wetsuit: because it kind of works better for Superman, like what I noticed. Um, and at least in my version of Superman, he is like not omnipresent. He is really strong and really fast. He has all those powers, but like, Can one can be outsmarted two. He can't be in the same place at once.

And three, he has like this really small town thinking like he he's from like this, this small town somewhere in Kansas. And he has like this idea that is very like he is pro the existing order, whatever the existing order is. He is for whether this is Superman, um, in America in metropolis, or this is like Superman red sun.

He is whatever society that he grows up in. He. For maintaining that society. Um, and he is willing to overlook things, um, and have this like idealistic view based on like, just the way that he is U he is typically raised in, in the version of Superman that he grows up in. Um, okay. So this, this is kind of the idea of like that starts out with, we have.

Superman. He's a little bit older. He's in his like early forties and metropolis is this like really shiny city. It's kind of known for being like, you know, this is, this is a paradise, but it has like this really poor, like work life balance. Like people put a lot to live in there. It's, it's like kind of like New York.

You have to put a lot of hours just to like survive. Um, you know, you have like gentrification going on, you have all these poor districts. Um, and there's a lot of, there's a lot of social of rest. Historically a metropolis that is kind of stand is kind of overlooked in a lot of ways. And by this time L Luther is gone, there is no, um, no one to really challenge metropolis other than outside threats.

And what happens, the reason why Lex Luther is gone is kind of the reason why this, this new character spots up. So it's, we're, we're kind of in the we're in the common era right now. This is like around like 20. Let's just say like anywhere between like 20, 15, 20, 19 or, or whatever. And like, we're seeing a lot of, like, we're hearing a lot of news about like political unrest in, in the city.

There's a lot, um, of talks about these sort of figures moving around. They're hearing voices underneath sewers and there's, there's a lot of, there seems to be a lot going on in the cities under. This is where we we're introduced to this character. His name's Allister Smith. How I have it is like, he's like this, this ex community activist turned domestic terrorist and he is really, really smart.

And he's, he's a community organizer he is able to, oh, okay. It's my need to cut this, this, I wanted to explain this other part. Um, one of the, one of the weaknesses, I think that Superman has is that, or one of the weaknesses, I think that Lex Luther had that made. Susceptible to losing against Superman is that he is only, it's usually only him.

He is only kind of for himself and he's not really willing to team up with people. I think that if you have multiple villains or like multiple people thinking, I think Superman's not that smart. And he could be taken advantage of because he is not that smart. I, if you can, if you were able to play the game, like a, a, a chess game and you're able to cooperate, I thinks the thing, the idea is about Superman is like, Humanity can aspire to be something greater is kind of tested more when you have more people working together to overthrow Superman.

Yeah. This, this, this version is basically like, um, I don't know. It's basically like these people, this small group of people attempting like DS side. Yeah. Well that is, 

Nobody Knows: that is very interesting, cuz like, I think that makes a lot of. Because, uh, from what I know about L Luther, at least like the comments I read in like the, the shows I've watched of L Luther, like that's like one of his main character, like, um, traits is like, he's a super narcissist, right?

Like one of the other reasons that like, he doesn't like Superman is that he feels like he's the best. And he feels like Superman is the only thing in the way of that. Like, that's the, he's the only living. That is like saying like why he's not like the most like special human in the world and that doesn't lead to like, you know, very, uh, team working, um, sensibilities.

It leads to him trying to boss 

Roscoes Wetsuit: everyone around. Yeah. Alice Smith, like he's this charact community C activist who becomes like disillusioned with society and metropolis. He starts taking, like becoming a community activist. Organizes a lot of people. And, um, this, this happens during the nineties. There is like this huge, there is this huge riot in 1999.

It it's just kind of known as the riot in 1999. That happens in like these poor, the, the poor, um, sections of, of metropolis, the, like the there's like, there's like a riot response to it. And there's like, uh, cops coming out and riot gear and stuff. Like they're, they're, they're telling the protesters, like, you know, to, to die down, Superman kind of becomes, comes invol involved.

He's like, Hey guys, um, I'm, I'm not for like the riots or whatever. You guys need to tone it down. The, the riots are like, Hey, no, you guys like metropolis has real problems that we, we to correct super beds. Like, I, I, I understand that, but we gotta do it the right way. We gotta organize. We gotta vote. And the riders are like, nah, We just, we got, we gotta throw these bottles at these buildings, bro, where 

Nobody Knows: bro.

Uh, I think these bro, these bottles are a lot more satisfying 

Roscoes Wetsuit: and super big kind of like kind of takes a stance, but he he's sort of mostly just watching and trying to like dissuade people. The, the cops get out their right gear and they have like this specific sort of, so, so I'll back up there. There is there's there is a deal with Lex Luther or LCO in the police where they LCO is providing.

Riot gear and, and, um, military grade weapons to, to the cops. And they, they fire this partic this kind of like toxic gas into the, into the crowd. Um, what they don't know is if this toxic gas is laced with a small amount of like kryptonite causes like a mutation in the rioters and they, they, they turn into like these aggressive.

Um, mutated like zombie, like things and they start, they, they start, they start, um, sorry. They start wrecking the city. Super. Bad's kind of put in this place where like, oh man, I really have to like deal with this problem. So he pretty much murders all the like infected riots. And this becomes like a really infamous event in the history of metropolis.

It is kind. But it's not, it's not played off like it's Superman's fault. The, the cops take over and they, they, you know, shift the blame onto, onto L core. They said like, oh, you know, Superman just did what he had to do to, to like, you know, save everyone the rest of the people of metropolis from these like riders.

And, you know, these riders are unfortunately victims to, um, but they kind of like try to like say it's like, you know, they're just misled. Um, This is all L Luther's fault. So they, they tick Lexi Luther and they lock him up. Yeah. Go be mad at that is like yo, but L is like, yo, I, I have, like, I did not know that they had kryptonite in here.

I didn't, I didn't put the cryp tonight in, in this, um, in, in those, those GA I didn't lace the gas with that with cryp tonight. That is absolutely nothing to do with me. Um, and he, he has, he has more to say, but he, in, in his like, press release before he's arrested, but. Quickly cut off. And the cops come in there, they arrest him and they lock him up.

So this is so, um, uh, Alice Smith is one of those people who was in this riot, but as a kid and he sees it happen, but he like manages to escape the gas before, you know, watching his parents and like the people that he care, like, uh, his friends and family like get annihilated by super bed. So he, he throw.

Creates this entire like secret ring of, um, of like organizers who are, who have plotted for years to take down, uh, Superman, uh, and they've managed to get themselves like this is years later, they managed to get a form of this, uh, sort of like kryptonite pathogen that they're able to like, put that they're able to like inhale or, um, inject that that pretty much makes them Superman proof.

It's not like necessarily like that it's enough to kill Superman, but like, because if they had enough to kill Superman, they would probably die themselves, but they have synthesized it to the amount where they can prevent Superman from having like, they can block most of his powers. Okay. Like they bring him down to like, instead of like, he's still like strong, but.

Way more susceptible to like be overpowered by groups. So ki they kind of turn into like, um, the, she blockers from, from a avatar. All 

Nobody Knows: right. Legend core. Okay, cool. So like, so I'm guessing, like, he's like, he's still, like, he probably like down the grades from like Luke king, like not Luke king, he ground, he downgrades to Stu he downgrades from Superman strong to like, uh, like maybe like, uh, like what's a low level 

Roscoes Wetsuit: superhero, like.

Like power, man. Yeah. Uh, I I'd say more like he, he becomes, he's almost like Batman. Okay. Boom. 

Nobody Knows: That's the big ner.

Roscoes Wetsuit: Well, Batman is still pretty strong. Yeah. Batman super strong, 

Nobody Knows: but Batman just knows how to fight yeah. Super. Man's just strong and that's how he wins. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: Yeah. But you know, they're able to overpower him and um, there's like, there's pretty much like a ch a whole chess game through the, through the story. I haven't like plotted out most of that, but how it ends up is.

Um, they are able to set up all these bombs throughout the city. They, they cut off all exit routes from like separating from metropolis to like any of the other, um, cities. And they, like, they de detonate the, yeah, they detonate the bridges. They like pretty much just overthrow the entire, um, institution.

They set up these like, um, courts. Try people that, that they believe are corrupted. Um, and kind of what I, what I took from, from, from dirt night rises, they, they managed to get a hold of, of, of a no. And they're like, Hey, yo, if you, if Superman tries to interfere in this, I don't care how fast he is like this.

Someone's gonna detonate this bomb and it's gonna blow up. And everyone in, in metropolis is going to. Superman gets like called to the, the justice league. And he's like, Hey dude, I, I know this is a tough situ, I know what this looks like, dude, but I promise I can solve this. How, how do you plan on solving this Clark Batman?

I'm just gonna fly down there really fast, and I'm gonna throw the new into space and, and, and Batman's like, I, I, I am, I know this character, I've done like a decent background about this guy. And he is like, it just looks super man, his dead, his eyes, he is way smarter than you. You will die. Like, like you will risk everyone's life.

If you try to interfere, uh, sorry. I'm I'm trying to, trying to pick up what, what I was gonna say. Oh, you know, that Superman and Backman go back and forth. He is like, he basically gets down to it. He's like Clark. Um, you like to think that you're invincible, but I, for sure, like will let you know that at any moment in the last 10 years of, uh, last like 20 years of us knowing each other, I could have killed you at any moment because you are, you are just.

You are like way too, um, proud of your strength or something like that. Um, and so the whole justice league votes, like, Hey Superman, you, we ban you from, from intervening. We will try to figure this out the right way, like using strategy and things like that. And like, you wonder woman's, you know, just usually like, like it's kind of on his side, but kind of not it super bad is just like, nah, you know, screw this, I'm leaving the justice league.

So. Ooh, that is interesting. Kind of gives up and gradually through throughout the story, it, it becomes more so he has, he's forced to question like his, his beliefs about like the institutions that he, that he grows up in. And he, he does, he does end up trying to stop the, the Nu, but he gets like jumped, like he, like, and, and he gets jumped into like a, a, a Batman, like Bain breaks your back sort of level their man.

They manage to overpower him. They, they pretty much send. To the jail where like Lex Luther is, they lock him up with Lex Luther in like this kryptonite cell that Lex Luther had already built for, for Superman. He was like, Hey, I know you sent me to jail, but I have this, this, I built this jail right here next to you for when you get locked up to, and I know it's gonna happen.

So he's, he's locked up with L Luther where he learns that like, yeah, I was, I was right, dude. I had nothing to do with this. Um, the, um, the. The kryptonite and the ride in 99, I got that gas compound from Wayne tech. Hm. Wayne tech gave me that, that, um, gave me all, uh, gave me that 

Nobody Knows: gas. Wayne tech. We dealing some good gas, bro.

Roscoes Wetsuit: Wayne tech gave me that gave me that good deal on that gas. 

Nobody Knows: When you, uh, when you, 

Roscoes Wetsuit: uh, uh, 

Nobody Knows: uh, talked about like, um, Superman getting jumped, I immediately thought the fight back meme 

Roscoes Wetsuit: yeah. That's, that's pretty much what it is. Yeah. It's like he, they gave me that con compound. Uh, they synthesized it for me. I just created the, the distribution.

I just created the guns to, to launch that the material. Super it's like, yo, why, why would he do that? Like, well, for starters, I don't know if you know this, but like Bruce Wade has been planning for a long time on how to take you down. Like a long time. I I've been kind of just keeping up tabs with it.

Just, you know, just in case I don't wanna use his ideas cuz you know, I'm like Luther and I like, I would, I, it wouldn't work for me to, to take someone else's ideas in order to kill you. I have to, I have to come up with this myself. Yeah man. I, but he's been working on this since day one. You 

Nobody Knows: know, I'm not saying Batman is smart, but he's pretty smart.

Roscoes Wetsuit: Yeah, super it's like, why would he do that? Like, like Luther looks, somebody he's like, like, why would he not, like, I always tell you this, like, you are the biggest threat to humanity. Like any, you are you're good right now because you live in like this, this, you live in metropolis and you and the cops and everyone have.

Have have tried to make the city appear, um, as this idealistic paradise to you. But the second you believe that you need to intervene in order to make people safe. You are now the threat, you are now the villain Clark. And so there's a whole thing where he like starts questioning them, like questioning his like, oh, morals and values or whatever.

And the end, like Superman LS have to work together to get out, get out of the. The prison and they end up deactivating the nukes. Um, and then that's pretty much the end. 

Nobody Knows: Uh, I guess my, um, my immediate initial question, like how, how involved was Bruce like, is, is, is, is this like leading into, like, if this had like, I'm guessing like this first run, would the second run be like, uh, this conflict between Batman and super.

Will it just be a justice. I'm just joking. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: I, I guess this is like reverse injustice, kind of like, um, I don't know, to the extent of that, I would make Batman involved. How, how I would've been, like, it was just like, Hey, this was kind of an accident. Like not like, like he did make these chemicals or whatever he did synthesize these chemicals.

Oh yeah. By the way, I forgot to say that, like this, that these chemicals also create static shock. This was the, the, the, the chemical thing was the big was the big thing. Yeah, well, 

Nobody Knows: yeah, which caught? No. As well, when, when you started talking about it, I was like, oh, I figure, I see we're referencing the, the new static shock.

I see. Which is, uh, if you, if you, if someone's listening to us, go watch the go read, go pick up, go buy, uh, the new static shock. It's really dope. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: Yeah. I just bought EO issue three the other day. It's pretty good. Oh, well, yeah, it's pretty 

Nobody Knows: dope. Um, I, we're gonna have another discussion about that. We're gonna have that, uh, manga comic book discussion soon in art styles.

Um, but sorry, uh, back to the point. Oh yeah. But yeah. That that, yeah. As soon as you, you started was like, oh, I see, I see you're referencing that. uh, um, but sorry, continue 

Roscoes Wetsuit: what you were saying. Yeah, I don't, I don't know if I'd like actually put Xanax shock in the, in the, in the show. I think it would complicate it too much, but I, I think there would be some sort of like confrontation about Batman, but it be certainly purely like ideological and it would just be about like, Hey, like I kind of.

Like, like where I, where I come from, our government is corrupt and our cops are corrupt and your cops are kind of no different. I was just doing what I could to like intervene in case this was an issue mm-hmm um, like the villain is still like, it's still gonna be like, um, the Allister, like character, but there is sort of like a.

I don't know. I think there might be, there would be kind of a fight, but I don't think, I can't imagine it would be too big of one or not. Maybe it 

Nobody Knows: could be like another thing of like, cuz we, we, when we were saying earlier is like, you know, a lot of Batman kind of deals with corruption and like, you know, um, like external, like a lot of Batman deals with like just the pressures of gossip and um, I think like a good pressure that you can just be like, it's like, you know, when people want deadlines, they're willing to really push people.

Um, in like very, like not right ways. So it could be easily to just be like L Corp was putting pressure on Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne, putting pressure on these scientists, like make this gas and, you know, corners got cut and then like, you know, people were paid off to look the other way, you know, when there was like no concerns, it's like, it's classically, like, you know, when like, uh, something like new, like, uh, like a new like deodorant or whatever comes.

And then you figure out like later on, like, it has all this bad stuff and, and like, it's kind of caused by like, uh, people just neglecting to do their job or looking the other way. Um, and this, I think that's what I think this would be like a very interesting thing to like, be like, Hey, bad. I was gonna say bad.

Hey, super man. Like this shit happens. Like, like there's no real way to like, stop this. The only way you could stop this is control everyone. And you're definitely not smart enough to do that. Right. right. And it's like, it. Hey, maybe I'm at fault for like putting pressures for people to like to do this thing.

But I didn't like condone them from like making this chemical dangerous or anything did this promise me a deadline. They couldn't do it. And then when I put pressure on them, they did everything they could to lie to make sure they like, uh, they, they made it. And that led into this like horrible accident 

Roscoes Wetsuit: part of the, I, the, the thing I wanted to go off of, like, and that would, I think towards the end would like be the main point of, and why I.

The Allister, um, character like so important is that kind of like the, the, um, Allister in his group are, they are the antagonist of Superman, but they are kind of the people that prove that Superman is right about people and humanity, they eventually end up like, do they are able to. To reach the level that Superman is precisely because they're, they work together.

They are the synthesis of L Luther and Superman's ideas. Oh, that's 

Nobody Knows: interest like, so they're like they're combinations of both their ideals. Um, mm-hmm just, just use against them. yeah. Oh man. Uh, I guess my utter like, uh, question I have, um, yeah, I think the, the story is super solid. In my opinion. I, I really like it.

I don't think there's much to, to like, I can't think of much that I would do different. Like, yeah. There's always like details that would need to be flushed out and all other stuff. But like, I, I, I genuinely like this idea. I think it's a really, I think this is actually an interesting, um, Superman. I, I would also be interested in like, kind of the back stories, like the utter key players, um, around his name's a star.

Yeah. Um, or like the other key pairs around ALA star. Like what paths did they take to. To like help Aller star out. Right. So like, since these guys I'm guessing, like these all guys have like were in the similar, um, like, uh, um, big bang moment or whatever, or they were like affected by it a lot. And I wonder like how they like changed their career to, uh, to like prepare for this moment.

So like maybe someone went really deep into like politics. Has like a force behind him. Like kind of like a, how, like, I don't wanna say like gotcha. Gotti or whatever, but like, you know how like, like they just had a group of people that were like, kind of willing to do anything for this person. Like, I I'll just be interesting on like, like for lack of a better term, our stars, like, uh, justice league, right?

Like these people, like what did they, what did they like? Um, invest their time in to make this like, lethal combination that is like terrible for Superman. If that 

Roscoes Wetsuit: makes sense. Yeah, Alastair's character. He is very much like a general. He is. He is Batman with no money. I, I think that's a, that's a good part about it is a good way to describe him.

He is Batman with no money, um, a cause and profoundly less violent, much like Lex Luther. He's not the type of character that would like try to openly fight somebody. And like, yo people would say like, oh, that makes you a coward, but he's, he's more like, I'm just smarter than you guys. Why would I, like, why would I, why would I use, 

Nobody Knows: why would I, why would I use my worst skill?

It also makes me the Victor . Yeah. Uh, uh, yeah. Oh yeah. So that kind of leads into the right question. I was gonna ask about, like you said, Batman, but, um, no thing, I was gonna ask him if he was trained or anything, or if he had any martial arts or anything like that. But like, I, I think I like that idea where he.

Kind of just a good organizer, like a good generator. Maybe he has some skills that are like more physically based, but it's not like his thing. His thing is like, I will make this, this reckoning happening happen. Um, and the only way you're gonna stop me is by, uh, you know, stopping me. And that pretty much kind of proves this point in a way, I guess, like 

Roscoes Wetsuit: I, I was thinking about making, um, making Alice come from.

A like boys and girls school sort of program that was like funded by Wayne 

Nobody Knows: tech. Oh, I, I love that. I think that deep is the connection more. I like it. I like it a lot. Yeah. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: It's like, like, like, you know, they, they, um, I, I imagine like Wayne would like teach one, the class that he would, he would encourage them to offer is like, he, like, he can kind of do martial arts.

Like, you know, he, he has taught. I know, I said he, he doesn't fight, but he still has like a, a fundamental understanding of like Wayne. Yeah. He has 

Nobody Knows: like, he still has like a knowledge of like applying violence and like, uh, 

Roscoes Wetsuit: yeah. And stuff like that. We have, it's like a conversation that we have a lot, like yeah.


Nobody Knows: he, he, yeah. He understands violence enough where it's like, he knows like, you know, it's dangerous for both, both sides. And like, you know, there's very. There's very specific ways you can apply it. Um, and like, if you're gonna apply it, there's every time you apply violence, there's a risk associated with it.

Um, and like understanding of that makes them a little bit more dangerous than an average person, in my opinion. Um, cuz you you're, you're not, uh, it's, it's less emotional and more calculated. Um, But I just think it like, uh, I kind of think these, uh, this actually works into bated too, cuz like you could actually just be like, you know, Batman was doing this, these, these boys and girls clubs and stuff like that, but it was also like a, another secret way for him to find more Robins.

Whoa, yo, that would be really interesting. Yeah. Like this, this is like, this is like, uh, these, these systems is kind of the way he really found like, uh, Dick Grayson and all those other guys, um, like a lot of the Robins had at some point has landed into these like boys and girls clubs. And they're not just like, yes, they teach these kids skills, but it's way more of an AP aptitude test.

Um, for like, for Batman to find people that are like very. Multiple and like, um, can like fit his ideals and shit like that. It, it, what if, like, if like Batman beyond was like planned out kind of, if that made sense. Yeah. I'd 

Roscoes Wetsuit: make a cannon also that he, that, um, Allister once fought and beat Jason Todd before he was like, Robb.

That is awesome. That Jason Todd was also more of those programs. 

Nobody Knows: Yes. I wanna see like, 

Roscoes Wetsuit: All right. So he does turn, he eventually definitely does turn it. Like not only be a combination of like Lexi, Lex and Superman, but also. The, the thing that corrupts him is, is a kind of Batman's, uh, philosophies , 

Nobody Knows: which is like that kind of, kind of sums a Batman

you just like, like everything's cool. Cuz I'm doing it. Breaking people's legs. It's only cool. Cause I'm doing it.

Oh man. That's that's a good one. Um, I will attempt to follow that up with my pitch. Um, I'm I'm 

Roscoes Wetsuit: interested. What was it 

Nobody Knows: called again? Let me see if I remember name. I was like, um, the, I think it's called the, when the gods are watching or the gods are watching when the God is watching. I think that's what I named it or whatever.

Um, but yeah, so like the concept of this pitch is. Kind of simple and stuff like that. And this, this whole comic is just a one shot. I don't think this has like legs to be, uh, super, super long. Um, I think it's just like a one shot would be like, get its meshes across. Um, kind of, and like the idea I want to like, kind of like, think about it or talk about is like, uh, what do you do if.

Superman harasses you. Right? Cause like, um, pretty much I, I was like putting it in this perspective. Like, um, if you've ever been like, um, watching any videos of like, you know, um, cops like pulling you over or whatever, or like abusing their powers or whatever, um, in the, the micro, right? Like in the moment you could say whatever you want, you can bring up any law you want, but effectively you are powerless, right?

You are powerless to this person that is either going to. Do the right thing or not, or apply the role, the law the right way or not. Right. Um, and them applying the right the wall correctly or not can like really affect your life. Right. Um, and you're kind of at that person's mercy and it's got, it's kind of super scary and it's kind of like always a thing that at least I have a back back in my mind, he is like, you can, you can point out logs and stuff like that.

But if like you have someone that's just unreasonable, um, that doesn't really matter, right. Um, but like the, the, the backside of that is that just re. Repercussions with that, right? Like, you know, if someone did something extremely fucked up or like, um, pulled you over and like stop and frisk, you, like, if you have it recorded, if you have it documented, um, you can get it out to the inf to the, uh, to the, to the media, to information.

And then people can, like, that person can get his due justice. Right. They can, we can find him, we can charge 'em we can make sure this stuff happens and we can make the system better. Right. Like, You can slowly weed out these people and slowly like, uh, make a more, like a stronger system that people can trust.

Right. Cause like, you know, um, if that happens, people don't trust the system. Right. But what if that happens with Superman, right? Like, no one's gonna be able to stop 'em right. No, one's going to, uh, to like, what law would you, if, if, if, if Superman told you to show, you told you to show your ID, um, would you be like, Hey, that's not legal.

and then like, who's like, like, would he ever get any repercussions for like, like, uh, trampling over your rights or whatever? Um, that is 

Roscoes Wetsuit: super interesting. Real quick. I just wanna say what you said, like, what do you ask? So what if Superman harassing you? I, I imagine like Superman, like cat calling women or something.

I was like, is this, is this where he's going? 

Nobody Knows: If I, is this where this is? I think that's a super interesting thing too. Like, uh, but that's a that's I don't think I have the. The, the intelligence for that story, if that makes sense. I, I think someone else can, um, probably make a story better along those lines, but yeah.

So, yeah, that's um, the idea of it. So like this, this is that's a one shot and this story focused on this kid named Warren price, right. Or wary price, sorry, wordy price. Um, he's this like, um, black kid who is like 16, um, and he lives in this place called, uh, let me, let me see if I can find the name. He lives in this place called rule point.

Um, and rule point is this like kind of city that is like halfway between metropolis and golf, right? And like, if you had to like make a distance, like, uh, rule point is like 45 minutes away from metropolis and like 30 min minutes away from golfer. It's a really weird place. Um, it is like more associated with like, uh, golfs, like a CD side.

Right? Like when you think of like rule place, you think of more like, oh, you're getting into golf. Um, like, you know, you're probably going to those zones that you're probably need to know someone there, or you probably don't want to go or whatever. Um, but like, this is kind of where real put it's like, like it's not like a super great place, but it's not terrible.

There's like regular businesses and regular people there too, but there's also. More of a, a poor side. Like, uh, if you would have to think about it, like if you think of rule point, it would be connected to the poor side of Goum. And then on the other side of the poor side of Goum, that's like the side of go that is like more rich, more city.

Like, if that makes sense. Um, it's like the city right next to that poor side. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: I just think of, um, that song. Welcome to Cleveland. You seen that, it's just like, this is like the Cleveland of like metropolis and Gotham where they're like their ad song would be like, at least we're not Detroit. Yeah. But it would be I'm I'm gonna put that.

I'm gonna put that in there, but instead of like Detroit, it's just like, at least we're not Gotham. Yeah. 

Nobody Knows: Yeah. And yeah, it's, it's very much. And like, even like the city is kind of built out where it's like, it was like this, this place that was trying to. Um, metropolis, but fail. It was like, it was like golf.

This, the rule point was like trying to be metropolis, but fail. So there's like a lot of infrastructure that is not that great or doesn't work at. All. Right. So, um, some of the infrastructure like are just straight up abandoned. So like, there's like railroads, there's like, um, there's subways. There's like buildings that are even like completely abandoned because people just kind of gave up on it.

It's it's a very, like, this is kind of a city, but there's some bad heart. There's some, there's some land that can't be sold because of like, you know, there's just, it's just condemned. It takes too money to fix. So it's a very weird place. But the other thing about this place is, um, this is places also kind of known as a way, a place where villains, um, through a lot of like recruitment.

So like, um, a lot of the young kids or here or whatever, or like a lot of the older generations, um, there's like these recruiters from like, um, different type of gangs that are like, from these bigger vans, like the jokers, like, um, like, um, from, for poison Ivy, for like penguin that come to this, these, like these outer cities and just talk to young people and, and like promise some stuff, um, and of the way this works and why it works so well is because.

A lot of the things that they're offering are pretty amazing, right? Like they, they're very, like cult-like in a, in a way where it's like, they offer like, Hey, you know, did your friend just die? Um, join, join. we, we we'll give you the power mortality or like, Hey, you can, you can help research with Dr. Free help, freeze, find research to bring back his wife.

And if he brings back his wife who will make sure you can bring back someone else. Right. So they're, they. So they're like, they're like army recruiters kind of, yeah. They're, they're very like persuasive. They're not like, this is like, did all on the download, but like a lot of the things they promise are like, they, I, I think the way I phrased it was like, these recruiters are very like, um, we, we find the right people at the right time and them the right ideals.

Right. And this is like a, I don't know, I don't know if I'm gonna make another person. That's like, kind of like the, the main guy that like runs this organization for, for villains, where. Hey, if you need recruitment, if you need people, if you need bodies, we'll get 'em for you or whatever. But like, um, there's this group of people that do that, that like are paid a lot of money to get.

Hedges for these villains organizations or these, these, uh, gangs and stuff like that. Um, and a lot of times it's like, Hey, you know, um, Dr. Freeze is working on this thing to bring back some people from the dead I can get to roar go gives you like immorality. Um, Bain gives you, um, a offshoot of his venom.

Um, and that leads into another thing where, um, Bain has like, like three different venoms. Like one is like the one that he uses for his strength. One is like a pretty much a drug that's like. That dilates time. Like, it's a, it's like a dilating time drug that like it's like on the streets and it's like starting to become a problem.

Um, and the other one is like, like a, like a, like a, like a smaller version or a smaller dose of his type of, um, his things. And it's like, it's very common thing for like, Hey, if you join this gang, you get some of this. You, you are, you, uh, you are, uh, you have this abilities and this power and this, um, or, or something like that.

So they always, their normally offers like some type of. bridges powers or like, uh, some type of protection. Right. And like a lot of people kind of take into this part. So this, this like rule point is a very interesting space where there's like a lot of like activity in it, but like, none of it is like, I'm illegal yet.

Right? It's all just like, like getting people bodies together so you can go do like bad things. So this is the other reason why it's not known as like a great place, cuz like those it's those guys there. Another thing that these these guys say is a lot. Superheroes don't care about you, right? Like, so even if you get caught, like, you'll be fine, right.

They're not gonna kill you. They're just gonna maybe lock you up. If you just want run fast enough, they, they probably don't even know you would exist. Right. They're all too focused on like the, um, the main bad guy or whatever. So it's like, Hey, slow risk for you. Just jump on. You'll make money, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

Right. . Um, so that's the, another thing that happens in rural port. So that's kind of like the setting of where, of like Woody's life or whatever. And one only thing I mind mentioned before we get into, like, the one shot is, uh, in this world, super heroes are strong, like super strong, like the people that are willing to go against them are kind of.

Crazy. Like the idea of like fighting Superman is like the same idea of like, I'm gonna punch a Nu. Right. Um, the idea of even like doing that is just kind of like out there. Um, so. Joker, uh, um, like, uh, all these people that go against against Superman feels very, very dangerous, right? Like, um, these, these, these superheroes feel like they never get hurt.

They feel very much like God's, um, in, in a very real way. And they have followings like that. Right? Like a lot of people are just fans of Superman, but a lot of people are also zealots of Superman. Um, and you, you get, you're kind of see ever since superheroes and like villas has popping. Um, this is like true for not just superheroes, but for villas as well, where it.

You get these kind of zealots for a villain or superhero or whatever. It's, it's like Ile culture for, for, for superheroes and villains. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: I was just about to say that like, so I was, I about to say between, between a fight between between Batman stands and, um, BTS stands, who'd win. Hey man, I, 

Nobody Knows: I don't even need to think about that twice.

Those BTS spreads scare me. So I'm gonna go with that one.

um, but yeah, so that's the setting, right? So all this starts off, um, um, Warren is just doing his regular routine. He's he catch his like 45 minute bus to metropolis, you know, doing his, like his, his, uh, his, uh, his trans, like his crossovers, going to other buses, going to metros, getting to his job and little does where I do worthy.

Sorry, I keep messing up his name. It's name's wording or worthy. Whichever one, I feel like at the time, this is probably gonna be one of the worst days of his life. yeah. Uh, So he pretty much goes to work. Um, like many other people that from rule point and from golfing or from that area, whatever, they either normally bus down to metropoli city work there, get some cash come back home, or they, uh, go into the middle of like the other side, the other side, like the good side of, uh, of golf city work over there.

Um, get the money, come back, you know, same say, but maybe like a 45 minute commute at max when like there's good traffic or whatever. Right. So he's doing his baby routine. He's, he's having a tough day at work. Thing's fine. And then he, like, he's finishing up his day. He got a, he had like the early day off.

So he he's, he's done by 12 or whatever. And he, uh, gets on his bus and, you know, just like, listen to music. What would he be listening to? Probably some child just Gato. He's listening to child's getto, uh, he's listening to outside and just, uh, relaxing or whatever. And suddenly the bus like stops. And he is like, you know, that happens, you know, traffic or whatever, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

And then there was like a, a big, really big rise of like, oh my gosh. And like, people was like hanging out the cameras and like acting all crazy and stuff like that. And there was like a, hear a guy in the backwards, says, I love you, man. Um, and all this other stuff. And like, Woody's like, oh, it's probably like, you know, one of the superheroes like flying over, you know, this is kind of a common occurrence of like, you know, um, people getting really excited when you're seeing the Superman, like seeing Superman or seeing like any type of hero.

So he's like just on his phone and. He noticed, like the sound kind of gets really silent and loud and like, he's like what the fuck's going on. And he takes off his headphones and looks to the side of him and right next to him is Superman. And he's like, holy right. And you know, for, for like someone like, like Wardy, it's really weird.

Like he. He's not a big fan of Superman. Like he doesn't really care about him. He's just, you know, just trying to stay out of his way, trying to like, just live his life and do his thing or whatever. Right. And like the first thing with Superman was like, hello, like, hello young sir, or whatever. Hey, I need to talk to you.

Um, I need you to step off the box and we need to have a conversation. And wordy was like, uh, this is like the only bus. Can this, is this like a, like, what is this? Like, can I stay on the bus with people like that? Uh, uh, and where super's pretty adamant of being like, Hey, you need to come off this bus now.

And, and like, and he, he puts out like those, like, you know, when people like put out a vague thinging, he's like, Hey, you need to listen to me. Right. You need to listen to me and you need to come off a bus. And like, at first. The crowd that was, there was like very, like just enamored with man. And now they're kind of getting annoyed with, uh, with, uh, with things with just being like, not just listening to him, it's like, oh, just listen to him.

Stop, stop. Think you need to get off the bus. Did you do something wrong? Is he a criminal Superman or whatever? If you don't have to, if you have 

Roscoes Wetsuit: nothing to worry about, just get off the 

Nobody Knows: bus. Yeah. It was like, and it was like, fuck, bro. So he's like, uh, he's like very nervous. Um, like I'm glad what you were saying, cuz that's what suit makes us he's.

Hey, man, I can see heartbeats. And it's obviously that you're hiding something from me cuz of the way you're acting. Right. And, and like, like, like, uh, uh, uh, it, it like, uh, in word's hand he's like, yeah, no strong, cause you're super bad. Right? Like I don't wanna be next to you. Right? Like, like I, I hate this like, like I'm super nervous already.

Like I, I don't like any of this and he's like, I know you're hiding something, come off the bus. We need to talk about it. So pretty much he, he gives. He come off his bus and he's like outside with Superman, he's like, we're gonna go to a place that's like more, uh, private. So, you know, he just picks him up by the collar and just flies off.

Like he just flies to like one of like the, one of the higher buildings and stuff like that to like get away from the people that are watching this like interaction. Right. And where do he is? Like just findings out, you know, just figures out. He learns that he is, uh, terrified of height. It just starts freaking the fuck out and all this other, and he gets on a building and he's having this conversation with Superman, but pretty much where the soup, this conversation is.

It's like, Superman's like, Hey, I know, you know, what's going on. I need you to tell me what's going on. Just like life are at stake. And I know you're hiding something. I don't know exactly what you're hiding, but I know you're hiding something. And it's just like this kind of long drawn out conversation about like, saying like, I don't know.

I don't know what your thing. I don't have anything to hide, like, and like, Like Superman asks him, like, who are you? Like, what is your, uh, like where do you live and all this other stuff. And like, where he's kind of like, kind of resistant, but like, Superman's like, oh, that's fine. He just like, takes a picture of him.

And he sends it somewhere and he is like, so you're you're price worthy. Right. Um, and he like, has all this information about him. Right. And he was like, he's like, well, like he, um, Superman gets like a, like a, like a call when he is doing this thing. It's getting kind of a little bit more heated. Superman gets like his call and, um, where he practice kind of like trying to like trying to be nice to like, not upset this person, like he's trying to comply, but he doesn't know exactly how to like comply in the right way to get out of him.

And he doesn't wanna lie. Cuz like every time he, he says like a blatant lie, Superman just calls him out on it. So he's like, he. Well, maybe it was like Joe from like the, the, the store that I'd worked at. And he was like, Joe, I know it's not Joe, what you call it. He lives in this side of thing. You're obviously lying doing, this is why we're having this whole conversation, all this other stuff.

Right. Um, but Superman gets call. He says, all right, I'm gonna be back. I'm gonna be watching you. Don't don't don't forget what I said. So he, he pulls him off, the building, drops him down and he flies away. So wordy is shook. Right, man. I don't know what to do. Right. And he is like, I don't know any figures is talking about or whatever.

So he's. I'm just glad this is over and I'm sure this won't, this won't continue, continue to work to like, to, uh, to bother my life or whatever. Right. He gets a tabs, he pays extra money. He makes it back home. And like, as soon as he gets back into like rural city, the taxi driver just immediately stops. And he is like, why are you stopping for like, like, you know, like still like a two, three miles away from my house.

And I had to guess who's there. It's super bad. And, um, he like, he's like, Hey, the taxi tells the taxi guy. He's like, Hey, you gotta let this guy out. He's a, he's a person of interest , uh, or whatever, Superman pretty much like, um, makes up where to get out the car or whatever. And we're having this like, This conversation again.

And, uh, pretty much, this is more of like just a walking conversation and Superman is like, ask him stuff and ask him why he's being so hesitant. Why doesn't he trust us? Like I am, I am the man of hope. I am the man of, um, truth and justice. Like, you should just bear your soul to me. Like, I am going to like protect you and everyone else.

And like, where he kind of gives 'em gives them like a pushback when he says like, Hey. like you don't ever step out my travel list. Um, this is probably the first time you've ever been to rural city. Like you real point, right? Like you, you don't know anything about me, you don't know anything a thing. And he's like, no, I do know all this stuff.

Like I know you, you will to school here. I know your, um, thought blah, blah, about this and all that. And just keep walking. Right. What Superman's plan is, is to like get to his house and pretty much. Tell his parents that, uh, like, you know, he's involved in this crazy thing and he's lying and he's hoping like his parents can help him.

Um, um, like, uh, um, get the kid to tell him what he wants. Cause he knows he's like 16 and underage and he all this other stuff. Right. And pretty much they walk about like three miles and they get to a bench and they sit down and like Superman, like a little bit confused or whatever. And he's like, you know, your house is like, like just over there, there's a block over there or whatever.

And like, why aren't you going home? Like, aren't you, are you scared of like, you know, the consequences or whatever of your actions or whatever, and like again, um, where these possessions in and he's like, bro, I'm, I'm what you call a, uh, involuntary nomad. Um, and like, uh, pretty much he's trying to say is like, yo, he's homeless.

Right. He's pretty much effectively homeless. Um, cause like that home, that home that, uh, Superman has on record is condemned. The way price has been, like living is pretty much, um, living with friends and family some days and like just like switching out between houses and stuff like that. So like the people in the community know him and they take him in sometimes, but like sometimes.

He doesn't have a place to stay and he, you know, lives outside. He's he's effectively homeless pretty much, but he's, he still has like enough connections to like, get him food, keep him relatively, uh, like active in like school and like going to work or whatever, and solely like building himself up. Um, so he can like go to like somebody's situation.

Right. So this kind of comes to a surprise at Superman, cuz like, you know, like you were saying like earlier with you're a ridiculous Superman, like Superman doesn't have to deal with these. Moral gray areas, right? Like, um, this kid is not gonna listen to him. He, he's not telling him the information he wants and he has no one else to like appeal to or whatever.

And like, super, this is like the first time Superman actually has to like micro really deal with someone that is in like a bad spot and has no reason to trust Superman at all. Right. And his city people trust him all the time. Now he's at rule point, like no one does and all the, while all this is happening or he's like saying like, why is Heman follow me in my city, especially with all the people around here.

Right? So like, like I said earlier, this town is kind of known for like villain recruitment, kind of, um, this might not be apparent to, to Superman or whatever, but. People are like saying like, why is wordy with Superman? And this is kind of conserving, right? Um, cuz like, you know, wordy lives there and Superman doesn't and I, and wordy knows as soon as like Superman's gone, there's gonna be a ton of people coming up to him and ask him a lot of questions and some of the questions he doesn't even want to be involved with.

Right. Um, so pretty much this whole thing happens and Superman kind of like loses it a little. He just pretty much just straights up, threatens the kid and be like, um, he flies him up super high and says like, Hey, um, blinds are at stake. Um, you need to, you need to tell me what's going on. And like, like again, wordy is like saying like anything and everything just to like get out the situation.

And he just, and the two men like drops him. And like, this is like, you know, like very like close to the, um, um, like higher atmosphere, right? Like this, like he's just falling like, like hundreds and hundreds of feet. Right. And he's freaking out or whatever. Like in the classic Superman way, he, he like stops him.

Like he stops him like a foot off the ground. And like this, uh, forever is gonna be burned into like a wordy mind of like this internet, like, like where he, he almost pretty much died for, for no reason. Cuz he still doesn't know what Superman's talking about at the end of the day, Superman kind of says like, all right, you're obviously not gonna tell me I'm gonna keep an eye of you, blah, blah, blah, blah.

He fights off. Right? So after today, you know, this is all very traumatic for, uh, worthy. He, he, he, he's just like kind in his head. He's kind of freaking the fuck out. He's under he's like, why does Superman think I'm involved in any of this? I just go to work and go home, or I go to work and then go back to my bench, uh, or whatever.

And he pretty much like talks to one of his friends about it. And one of her friends pretty much like, uh, let him BU a place to state for like the night or whatever. and like, at this point, um, throughout this comic, this, this, this, uh, this comic has been keeping track of like the time of day or whatever.

And like right before, like at, at 1130, uh Wardy is like asleep. He's like sleeping on the couch or whatever. And then suddenly the lights come on and like, um, his friend froze his bag at him. He's like, yo, you gotta go, you gotta bounce. And he was like, yo bro, what's what's going on? Like, we've been friends for a while.

Like, why is this happening? Like, you know, I'm no trouble. I just, I just, you know, I just do my stuff. I'm just trying to like, you know, Find a place to stay, blah, blah, blah, blah. And he's like, have you seen the dudes by bad? Have you seen what people are saying about you or whatever? And he is like, bro, what are you talking about?

You're acting funny or whatever. Um, blah, blah, blah, blah. And he is like, oh, just watch this stuff. And he brings up this video and like, and then, um, like right before this moment, it's like, this is the moment that, that word he figured out that this is the worst day of his life. And um, in this video. Yeah.

So in, in this video it's like, Superman is like, IPO Mim. And he's like, it's doing the speech or pretty much to Metro, Metro tribal city. And pretty much what has been going on is like, there is this new, um, um, bullet that just kills superheroes just straight up Merks them. Right. Um, it, it is super effective.

It has pretty much killed a wonder woman and has killed like, um, like three low level, uh, superheroes, just straight up. Right. It's it's like super people don't know very much about it. and it's like this, like this whole like, um, McGuffin thing that like Batman doesn't know anything about it. Superman doesn't know anything about it, that it always exists.

And I know it's being produced and they've, they recently confiscated like crates full of this, like this, this new am ignition that can really like mess up superheroes in rural city. And they, they, they found like another, another pack. and now like, um, um, this is like a, a very big thing. And Superman says like, Hey, um, I need to, to, I need to work with law enforcement and everyone else to, uh, make sure the city stays safe, not just for heroes, but for you guys too.

So I need you guys to, to point out any suspicious piece people to me, we already have someone on our list and I'm working with law enforcement to. Have him have him detain and like force him to tell him information, cuz we know that he knows the information and he is responsible. He's at least partly responsible for the deaths of these superheroes, these love superheroes and the injury of of wonder woman.

Right. And. And like, like they, they have this whole convers sense. Like, and ward he's like, like, like, whoa, like, what is this talking about? He's like, and then some like interview came up, the interview came up, I'll make the interview. I'll name the interview. It was, it was long Laly comes up. It's like, who's this suspect?

Like, who's this person. So we can like find him and stop him. He's like, we're gonna detain him soon. And his name is Warren price. And for, and then like one moment you just see Warren price drop his phone. Kind of like just slump pick up his bag and then start running . So like that is just general the idea, just saying like, um, the idea is just like, what if Superman was just super convinced that you were the, you were the guy and, um, like there's no real.

Billy deed to like that. I don't think, uh, grabbed all the stuff I want to, but I, I do think this would be a caught kind of an interesting one shot, but I think like it might need some better writing. One of the thing that has made it very clear to me, it might my hunts, right. Writing any type of Superman, um, comic book or whatever is super hard.

Superman's a hard character to write for. But I think this is like an interesting perspective that doesn't like really focus on Superman. It's kind of focused on. The power Superman has, is kind of unbelievable. And anyone goes against his power. It's like, you're so fucked in like so many ways before even him like fighting you.

Right? Like, like he has people on his side. He has pretty much the whole police department, definitely in Metro city on his side. Right. And anyone that like goes against it, it's almost 100% wrong. Um, com like publicly to everyone else.

Yeah. Yeah. That's my pitch. Wow. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: Wow. Wow, man. That was really good. That was really, really good. Uh I'm like, I, I feel like you're, you're, you're like you're playing when you're like, oh man, that's not fully it wasn't, it's not that fully developed like that, that thing was, that was a comic story in pitch right there.

That way you just did was like some straight comic story in did not pause. Did not like question yourself at all. Just went through the whole did like you went from, from 

Nobody Knows: plot. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: Fully fleshed through the whole, every sort of beat on there. Like that was, that was perfect. What, what are you, what are you even talking 

Nobody Knows: about?

well, I was, I was scared halfway. I was like that make sense, whatever. I'm just gonna keep going. I'm just gonna keep talking and hopefully make sense. Uh, that made perfect sense, but yeah, so like, I think, I think that is like a, a very interesting thing where, um, and I think like that, I think that's the very, the, the story or the one shot.

I would be interested for someone to write or, or animate or whatever, where it's like, like, you know, There's no power hired in Superman. So like his, his judgment, um, um, can like really destroy people's life. And like, you know, there's, you could see that in, um, like a microcosm, a lot of places just like looking at like police arrests and like, um, pullovers and stuff like that, where like, you know, people abuse their power, especially when they think they're 

Roscoes Wetsuit: right.

I think it could be a whole series. I, I, I think, I think if it's a miniseries, it has to be like, at least. Six chapters long. Do you, do you think so maybe, maybe 10. I think it, yeah. 

Nobody Knows: I, what do you think? Like, what do you like? My thing is like, what do you think comes after like this? Like, do you, like, I don't know where, where to go after this?

Pretty much like, after like worthy is like kind of conflicted with like I'm against Superman and in the police department. Uh, I don't, I didn't see his life getting fucked to pretty punched 

Roscoes Wetsuit: well, at first I think the, the hardest part, which is, I, I don't know if you were thinking about. How does a normal person deal with having Superman and possibly all, all the other remaining villains of the justice league coming after them.

How does he deal with having all that against him? Um, and that would definitely be a difficult thing. I, I can see why you ended it, where he ended it. I think ending it, there is, is perfect as well. Um, I, what you could also do, like what I thought. What I kind of wanted to happen is like right. Where they foul that out.

Like Batman comes and swing through the house and like breaks the glass. It's just like, just like, where are they? 

Nobody Knows: That is actually really good. That's actually probably a little bit better of an ending. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: But I think what, like what, what should happen is like, whoever is like charge of making this bullet thing is also at the same time also like hunting down these villains at the SA or these superheroes at the same time.

So you end up in a lot of these like McGuffin moments where like, like in this case, like Batman is just like, basically like torture the informa, whatever he's trying to get out of, out of. Um, is the dude's name worthy? Is it worthy or is it Morey? 

Nobody Knows: Um, I think it's worthy. Um, I'm going with worthy. We're gotta go with that.

Even though I've been worthy, I messed up a whole bunch of. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: No. I think he said worthy, uh, is he's like, he's like, you know, about to like really dig in unworthy and then just like all his ears, he just slopes over and there's like a bullet through his head, all ears likek. He just falls down and they're like, yo was that one of those magic bullets?

And they, like, they look through, there's like a, a person who picks it up and they find out later, like what the, um, with the, um, like the medical auto autopsy comes through as like, no, this is a regular 

Nobody Knows: bullet. Yeah. It's just a regular bullet. Like, like, yeah. And, and like, I guess like if it, if it did get involved, I would really like, uh, probably lead into like the, uh, like if, if there is a bullet that can like kill superheroes, I would lead into like, there's so many villains that are perfect to assassinate, like pretty much all superheroes or villains or whatever.

So I think like if, if this did continue, I figure you have to bring in like death stroke. Um, like as a person that's like one of these people that is, are knocking out villains or whatever, and maybe there's like, Maybe like, um, red hood is like doing the opposite to villains, um, where he's getting this ammunition to when he's using it to take out like really strong villains as 

Roscoes Wetsuit: well.

Yeah. It could be like, who, who is it? Do we know if it, is it dead shot? Is it death stroke? Is it, um, I'm is it 

Nobody Knows: like it's blood it's black from shot from, from the right team Titans? For, for who? From the right team Titans. The only one that's correct. You said VLAN VLA from the right, right team Titan. I don't remember that.

OneLA um, they did call him flatters death struck. I'm pretty sure they call 'em VLA and, um, teen Titans. Oh, you're talking about, you're talking about SL oh, SL yeah, I fucked that one. Yeah. Yeah. SL big back slate or is it 

Roscoes Wetsuit: yeah, like they don't know if it's that, those characters, if it's like the, um, I, what's the name of interest elbow's character in, in suicide squad.

Uh, uh, back. Let me look it up real quick. Was it like blood sport? Yeah, I think it's blood sport. Is it. I don't know if it it's not the dude, is it like sports master with a gun? Is it, it could be like so many other, so many different people. Is it, is it green arrow? 

Nobody Knows: Yeah. Could it be green arrow or like, like yeah.

Or, or arsenal. Yeah. And I think that's what makes it very interesting where it's like, um, if you did compete to do it, it's just like, Hey, you know, superheroes finally feel like as much danger, um, about like getting involved in situations or just showing their face as like, I guess regular people. Pretty immediately.

Roscoes Wetsuit: Yeah. And you could go in the way, like how you're going, where it's still very like low level, low violence, or you could, like, if you wanted to ran ratchet up the tension, you could be like, if, if in those situations where like, were they, is there when like these, these, these heroes are getting knocked off while they're looking for 'em like just it, he becomes more and more at blame.

Yeah. Like people, people are more and more suspicious of him. Yeah. And I, I think that's 

Nobody Knows: the key of this situ. Worthy a lot of the, um, the, uh, like the initial thing that happens is just suspicions from super. And it keeps spurring it on. And, but as more stuff happens, like wordy is not a part of any of this.

Like, this is all circumstances that like Superman kind of thought this, um, maybe he has like some other reasoning or whatever, but like whatever reasoning he has, it's wrong. Like, like wordy is not a part of this. It's just everyone else is dragging him into it. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: Yeah. Ah, man, that is such an interesting plot.

Who, who did at the time, have you figured out who. Is behind. I did not. You don't have to say it out now. Oh, no, I, 

Nobody Knows: I haven't, I haven't, um, thought about that. I just thought like, there's someone else that they deal with. It's like wordy is just literally just a guy. Right. It's focus on him. For some reason.

Don't have like a, uh, uh, a person that's behind it. If it is a person's behind it, I probably would want it to be like a newer character or someone that's kind of made up. And they'd like, and they're like, um, in hiring these assassins, when you did this, 

Roscoes Wetsuit: that scene about like, uh, Superman at the press conference.

It really reminded me of it. It seemed like very much like a, a post Patriot act like nine 11, sort of like tensions where you have these characters or like who were like this simple for justice. Like, and now we are like willing to do anything. We, we have to together this sort of information for the safety of like, of our friends and, and just the general public.

Then you have like Superman, who is like not a character who is not used to, like who's used to people entrusting him now having to fall back on like of other tactics that he's not as fully well aware of to persuade people, which just turns into intimidation. Yeah. When Superman's not using hope. And ideals and stuff like his only fallback on is usually violence and 

Nobody Knows: intimidation.

Yeah. Which is scary for someone that literally could lip pity. Right. Um, yeah. And like, I think, yeah, I think like I want the story to at least if, if, if this story ever became a one shot or whatever, I really wanted to feel like, um, a lot of like bad things are like paved off like good tensions. You know what I'm trying to say?

Mm-hmm, like people have like these intentions to do good, but like a lot of bad stuff, um, comes out of that. Those in. I 

Roscoes Wetsuit: think what, I don't know if you could put this in there, but I think like what it inevitably brings up, a lot of it brings up like a conversation about like a lot of like the tech techniques, the, uh, superheroes use in movies to like get information out of like, specifically, like how you describe like that sort of iconic.

I'm a superhero I'm gonna drop you from a. Tell you tell me what I need to know. And usually in those situations, like they are right, but like, while you were talking about it, like, uh, when super red drops was down from the, from like that height that you were talking about up in the stratosphere and having it be like for minutes and, and seconds, I was just thinking like, Man.

What's the difference between this and water boarding? Because like both of them, they are terrible, very terrible, like fear tactics that they're also like, they keep you alive, you know, you can't technically die. Yeah. And 

Nobody Knows: this is very like, yeah, it's very, like, it's very like, like, like, like the only reason this is allowed that people like it or whatever you get away when get, when it starts.

Cuz like the, the hero was right. Like the hero was doing the right thing. Right. But. What if they're wrong? Like what if they just, that one mistake is like this person's not the guy. Barely just not the guy. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: uh, second thing, I, this isn't like, this is more of like, uh, this isn't like a real suggestion. It was just something I was, I was thinking that would've been interesting is what you're talking about.

Superman uses uses his, like, uh, his like vision to tell if you're lying based on your heartbeat. Yeah. I think would be interesting if the way he, the technique that he uses to. If you're lying, it's based on like lie detector techniques. Oh yeah. And we've had that. Yeah. We've had that conversation like, like lie detectors aren't necessarily actually accurate.

Yeah. Like, yeah. They're, they're, they're kind of just a tool to like, to manipulate you, to confess 

Nobody Knows: them a lot of ways. At least, at least in my opinion, they're way more of a tool to be like, Hey, like you, you should tell the truth. It's like, it's like, it's like a very. You know, when someone pulls you in and they, they rely on your, like your religious, uh, background to tell the truth, right?

It's like, you know, Jesus, won't like this. It's very, like, they're hoping you say more truthfully, cuz you're feeling the pressure. But like the, the system itself is not necessarily active, accurate. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: Uh, the other thing I had was like a question about the phone that, that seemed where he takes out, where Superman's able to gather, inform.

Unworthy with, with his phone one, I thought it would be really think it's a really interesting idea. If like Superman takes out a phone. I don't know why that's just really funny to me, but is his phone like patched up with like Batman's? Uh, 

Nobody Knows: yeah, I think that's what I was trying to get at. Like, uh, he is patched up with it.

Batman's like computer. So pretty much like I kind of wanna give it a feeling like they can do a stop and identify pretty much for free, which is like in a lot of states are illegal. Some states it's legal in to do or whatever. But like, he's literally envisioning on, um, where he's rights, the minute he does that.

Right. He forces him himself to forcing him to identify himself. Even, even though he hasn't done anything. Hmm. Like he's not in a car he's not in a car or anything like that. It's like very, like, I want you to know more information about you just because he looks suspicious. Hmm. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: No, I, I feel that's super interesting.

Do I have everything else? Uh, the only other thing I had and, and you kind of like, I think we made a little more interesting. Making him homeless is that if, uh, there was a scene where worthy, like gave him an address, like, Hey, this is where I need to be stopped off at, like, this is the taxi he's at or whatever.

And he's like, yo, it's the one by the, the donut shop on, on like spring street. Like, or, uh, like, are you like, oh yeah, it's, it's the one on like the street next to like. The the coffee shop and, and then like where he is like, no, I'm pretty sure it's the one right over there. And you, you have this moment where he is like, it's obvious that Superman's up really listening to him or giving him like the benefit of the doubt.

That is, that's actually 

Nobody Knows: pretty good. I, I, I like that too. Cause like, I think that gives off like how, uh, at least at least in this story, how I think, um, sewer man could feel like, should feel to other people very like my way or the highway, um, kind of think. Um, and it's like, I'm doing the, I am doing the right thing right now.

Um, and I'm like, you know, I'm trying to say like that kind of mindset, 

Roscoes Wetsuit: like yeah, yeah. You have the, you have two options. Like maybe you could even synthesize this. Like there are like, there are two general ideas about Superman's character. One you have like this very warm charismatics, Superman that is like, you know, kind and listening, um, and a good listener and caring.

And then you have this other version that is. Cold and, and weighty and constantly on his high horse and you know, is willing to, to inflict violence, to get what he was like the best example is, uh, did you ever wa you used to watch, uh, justice league? Oh, yes. Yes. Do remember the episode where Superman fights Shaza oh yeah, because like Shaza gets like more popular than Superman and L Luther.

He doesn't even really turn Shaza on to super red. He just kind of makes some points about like, Hey, Superman's not that good of a guy he's kind of a jerk. He's kind of a, he's kind of a Dick. And then he just like, kind of gives them a rope and, and watches and watches. Superman. Ha.

And then Shaa like all like beats the mess up. Like I just like, do you, do you remember that, that one scene where like, where Shaa picks him up and he just like keeps striking a bit 

Nobody Knows: like, yeah. It's like, it is very like, it's like, Hey man, Hey, how does it feel? Right.

Like, like, like, oh man, it feels kind of cathartic to me where. Hey, you know, like, like the Superman, I don't know, you've even noticed, but that's kind of what you do to other people contrast 

Roscoes Wetsuit: that with like the death of Superman. And whenever I see Superman fight doomsday, it never feels super satisfying seeing this character that is like, just as strong as Superman really crush him.

Yeah. And I, I, I've just, I've never seen a scene other. Like the Shaza versus a Superman fight. That's really made me feel like, oh, this is like, this is a real threat, like yeah. Super bad. Might, might lose this 

Nobody Knows: time. Yeah. Well, I feel like, like a lot of like, um, with like, at least with, uh, what's it, it's not dooms day.

I keep what's what's that character again? Bizarre. No, the, um, the one that, uh, that we J you just mentioned, I'm blinking the one that no, the one that, uh, in the death of super. Oh, dooms day gotta right. The first time. But yeah, dooms day, um, like doom's day is normally a depicted of kind of like a monster, like, like Frankenstein kind of thing.

He, he he's seen as more of like this, uh, this animal tie to like destroy sewer man. Like he's not a dude that's like saying like, Pointing out some shit about Superman while he is beating his ass. Right. Like right. Like, uh, I feel like that, that character, I think that's what, like the, the scene, like does a little bit better where it's like, Hey, this person is not like this robot.

That's just trying to destroy Superman. This persons, just another person being like, Hey, yo, you kind of suck. And if you wanna stop me, force me. Right. And like, and like, and like, and Superman was like, all right, let show you these hands. And it seems like infinity does not work against magic

Roscoes Wetsuit: yeah, I think it's, we just kind of hit on another issue with like Superman. Is that his, none of his villains ever really other than like super or really point anything out about, or really have anything they really stand for. Dooms day is just like this big brew. He's basically Goku, but talks less. Yeah.

Um, and less fun, like bizarre, bizarre Goku is just Superman. But, but not smart. Yeah. 

Nobody Knows: Goku is, uh, Goku is dumb and lovable. Um, um, doomsday is dumb and just angry. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: I just, I remember the, uh, the, um, the what's it called? The max. Landis one where it's like, yes, yeah. Dube is created he's, he's just a baby that was born.

And this, this clone, this scientist was like, I'm gonna clone a baby story with a Superman. So he just took the baby. And the way he, he decided to baby is he threw the baby and he hit it up against the rock. He just kept doing it until eventually he made the super baby.

Nobody Knows: He, he dark soul stuff to a, a Superman villain. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: yeah, but like, there's like villains like that. There's like the, uh, there's like the robot guy. That's just like, I'm just a robot with kryptonite. And then I, I don't even know what, where's the other one. There's the one where it's like, he's like a sludge monster.

I forget what his name is. He's like kind of like a sludge monster. He's like, I'm just a sludge monster. That's that's my thing. And 

Nobody Knows: then like, and like, even like the, the characters that don't like, like. Attack him like, uh, like physically, like the one that you have to say his name backwards, um, to like the feet or whatever.

Um, was, uh, is it Mr. Mixel point? Yeah. Yeah. Um, you have to make him say his name backwards or, um, to, um, make him like disappear. Like it's like he should feel, I feel like he should feel more way more of like a, a. He should be way more higher in the, in the rose gallery. But since like, they don't do too much with him or like, they, they feel like they, like Mr.

PLS is not like just a jokers or he doesn't care about anything. It's like, he, he barely kind of cares about the situation too, in a way. Um, He's he's literally just a DMT character. Yeah. Yeah. That is 

Roscoes Wetsuit: exactly what he is. He's a, he has like a Joe Rogan DMT character. He's like, yeah. I saw these ma these magical elves that were like flicking me off and they were spinning around in a ball.

Like that is, that is literally what mix will flick is he's a, he's a, he's a, a, a human from the 10th. He's a being from like the 

Nobody Knows: 10 dimension or something. Yeah. It's yeah. It's yeah. It's very like, Hey, you know, You should have more, but like, I get it. I get why that doesn't happen. Because like, you know, Superman is not about that.

Like, you know, if you're talking about the original Superman, the Superman, that's like more people like, or whatever, or I think the idea is like, Superman is the ideal and it's just, um, people texting that ideal and like, um, Superman eventually overcome it and like not giving himself the excuse or the way out.

Yeah. But they tested in terms 

Roscoes Wetsuit: of strength. Yeah. But it's never about best strength ideology. Except with like L Luther and even then it's just like, Hey, try to beat my robots. Yes. Hey, I'm in a robot suit. I'm not iron 

Nobody Knows: man. Yeah. It's like, and he is like, he's like, why are you doing this Lex Luther? Cause you're I fucking hate you.

Like no, no other reason. yeah. Why do I need any other reason 

Roscoes Wetsuit: I wanna be, I wanna be the MC let me be the 

Nobody Knows: MC I deserve this. Oh man. Yeah. But yeah, I think that was a, I think that was a good. I really like your 

Roscoes Wetsuit: yeah, man, you really, you really 

Nobody Knows: brought it. Well, I really like your, I really, I really fucking dig your, your Superman bro.

Especially since you throw that, that status shock tie, bro. Like, I, I, I really, I really think you you're thinking has legs, bro. I really think it could be like a CME, bro. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: I think at the end it should be like the end of it should like be, you'll be, you'll be crazy. Do, do, do you wanna actually be really interested in if um, if, uh, if I change the care, if Allister.

Instead of making him like, like Allister if I make him into, um, if that's just turns out to be Virgil's dad. Ooh. who, and it's like in the end, it's like Virgil him getting his powers is kind of like origin story is kind of stopping, um, his dad from, I don't know, murder to everybody. I don't think that would work.

Cuz like this is the guy with the new good stuff. Yeah, I don't. But, but that would've been interesting or, or just in the end of like static shock is like, Hey. Let me stop this thing. Yeah. I don't know if that would work, but I think that would be kind of interesting. Well, 

Nobody Knows: I think, I, I think, I don't know, cause like Superman doesn't really have his, uh, has a very Superman Stackshot like, it's very interesting cuz you know, he, he know he's closer to associated to, and I know a lot of golfing stuff is like closely associated to chop city.

Um, he could just be like on one of the low level superheroes that like people actually really like, like, like the ones that like actually. has like grass movement behind him where it's like, people like this guy, cuz like he stands for morals. Like, you know, you know where a static shock stands. You, you don't know where Batman or Superman stands.

Yeah. And well, well, and in this case, like I guess I'm thinking of like a slightly older, uh, static shock, cuz like the one in the comics right now it's pretty young, right? Yeah. He's still in high school. Yeah. Yeah.

Was he always in high school? Um, yeah. Yeah, but like, um, at least in the TV show yeah. In, in the TV shows that we're probably the most like familiar with using, but I know there's, um, some other ones where he's like slightly older, um, in the TV show, they had an episode of, of, of, of, um, static, meaning of future him, I believe, which is pretty interesting.


Roscoes Wetsuit: Huh? Have you ever had a, have you ever had a static shock meets black, black lightning? Um, I 

Nobody Knows: ha I, I have never seen that. Have you seen that? I, it sounds super interesting. That has to be, that'd be kind of cool. I think like it has to be a thing. It has to be like, you know, you know, we're not the strongest with our comic book knowledge and, and we just have to, you know, just let's let's, uh, leave a college, a comment in a, in a.

Comic historians thing and be like, yo, is this a thing? And then he'll probably respond with like a four hour video that I will watch all of

Roscoes Wetsuit: Yeah. You know, I think that was a good first episode. Uh Hmm. This is the part of the show where it is the end. 

Nobody Knows: If anyone's listening to this, uh, what do you think of like the stories we. That's not, what's your thoughts and maybe things that you would change or add, or maybe even put your own stories, just like write down in comments.

Um, I'd love to hear, I'd love to read some more interesting takes of Superman and maybe also throw in like, what is Superman to you? Like why does Superman work? Why does he doesn't work? Will you, will you draw it all to by hate trade of Superman bad? 

Roscoes Wetsuit: if you have any other ideas, uh, for things you want us to, uh, create pitches for you, don't leave it.

Leave a suggestion. The common section below, you know, we have some other ideas, like, I don't know. I really want, I really wanna do a, a, a Martian man hunter 

Nobody Knows: pitch for sure. Ooh, that would be pretty good. Okay. 

Roscoes Wetsuit: Uh, I don't know. What, what, what kind of, what, what show would you wanna do? Nobody. 

Nobody Knows: Um, that's, that's interesting.

Um, I'd have to think of more, more, um, I guess like always the cliches, like, you know, I'd like to maybe make a, I have an idea for Batman that I would like to pitch, but there's, there's other stories. Oh, just need to need to write 'em down even, and then no, no, they're not at all comic book, you know, there's also like manga and, uh, anime that I would like to pitch some original ideas and just like general shows.

Roscoes Wetsuit: Yeah, thanks for.